A Different Kind Of Journey - 27 Arc 2: Separate Fights Part 2

27 Arc 2: Separate Fights Part 2

I don't own Naruto. Kis.h.i.+moto Does.

Author's note: Hey there Readers!, I'm back with a new chapter! I Hope you guys enjoy! I would also like to thank you guys for the Reviews. Favorites, and follows :) Thank you for also sharing your tips and thoughts for the story.


Arc 2: Separate Fights Part 2

"Man, this is really hurts!"

Who knew that the explosion from awhile ago could inflict some pain for a certain Bushy brow s.h.i.+n.o.bi. Rock Lee gazed at the blue sky as he still lay down on gra.s.sy ground. His thoughts were currently forming in his mind in the form of questions, like why was he here in the first place? Or who was responsible for that explosive tag that almost brought him to the brink of death.

Rock Lee slightly chuckled. He was a student of Youth and why would he feel so tired now? Apparently, He should be on his way and searching for the others. He was worried about them because he hadn't heard their responses via the Bluetooth communication device.

"What has happened to them?" he asked himself. The last time he heard their voices, was around the time when the explosion took place. He heard them screaming through the small speakers. He wondered if they were at the same position as them, getting blast off by the explosion.

An hour had already pa.s.sed since and Bushy brow decided to rise as long as he had the strength to do. Although, as he was about to stand up, he felt a sharp pain in his leg.

Rock Lee cringed. He then darted his eyes towards his legs and was greeted by a small piece of wood that had slightly impaled a particular area on his left leg. Bushy Brow was a bit horrified to see this and he almost fainted because of it.

He tried to calm himself down by taking a number of deep breaths. He just doesn't want to think about his current injury right now. A few minutes had already pa.s.sed and still there was no one around to help him. He tried to contact the others via the Bluetooth device but no one was answering his calls.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Rock Lee exclaimed. He rested his himself again but this time it was on a nearby tree.

"Looks like I'm on my own for awhile." Rock Lee thought. He really needed to stand up and find the others or at least one of them but he's going to have to go through with this serious injury first before he could stand up. Maybe he should take lessons from Naruto to further improve his chakra so that he could summon a shadow clone to help himself.

Rock Lee could feel his consciousness was fading away. He was beginning to think that this was just a dream and when he wakes up, he would be back at the village. That sounds like a really good idea!

As the young man closed his eyes, he suddenly felt a presence nearby and was heading towards him. Rock Lee's consciousness was slowly being brought back and by the time he opened his eyes once again, he saw a familiar teenage brown haired girl staring worriedly at him.

"Tenten is that you?" Rock Lee asked. His vision was quite blurry at the moment. He had to confirm if that was really his teammate in front of him.

"Yes it's me Lee," Tenten replied back. She wondered what happened to her teammate and why there was a piece of wood that was sticking out his leg. Did someone attack him?

By the time Bushy Brow's vision became clearer. He finally had the opportunity to see his teammate and he widened his eyes in surprised.

"Tenten? What happened to you? W-Why are you all wet?" he asked.

Tenten could only sigh. She would go on to explain that when she got to the place where the seal was located, She noticed that there was an explosive tag, which was placed beside the seal and when she was about to investigate further, the explosive tag suddenly detonated and exploded.

"Well, good thing you managed to avoid the blast," Rock Lee commented. It was safe to say that his teammate was in one piece.

Tenten nodded." Yeah, But that is how I got wet, I landed on the water." She explained. By the time she had gotten away from the blast, she had unexpectedly landed on the watery surface of river. She also wondered who put those explosive tags there and how did this someone managed there first before her.

Rock Lee nodded in understanding.

"I see. You're not alone," he said as he beckoned the latter to turn around and pointed to the area where the destroyed tree was located.

Tenten then did what the latter had said as she turned around to face the destroyed tree. She immediately realized that her bushy brow teammate was in the same situation as she had. She then turned her eyes back to him and gave him a sad looked.

Rock Lee forced a smile.

"Yeah I know, But we really need to...ahh come on!" he cringed in pain yet again as he tried to stand up forgetting that his left leg waa seriously injured by the blast.

Tenten held her teammate carefully.

"Careful Lee, you can't just stand, you're injured!" she said as she placed her backpack on the ground. She then opened her back pack and drew the necessary things that she needed.

Rock Lee observed his teammate who was pulling out some medical supplies from her backpack.

"What are you doing?" he asked.

"Relax Lee; I know what I'm doing. I'm going to treat your wound," Tenten replied. It was Good thing that she brought some medical supplies in this mission. In addition, her friend Sakura, shared some of her some useful knowledge in the form of basic ways on how treat a wound like what she was seeing right now on her teammate's leg.

"Alright, Lee just calmed down, I'm just going to remove this piece of wood on your leg slowly," Tenten explained as she wore then wore a pair of gloves and started the procedure.

On the other hand, Rock Lee simply nodded. He made a very tough face to show that he wasn't afraid of any medical operation just like this.

" Come on Rock Lee, You have the power of Youth, You can do It and-" As he was about to finish his sentence, his teammate had already pulled out the small piece of wood in his leg.

Instead of screaming in pain, he just fainted back on the ground. Maybe this was how he reacted to pain every time.


"Oh man, when you thought Rock Lee can withstand any pain, and you get a scene of him trying hard, Oh well..."



By the time Tenten had finished the successful procedure. She had to admit that even though this was a pretty much basic thing, it was quite a challenge to treat his wounds. She really had to be careful and not screw up. She did all what she can to treat the wound as possible. In fact it was just a small wound in the flesh.

The brown haired weapons expert sat down and rested herself on a nearby tree. The whole thing really tired her out and she began to think that being a medic-nin wasn't that easy based on this experience.

Tenten took a couple of deep breaths. She observed her teammate who was still in slumber. It looked like he had fainted when she had removed the small piece of wood from his leg.

Now silence was the one in charge for while. Thoughts began to circulate her mind. She thought about the others and how they would be doing right now. Were they still fighting the two Akatsuki members Sasori and Deidara. What about their Sensei? What had become of him since he was also involved in a similar situation much like theirs.

Then suddenly, there was a loud explosion that was heard from few miles away. Tenten snapped from her thoughts as she turned her eyes to the direction where she heard the loud explosion. It was then followed by multiple blasts as smoke began to engulf that area.

Tenten widened her eyes in surprise.

"What could be happening there?" she thought. She then looked towards her teammate who was still unconscious.

"We really need to get out of here," Tenten thought as she stood up and headed towards her unconscious teammate.

"Come on Lee," she said as she attempted to carry the unconscious young man. She was going to carry him on her back and she hoped that he wasn't that heavy.

Surprisingly, Bushy brow wasn't that heavy…instead he was very light. Tenten quickly remembered the training that their sensei have given to them and she realized that all the training that they had were to improve their speed, agility and it made them light.

"Thanks Gai-sensei," she muttered as she began her journey to find the others while carrying the unconscious Rock Lee.


"Also, the way He weighs right now, He is like freaking feather!"



The battle was officially over. The s.h.i.+n.o.bi from the leaf and sand village had succeeded in defeating the Akatsuki member, Sasori. This was also the first ever time that they managed to apprehend the latter by not forcibly killing him. The fight took a long while and it was not an easy fight to begin with. But because of the arrival of certain raven haired rookie who surprised everybody and was actually the one who defeated the enemy himself, the fight abruptly ended.

Sasori stared and observed the current situation before hand. He was currently tied by metallic chains and was heavily guarded by his grandmother's puppets. He wondered why there were so paranoid about him escaping contrast to the truth that he was not going to do it at all. All his creations were destroyed and he had run out of confidence to fight back.

Thoughts were flowing around his mind. There was a reason why he had decided to throw in the towel. When that newcomer arrived, he was amused on how easily the girl could handle his creations and so he had decided to fight her himself, in order to test her abilities further more let alone unknowingly underestimating her. When she had began to show her strength and wits, that when he realized that he was not match from her. He also began to doubt his sanity if he really saw the "Sharingan" in her eyes or was it all just a Genjutsu to begin with?

The last thing that he noticed about the girl was in the sense that she was telling him something important. Sasori knew what she meant that there was still hope to redeemed himself for all the atrocities that he had done ever since he left the sand village. But how was he going to do it? Redeeming himself.

"Hey! Is there something bothering you?" A female voice then asked which snapped him from his thoughts.

Sasori then looked up and was greeted by the pink haired Kunouichi from the leaf village, who was giving him a suspicious stare.

"Why are you giving me that look?" she asked.

Sasori blinked a couple of times before realizing that she was talking to him.

"Oh, I was just wondering if she is a member of your team?" he smiled as he calmly asked his question.

Sakura raised an eyebrow.

" Of course she is part of the team! Just what exactly are you planning?" she asked again placing her hands on her hips. She was treating the unconscious raven haired girl when she noticed that the latter was staring at them lately.

It had been awhile since the battle took place and there was this awkward silence that took over. It must've been really weird when you are conversing with a person that you've fought just now. Well, at least for Sakura it really was plus it's been really weird that the guy has been really behaving lately as if he was really cooperating with them.

Chiyo on the other hand, just observed her grandson. She was really confused on what he did just now. Why would he surrender just like that? Why was he just silent all the time? And was there something that had changed him throughout?

Sasori just simply smiled.

"Oh, that's great to hear! I guess she is stronger than the two of you," he said.

Sakura frowned. She was not in the mood at the moment so she grabbed him by the collar.

Alright then smart b.u.t.t, I don't really know what you're up to but if you try to escape or even hurt my friends, you're going to get it!" She threatened the man.

Sasori made a surprised face. What did he just said to make her angry?

"Look, I know you people are still furious of with me because of what I've done," he tried to explain. There was no need for them to be serious right now since the fight was over. He just wanted to have a conversation with them.

"But if you people want to get more information about Orochimaru, then I would be pleased to tell," Sasori added which caught the full attention of the two.

"But first, you have got to tell me what has become of Deidara."


Boruto narrowed his eyes as he prepared himself for the big clash with the man. Before that, he quickly observed what the guy was up to, and he immediately noticed that he was holding some sort of clay bombs in the form of insects.

The blonde teenager who was still on the giant clay bird, then drew out his Kunai, He then waited for the right moment to strike. On the other hand, Deidara smirked. He was the owner of that clay bird and he could control it to move its direction. However, the other blonde was one step ahead of him.

As soon as he was about to make the bird do something. Boruto quickly jump off the bird towards the man with full speed which caught the latter off guard. Deidara was shocked as he suddenly felt pain in right hand as he turned his eyes to see that the Kunai that the blonde was holding just now had impaled it. He then looked back towards his former direction to see a fist that immediately went to his face.

Boruto succeeded on his first move as he was able to send the man cras.h.i.+ng on the tree while the giant clay bird crashed on a nearby area. However, it didn't stop from there, the teenage time traveler continued to charge towards his enemy.

At the same time Deidara, who immediately recovered from the impact of the punch, then attempted to used one of his own attacks but the other was just too fast and already unleashed another attack by performing a hook which directly went to his cheeks followed by an uppercut in the gut thus an

d the last move was a strong kick that sent him flying from a distance yet again.


"I didn't have any strategies, I just let the flow take over and within a minute, He's a potato.



Naruto and Kakas.h.i.+ who had followed the blonde rookie, finally arrived at the scene and were very much surprised on what had transpired. It seemed that the newcomer was already taking care of the enemy.

"He's strong," Naruto muttered under his breath. He was amazed on how the latter handle the enemy.

He then began to observe his surroundings and he caught a glimpse of giant white clay bird lying on the ground.

"Gaara!" he yelled as he hurried his way towards the bird.

Kakas.h.i.+, who was also observing the situation, followed the blonde. He can sense his desperation and fear. By the time Naruto got to the giant clay bird, He summoned several clones to help him remove the middle part of the bird because that's where his friend was.

"Please be alive!" Naruto was full of emotions. He was afraid that his friend wouldn't make it because he saw him motionless and unconscious just awhile ago back at the cave.

Kakas.h.i.+ who just arrived at the scene, began to feel weak and he almost dropped on ground but one of his student's clones caught him.

"Kakas.h.i.+ sensei! Are you alright?" The clone asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine; I must've overused my Sharingan." he explained. He then observed his student. He was beginning to sense that things would be getting much worse later on. He can sense the blonde's emotions which were in really higher levels right now.

"I just hope Naruto is okay," Kakas.h.i.+ thought as he watched the blonde, who was searching for the young Kazekage inside the clay bird.

He then remembered a warning from the Toad Sage himself. If Naruto should be taken over by grief and anger, then that would be a sign of the Kyuubi finally taking over him.

Kakas.h.i.+ sighed. He needed to gather more strength if this really happened. He drew a paper seal from his pocket which was given to him by the white haired sannin. He examined the paper seal; He had only one shot and try if ever the Kyuubi takes over his student.

However, Unbeknownst to him, red crimson chakra was slowly forming around the blonde teen.


"He's emotions were taking advantage of him, which was bad news to be honest. This is a very serious matter.



Boruto quickly followed the trail where the enemy landed. It didn't take him more than a second to find the enemy. He was lying on the ground motionless.

The blonde teenager then decided to investigate to see if the latter is really unconscious or was just pretending. By the time that he got to the spot, He was then greeted by shock as he saw that the body was somehow slowly degrading and turning into some kind of white clay.

"You've got to be kidding me" Boruto said. He just realized that this was not really the real enemy but was just some kind of decoy.

"Then where is the real one?" Boruto wondered as he surveyed his surroundings, which was now somewhere in the forest.

There was silence that took over area. Boruto then closed his eyes for a moment. By the time, He finally opened his eyes, The Jougan was activated. He began to survey his surroundings once again to find the enemy's chakra and his total presence.

Not too long, He finally got what he was looking for. As He was about to make his move towards the direction where the presence of the enemy was located, He immediately stopped his tracks. There was powerful malevolent energy that he felt surged from a nearby area.

Boruto widened his eyes as He knew this familiar energy. Not wasting any time, the blonde quickly headed to the area where Kakas.h.i.+ and his young Dad were located.


He had really no choice but to hide for awhile. He was battered, bruised and had lost an arm because of those leaf s.h.i.+n.o.bi. Deidara hid in bush that was enough for him to fit in.

He was observing the blonde from a few distances away and wondered about his abilities. He had never seen a person so fast and strong that he was able to apprehend him in a short time. It really made his knees trembled for a bit.

Luckily, He made himself a clone made out of clay to deal with the latter. He had to admit that if he was in that clone's place he was going to be turned into Swiss cheese.


It was a very long journey from the cave then into the forest. Sakura and the elder Chiyo were definitely tired and beaten to exhaustion. Adding the fact, that they were with an Akatsuki member, who is considered a dangerous S-rank nin. Things got really a bit complicated, at least for the pink haired girl and the elder puppeteer.

However, there was a difference about the situation right now. The red headed puppeteer was not tied to any chain or being heavily guarded anymore and he had in fact volunteered to help carry the still unconscious raven haired girl by using a makes.h.i.+ft portable stretcher that he himself built out of his puppets.

This was really strange for any Leaf or Sand s.h.i.+n.o.bi right now. An Akatsuki member and S rank criminal showing his kindness and not even doing anything that would be considered a threat. What was the reason for the sudden change in heart?

Lady Chiyo, who was still baffled, observed her grandson. She was trying to search a logical answer that she couldn't think of right now. Was there something that really changed him during the battle? This was the first time ever she had seen his grandson act like this since he had been a young boy.

As for Sasori, he had seen something from the raven haired teen which he cannot explain. It was something that he called "Hope" He wasn't sure why this was affecting him in some way. But he was sure that it was because of this girl, it had given him the chance to redeem himself.

As the group made their way throughout the forest, there was this sudden burst of powerful malevolent energy that they felt from a few miles away and it was so strong that it gave them goose b.u.mps.


Himawari suddenly stopped her tracks. She suddenly felt this rage of powerful energy that swept through out the forest. She then turned around to face the others who felt the energy too.

"What the heck was that?" Hanabi asked. She was definitely having goose b.u.mps right now.

For the lavender haired girl, the energy that she felt just now was somehow familiar. She just could't figure it out but she knew that it was from her young dad.


It was all suspiciously too quiet. Boruto traversed through the forest to search for his Uncle Kakas.h.i.+ and young Dad. The powerful energy just now that burst like wildfire seemed to have calmed down. When he finally arrived at his destination, he was greeted by a shocking sight.

Boruto widened his eyes in shocked.

"What happened here!?" he exclaimed as he observed his surroundings.

It seemed like the area that he was in right now has been turned into some kind of small battle zone with many trees lying on the ground. As the blonde continued to investigate his surroundings, He then suddenly caught a glimpse of a white haired man from a few distance away.

"Kakas.h.i.+ sensei!" Boruto exclaimed. He immediately headed towards the white haired jounin who was laying face down on the ground and groaning in pain.

By the time the blonde arrived to the latter's aid. He immediately turned him around from facing the ground and helped him rest on a nearby tree.

"Hang on there Kakas.h.i.+-sensei. Could you tell me what happened?" Boruto asked. He was beginning to worry every moment.

Kakas.h.i.+ groaned pain. He tried to get up but his body won't cooperate. He was disappointed that he didn't notice that the Kyuubi would take over in a short time. He would go on to explained that the when they finally retrieved the Kazekage, they were already too late. He was gone.

"He's gone!?" Boruto was shocked. He didn't expect it. He was all in disbelief. Kakas.h.i.+ then pointed to where the body of the Kazekage was located which was rested on a nearby tree.

Kakas.h.i.+ could only give him a sad face that then suddenly turned into a face of warning.

" Boy, you have to listen to me." he said as he drew a paper seal from his pocket.

"Here take this seal." he said. He explained that when they discovered that the Kazekage had pa.s.sed on that it was too much for Naruto to handle and he fully let his emotions, especially his anger take over him thus the Kyuubi and its Chakra was able to take over him and wrecked havoc just awhile ago. He tried to stop him but he was just too overwhelming and fast.

There was silence that took over the area. Both of them felt an overwhelming presence that was nearing them. It was Kakas.h.i.+ who first widened his eyes in shocked as he caught a glimpse of red crimson chakra behind the latter.

Boruto quickly realized based on the reaction of Kakas.h.i.+. He slowly turned his head to face the presence that was behind him. By the time, that he fully turned around, He was then greeted by shocked and the current state of his young dad.

"D-Dad?" Boruto muttered under his breath. He almost stuttered as he saw his young dad fully engulfed in red crimson chakra. His eyes then made contact with those menacing crimson silted eyes. He then realized that this was not his young dad that was in front of him.

It was the Kyuubi no Youko himself.



"It's De Ja Vu again, I faced him before in that state and this time, it's five times more dangerous."


AN: Thank you for reading the chapter!