A Different Kind Of Journey - 28 Arc 2: Separate Fights Part 3

28 Arc 2: Separate Fights Part 3

I don't own Naruto. Kis.h.i.+moto Does.

Author's note: Hey there Readers! I'm back with a new chapter! I Hope you guys enjoy! I would also like to thank you guys for the Reviews. Favorites, and follows :) Thank you for also sharing your tips and thoughts for the story.

Thank you for understanding :)


Arc 2

Chapter 15: Separate fights Part 3

There was silence that took over the area. Both of them felt an overwhelming presence that was nearing them. It was Kakas.h.i.+ who first widened his eyes in shocked as he caught a glimpse of red crimson chakra from behind the latter. This was no good news for anyone, especially for the blonde rookie.

Boruto quickly realized based on the reaction of Kakas.h.i.+. He slowly turned his head to face the malevolent presence that was behind him. By the time, he had fully turned around, he was overcome with astonishment at the scene that was going on.

"D-Dad?" Boruto stuttered as he saw his young dad fully enveloped in red crimson chakra. His eyes made contact with those menacing crimson silted eyes. The realization dawned upon him that this was not his young dad that in front of him.

It was the Kyuubi no Youko himself.

Boruto could feel his heart beat faster every pa.s.sing second. He was suddenly part of a situation that was the hardest one yet. He was not really sure if this was his dad or the other taking over but he was sure that he needed to find a way to get out of the dangerous situation at hand.

"Boy, you need to get out here," Kakas.h.i.+ warned. He was extremely worried for the rookie. Facing a Jinchurikki was hundred percent life threatening and he wasn't sure that the blonde rookie could handle the situation he was currently in.

Although, the only thing that really confused him is that he was just standing there and doing nothing. Time was running out. The main goal was to place the seal on the latter's head and then he would calm down instantly.

"Kid, what are you doing!?" he yelled.

"Don't worry Kakas.h.i.+-sensei; we're going to get through this." Boruto a.s.sured the white haired Jounin. They were going to take care of the situation at hand no matter what the consequences might be.


"I know exactly what I'm gonna do, I have did this before and I can succeed again if I'm gonna be patient.


Boruto took a deep breath to release the pressure. This was not a battle of physical aspects but a battle of wits. He had to outsmart his young kyuubified dad. He begun to examine his surroundings, they were still in the forest and the area around them was quite small so it was a bit difficult for the blonde to move around the place. He decided to think of another area which was wider than here. As he continued to observe his surroundings, He noticed a direction which leads to an area where a small pond was located.

"Jackpot!" Boruto thought.

The place was the one that he was looking for and it was perfect. It provided enough s.p.a.ce and hiding spots for him to execute his plan successfully. But he had to get the latter's attention first so that the white haired instructor of the team will be in a safer hands.

He observed his Kyuubified dad. He could describe him as somewhat animal-like since the Kyuubi's chakra was taking over him and his mind slowly. The Kyuubified Naruto was getting to know his surroundings; He was aware of everything and was being kept distracted by all the living objects, even the rustling sounds of the trees in the forest. This also gave Boruto the idea for his plan.

He stared directly at his young dad's eyes so that he can try to get his attention. A few moments had pa.s.sed and the Kyuubified Naruto finally noticed the other blonde staring at him.

"Grrrrr," Kyuubi Naruto growled. He was seeing everything as a target to be eliminated.

Boruto took a deep breath. He had finally got the latter's attention. The next step was to dash as fast he could to the open ground. This would take a lot of effort for him to do this but he was up for the challenge. But before that, he slightly moved his hand which his Kyuubified Dad instantly noticed. The blonde then tried slightly move to test if the other was going to follow him and he did.

"Alright, Boruto, you can do this!" he kept telling himself over and over again. He felt that his knees clacking.

"Alright on the count of three..." he muttered as he readied himself for the big run.

Boruto's world began to slow down for him. As he finally started the countdown, he knew that he had only one was shot at this so he had to carefully execute his plan and not screw up anything.

"One..." he said. He slowly began to bend his knees.

"Two..." The tension was getting higher. He was just one step away.


When the last number was counted, the blonde's world sped up in a blink of an eye. He began to move as he made a dashed for it as fast he can. On the other hand, the Kyuubified Naruto immediately followed him towards the said area.

It was like a race against time. Boruto, who was sprinting as fast as he could, turned his eyes towards his and saw his young Kyuubified dad on the same par as him. He was that fast when his taken over by the Kyuubi himself. He also noticed that every tree was going down every time his young dad pa.s.sed by it.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Boruto commented. This was really not going to be easy. He then turned back to original direction and saw that he was nearing his destination. It was like he was being chased by a human-size wolf.

Everything seemed to going according to plan but when he was finally just a minute away. The teenage time traveler proceeded to form a familiar hand sign to summon several clones but at the last moment, a strong shockwave suddenly hit him from behind.

"What?" Boruto exclaimed as the shockwave sent him flying towards the small rock formations which were situated on the small pond. Luckily, he was able to brace himself for impact and landed on the watery ground instead.

It was still not over yet. Boruto wiped the water out from his eyes. By the time he opened it again, he was greeted by his young Kyuubified dad who was had jumped towards him with his sharp claws ready strike him.

Boruto widened his eyes in surprised. He immediately jumped and was able to get out of his father's way before the he was able to land his claws on his face. At the same time, the Kyuubified Naruto landed on the watery ground and continued to attack the blonde. The bubbling crimson Chakra on his right hand manifested into a giant claw and thus the cat and mouse game continued.

The small peaceful pond area wasn't the same as it used to be. Since two individuals who were in an ongoing chase, the area had been turned into a small battle zone. Boruto, who was still stuck on a situation that could turn him into mashed potatos, was thinking of a way to get himself out of this mess as soon as possible. Meanwhile, He was evading every smash made his young dad.

"Dammit! Dad this is not you!" Boruto exclaimed.

He even tried to talk the latter out but it was not working, then he remembered that his young dad was not in the proper state for any kind of conversation right now. He was facing a mindless ent.i.ty.

Boruto gritted his teeth. He had to act fast. He didn't want to spend the whole day being the mouse. A few moments later, He finally thought of a way out of here. This was going to be his "Plan B" or last resort to end this once and for all. First he needed to create some s.p.a.ce to avoid being smashed yet again. He had to use his speed and agility to get the results that he wanted.

By the time he managed to find a way to create s.p.a.ce. The blonde time traveler quickly formed a familiar hand sign and summoned three clones. He gave a small confident smile as he can finally execute his move against his young dad.

He instructed the three clones to disperse themselves around area and distract the kyuubified Naruto until he brought he was on the brink of dizziness and confusion. On the other hand, the kyuubified Naruto was at the height of his alertness and awareness. He kept looking around, specifically towards the three clones who were going around and distracting him.

One clone was trying to distract him by calling out "Over here! and continued to run around the place. The second clone was beginning to attack the confused kyuubified Naruto by giving him surprising punches from every angle. The last clone came from behind the latter and held him. The other two clones also followed the last clone and all of them were now doing to their best to keep him restraint.

"Boss! It's your move!" One of the clones exclaimed. The clones have to admit that they couldn't hold the kyuubified Naruto back much longer. He was slowly breaking free from their clutches.

Boruto wasted no time as he executed his final move towards his young dad. Holding the paper seal tightly, the blonde time traveler burst out in full speed from his former position towards the other young man. On the other hand, the Kyuubi controlled Naruto finally broke free from the three clones, as all of them disappeared into a puff of smoke, and was about attack the blonde was once more.

But Boruto was once step ahead and by the time he reached a certain point where he was finally close, he immediately used the paper seal and shoved into his young dad's forehead. Kyuubi Naruto screamed in pain as he immediately felt the effects of the paper seal which was placed upon him.

As for the teenage time traveler, he was taken to a different journey. By the time he placed the paper seal on the latter's forehead, a bright light suddenly flashed before his eyes. He had begun to see images and scenarios that he could almost really feel it. There, he saw a young blonde boy walking along the streets as the hateful eyes of villagers stood by and watched him.

Then scene had changed and he saw the same young boy being bullied and ridiculed by a angry mob, the young boy was trying to escape for his life but it seemed to be too late. The scene then changed, he saw the same young boy lying on the ground beaten and crying.


"When I saw his memories, I wad shocked to the core, I didn't knew that he had experience that lot of pain as a kid.


Boruto was taken over by rage. How could the villagers do that to the poor young boy!? He was about to help the young boy before being brought back to reality once more. His eyes widened in surprised as he was found himself back in the forest.

Boruto blinked a couple of times, before realizing what had happened, He then looked down and saw his young dad was finally back to normal, the Kyuubi's chakra was gone and he was crying like a lost child.

"N-Naruto Are you alright?" he asked.

There was no response from the blonde Jinchurikki. He was just laying there as if he had given up on everything. He had real tears in eyes and he had sorrow and guilt as his only companion right now. He didn't want to talk to anybody about anything.

Boruto sighed. He understood what his young dad was going through right now. The only thing that he can do right now is helped him get up from the ground.

"Let me help you," he said as he proceeded to a.s.sist the latter on getting up.

It was kind of a little struggle. Naruto felt weak as if all his chakra was drained and he could only limp while the rookie a.s.sisted him to walk back through the area where Kakas.h.i.+ was.

As they made their way back to the area, Boruto observed his young dad who was just looking down as if he had no motivation or energy. He sighed yet again. Another thought had came to him once more, He had an unfinished business with that Akatsuki member but right now he had no choice but to help his young dad and Uncle Kakas.h.i.+ for awhile.

He just hoped that b.a.s.t.a.r.d would get his own Karma.


Deidara gave a wide grin. It seemed that he had finally got the Leaf s.h.i.+n.o.bi off his tail. He considered himself as a lucky and clever guy for hiding in the spot that they would never think of.

"Looks like I'm free to go," the Bomb expert said. He began to crawl his way out of the large bushes of the forest back towards a quieter area where no one would see or notice him.

He still couldn't get over the grief his lost arm and especially that blonde guy that really resembled the Jinchurikki. Sure, He had fought a lot of people that were very fast but this one was different. He had an elite speed and agility that he had never seen before. He never recovered from his attacks just because he was just too fast.

Deidara gritted his teeth in annoyance. He promised to himself that he would back stronger and he would get his revenge on him. It looked like he had finally found a worthy opponent to test out his skills and abilities as the greatest kinjutsu and bomb expert that had ever lived.

He wondered if that blonde fellow had siblings. If he had, then that sibling might be also strong as him.

By the time, He finally reached his destination. He slowly crawled out from the last bush and turned around expecting that no one will be waiting for him. However, the results were opposite. There was indeed a group of people who were waiting for him in the area.

"Where do you think you're going?" a female voice entered h ears.

Deidara widened his eyes in shock as a group of Leaf s.h.i.+n.o.bi greeted him by the time he turned around.

"Looks like you guys found me," he smirked. He wondered why this leaf s.h.i.+n.o.bi just kept on coming. How many were there right now in this forest?

"It's over man, you just ran on to Team Gai, the mightiest team that ever is!" Might Gai confidently said. He was already taken his fighting stance and ready to kick some Akatsuki b.u.t.t once more.

As for the rest of the team, Neji, Hanabi, and Himawari also prepared themselves for another fight. On the other hand, Deidara smiled. He could only give these people his sarcastic laugh.

"Looks like I won't be escaping anytime soon." Deidara said. He then quickly made his first move by unleas.h.i.+ng shurikens at the group and they mostly evaded it. He then drew out his Kunai using his other hand as a means of self defense just in case they all attacked him.

Meanwhile, the rest of the team finally made their move and tried to engage the blonde man in a fight. Deidara, on the other hand, relied on his speed and wits as he looked for a way to escape. For the Bomb expert himself, it was not easy. He had to face the abilities of the team members one by one. He first encountered the leader of the team himself, Might Gai, who had already given him a hard time, with his high level Taijutsu.

Might Gai was a bit frustrated; somehow the man just kept evading every combo that he made against him. Was he really that fast and quick? In minimum time, the blonde man quickly made a distraction and he escaped the clutches of the Youth himself.

As Deidara made his way to escape again, he encountered the Hyuugas who were also bent on giving him justice. Although, this was already taking a toll on as he began to take some small damages from their attacks.

Himawari could only stand watch the small battle unfold right before her eyes. Her Aunt Hanabi had told her to stay in a safe spot so that she may not get hurt. She could only nod back and did what the latter told her to do. The lavender haired girl understood that she was just trying to protect her and of course she was her aunt. As she observed the ongoing battle, she noticed that the blonde man was just trying to escape and he was not in the mood to fight.

Himawari also noticed her Aunt and Uncle, who were fighting the man. She was amazed on how their fighting chemistry was blended perfectly. The combos and moves, it was pure teamwork.

"Eight Triagrams: Air Palm!" Neji exclaimed.

He finally performed his final move by using one of his strong moves and sent the blonde man flying and cras.h.i.+ng onto a tree.

Deidara cringed in pain as he crashed on the tree. He immediately recovered and then attempted for another escape. He summoned several small clay bombs in a form of small insect-like creatures towards the rest.

Mighty Gai's eyes widened with astonishment.

"Everybody watch out for the bombs!" he exclaimed. Everyone followed what he said and they jumped from their former position to avoid the small clay bombs that exploded in the air.

Deidara smiled as he made another attempt to escape again which he successfully did leaving the rest of the team behind.

On the other hand, Team 8 immediately recovered from the blast and they continued to pursue the man.

As the pursuit continued its way throughout the forest, Himawari found herself in a situation that she had never been before. Time was moving fast right now. They were fighting the man just awhile ago and now they were pursuing him throughout the forest.

Thoughts were running around the girl's head. They say that this man was a bomb expert and she was worried that he might set them explosive traps while they were still pursuing him at the moment.

As for Deidara, He had this one plan to end this once and for all. He then immediately made a hand sign to start his final plan.


As the day continued, the two blondes found themselves walking along the forest and back to towards the area where Kakas.h.i.+ temporary resided. Boruto found himself a.s.sisting a limping Naruto, who was physically and mentally drained.

It was all too quiet at the moment. Boruto observed his young dad who was looking down the entire time. He gave the latter a sad smile. Truth be told, he had never seen him in this state before. The Dad that he used to know was not like this. He was more alive and full of energy.

He really felt sorry for his young dad. He thought of ways on how to cheer him up or at least lift up his spirits and when he did find a solution, it somehow felt that it wasn't enough of for him.

Boruto sighed. This was more difficult than he had thought. How would he lift up his young dad into higher spirits? The blonde time traveler was a little disappointed on himself. If only he knew his dad, not as a parent but as a person, then he can finally figure out what to do with him.

Thoughts were also going around the time traveler's mind. He thought of his little sister and his Uchiha teammate. How were they? He hoped that they were alright. He sighed yet again. He wondered on how he was not going to over think himself yet again. As the unofficial breadwinner of this of the trio, he just could't help but worry about the two girls.

"Boruto" A familiar voice then interrupted his thoughts.

Boruto widened his as for a second there he thought that his actual dad from the future had said it. He turned and saw his young dad looking at him.

"Hey are you alright?" Boruto asked. That was the first thing that he said. He didn't expect his young dad will be talking this soon.

Naruto gave the young rookie a sad look. He felt that he was responsible for dragging him, his little sister and his friend into this mess.

"I'm sorry that you guys have to go through this." he said as he removed his mask and finally revealed his true self.

Boruto was surprised to hear this from his young dad. He could feel that sorrow and grief coming from the latter. He realized that this was in fact his young dad's true self. The "mask" that he was wearing all the time was just a disguise to show everyone that he was alright but in truth, he was a very different person from the start.

"I think that because of me and my actions, you guys have to experience this. You are just rookies and I should've acted more in guiding and protecting the rest of you" Naruto explained.

He really felt guilty and responsible for this. He was also tired of this mask that he wore for many years, the mask to cover his sorrow and loneliness.

"I guess that Tsunade bachan told you about my past and that I'm a Jinchurikki." Naruto said while the other only kept quiet. In fact he already knew that his dad was the holder of the Kyuubi No Youko and the Lady Hokage herself told him on how sensitive it was for Naruto to talk about it considering that he had bad past about it.

"It's alright that you can call me anything you want. I am already used to that." He explained. He was already used to the insults thrown at him by the villagers. He wondered if this rookie would think the same about him.

He would also go on to explain the reason on why he was so intent and serious about rescuing the red haired Kazekage was that because he was a Jinchurikki too and he shared the same experience and pain that he had to go through. In fact, He admitted that he had lost all hope of saving his friend because he was gone.

Boruto sighed but smiled

." It's alright, and I understood what you mean," he explained.

Naruto widened his eyes as he gave the blonde rookie a confused look. He wondered why he was staying positive throughout this whole messy situation that they're in. How would He understand what he had gone through? He wasn't even a Jinchurikki and he never experienced the pain that he felt.

Boruto sighed but he gave the young man a smile.

"Well If I were a Jinchurikki or if I ever had gone through a lot of pain, I would still continue and look at the positive side of things." He explained.

"What do you mean?" Naruto asked. He was even more confused now.

"There was this certain person that told me that if you want to succeed in life and overcome all this challenges then you'll have to stay strong and just believe that all things happening are for the greater good," Boruto explained. In fact it was old man that told him that way back.

"I know that you lost someone important today but if I were you, I would never lose hope and I would keep on believing that there will be a way to bring him back," he added.

Naruto stared at the rookie with surprised eyes yet again. He finally realized what he was telling him. Even though, this young kid was just a rookie, it felt like he had gone through a lot more than he did. He could see it in his eyes. Then he remembered what his pink haired teammate told him about the rookie's past.

"So tell me boy, how can I have this hope and faith that you have?" Naruto asked. He wondered if these two things would help bring back Gaara.

Boruto sighed yet again. He gave one more smile at the latter.

"Simple, Don't stop Believing."


Kakas.h.i.+ sighed as he rested his head on the tree yet again. Since he was out of Chakra, He had to stand up and helped carry the Kazekage and placed him on a nearby safe spot.

There was silence around the forest for the first time. He wondered what had happened to the blonde rookie. He was getting really worried for the young man. He only wished that he had the energy to help the latter but his chakra was fully drained because the fact that he had overused his sharingan.

He then darted his eyes to the young Kazekage. He was beginning to think that the team failed on this mission. All he could do right now was to worry about the others. Were they still fighting the two Akatsuki members?

As minutes pa.s.sed by, He suddenly felt movement around the forest area. He immediately darted his eyes towards the spot where the giant clay bird was located. It suddenly began to move by itself until it finally stood up yet again and flew towards a certain direction.

"What's he up to now?" Kakas.h.i.+ asked himself. It looked like the man met the rest of the team.


" Can't believe the guy was still moving, He should be too beaten up to move like that."


"Kakas.h.i.+-sensei!" A familiar voice called the white-haired, masked man's name.

He then looked up to see the blonde rookie along with his counterpart. Kakas.h.i.+ sighed in relief. The young man did succeed in bringing back his student to his normal non-jinchuriki state. Although, he wondered how he managed to beat the Kyuubi?

By the time, the two blondes arrived at the scene; the giant clay bird had left the scene leaving him alone in the area.


The chase was almost reaching its climax. Everybody expected that this won't be an easy chase. The enemy had soon unleashed small clay bombs again to hinder their way. Explosions rocked the forest one more time because of those small bombs; the team had to dodge the bombs.

One by one they all got distracted by the bombs except for a certain Uzumaki girl who was the only one ahead and chasing the man.

Himawari dashed as fast she could just to catch up with the Akatsuki member. She was unaware that she was the only one pursuing him as the rest of the group were hindered by the small clay bombs.

In no time, A ma.s.sive white bird made out of clay flew pa.s.sed by her towards a certain area. By the time the lavender haired girl arrived at that certain area. She was greeted by the Akatsuki member who was standing right beside the giant clay bird and was just evilly smiling at her.

Himawari quickly positioned herself in her fighting stance. She expected that there would be a fight yet again so she had to ready herself once again.

"I'm not sure what you're going to do next but give up there's no way out for you," she warned.

On the other hand, Deidara just gave an evil chuckle. He was finally just one step ahead in executing his grand plan and he was going to make the young girl his first victim.

"Looks like you will be the first one to witness my grand art," he grinned. He was indeed excited for this.

Deidara then went to the giant clay bird and took a piece of it. He then put the piece of clay on his mouth and chewed it.

Himawari stood still and kept herself on guard. She wasn't sure what he was going to do but she was sure this was going to be bad and dangerous. The atmosphere was changing. She suddenly felt an urge to escape the place as soon as possible.

A few moments had pa.s.sed and the man began to laugh. His body began to change and slowly morphed. He began to grew larger and larger by the second, as if he was about to explode like a ticking time bomb.

Himawari finally realized on what he was going to do. She immediately darted away from her former position and ran as fast she could to escape the scene. She could feel her heart beating faster. This was a race against time. Not too long, she suddenly heard loud explosion from behind and it was so powerful that it produced a powerful shockwave.

Her world began to slow down as she then turned behind to take a look of what was happening. She widened her eyes as she saw that the explosion was just a few distances away from her. She then suddenly stepped on something, tripped over and fell on the ground.

Her eyes then met the lone bright light of the explosion that was seconds away from engulfing her.

"Oh no!" Himawari muttered as she found herself on a death's doorstep. She closed her eyes. The only thing that she can do was to pray.

Unbeknownst to her, a certain raven haired man appeared stood on her way. Himawari widened her eyes as he recognized this person wearing the familiar Akatsuki cloak.

"Uncle Itachi," she whispered. It was Sarada's Uncle.


"It was probably the most surprising and unexpected in this mission, Itachi-san suddenly appearing out of nowhere just to save you.


Itachi gave the lavender haired girl a smile as he turned his eyes towards the explosion. He briefly closed his eyes and then opened it again to reveal his Sharingan which began to morph and transform.

A few moments later, a large spiral void appeared in front of the man as the explosion was immediately absorbed through the void. Another few moments had pa.s.sed, the bright light faded away and there was no trace of the explosion except for the strong wind then blew around the area.

Himawari stared in awe as she just witnessed the power of the Uchiha. She wondered if the raven haired teen had that ability as well.

"Are you alright?" The voice of Itachi then interrupted her thoughts as she then looked up to the man looking at her.

"Yeah, I thought I was going to die there for a second, but thank you for saving me," Himawari smiled. She never expected that the man would be here to save her.

Itachi's face formed a small smile. He didn't say a word but he gave the lavender haired girl a look that meant that everything was going to be alright now. He then quickly disappeared into thin air as it was revealed that he was only a projection of the real one.

Silence then took over right away. The battle was now officially over. Himawari stared at the site of the explosion as there was a small crater on the ground and the giant clay bird was nowhere to be found.

"Himawari!" a familiar voice then called her name.

The lavender haired teen then turned around to face her young Uncle and Aunt heading towards her with worried faces.

Hanabi was the first one to reach the young girl. She then briefly embraced the latter into a tight hug.

"Are you alright Hima? Did that blonde b.a.s.t.a.r.d hurt you?" she asked. She was indeed worried for her future niece. She also checked the girl to see if there were any signs of injuries or wounds and luckily, she was in one piece with just a few bruises.

"I'm fine Aunt Hanabi." Himawari smiled. She was just really surprised, how the two Hyuugas were that overprotective about her.

Same goes to Neji as his eyes were filled with rage. No would one dare to hurt his future niece. He was going to kick their b.u.t.ts if they did. He then decided to the area where the explosion happened along with Might Gai. By the time they made it to the scene, there was no trace of the enemy and the giant clay bird except for a large smoke that emitted from the small crater.

Himawari just stayed quiet. She wasn't sure on how she was going to explain the events that had transpired just awhile ago. Would they even believe that Itachi Uchiha was the one that saved her from the deadly explosion?

It was going to be an unbelievable testimony.


"When is he going to wake up?"

Tenten wondered. A couple of hours had pa.s.sed and she was still carrying the unconscious the Bushy Brow while she traversed her way through the forest in hopes of finding a way out of here. Just awhile ago, she had received a message from her sensei instructing to go an open field somewhere around the forest.

She deduced that they finally succeeded on taking care of the Akatsuki bomb expert himself and the only thing that she could do now is meet them at an open field somewhere around the forest.

After another 30 minutes of searching, she finally stumbled upon a pathway which lead to the open field.

"Just my luck!" She exclaimed as she proceeded to head towards her final destination.

Along the way, Tenten began to feel irritated. She knew that this was going to be a really long walk and her body was now feeling numb. She had to admit that her bushy brow teammate was light to carry but it had been over two hours and half and she was getting tired of carrying him.

As she planned on stopping for awhile to rest on a nearby tree, her teammate suddenly opened his eyes and jolted up. Tenten was caught by surprised as she immediately dropped the widely awake teen to the ground.

Rock Lee had finally woken up.

"What the heck happened, Tenten? Where are you!?" he exclaimed as he looked around the area looking for his teammate.

"I'm right here Lee." Tenten could only sigh. First she was forced to carry him all the way here and now she found herself being jump scared by her own teammate which was not really funny.

"Tenten! Are you okay? Where are the rest?" Rock Lee was bombarding her with a lot of questions. Apparently, he was having a small case of momentarily amnesia. He coudn't remember what had happened before.

"Tenten! You must be tell me so that I would know what to do and-" He was about to finished his sentence when he was suddenly interrupted by the girl herself.

"Can you please be quiet Lee? There is something that I would like to tell- You know what? I'm just really tired right now." she was about to tell him something important but she just let it all go.

"Huh? Tired of what?" Rock Lee asked. He was dumbfounded.

"Tired of carrying you like a baby throughout this forest," Tenten simply said as she then turned around and continued her way towards the open field by herself.

Rock Lee blinked a couple of times before suddenly realizing that she was leaving him behind.

"Hey wait up!" He exclaimed as he instantly stood up from the ground to catch up with her.

By the time he took his first few steps, he again felt pain from his lower leg and saw that this certain leg was bandaged.

" Huh? Did I get injured?" Rock Lee questioned himself as he examined his bandaged leg.

Right at this moment, Rock Lee finally realized that he didn't know something. He was so surprised by this realization.

"I didn't know she was Medic-nin herself?"

Bushy brow exclaimed as he made a big deal out of it. Not knowing that his idiotic side had completely taken over.


"I was actually dumbfounded and confused at that time, I just didn't know what had gotten into me, but still Youth will prevail!" 

-Rock Lee


AN: Thank you for reading the chapter!