A Different Kind Of Journey - 39 Arc 3: A Day In A Life Part 2

39 Arc 3: A Day In A Life Part 2

Author's note: Hey there Readers!, Looks like we've finally entered Arc 3! I Hope you guys enjoy! I would also like to thank you guys for the Reviews. Favorites, and follows :) Thank you for also sharing your tips and thoughts for the story.

Take note 2: The Miyuki character is part of the original idea that planned for the story. We will soon find more about her past and her real motives in the future.

Thank you for Understanding :)

Expect Grammar and Spelling mistakes

P.S: I am just newbie so go easy on me

Arc 3:

Chapter 6: Day in a Life Part 2

It was probably the most awkward situation that the teenage blonde had entered in his life. He really just wanted to focus on his current goal and deliver the ordered meal but fate was just really being playful to him sometimes and now it put him in a situation that He never expected.

Boruto quietly stared and observed his a certain person which was revealed to be none other than Hinata, his mother, although, A younger and teenage version of her from the past.

The blonde knew that He was already s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g up and saying random sentences or replies and He directly blamed his nervousness for that. Several moments had already pa.s.sed and He found himself still being in the same awkward situation.

As for Hinata, She just continued to observed the blonde, She was having this feeling of familiarity on him as if she had seen him or had met him before. It was really a weird thing and she also noticed that She wasn't fainting even though He looked a lot like Naruto. Then something had came into her mind, She widened her eyes in realization that he looked a lot like a certain blonde, who she knew.

There was silence that took over for a brief moment. It was at this time, when. Boruto had finally thought of something to say that really made sense and it was in the form of a question.

"So what brings you here by the way Mo-Hinata?" Boruto asked. He almost screwed up there but He was able to let the words the out.

Hinata smiled." W-Well, I'm here to see my friends." She said. She would then explained that two of her friends were in this clinic, one of them has a companion dog who had a bad stomach while the other one was just there to accompany him.

Boruto immediately recognized and remembered her young mom's two friends as his Uncle Kiba and his Uncle/Teacher s.h.i.+no. He remembered that his mom was part of a team that consist of her and the two guys.

The teenage time traveller smiled "Oh I see, I hope all goes well with your friend's dog and-" Boruto was about to finished his sentence when suddenly the entrance door to the clinic burst open to reveal three familiar faces.

Boruto was startled and almost fell to the ground as He immediately evaded the incoming surprised that burst out just now from the door.

Three certain someones came out. First, It was a very large husky white dog in the form of Akamaru, who was in his most hyperactive moment. The second person was none other than a brown haired teenager in the form of Kiba, who was helplessly clinging onto the back of his large companion. The third person was none other than s.h.i.+no himself, who had that cool round sungla.s.ses.

Hey Akamaru! Slow down will ya!?" The voice of Kiba could be heard yelling as He and Akamaru zoomed pa.s.sed by the two.

As for s.h.i.+no, He stopped his tracks the moment she noticed the lavender haired teen. " Hinata? What are you doing here? I thought you were with Kurenai-sensei?" He asked.

"W-Well, I just wanted to check you guys and Akamaru out and-" She was about to finish when the sungla.s.ses wearing teen cut her.

"Alright, I understand but We really gotta catch up on Kiba and Akamaru now or else we might be late for the training again." s.h.i.+no explained as He immediately left the scene to catch up with the two.

Hinata, who was a bit surprised, turned to the blonde and gave him a farewell smile." S-Sorry about that, but I really need to go." She informed the latter before leaving the area.

Boruto could only give her an amused look. He never knew that his mom's team were this energetic and full of adventure. He would also like to get to know them more if had the chance. Himawari would be glad to see their mom again.

"Oh c.r.a.p!" After a few moments of thought exploring, The blonde immediately realized his current main goal of delivering the food to his client and He quickly made his way to the entrance door.

This day couldn't get any better.


"I felt very awkward throughout that whole conversation, just to see and talk to your mom, who is probably the same age as you in this time.



Himawari didn't knew what to expect by the time she entered the bakery shop that the raven haired girl currently works at. She described the place as somewhat very decent but comfortable because the fact that the shop was air-conditioned and it also got its own mini-cafe to begin with.

The lavender haired teen sat down on one of the seats at the Mini-cafe section. She was taking all the time for herself as she relaxed on the comfy seats. She was also having a nice cup of tea, courtesy of the Uchiha girl herself and reading a newspaper.

Himawari had to admit that she was really reading into newspapers but It was also for her to try something new and speaking of newspapers, she recalled how her dad would always have this collection of newspapers back in the future. Since He was the leader of the village, He had kept himself updated on the current events and this was what she was doing right now, keeping herself updated on what was happening in this timeline.

As her cerulean blue eyes darted around from article to article, she just couldn't help but wonder on the articles that were in front of her. It seemed that every major article in the newspaper was nothing but about conflicts and chaos throughout the elemental nations or maybe even the world.

Articles, such as a village being invaded by another village, fear and chaos spreading throughout the lands, and especially the news about the Akatsuki's doings or organizations with bad intentions are being formed to wreck havoc.

Himawari cringed at these articles, She was really not used to these kinds of stuff. She really didn't like reading things that had negative vibes on it. She considered herself as being a positive person. However, she had no choice but to accept that this was the reality in this timeline.

The only good and positive articles that she'd read was about charity program that was being held for orphans or some guy winning the long awaited lottery jackpot. Although, these were stuff that spread the good word but she doubted that there were ever be an article that will talked about peace and harmony.

Himawari took a deep breath as she placed the newspaper back on the table and away from her eyes. She decided to focus on finis.h.i.+ng her tea before Sarada finishes her halfday s.h.i.+ft.

"I really like the tea here!" The Uzumaki commented. The only thing that she had to make sure was not to spill the tea on the two patches that were currently placed on both of her cheeks.

Speaking of the patches, She also complimented on how good these kinds of disguises were. They were really effective as if no one was noticing or paying attention towards her looks.

Speaking of disguises, Sarada had also told her that her Uncle Itachi had visited this place once and if was only just a few weeks ago. Himawari was really amazed on how people create their own disguises to the extent that people wouldn't really noticed.

It seemed that she was going to continually wear these white patches until she can think of a better disguised for her and her big brother.

After spending awhile in the shop, it was safe to say that Sarada had finished her half-day s.h.i.+ft and the two were finally allowed to go to the public library. Himawari was really keeping her promise to read books with the older Uchiha.


"Well, I'm just an average reader like the rest but when it comes Saradnee, she is a book-reading monster( Chuckles)



It seemed like a double headache experience for Tsunade, She didn't knew that she would get much pressure from a handful of people today. First, it was her former sensei's teammates which were none other than Homura Mitokado, and Koharu Utatane, who were pressuring her to find an immediate replacement for Kakas.h.i.+, who was still sideline in the hospital.

Second, An old geezer by the name of Danzo dared to show up at the office only say what he would always which were none other than a bunch of insults and questions against her ability and decisiveness as being the leader of the village.

Tsunade, who had been forcibly squeezed and beaten by this kinds of situations resulted on her leaving the office for awhile and going to somewhere else where she can eat lunch to fill her empty stomach who had enough of the backlash for the day.

Yes, instead of drowning herself wirh another round of Sake, She just decided to have a normal lunch at a shop somewhere in the village and it was not just any kind of shop, it was Ichiraku's Ramen shop, the famous shop that Naruto and Jiraiya would often go to.

Tsunade sat down her seat as she found herself eating and devouring the ramen that she had just ordered awhile ago. She didn't expected that the ramen here was that good! And Oh boy she was really enjoying her lunch away from the stress of being Hokage.

She was also not alone to begin with, right beside her was a weirded and amused Jiraiya who was giving her a look of weirdness and puzzlement.

"So you brought me here so I could watched you eat Ramen? Now that's interesting!" Jiraiya commented. He really didn't understood the fact of being here right now.

He was going to start the day by continuing his search and going to the apartment where the time travelling trio lived but instead, He got a call from his blonde teammate herself asking her to have lunch somewhere in the village, specifically the ramen shop itself.

Tsunade gave a burp as a response as she finished eating her second bowl. She was more focused on the ramen rather than having a conversation with the white haired man himself.

On the other hand, Jiraiya just sighed as He drank his gla.s.s of Barley tea. He really can't believed that He was seeing his former teammate eating Ramen which she rarely even eat nowadays although, Here she was.

"So have you find any replacement for Kakas.h.i.+?" Jiraiya asked.

Tsunade who had finally recovered from clutches of eating just sighed." Apparently, Yes I did found a replacement." She replied as she took a drink of her gla.s.s of water.

Jiraiya raised both eyebrows." Oh, well I think that's great, who's the replacement by the way?" He asked.

"You won't believed this but Yamato is the new replacement." Tsunade simply said.

Jiraiya raised both eyebrows in surprised." Oh, you mean that little kid who used to be on the ANBU division?" He asked.

"Well, He is still a member of the division but He told me that He was looking for new opportunities aside from the division, so that's why He volunteered to be the replacement." Tsunade simply explained.

Jiraiya gave another surprised face. This was some big news. He heard that this kid was considered as one of the best there is. Although, He wondered on why did he chose to volunteer? He also finally recalled very closed detailed story about him.

"Isn't He the kid who was always getting picked on by Kakas.h.i.+?" Jiraiya asked.

"Yeah, He is the one." Tsunade simply said.

"Hmmm, Interesting, Looks like He wanted to make amends with Kakas.h.i.+." Jiraiya chuckled. Who knew Kakas.h.i.+ had a rivalry relations.h.i.+p with the guy.

Tsunade gave a smile. She really just wanted to enjoy this moment. Nowadays, She really liked having conversations with some friends, especially her white haired teammate. She really can't remember on when the last time she had a good conversation with him and she found herself in a situation that she really find comfortable.

"Well, putting that aside Have you finally met them?" Tsunade was the one to asked this time.

Jiraiya shook his head." Not really, In fact, I just discovered that the Evergreen street you were talking about is actually new." He explained as that was the reason why He couldn't find it and since that he was already aware, He can finally head there later.

"Good to hear that from you." Tsunade smiled.

Jiraiya smiled back." I know and after all these searching, I can finally meet my future G.o.dson and G.o.ddaughter." He chuckled.

The white haired sage was really looking forward to it once more. The feeling of meeting them for the first time was going to be so surreal for him.


"It took me about a couple of days of searching until I was able to find that street, and boy, it was a tough search



It was yet just another one of those days were Kurama had to watch a certain someone do something hard working while He himself just sit or relaxed on a random nearby spot. Right now, He was exactly doing it. He was watching Konohamaru pick up some trash, such as plastic cans or bottles that were scattered all over the academy field.

Kurama wondered about on why the brown haired kid had to this thing? It was kinda of obvious that there were Janitors here that can do all the cleaning but why did they have to choose Konohamaru to do this?

He really didn't understand, how school works because He had never been into or studied in a school before and He would rather prefer to sit on a couch and watch TV to spend the time.

Kurama's thoughts wandered for a little while, He recalled the time when He used to accompany Himawari to the academy, courtesy of him being summoned by the kit, all the time.

He smiled the fact that those were the good old days when Himawari would occasionally used him as a ride everytime they head to the academy.

"Himawari." He muttered. He really missed the girl, She was the most cutest and happiest person that He had ever met in his lifetime. If She was really here then He would be happy again plus He would also expect to get cuddled everytime from her.

After awhile of cleaning, Konohamaru headed to the tree where Kurama was relaxing and watching and instantly dropped down on the gra.s.sy ground under the shade of the tree.

"Man, that was really tiring." A slightly tired Konohamaru commented as He immediately drank his bottled water.

Kurama observed the boy and sighed." You could have used your Shadow Clones if you wanted to finish this fast." He had gotten straight to the point and said.

Konohamaru sighed." Well, I wanted to but Iruksensei told me that I should never used any shortcuts and used the long path." He explained. He never really wanted this to happen, in fact this was a slight punishment for what happened in the field a few days ago, when He and Kenta fought over a single game of soccer.

"I feel sorry for you kid. I just hope that you won't get yourself in those kinds of situations again." Kurama said. He expressed his sympathy for the boy.

Konohamaru smiled." Yeah thanks Kurama, I just really don't know on what's going on with Kenta? He is like that kid who would always take advantage when you are in your Lowest point." He explained. He was referring to the boy that he had a small fight with a few days ago, when he was late and the boy didn't give a chance and instead insulted him in front of everybody.

Kurama sighed." You know kid, If I were you, I would just ignore him and moved on, you don't really have to spend time with bullies and stuff." He explained. Sure, He also had dealt with bullies before but in this kind of situations, He would just walked away and moved on.

Konohamaru nodded in understanding." You're probably right, I guess Kenta is just some ordinary kid from somewhere." He said.

Kurama gave a curious looked." What about him by the way?" He asked.

Konohamaru simply shrugged." Beats me, I really don't devulged myself into someone's private life." He explained. He really doesn't care about the kid. The only thing that He knew about the kid was that He lives in a house somewhere and is a student at the academy.

Kurama gave a small smile. He really appreciated the kid for being a bit mature and ignoring these kinds of stuff. He himself would also go along with the flow and just ignore everything for awhile but He can't still get over the fact that they were somehow being watched or being followed.


As the day continued on, Hinata found herself sitting under the shade of a tree. She moved her eyes to explore her surroundings for a little a bit as she was seeing her teammates, s.h.i.+no and Kiba were having fun.

Apparently, after their usual team training, They decided to stopped over and relaxed at their usual favorite hangout place which was located on a certain street at the village.

It was a very quiet day for the Hyuuga girl herself, except that her teammates where in this playful situation where Akamaru was pummeling and licking s.h.i.+no to the point, he had jusy given up while Kiba was there trying to grabbed the large dog away from the sungla.s.ses wearing teen.

Hinata could only sighed and give a slight chuckled. She considered the boys as her best of friends since the team was formed years ago. She credited them for often being there for her when trouble came everytime that they had their missions.

They were like two persons that sometimes acted like kids and for example, when they bursted out from the entrance door of the clinic like if they were on a mission to have their own parade or something.

As Hinata was thinking about the boys, her mind also brought her back to the time when she first met the delivery guy person from the Ramen shop.

"His name was Bolt right?" She muttered under breath.

For the lavender haired teen, He really looked a lot like Naruto, especially the cerulean eyes and the blonde hair but she wondered about on why does He looked very familiar as if she had known him from somewhere before.

The weird thing is that this Bolt character really resembled the person that she had in her dreams. Yes, She was having all these weird dreams recently, dreams of seeing herself as a grown up in a very futuristic Konoha followed by the devastation that happened after that.

She wondered if these were really long lost memories or just dream works from her imagination. Although, when she had met that blonde, She felt this sudden urged of pulling the blonde into an embrace and she also felt this feeling of joy and sadness mixed together.

"Hey Hinata!' The voice of s.h.i.+no interrupted her thoughts.

The Hyuuga Heiress then looked up to see the sungla.s.ses wearing teen, beckoning her to looked at a certain someone that was heading straight towards their direction.

"Hey Isn't that Naruto?" Kiba asked.

Hinata widened her eyes in surprised. She had never expected the blonde to be here suddenly. Where did He came from? Why was He just suddenly popping out of nowhere? This was too much for here! She wasn't even prepared!

"W-What should I do?" Hinata stuttered and asked. She was starting to get nervous every second pa.s.sed.

On the other hand, s.h.i.+no just sighed." Don't worry we'll cover you until you finally prepare yourself." He informed the lavender haired girl.

"Yeah should better find a hiding spot somewhere first, we'll take care of this." Kiba added. He also wanted to help.

Hinata took a deep breath and gave a smile." T-Thank you so much guys!" She said as she headed off to find a hiding spot somewhere nearby.

She really wasn't good at expecting kinds of situations. Right now, She was in for another one and She won't be fainting or failing this time. She was going to have a proper conversation with the person she likes or maybe Love.

"Here we go again."


It was exactly 12 noon when Boruto had arrived at the clinic. After a brief and surprising country with a very familiar face in the form of his young mom, it was safe to say that he can now finally deliver the food to the client who had ordered this.

When He first stepped foot inside the clinic, He was then greeted by the nice and cold air-conditioned atmosphere of the place, followed by the noises and voices of the people waiting in line. His cerulean eyes observed the place further and He noticed that the place was not that busy and crowded. The only differences is that it was noon and it was lunch time.

So far the the number of people waiting in line were less than 20 and most of them had brought their snacks and ate it right on the spot.

Boruto then gazed at a wall clock nearby and widened his eyes in realization. The client must be already hungry and He was still here standing like a tree and not moving.

The blonde then wasted no time as he made his move and headed towards the main room where the client resided. Since, the clerk in the clinic was still having her lunch, His only guide was the note that Ayame had given him.

Boruto then took a look at the note for a few moments before finally deciding to search for a room which had the name " Namaiki Miyuki." on its door. The blonde also took a few moments to think about the name "Namaiki" which meant "Sa.s.sy".

The blonde gave an amused look. He wondered if the client was also Sa.s.sy in terms of character but overall, it was really interesting. For instances, He himself had the name "Bolt" which came from the words "Lightning Bolt" or even the name " Boruto" which almost sounded like a "Buritto."It was really weird for him having those names. Even his teammate, Sarada, who was named after a "Salad" which was really too much.

After a few moments of spending time with his thoughts, Boruto then continued his search. After a little while, He finally found the said room that He was looking for which had the said name which also placed on the door via some kind of plate card.

"Looks like I'm in the right place." Boruto said as He knocked for a couple of times before grabbing the door k.n.o.b, turning it, and finally opening the door.

By the time, the blonde teenager had took his first step inside, He was greeted by this very quiet atmosphere. He then further surveyed his surroundings and noticed that room was very clean as the stack of medical paperwork were neatly placed on a desk.

The only problem was that there was no one inside the room.


"Oh c.r.a.p." Boruto gave a worried look. He was starting to think that He was now too late and the client had already given up and went out for lunch. It was a common delivery guy's nightmare, failing to deliver the food on time and wasting a lot of effort just to get here.

As thoughts kicked in once more, the blonde shook his head, He refused to think that way. He deduced that the client just went to toilet or something and so the only thing that he could do was to wait until the client comes back.

Boruto tiredly sighed as He just placed the food on the desk. He really need to take a little time to rest before heading back to the Ramen Shop. Although, curiosity had took over him once more and instead of taking a sit, He decided to explore for a little bit.

He darted his eyes around the room, and examined the things that He had only noticed. First off, He was very amazed on how there was good number of books here, the client must be an avid fan of reading. Second, He noticed that some strange bottles that were stacked up on shelf, those were must be the medical bottles or whatsoever. The last thing that caught his attention was a small box that was on the desk. He suddenly felt a little bit of numbness on his right eye.

As Boruto tried to reached for the box, the door to the room suddenly opened, the blonde immediately stopped from what he was doing and turned around to face a short back haired girl, who had dark blue eyes, and was wearing a white coat to cover her other attire.

Boruto gave a surprised look." Sorry about that Ma'am, I was just waiting for you so I could finally give you the food and- Wait a sec, A little girl?" He paused as He observed the person in front of him which was none other than the client.

He raised an eyebrow of confusion as He wondered if this was really the client because she doesn't really looked like the adult and mature person that he was expecting. She looked more like a little girl in lab coat and playing doctor or was it?

The client who was revealed to be none other than Namaiki Miyuki herself just sighed." Is it just me? or Kids these days are really turning into idiots?" She sarcastically wondered as she observed the newcomer in front of her. Apparently, she was on her way back from a little toilet break only to discover that someone had entered her room just like that.

"I'm the one who ordered the food." She informed her guest.

Boruto was shocked to hear a girl say things like that and then the sudden realization hit him." Oh shoot, I'm really sorry, I didn't know you were the client Ma'am, its just that I mistaken you for a little girl-tteba.s.sa." He explained, with a little nervous grin.

On the other hand, Miyuki just sighed. She then headed to her desk." No worries, I get that a lot, Must be really confusing for you to see me as a little girl, but certainly I'm much older than you. " She simply said as she opened the drawer and drew the money to pay for the food.

"Oh." Boruto could only stare in disbelief.

She then gave a small smile. "Here's my payment and make sure that stays in your pocket." She said as she offered the money to the blonde.

Boruto nodded in understanding as He accepted the money and indeed placed on his pockets. He also caught a glimpse of his client's dark blue eyes and He can really see the maturity and the experience in them. This was no little girl.

"Well, Uhmm Can I ask you a question Ma'am?" He said.

Miyuki, who finally sat down on her seat nodded." Sure, Go ahead."

Boruto then gulped, He felt like he was speaking to someone superior than him. "Well, Ayame-san told me about you and I just wanna know on how do you know each other because I really never seen you go to the Ramen shop before." He said.

Miyuki took a deep breath and gave a small smile." That's because I don't have the time for the day to go out to have my lunch there." She explained.

"And if I did have the time, I would mostly go out at night to either buy or eat there, Got it kid?" She added with a very straightforward look and tone of voice.

Boruto raised both eyes." Oh, now that explains it-ttebasa." He gave a slight chuckle while the other just gave him neutral look followed by a sarcastic smile.

There was moment of awkward silence that took over.

Boruto, who realized that he really needed to return to the shop, gave his goodbyes." Well, I really must be going now, it's really nice to meet you Ma'am!" He said as he then turned around to face the door.

By the time, the blonde had turned around and was about to open the door, Miyuki spoke once again.

"If I'm correct, Isn't your name Bolt?" She curiously asked.

Boruto instantly froze as He widened his eyes in shocked. How could she know his name? He haven't told or mention his name yet to her!

The blonde then turned around to face the girl and saw the smile on her face. He couldn't exactly figured out her motives but He chose to wait for more.

Miyuki raised an eyebrow in bewilderment." Why are you giving me that look? I just want to clarify if the name imprinted on that tag is correct." She explained. She was almost startled and even choke on her ramen when the blonde quickly turned around to face her.

Boruto then blinked a couple of times before looking down and seeing that there was actually name tag on his right chest. He then sighed as he had forgotten that he always wore a name tag everytime he goes to work.

"Oh, sorry about that, I thought you actually knew my name. Hehe." He sheepishly laughed.

Miyuki sighed once again." Well, you almost had me choking on my ramen, but putting that aside, its nice to meet you!" She said while giving warm smile.

Boruto, for a few moments just stood there staring at her before finally snapping back." Oh, nice to meet you too! Ma'am!" He replied.

"Just Call me Miyuki."

Boruto raised both eyebrows." Oh, sure Ms. Miyuki." He said as the respectful side of him never left. With that said, the blonde proceeded to the door and fully left the room.

Silence took over and was in charged yet again. Miyuki's smile disappeared as her thoughts began to cripple up on her mind once again. It was not easy ignoring these thoughts that continued to plague her day by day.

How long does she have to wait for the light of the day to come? How much longer does she have to stay In hiding away from them? Especially him.

The world around her was already considered dangerous and there was no one to trust but only herself. What more could happen if his corrupt system and influence spreads across the human world. Will that traitor finally achieve his goal? How many lives should still be sacrifice? All because of this one insane dream that He had for everything.

There were just too many scenarios running around her head. Anything could happen. It was difficult to judge or guess but she knew that the enemy was already making its move. She knew that she cannot go back there anymore.

Miyuki knew that there was not much time left. She really needed to find the person that she was looking for and she was sure that person, who was none other than the blonde teenager himself that delivered her food just awhile ago, was the one.

The one that could possibly be the only hope of this world and the next. The only one that can finally put an end to his sick game once and for all..


AN: Thank you for reading the chapter!