A Different Kind Of Journey - 37 Arc 3: A New Friend Part 2

37 Arc 3: A New Friend Part 2

Author's note: Hey there Readers!, Looks like we've finally entered Arc 3! I Hope you guys enjoy! I would also like to thank you guys for the Reviews. Favorites, and follows :) Thank you for also sharing your tips and thoughts for the story.

Take note: Recently, The beta reader for this story will be very busy for awhile. So that means I will be alone on writing story. I'm just a beginner writer so please go easy on me whenever there is a mistake in the story.

Take note 2: This chapter is just a filler in.

I also published a new story called " Anthology Story 1: Soul Transfer Jutsu" You can find it under my profile. Feel free to read the first chapter:)

Thank you for Understanding :)

Expect Grammar and Spelling mistakes

P.S: I am just newbie so go easy on me

Arc 3

Chapter 4: A New Friend Part 2

Late Afternoon Of January 29

By the time the late stage of the afternoon had arrived, Konohamaru, who along with Kurama had finally made it back to the house on time just before the dinner hour had begun.

The uneventful journey to the boy's house didn't took long. After several minutes of walking and conversing with each other, the two had finally arrived at their destination.

"Here we are!" Konohamaru said as he stopped his tracks to face the very entrance of the house.

On other hand, Kurama just moved his eyes and observed the house itself. He really don't what was inside yet but He was sure this house is pretty large. He had to admit that this was his first time going to this house.

Konohamaru, who was at the entrance, drew out the keys from his pocket. A few seconds later, He used the keys to unlocked the entrance door." Alright, Kurama welcome to the Sarutobi residence!" He exclaimed as he did his best to give the fox a very warm welcome.

As for Kurama, He just forced a smile, He did understand the boy's intention on giving him a warm welcome but his voice was just to loud and high pitched that it almost destroyed his eardrums.

As the fox stepped inside for the first time, He was suddenly greeted by this peaceful and comfortable atmosphere of the living room. He found the place very clean and well-maintained but He began wonder on who exactly maintains this house at this current state, because the kid couldn't do it by himself.

"It's very clean here kid, I'm impressed." Kurama commneted as He headed into the living room couch.

"Yup, I do some spring cleaning every weekend." Konohamaru said. He would then go on to explained that He grew up around his grandfather's way of living in the house and one of them is really maintaining the cleanliness of a certain home.

Kurama could only raised his eyebrows in surprised as He didn't expect that the boy was this responsible on the house rules but He was pleased to see that he wasn't just some spoiled kid from a well-known clan.

"Well, feel free to explore the living room while I prefer dinner." The boy said as headed to the kitchen.

As Kurama was now left in the living room by himself and with nothing to do, He followed the boy's advice and explored the living room, which was quite a place to be honest.

From vases, paintings, the small tables or the television itself, there was one thing that Kurama had took full noticed of which was the photo section itself. The fox immediately wasted no time has he headed to the checked the photos.

Kurama was then greeted by hundred years of the Sarutobi clan history. There were just a lot of people that He didn't knew in this photos. It was like a literal one big family. Although, there waa this one photo that really caught his attention.

Kurama then examined the photo which made him really surprised. In the photo itself, He saw a happy couple along with a very young kid around 4-5 years old. The fox widened his eyes as he immediately recognized the young kid as Konohamaru himself.

"So this is the kid's parents" Kurama commented as he continued to study the photo.

He had to admit that He can really feel the happiness and joy in this photo. It seemed that the loneliness will be forever gone and only the powerful essence and meaning of family remained. There were really a lot of memories that flashed before his eyes. Although, He began to wonder on how did it ended up like this? How did the kid's family got the sad and tragic ending instead of the happy ending?

Kurama felt really sad for the kid. Since, his grandfather pa.s.sed years ago, He was just living in this house almost all by himself. He wondered on how the boy was coping with this?

He was getting worried every second.


"Judging from what I've seen so far, the kid had lonely life, and at least it's not the worst kind."



As dinner finally began, Kurama found himself in a chair and eating some good food such as beef stew and rice. Even though He was fox, He can still helped himself eat dinner by using his cute tails to grabbed the spoon and eat his meal.

Konohamaru on the other hand was just looking at him with amazement, Who knew a fox would have the ability helped himself eat dinner just like that as if He knew the basic Human customs of eating a proper meal.

There was also some familiarity that he felt about Kurama as if He had met him before somewhere. But He just couldn't figured it out. Speaking of him being a Nine-tailed fox, He also thought of the legendary Kyuubi No Youku, which was also a nine-tailed fox. Could it be that they are the same person?

Konohamaru shook his head. What the heck was He was thinking right now. He should be eating his dinner properly without the distraction of any thoughts.

"Hey Kid." He was then called by Kurama.

Konohamaru snapped out from his thoughts as He looked up to see the fox looking at him." Hey what's up?" He asked.

"Well, When I was exploring your living room, I saw a photo of you and your parents, Did you managed to spend time with them before they went on those missions?" Kurama asked.

Konohamaru shrugged." Honestly, I barely even remember those times. I was like 3-5 years old or something." He explained. He even cannot remember on what his parents sound like?

Kurama nodded in understanding." So your Uncle and Grandpa raised you all the way up?" He asked.

Konohamaru simply nodded." Yeah, It was actually my Grandpa who I grew up with. He was the third Hokage by the way." He explained.

"Oh I see."

"I really missed the old man, He pa.s.sed away a few years ago during an invasion and He risked his life to protect the village." Konohamaru explained. His grandfather's death really affected him and it added more struggles throughout his life.

Kurama simply nodded. He was finally able to recall that time when the sound village invaded Konoha during the climax of the chunin exams. It was actually the snake Orochimaru who led the invasion disguised as the village leader that he murdered himself.

If Kurama only had the knowledge of everything that happened during that time, He would already saved everyone b.u.t.ts because He was Kurama, the most powerful tailed beast amongst his fellow peers.

At first He really didn't knew about the importance of family and saving loved ones but because of all of the experience and journeys that he had been through and especially a certain blonde named "Naruto" who changed his perspective of life and made him a better person. Until now, He was going to do the right thing no matter what.

On the other hand, Konohamaru was observing the fox. He really was a unique friend and just because He was fox, He cannot be his friend and to garbage with that saying. Anyone can be friends with a fox!

"You know Kurama, something tells me that you're going to play a big role than just being a friend." Konohamaru commented with a grin.

Kurama sighed." Yeah, I'm gonna be the baby sitter for you which is indeed a big role." He replied back with a little bit of sarcasm.

Konohamaru slightly chuckled. " You're really are funny person ya know that." He commented.

Kurama just shrugged." What can I say? I'm just honest guy that's all." He explained. He will never really lose his humour no matter what.

"But tell me, If you have the opportunity to meet your parents again, What would be the first that you're gonna say them?" Kurama asked. He was aware that this was a very sensitive topic about the boy's parents.

On the other hand, Konohamaru didn't mind." Well, I really don't know and since I've never really spend much time with them, I don't know what to say since I can't feel anything from them." He explained. He doesn't have any feelings of sadness or happiness about them.

"Well, that's strange." Kurama commented.

Konohamaru simply nodded." I just don't wanna cry or something, Grandpa Sarutobi told me that it was not the right thing to dwell in the past, it can only caused you more sadness." He explained.

Kurama sighed." Well, you're right about that kid, I guess it's better to be watching TV than just recalling all these sad memories." He said. The boy had a point and He was lucky that he was on a position where He witnessed the death of his loved ones.

Konohamaru just smiled. He was more concentrated on the present than the past and He was gonna enjoy his dinner for the first time with someone since all his past meals were just himself and air.

As the two ate their dinner, the conversation between them continued. They talk about their life living in the village so far, food, most embara.s.sing moments of their life, and lastly, how important staying together and being united when times of difficulty comes.

It was a very fruitful conversation.


" I never really imagined myself having a conversation at my own dinner table, It's usually quiet here and Kuu-chan brought a little bit of life to it, and I am happy with that!"



It was that night when a certain ero-senin decided to call it quits. He almost spent the whole day traversing every place in the village just to find the specific street and apartment that the trio resided in.

Jiraiya actually never expected that He would end up having a little drink of Sake at the famous Ichiraku's ramen shop. There was a reason on why he chose the ramen shop as place for him to pa.s.s the time besides the shop having Sake as an available drink during the night.

First, He had a lot memories where his student would always take him there for a bowl of ramen. Second, He was already close friends with Teuchi and his daughter, Ayame. The shop itself was just as simple and small as any other shop but he had to admit that they really serve the best ramen ever.

Jiraiya found himself as the last and only customer that shop had before it fully closed it's doors for the night. The white haired sannin waited for his meal as He was also drinking a small portion of the Sake on a gla.s.s.

It was at that moment when thoughts started to cloud his empty mind. He first thought of his former teammate, Tsunade who was now the leader of the village for a few years now. Jiraiya recalled how his teammate lived for an almost isolated life after the death of Nawaki and Dan. She was severely overtaken by depression and loneliness that she began to drink everyday.

Jiraiya felt nothing but disappointment on himself. He was very guilty for not being there by her side in those tough and difficult times. He wished that He could've done more to heal the still fresh wound after all He truly loved the blonde, Its just that He doesn't know how to expressed his feelings for her.

When Tsunade met Dan, Jiraiya left Konohagakure to pursue his own destiny, but he also left because he struggled with his feelings for her. Her relations.h.i.+p with the man and her disinterest in him romantically made him helpless, as she simply didn't love him back.

To let Tsunade live her own life, He took the first chance he could to leave.

He first stayed with some orphans in Ame after a battle that left them helpless. Later, he traveled around and met many beautiful women, writing romantic novels on his experiences. His life started over - he was a a handsome ninja who dazzled women and intimidated foes.

However, Tsunade still remained the owner of his heart. Heck! He even turned down a certain princess' offer to marry him just so that He could always have the chance to tell his teammate the truth on how he felt about her.

Jiraiya sighed. These thoughts were just getting under his skin. He really needed to stop having these kinds of thoughts. It was just so distracting for him right now.

After awhile, his bowl of ramen had finally arrived and It was the usual stuff as always. The delicious scent of the food greeted him first before seeing its glory in front of him.

"Enjoy your meal Jiraiysan!" Ayame smiled as she placed the man's order on the table.

Jiraiya smiled back." Thank you very much Ayame, You really don't how hungry I am this day." He chuckled.

"You must be tired too." Ayame guessed. She can pretty much noticed the man's starving eyes.

Jiraiya sighed." Well, I was kind of looking for a street named "Evergreen Street." and I searched for the whole village just to find it and here I am." He explained. He ended calling it day after an exhausting search.

Ayame widened her eyes as She immediately recognized the street name." Evergreen street? That's where Bolt-san lives." She explained.

"Bolt?" Jiraiya mentioned the name. It sounded so familiar.

Ayame nodded." Yup, He's the new guy working here, He kind of looks like Naruto for me but I'm not sure for the others." She shrugged. She would then explained that teen eerily resembled Naruto, except for the fact that his hairstyle was a little different, He wore white patches on his cheeks and He had a scar on his right eye.

Jiraiya widened his eyes. He recalled his former teammate giving him a description of the blonde earlier that day and it perfectly matched what Ayame was telling him right now.

"Does He go by the name, Kazaki?" Jiraiya asked. The blonde woman also told her about the trio living under new names so that they won't fall under the suspicious eyes of the corrupt system in the village.

Ayame scratched her chin." Well, I think so, but yeah I guess that's his surname." She said. She now recalled checking his application form before.

"And as for the street that they lived in, It's just around near the second Public Market." She added.

"Oh I see, thank you then." Jiraiya said. He finally now had a lead to where the trio was located. He began to wonder on why didn't he managed to come across the second public market? Maybe He wasn't just paying more attention around his surroundings.

As time pa.s.sed by, Jiraiya was finally able to enjoy his hot meal and at the same time, He began to wondered about the time travelling trio. He wondered about on what kind of persons were they like, Since the siblings were his student's children then they must have that Uzumaki blood running on them.

He was very excited to meet them but since it was now night time, He had no choice but to postponed and continue the search tomorrow. For the meantime, He was just going to enjoy his dinner.

As time pa.s.sed by, the silence remained in the shop since He was the only customer eating there. But at some point in the middle of this quiet time, a certain someone had unknowingly arrived at the shop that the busy Jiraiya immediately didn't took noticed off.

There was another customer that had entered the banners and was now standing and examining the menu that displayed on a white board. After a few moments, the customer finally spoke and broke the silence.

"Excuse me, I would like to order now." A voice of a girl can be heard from the customer.

Jiraiya, who was in the midst of his meal, heard the voice and finally took noticed of the newcomer. He then turned his head to face the source of the voice only to meet a person that He had not seen before.

The newcomer was revealed to be that of the appearence of a young girl. She had dark blue eyes, short black hair, and bangs. she donned a light green dress with white bloomers underneath and brown boots.

Jiraiya widened his eyes in confusion." What's a little girl doing here at a time like this?" He wondered. From his perspective, He estimated that the girl's age was around 12-13 years old.

She also had that neutral and weary looked as if she had gone through a lot things but still she was in good condition. But The questions still remained, what the heck she was doing here at this hour? Isn't she supposed to be on bed or something?

After a few moments, Ayame finally came to the scene." Oh, Ms. Miyuki!." She surprisingly said, finally revealing the girl's name.

"Miss? Since when?" A bewildered Jiraiya thought. He never seen a girl being respected as if she was older than Ayame.

Meanwhile, the girl gave a small but sleepy smile." Evening Ayame, I would like to have the usual take out meal." She said.

Ayame simply nodded." Coming right up!" She said as she headed back to the kitchen.

There was silence that took over yet again. The new girl immediately noticed the man observing her and she turned her head directly at him and gave him a look.

"And what are you looking at?" The girl now known as "Miyuki" said in an annoyed tone of voice.

Jiraiya gave surprised look. He really never seen a girl talk like this before to an older person with the exception of Tsunade when they were still young. It seemed that this girl was not even a little girl at all.

"No, I'm just wondering on why would a little girl stay up and be out here at this hour." Jiraiya said. Little girls should be already sleeping at their beds.

The girl just sighed." Yeah, I get that a lot, but I'm certainly not a little girl, you perverted-looking man." She replied back with sarcasm.

"And I'm certained that I'm much older than you." She added before giving a small sarcastic smile.

Jiraiya almost spat up his food when he heard the girl's statement. How could she say things like that? Does she even have a parents?

A few moments later, Ayame had came back with the food that was placed on a tupperware and packed up for take out. "Here you go Ms. Miyuki!" She smiled as she offered the take out meal in a plastic bag.

Miyuki smiled." Thank you, and here's my payment." She said as she gave the money which the other girl had received.

As she was about to leave the place, she took one more glance and gave the white haired Sannin a looked before heading to the place which she had came from.

The ramen shop was now quiet yet again. Jiraiya was left wondering about that person or little girl who just left.

"By the way Ayame, Who's that girl just now?"He asked. He had never seen her before.

Ayame just smiled." Oh, that's Ms. Miyuki, She may looked like a little girl but she is way more older than she looks." She simply explained.

"I see, so she is really not a little girl?" Jiraiya asked while Ayame just simply nodded.

"And How long have you been friends with her?" He asked.

"Well, I think it's been awhile and from what I've heard, She is an accomplished person herself and an established local doctor here in the village." Ayame explained.

"A Doctor?" Jiraiya asked. She was really a doctor!? This is too much. A doctor that looks like a little girl.

"Yup, In fact, She owns a clinic somewhere in the village and I must say that she is quite getting famous amongst the local community because of her medical expertise that no one has ever heard before." She added. She would then explained that this mysterious girl used different methods of dealing one's sickness or injuries besides using the common medic-nin kind of way.

Jiraiya nodded in understanding." Oh I see." He said. In truth, He was not familiar with this person but somehow He heard of the news about local doctor who can really handle the patients without using any healing jutsus or chakra.

Could she be the one that Ayame was talking about? If she is, then has Tsunade already heard the news about her? Looks like there was a compet.i.tion going on here.


"Things these days are just making me crazy and how come I never seen her before? She's really mysterious."



As the night continued on, the moon began to s.h.i.+ne brighter than ever as the midnight finally approaches. In the Sarutobi Residences, Bed time had finally arrived, Silence once again had took over the whole house.

While Konohamaru had himself in a deep slumber along with a little snoring, Kurama had himself in a different situation as he cannot find a way to have a good sleep of his own. He knew that he was tired and exhausted but still he can't just closed his eyes and fall asleep like that.

So things had to be done to fix this small problem, Kurama then rose up from the miniature size bed that the boy himself prepared for him. There was only one way to fix this.

Kurama observed his surroundings and saw that the window to the boy's room was left opened to let the fresh cold air enter and He saw this as an opportunity to jump towards the window and en route to the roof top of the house.

By the time Kurama arrived at the rooftop, He was greeted by the silent but beautiful night sky. He smiled as he then headed to a spot and rested himself there. It was just a perfect scene for him, He found himself strangely comfortable here. Maybe He was just used to these kinds of conditions for awhile now.

Kurama made a smile as He relaxed himself under the beautiful night sky that He was taking the time gaze. At the same time, His thoughts were coming back to him yet again.

He began to recall the very last few days that led to the destruction of the village. He remembered it being a time of eerie silence and unexpected surprises.

In those last days, everything seemed to be in the right place. There were hardly any incidents that were deemed serious or life threatening. Everyone was pretty much enjoying themselves unaware that there was an ongoing attack and invasion on every village throughout the land of fire in secret.

The next thing Kurama knew, The village of Konoha was greeted by this powerful explosion that would rival the power of the s.h.i.+nra Tensei of one certain Nagato Uzumaki and thus destruction of the village began that were led by none other than that no good adopted son of the kit that would eventually kill the kit himself.

There was one thing that the fox had noticed and was wondering all this time. Kurama's thoughts then turned towards a certain Hagomoro Otsutsuki, who was actually the man that started his journey from the beginning and even in spirit, the man still didn't stop and continued to bring peace throuhout the land. He played a vital part during the climax of the Fourth s.h.i.+n.o.bi War.

The only problem that Kurama had was that the man himself was not present during the last days. He considered the man as a keeper of many secrets, He knew the man as a father figure but still He really didn't knew what the man was up to all these times.

The only secret that He knew so far about the man was that He had a special role in the afterlife and even after his death, He would still be considered as an important figure in the Pure Land itself.

Speaking of the Pure Land or Afterlife, Kurama wondered about the said place. In truth, He himself hadn't been there before but He heard rumours especially from Hagomoro himself that the place was a whole new world.

Going there would be already a psrt of Kurama's bucket list. He really wanted to explore the place, He also heard that the place was very much like the Human world but a better version of it.

If He really had the chance to go there, The first thing that He would is to find Minato and Kus.h.i.+na in that very place with a goal of making amends with them and finally seal the long forgotten wound that remained as a rift between them. In fact, He never really had a chance to properly converse with the two.

As Kurama felt his consciousness slowly fading away, He took one more gazed at the night sky. Around this moment, He wondered on where would this journey take him too. He knew that this was going to be a very long ride and the only thing that he can do right now is just expect the unexpected.

There's still a lot of surprises out there.


"Well, I'll just take this as an opportunity to fix what was considered broken before and I'm one of the lucky ones to get that second chance.



AN: Thank you very much for reading the chapter!