A Different Kind Of Journey - 38 Arc 3: A Day In A Life

38 Arc 3: A Day In A Life

Author's note: Hey there Readers!, Looks like we've finally entered Arc 3! I Hope you guys enjoy! I would also like to thank you guys for the Reviews. Favorites, and follows :) Thank you for also sharing your tips and thoughts for the story.

Take note: Recently, The beta reader for this story will be very busy for awhile. So that means I will be alone on writing story. I'm just a beginner writer so please go easy on me whenever there is a mistake in the story.

Thank you for Understanding :)

Expect Grammar and Spelling mistakes

P.S: I am just newbie so go easy on me

Arc 3:

Chapter 5: A Day in a Life Part 1

Dawn had finally arrived. The sun was beginning to rise up to make way for a new day. People were already starting to wake up and preparing for their usual daily task. It was a quite scene when the sun was rising in its glory and its rays were penetrating a certain apartment.

For Sarada herself, It was often the usual as she always wakes up in the morning. She considered herself as a morning person nowadays and since the normal aspect of life has returned once again, She found herself slowly walking towards the kitchen and towards the breakfast table.

Sarada groaned as she felt that the sleepiness was still there. The raven haired girl also had to wake up early because she will be resuming her job as a clerk at the bakery shop on this very day. By the time she had reached the kitchen, she was greeted by the lavender haired girl herself.

"Good morning Saradnee!"

A smiling Himawari greeted her while holding her spatula, She was currently making the usual breakfast meal of homemade pancakes and scrambled eggs. After a few minutes she was finally done with the cooking and placed the newly cook food on the table.

Good morning Hima." A still sleepy Sarada greeted back along with a yawn.

Sarada sat down on her seat. She was also rubbing her eyes to make her sleepiness go away. At this point, she really had to be alive and bring the morning energy back that She lost a little bit during their first mission days ago.

"You really looked dozy today, Saradnee." Himawari commented ss she sat down on her seat.

Sarada yawned." Yeah, I guess so, I really need to be lively this morning, I am really not used to this anymore." She explained.

Himawari sighed." Well, we gotta learn how to adjust since we are in the past." She pointed it out. She would then explained and remind the other girl that they really have to adapt to the changes around them if they really want blend in here.

Himawari recalled how their life was different back then which was more simpler. She really didn't have to be spending much of her time doing all the house ch.o.r.es 24/7 or managing their expenses and budget in order to meet the bills and payments. Right now, she was doing all these things which she finds challenging but enjoying.

Sarada nodded in understanding. Himawari was right, If they really wanted to survived here then they really should learn on how to adapt and blend in.

Himawari smiled." Well since I got nothing much to do on this day, then I might as well go with you at the public library to read some books." She said. She would really love to experience the exciteness of learning more.

"Plus, Nii-chan is really on reading his newly photocopied book recently." She added. She was referring to the two hundred page book that the blonde had recently photo copied back at the Sand village.

Sarada on the other hand widened her eyes surprised. Its like when Himawari had mentioned the blonde's name, She felt this new energy that just came up surging like some rocket s.h.i.+p. She was alive once again.

"Boruto!?" Sarada exclaimed which startled the lavender haired girl.

A startled Himawari then gave the Uchiha girl a weird look. She wondered if mentioning her big brother's name actually gave her an electric shock which boosted up her morning energy once again.

After a few moments, Sarada realized on what she has done just now." I am really sorry for shouting just now." She immediately apologized and continued on eating her breakfast.

Himawari sighed." So I guess you were probably wondering about Nii-chan." She guessed which turned out to be true.

Sarada slowly nodded." Uhmmm, I guess so?" She said as she wondered on why the blonde was present and eating with them right now.

"Well, Nii-chan woke up early than you did and I think He is on his way to work right now." Himawari explained. Apparently, the older Uzumaki somehow woke up earlier than expected and only grabbed a single bread and headed off to work.

"Wait just like that!? How could I not know!?" Sarada asked She was really not used to hearing this.

Himawari simply nodded.' Yup, plus He was the one that attempted to wake you up but He eventually gave up because of your loud snoring." She explained with a smile on her face.

Sarada just stared in disbelief. Looks like the tables had been turned. Its like the two had switched roles this time. The blonde was waking up early and She was waking up at a later time. It was really a surprising change.

After a few moments of silence, Himawari opened her mouth to speak again.

"Did I mention that He had a skateboard now?"


"It seems that Nii-chan is an early bird already, now that's a big improvement!"


"Just why he didn't try wake me up with effort? I mean me snoring loudly isn't that bad?"



"Thank you for coming!"

Boruto currently wiped out the sweat coming out from his forehead. It was indeed a very busy scene in the ramen shop at this time of the morning. By the time the teenage blonde had arrived at the shop, He was immediately greeted by the long line of customers that were awaiting for the shops early bird breakfast opening.

A couple of hours had already pa.s.sed since and the blonde found himself in a mult.i.tasking position. He was the one to handle orders, the cooking and lastly, cleaning up the mess that some mischievious children caused.

It was indeed an exhausting run but He really did enjoyed most of the time. He also treated the experience as an instant early morning exercise which He took the opportunity.

The long line of customers which stretched into a never ending line had finally regressed until there was no more line and the chaotic and noisy atmosphere of the shop had eventually faded away.

Boruto sat down on a particular chair at back of the shop to get some fresh breather. He was also glad that He had finally gotten a chance to have a deserved rest.

Along the way, thoughts were coming back into his mind. He began to think about the next mission that Granny Tsunade was cooking for him and the girls. It seemed that there was gonna be line of missions coming to get them.

His mind also headed towards the thought of the hundred page book that He photocopied and brought from their first mission back at the sand village. He never really had the time to read the book itself because of his job that took all the time that he had but he promised himself that He will eventually find the time to read that book


"Man, everyday life seems to have taken over fast once we arrived home, I still wonder the information that the book can provide and it's author.


"Bolt-san" A very familiar voice then interrupted his thoughts.

Boruto then looked up to see Ayame who was giving him a concerned looked.

"Are you alright?" She asked.

Boruto simply nodded and smiled." Yeah, I am fine Ayame-chan, just having a fresh breather that's all." He explained.

"Oh, well I just want to let you know that there's a customer that ordered for a delivery recently." Ayame informed the blonde.

Boruto gave a surprised look." A Delivery? That's very surprising." He commented. He had never been in the delivery service before.

"Yup, and the customer is Ms. Miyuki by the way." Ayame explained.

"Oh you mean that customer that I actually never had met before in person?" Boruto said. He never really got to met this mysterious customer in person. All He knew was that the latter was doctor and owned a clinic somewhere in the village.

Ayame simply nodded." Yup, That's the one and I guess this will be the first time you're gonna meet her." She said as she quickly remembered that the blonde hadn't met her.

Boruto sighed." Well, I guess so." He said.

"So where can I find this clinic by the way?" He asked.

Ayame simply smiled "Oh, here's address by the way." She said as she drew a note, which contained the exact location of the place, from her pocket and offered it to the blonde.

Boruto in turn, accepted the note and immediately read its contents. It seemed that the place was not that far away from here. The blonde also took a looked at his wooden skateboard which was just parked on a particular spot near the shop.

Looks like He will be using his trusty wooden skateboard again.


The whole village of Konoha was a very huge place to begin with. It was also considered as a land of opportunity for anyone dreaming to established their own busines here. Small Clinics were also a part of the industry. Since, Health was one of the biggest important treasures of the Human body, a number of clinics were set up in the village for many years by small-time doctors who had the only goal of serving the people.

Through the years, small clinics became a famous trend in the village as many began to set up and established their own clinics throughout every vacant area in the whole village.

However, the glory days of these small clinics slowly faded away from the industry as most of the villagers had s.h.i.+fted to the more Newer and more modern. Konoha Hospital. The main reasons on why the villagers preferred to go there instead of the small clinics, were the fact that the new hospital had the better doctors, equipment and a more advance approached of healing. Not only that, the hospital was also led by the brightest and greatest medic healers of the old and current generation who was none other than the fifth Hokage herself, Senju Tsunade.

Overtime, the small clinics around the village, slowly faded away owners were forced to closed down their clinics because of bankruptcy and the lack of patients. It only became a memory to villagers that used to go there.

Although, despite the fact most of the small clinics were considered extinct, there were still a handful that were gradually making a comeback and new ones were also being established in recent times.

One specific small clinic known as The "Lifetime Clinic" was making headlines around the local community. The clinic itself was set up not too long ago in a quiet and simple location. In fact, Many villagers had took noticed and began to flocked to the said clinic in hoped that they would get healed from their sickness or injuries.

The clinic itself looked like just any other small clinic. It was located on a nearby residential zone.

The long lines of patients also increased and it stood by the test of time. As for the clinic's owner, Namaiki Miyuki, It was just one of these usual days that she had to attend to since setting up the clinic years prior.

When business opened as usual, patients were already waiting for the good doctor to start the day.


The atmosphere inside the clinic was a mixture of hope and excitement. Many of the people, mostly families were hoping to get themselves treated and healed from their injuries or sickness. They were excited because they were going to meet this good doctor for the first time.

As for a certain Kiba Inuzuka, He was there with a purpose and that purpose to have his precious companion, Akamaru check if there was something wrong with the poor big husky.

s.h.i.+no Aburame, who was accompanying his friend and teammate wondered on what the heck happened to the latter's dog. Akamaru seemed to have a very bad stomach by the looks of it.

Kiba on the other hand gave a smile." Hey thanks for accompanying us s.h.i.+no." He thanked his teammate who was just sitting beside him. They were currently waiting and were now the first in line.

"Yeah, just make sure we won't keep Kurenai-sensei waiting, she only gave us enough time to have Akamaru treated." s.h.i.+no informed his teammate.

Kiba sighed." Yeah I know, But what about Hinata? I'm pretty sure He would be looking for us right now." He was referring to their lavender haired teammate who really cared about the two.

s.h.i.+no simply nodded. He agreed to the fact that their lavender haired teammate had really changed into something more different. s.h.i.+no took noticed that Hinata was much more confident now as if she had undergo a ma.s.sive personality change but there were still traces of the old one as she would tend to faint everytime she sees her crush, Naruto.

But going back to the main topic. He still wondered about Akamaru.

'I still don't understand why Akamaru often keeps injuring himself." s.h.i.+no wondered. It just made no sense for an intelligent dog to let himself be harm or get injured.

Kiba just shrugged." Beats me man, that's why we are in this clinic for reason." He said. In fact, He really had no idea what happened to the poor husky. He was just playing fetched with the huge dog just awhile ago at the training grounds.

"Plus, I heard that this clinic is very famous amongst the local community and they don't expensively charged their patients." Kiba explained.

s.h.i.+no sighed." So what about the doctor here, Have you seen her before?" He asked.

Kiba shook his head." Nope, but my friends told me that the doctor of this clinic is really good and from what I've heard, She looks like a little girl." He explained.

"Wait a sec...How can you be so sure that the Doctor here is a little girl? That's impossible!" s.h.i.+no argued. He was in disbelief.

"Well, I'm not really sure man, that's what I've heard." Kiba explained. He was also a skeptic to this. He wasn't sure whether to believe what his friends say about this doctor. Be it a little girl or not, He hoped that she would do something to help Akamaru.

After awhile of waiting, the door to the main room finally opened and there was a person that stepped out from the room which was revealed to be the doctor herself.

Kiba and s.h.i.+no both widened their eyes in surprised and disbelief, What the people say were right all along. The doctor was really in fact a little girl or just looked like it. Both of them gave glances at each other before directing their eyes to the girl.

They continued to observed the girl for a little while. She had short neck length hair with bangs, smooth white skin, she also has mature dark bluish eyes and was wearing a small white coat.

Meanwhile, Miyuki who was holding a clipboard with a some notes attached it stepped forward to face her patients.

"Alright, Mr. Inuzuka, will you please stand up." She announced.

Kiba, who was in a state of shock, snapped back to reality. He immediately stood up from his seat." I'm Mr. Inuzuka Ma'am." He quickly introduced himself.

On the other hand, Miyuki just gave a small smile. Her first patient at the beginning of the day was a teenage boy or was it really the huge white husky dog that really don't looked so good right now?


"My name is Miyuki Namaiki, and you can just call me Miyuki for short, and speaking about me, I am a doctor for everything and as for my background, you'll find out along the way.



It was different kind of day for one Boruto Uzumaki, with his trusty improvised wooden skateboard. He was having the heck of a ride right now as he traversed his way throughout the streets towards his destination.

He was really enjoying it as he was at full speed. He also found himself evading every obstacle that was ahead of him in the form of transport wagons, huge boxes, the villagers themselves. It seemed that He was the only one doing this all throughout because no one was aware or the trend of skateboarding wasn't even a thing in this time line yet.

Boruto thought of introducing the trend early. He noticed that the kids here mostly focused on other kinds of stuff such as imitating or playing s.h.i.+n.o.bi. It was mostly what he call the old school tradition and He had the idea of changing the current stuff here and introducing some of the trends from the future such as the Art of Skateboarding.

Although, He had to put that aside for awhile as He have to focus on the most important things for awhile such as delivering this ramen meal to the customer who had ordered the said meal just awhile ago.

As the journey continued on, the teenage blonde eventually reached his destination. He arrived at a residential area that He find very quiet and peaceful.

Boruto stopped his tracks as He surveyed his surroundings, He was looking for the exact spot where the small clinic was located. He had to admit that this was first time that he had been into this area and he really must add a little effort to explore the place in order to find that small clinic.

The search took no longer than an hour and the blonde was able to find the small clinic, which was located near a particular street and was also near vacant lot.

"This place is actually good." Boruto commented. He took note of the surroudings and deduced that the clinic itself was placed in a very good location.

He also found the outside exterior design of the building as just simple but powerful with a neon sign that says, "Lifetime Clinic" that was attached on the front wall of the building. With his journey finally over, the teenage blonde proceeded to head towards the clinic.

He really can't wait to meet this mysterious customer.


"I'm curious to meet this Miyuki Person, Ayame and the others seems to talk about her most of the time as if she's an important figure.



It was really an overdramatic agonizing scene that was currently happening inside the room. Akamaru was in this weakened state and was groaning in pain. He was placed in this long table with a cloth covering it.

"Alright, What seems to be the problem here fellas?" She asked.

Kiba on the other hand was really on the verge of crying. He really loved his husky dog and He doesn't want to see his Akamaru go to the afterlife at a very early age.

"Please do something Ma'am, I really think Akamaru is gonna die Waaahhh." An overdramatic Kiba said. He also went to s.h.i.+no and gave him an unexpected and unnecessary hug.

"What the heck Kiba!?" s.h.i.+no cringed as He really didn't need the hug from him.

On the other hand, Miyuki could only sighed. She really was wondering on why everything in the atmosphere suddenly change as if she had just entered a scene from a soap opera. She wasn't even affected by the teenage boy's crying outburst but she was only weirded out of the scene.

Since there was still a lot of patients that were waiting in line, Miyuki just shrugged all of this off and headed straight to the main problem. She first examined the huge white husky dog who was not feeling good. She then darted her eyes towards the dog's stomach area as she then noticed some kind of lump. She then placed her hands on the lump in order to get more information on the problem.

Miyuki raised an eyebrow in suspicion. It seemed that the poor dog had ate something and the lump on his stomach was none other than a round object sticking out.

She then turned back to looked at the two teenage boys." Hey boys, Can you do me favor and help me hold him?" She called and instructed the boys to a.s.sist her on this simple procedure.

Kiba and s.h.i.+no immediately went to lend a helping hand as they held Akamaru. The brown haired teen was holding the huge husky dog on top while the other was on the other side.

Miyuki, who on the middle and between the two had put on a pair of gloves and a surgical mask to which just in case the saliva won't be heading directly towards her face.

"Uhmm, What are we gonna do?" Kiba asked.

Miyuki sighed." Don't worry kid, This will only take a few seconds." She a.s.sured him that everything will be alright.

The short haired doctor then took a deep breath the procedure. She firstly placed her left hand on the round lump and gave a good feel of it. Second, She then lifted up her right hand a meters way from the round lump. Lastly, she then took another deep breath yet again.

"Alright guys you gonna have to brace yourselves." Miyuki informed the teenage boys, who just simply nodded.

"Here we go." She muttered as she then proceeded towards the last step of the procedure. In a matter of seconds, she then made her move as she used her right hand to stroke her left hand which was placed on top of the round lump.

There was a brief moment of silence that took over. Kiba was pretty much confused as nothing had seemed to happened after that. Unbeknowst to him, He was the only one who was not bracing himself.

A little while later, Akamaru felt a sudden surged of energy from inside and He began to cough as if something was coming out from his mouth. Moments later, the huge dog then suddenly spat up a round object which was revealed to be a red ball filled with saliva that headed directly towards Kiba's face which literally knocked him to the ground.

s.h.i.+no, who had a little bit of saliva on his clothes immediately headed to his teammate to a.s.sist and help him recover.

Akamaru, who was finally out of his suffering, was now back to his usual self. The Happy and Energetic husky dog that everyone loved. He immediately noticed his master, who was laying on the ground with imaginary stars hovering around his head and jumped towards

s.h.i.+no could only stopped his tracks as He was already too late. Akamaru had already beaten him to it and was now licking the teenage boy's face repeatedly.

Miyuki sighed in relief. She had pretty much antic.i.p.ated on what was gonna happened next and She was right about the ending all along." Well, I hope you're friend is alright." She said as she removed the gloves and the surgical mask.

"Yeah, I think He'll be alright." s.h.i.+no said as He finally helped his brown haired friend recovered up from the ground.

Miyuki nodded in understanding." By the way, Who's idea was it to used a ridiculously small red ball for a game of fetch?" She asked she folded her arms.

There was a moment of quietness that took over before Kiba slowly raised up his hand and gave a nervous smile." I did." He said.

Miyuki sighed yet again." Well Here's my advice, try using a much bigger ball the next time you play a game of fetch with your dog." She explained.

"Yes Ma'am Noted." A still dizzy Kiba, who was being supported by his teammate said.

Miyuki nodded yet again." Good, I hope you guys have a nice day." She gave a smile as she watched them leave the room.

By the time they left, silence had took over yet again. The young woman could only tiredly sighed as it was all finally over. She had ten more patients to attend to.


"Talk about a happy guy and his dog, what's next, a guy with a giant toad?


It only took a few minutes for the blonde to reached the clinic. Instead of using his trusty wooden skateboard this time around, He eventually chose to walk along the streets of this residential area towards the clinic.

It was very quiet and short journey. Boruto had spent much of the remaining time exploring and traversing his thoughts until a memory from his past came up to him.

He recalled the time when He was just a kid that He often used to get himself in situations where he would get himself into a fight with some bullies or at least get himself injured and his mom would somehow always know or find out about it

Boruto really didn't understood the power of his Mother, It seemed that every secret He kept, His mom would always find out about it. He tried so hard to act like He was not injured or had gotten into a fight but it was all just for nothing. He would get exposed everytime.

But to all of that, He loved his mom to death. It was just sad that He didn't have the opportunity to meet her again when the enemy invaded and destroyed the village back in the future.

Boruto could only sighed. This was life and He had to deal every consequence that was being thrown at him. Sure, He dearly missed his mother but He had no choice but to moved on from the past.

As He finally neared his destination and was on his way to the entrance door, a voice suddenly called him.

"Excuse me." It was a female voice that called the blonde.

Boruto suddenly stopped his tracks, He somehow recognized the voice but He can't really figure out who was exactly this person calling him. So the blonde turned around only to meet a very familiar face.

In front of him was beautiful lavender haired girl. She had dark blue long hair, white eyes and she donned a loose fitting, lavender and cream hooded-jacket with lavender cuffs over mesh armour. She also wears navy blue pants, black, low-heeled sandals, and changes the cloth of her forehead protector from blue to black.

Boruto widened his eyes in shock, He was loss for words at the moment as He found himself staring at the younger and teenage version of his mom.


"I was really speechless when I accidentally met my teenage mom. She was really beautiful to be honest in that age and somehow she was a little confident.


Meanwhile, Hinata was also taken by surprised. She thought that this blonde person was Naruto but It wasn't really him when turned around to face her. He just looked eerily similar except for the two patches on both of cheeks, and a visible scar on his right eye. But He indeed looked very familiar besides being a Naruto looked alike

"H-h.e.l.lo there, I was just asking if this is the "Lifetime Clinic?" Hinata politely asked. She was referring to the clinic that was in front of them.

On the other hand, Boruto couldn't bring himself to open his mouth and speak. This was indeed his mother. The looks, the mannerisms and the attidude.

He was just so shocked too see her and this was very unexpected. When He did managed to summoned some Uzumaki b.a.l.l.s and finally open his mouth to let out a few words.

"Uhmmm, Yeah I think so?" Boruto said while scratching his head and giving a slight chuckle.

Hinata then smiled." Oh T-Thank you." She said.

"So what are you here for?" She then asked.

Boruto, who was still a bit nervous on meeting his young mom for the first time, took a deep breath as He managed to let out a few words once again.

"Well, I'm just a delivery guy from the Ramen shop, delivering this meal to a certain person." Boruto replied back. He was still nervous.

"Oh, N-Nice to meet you Mr. Delivery guy, I'm Hinata by the way." The lavender haired teen finally introduced herself.

Boruto took another deep breath yet again. He can't believed he is going to introduced himself for the first time to her and He was so nervous that He somehow forgot what he was going to say so He immediately He thought of a random sentence just to reply back.

"Uhmmm, I think my name is Bolt?"


"How could I forgot my name? What the heck am I doing? (Facepalms and sighs)



AN: Thank you for reading the chapter!