A Different Kind Of Journey - 29 Arc 2: Reconcilation

29 Arc 2: Reconcilation

I don't own Naruto. Kis.h.i.+moto Does.

Author's note: Hey there Readers! I'm back with a new chapter! I hope you guys enjoy! I would also like to thank you guys for the reviews, favorites, and follows :) Thank you for also sharing your tips and thoughts for the story.

Take note: Recently, The beta reader for this story will be very busy for awhile. So that means I will be alone on writing story. I'm just a beginner writer so please go easy on me whenever there is a mistake in the story.

Take note 2: It had been a very busy week for me. There are a lot of activities from school especially group presentations. But on a good note, I was able to find the free time to write.

Thank you for Understanding :)

Arc 2

Chapter 16: Reconciliation

There was all nothing but silence throughout the whole time. The cold air breeze blew through every part in the forest causing the trees to rustle as a sign that the conflict was finally over. Cerulean blue eyes stared at a certain red head who was resting on a nearby tree.

Naruto took a deep breath to calm himself down. He just couldn't completely erase his own thoughts about his friend. All the good memories just kept on rewinding in his mind. He couldn't feel any emotion with the exception for sorrow.

It can be considered a day of mourning, at least for the blonde. The rescue mission was a success but had a bittersweet ending. No one could really predict the outcome of the mission. It solely depended on what the team could've done as they were just all in this together. As for Naruto, he could say that they already did all they could have to save the red head but was this really going to be the ending?

Then a positive thought entered his mind.

He recalled what the blonde rookie had said to him awhile ago, that was to not lose any hope and just keep on believing that all of these would have a better outcome. At first, he began to have doubts about it. He wondered how all this could end well?

Naruto sighed.

"I hope you're right kid," he muttered to himself.

He took another looked at his red haired friend. He really looked peaceful as if he had had finally gotten rest after a very rough day. He guessed that this is how death would feel like when the time would come. If he was really going to have the same fate as his friend then he hoped that it would be just like a quick and peaceful ending.

After a few minutes of silent mourning, Naruto stood up. He proceeded to summon a clone to a.s.sist him on carrying the young Kazekage back towards the other two.

At the same time, a certain blonde rookie had quietly watched the whole scene unfold. Boruto could only give his young dad a sad look. The teenage blonde could feel the sorrow and loneliness in the atmosphere.

After brief moment of mourning with the latter, he proceeded to help the white haired instructor of the team to recover from the ground.

" Are you alright, Kakas.h.i.+-sensei?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. It's just that I should've never exhausted myself to the point that I can't even stand on my own now." Kakas.h.i.+ slightly chuckled. He knew that this would be very difficult right now. He slightly cringed as he could feel the muscles aching throughout his body.

"You have to be careful sensei or you wouldn't want the mask to drop down on the ground." Boruto said, joking. He tried to lighten up the mood for a bit.

Kakas.h.i.+ chuckled.

"I guess you're right. No one wants to see what's beneath this mask." he said as he finally stood up from the ground while the rookie blonde acted as his support.

"Yup, just small tiny mole on the chin," Boruto thought to himself. He had actually seen the full face of his Uncle Kakas.h.i.+ back in the future. He realized that he was indeed the photographer himself.

As the rookie finally helped the latter recover from the ground, their view was suddenly blocked by Naruto, who was carrying the young Kazekage along with an a.s.sistant clone.

"So where are we off to now?" he asked.

"Well, I received a message from Gai." Kakas.h.i.+ spoke. He would go on to explain that there was a nearby open field somewhere around the forest. The good thing was that they only needed follow a pathway towards the field, which was the main road itself.

Naruto nodded in understanding.

"Understood, Kakas.h.i.+-sensei." He just simply said.

Everyone was glad that there were no more battles to handle to right now. They were feeling a bit burnedout and exhausted about the whole ordeal. They immediately set out their journey towards the certain open field that they were told to go to. The open field would turn out to be everyone's meeting place.

As for Boruto, his thoughts directed to his little sister and raven haired teammate. He hoped that they were already in the meeting place in one piece.


"With all the things going around right now, you just hope for your friends and loved ones to be alright.



It was a surreal moment for one pink haired teen. She took comfort from cold breeze of the wind and especially her pleasant green surroundings. She currently found herself and others in an open field somewhere in the forest. She thought that this could be the perfect place for the rest of the team meet up with.

Sakura took a deep breath to released all the tension that was building up inside. She was glad that everything was over. Rescue missions much like this were a big challenge and most of them would end up very badly. As for this mission, she considered it much the same but it somehow end up in the most unexpected way possible.

The pink haired Kunouchi then darted her eyes towards the raven haired rookie who was still in her sleeping state. She gave a smile of relief as she was glad that the girl hadn't sustain any serious injuries and was alright. There was this strange feeling that she was having around the rookie. It seemed that during the fight with Sasori, she felt this great sense of worry building up inside of her. It was an unexplainable thing as she didn't know the girl personally and she had just met her in this mission.

"Sarada," She muttered the rookie's name under her breath. The name itself sounded so familiar. She also wondered why her name was based on a "Salad". Whoever gave her that name, that certain person must really like salad to begin with.

She also wondered about the latter's background. Having solely heard the information from the Lady Hokage herself, she felt really sorry for the girl. It must've been hard for her to lose her whole family in that small village which was destroyed by raiders and bandits. But with such a past how could she stay in the positive side for a long period of time?

Lastly, she wondered about the girl's abilities. Yes, she was a rookie and newbie, but how did she manage to hold herself against an S rank nin just like Sasori? Let alone the fact that she was very much unaware the existence of the powerful Akatsuki organization. Plus was there something that she did to change the heart of the red haired puppeteer and single-handedly made him surrender to them. Just who was this girl?


"I really can't say if Lady Tsunade placed an undercover S rank s.h.i.+n.o.bi in out team. She looked as if she was really a rookie.


Not too long, the raven haired girl began to wake up. She felt thather consciousness was coming back up. She slowly opened her eyes and only to be greeted by the sunlight which made her cringed for a bit.

"What happened?" she muttered.

Sakura, who was on her thoughts, immediately noticed the girl. She proceeded to aid her and a.s.sisted her on taking a seating position.

When she finally opened her eyes her vision was blurry, Sarada immediately thought of her gla.s.ses. She tried to look for it around her surroundings. Sakura, who had the gla.s.ses, quickly drew it from her back pack and offered back to the girl.

"Here are your gla.s.ses." Sakura simply said.

Sarada stared briefly at the pink haired Kunouichi before taking gla.s.ses from the girl's hands.

"Thank you" she said simply, as she placed her gla.s.ses back so that she can finally see the world around her clearly.

By the time her vision became clearer, The Uchiha girl widened her eyes as she found herself in a different place, which was an open field. She began to wonder how she got here. She recalled the ordeal back in the cave where she was fighting against the red haired puppeteer and then after that she became unconscious.

"Are you alright, Sarada?" the familiar voice of Sakura interrupted her thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm fine, what happened by the way?" she asked. She really had a lot of questions going around her mind.

Sakura gave the girl a smile. She would go on to explain that because of her the battle ended abruptly thus preventing more damage and casualties. The surprising part is that she managed to defeat the red haired puppeteer and made him surrender.

Sarada blinked a couple of times. She was just absorbing all these new information which was impossible to believe. She was even more shocked to hear that the red head himself volunteered to help carry her on a stretcher when she was still unconscious.

Sarada then moved her eyes and darted towards a certain direction where the red head was located. He was just sitting there on the gra.s.sy ground. She also noticed that elder Chiyo was also heading towards the man.

What could possibly happen next?


"After going through all those things, I just hope everything is alright."



Sasori took the time to be just himself as he sat down on the gra.s.sy ground of the open field. He gazed at the beautiful blue sky and along with the cold breeze of the wind; it seemed to be a perfect scenery at the moment.

"I never thought that it would be this beautiful." Sasori commented. The feelings started to show up. He felt amazed at what he was seeing. It had been a long time since he had been like this.

Thoughts were now going around the red head's mind. There was feeling of relief that he felt. A sense of freedom, as if he was released from this cage that had trapped him for a long time. He suddenly felt being reborn again into his old self. He thought about the message that the raven haired girl pa.s.sed onto him. The message about that there is still hope for him to change into a better person.

If there is really for hope for him to change, then will the sand village accept him back? Will his grandmother forgive him for the atrocities that he committed back when he was still a member of the organization? There were still doubts yet to be cleared.

"Sasori?" familiar voice then called his name. The red head then turned around to face his grandmother who was giving him a warm smile.

Chiyo stood there waiting for her grandson's response. She had to admit that she was a bit nervous on engaging a conversation with him. There was this little awkwardness that she felt and she was already wondering what had made him change heart and willingly surrender. Was this really her grandson?

"Obachan?" Sasori simply said. He gave his grandmother a warm smile like any grandchild would give to his grandmother.

Lady Chiyo was kind of shocked to hear that from her grandson. It had been years since she heard him call her by that term. In fact, she was really touched by the time he said that. A few moments later, there was this round of emotions that began to build up inside of her. Not too soon, tears began to fall from her eyes as that emotion finally took over her.

Sasori was caught by surprised as he was suddenly pulled into a tight and warmed embrace by his grandmother. He could hear her sobbing on his shoulders. At the same time, returned the hug back. For the first time ever, his emotions were finally out after so many years.

"Sasori," These were the only word that she could let out in the midst of her emotions. She dearly missed her grandson. She still loved him as a family for all these years.

As for the red headed puppeteer himself, he never felt so much love before. He finally realized that for all these years since he was child, there was this one person that really loved him. His grandmother, Chiyo.


Sarada and Sakura were secretly watching the whole scene unfold. They were very much surprised on how it turned out. It seemed that a heartwarming reunion was taking place right before their eyes.

Sakura felt touched by the scene and had a tear fell from her eye. The pink haired girl never knew that such things would happen on a good note just like this. Whoever knew that Lady Chiyo would be finally reunited with her grandson and reconcile with him.

Oh how she wished that this would happen to her team, especially if Sasuke ever came back to the village.

As for Sarada, the raven haired teen just smiled. She really loved reunions to be honest, especially if those certain people haven't met in years. She also had to secretly let go some of her emotions. She didn't want to be an emotionless puppet

Silence had yet again taken over. As the heartfelt reunion continued, it was then again broken by two certain people.

"Please Tenten! Let me explain!" the voice of a familiar person could be heard all over the place.

"For the last time, I won't be talking to you Lee!" the voice of female person spoke this time.

The two girls then turned around to face Bushy Brow and Tenten, who was on an ongoing argument. It seemed that the brown haired girl was trying to not talk to him while the other pleaded for her listen to his explanation.

Both Sakura and Sarada sighed. It looked like those two were alright and safe. Now they have to wait for the others to come here.


"I really don't understand Sasori, what made you want to help us?"

Lady Chiyo had gotten straight to the point. She had a lot of questions running around her mind. She wanted to get the bigger picture on the reason why her grandson had a change of heart. Who or what made him realized about it.

Sasori simply smiled. He knew what to tell his grandmother. He was going to tell her the whole truth about what had happened and what made him realized that there was still hope for him to change into a better person. He would go on to explained that this certain raven haired girl was the one responsible for changing him and with just one smile of encouragement, it really opened his eyes to a bigger picture.

The elder puppeteer was surprised and shocked to hear this revelation coming from her grandson. To see a person with hardened heart can be somehow changed by a certain person, who had a positive outlook in life, was really a surprising thing. Chiyo then briefly glanced back to see that the girl was now awake from her slumber.

"What an interesting girl," Chiyo muttered. She had a feeling that this girl is very special and that she would somehow play a bigger role in the future.

"Obachan?" her thoughts were then interrupted yet again by the latter.

"Yes, Sasori?" she said.

Sasori took a deep breath. He knew that he committed a lot of bad things but this was the only way that he could finally let go of everything including his past and the main thing that he was looking for was forgiveness.

"I'm sorry for all the things that I've done, I'm sorry that I wasn't the good grandson that you have," he apologized sincerely. His lowered his pride and confidence as he finally revealed his true self.

He also told the latter information that she didn't know. He finally admitted that he was the one responsible for the third Kazekage's disappearance and he really turned him into one of his own creations. He also told the reason on why left the sand village. To pursue his own ambitions that were deemed as selfish.

Chiyo felt a little bit of pain inside her when she heard the big truths that her grandson was revealing. Her doubts were now clear about the reasons of him leaving the village. She was beginning to blame herself for not taking care of her grandson when he was child. She left him in a situation where the latter had no one to go to.

"I also wanted to apologize to you for not being there all the time. I am maybe the worst grandmother!" Chiyo said. She explained her side of the story that she blamed herself for not looking after the latter when he was child years ago.

Sasori just simply smiled. He then placed a hand on the elder's shoulder. Everyone has its own faults, no one was perfect being.

"It's alright Obachan, I forgive you." he said simply.

Chiyo took a sigh of relief. She could finally breath normally. The burdens of the past were also removed from her.

"Thank you, and I forgive you too." she said.

"Will the sand village accept me back?" Sasori asked.

Chiyo gave the latter a serious look. Since he was an S rank criminal, then he will have to go through the long process of trials, serving jail time and interrogations. But she a.s.sured him that she will be there to guide him throughout.

Sasori nodded.

"I understand." he said. He was ready for any process that he is placed into once gets there.

As for Chiyo, she would do her best to help her grandson. The only thing that she was worried about is that she doesn't have enough time. She was old and was just waiting for Kami's sign to take her away. She needed to make the entire time as valuable as possible.

There was this feeling that she might not make it. She thought of the Kazekage. If he really was gone then she had no choice but to do it. This was the only way to atone for her sin of sealing the beast inside the young man many years back.

"Sasori.=," She called her grandson once again who immediately caught her attention.

"If I won't make it, promise me that you would continue to keep the legacy alive."


Tenten and Rock Lee couldn't believe their eyes. This was the first time they've heard that an Akatsuki member willingly surrendered and even cooperated with the rest. When they learned that one certain raven haired rookie was the one responsible for the entire conclusion, they were pretty impressed.

As for Sarada, She was pretty much busy on contacting her blonde teammate and Himawari through the walkie talkie. They hadn't been answering her calls except for Himawari's group, who told her that they were on their way.

Several minutes had pa.s.sed, to second group finally arrived at the scene. They were obviously exhausted and battered from their journey. The first thing that Sarada did was to finally reunite with the lavender haired teen.

"Hima, are you alright?" Sarada asked by the time everything had settled down.

Himawari nodded.

"Yes, Saradnee! Where is Nii-chan by the way?" She asked.

Sarada sighed.

"That's what I was going to asked." she explained.

"Have you tried to contact him through the walkie?" She added.

Himawari shook her head.

"Well, I tried but he wouldn't answer." She explained. All could she could hear was static.

Sarada was confused. What could've happened to him? She was really getting worried right now.


The journey through the forest was very much uneventful. Silence was the one in charge of it all. No one said a word. They were all pretty much exhausted from the whole ordeal that happened awhile ago. They found themselves heading towards the final meeting place in one piece.

As for Boruto, his mind was very much alive. While he was a.s.sisting the exhausted Kakas.h.i.+, He also kept observing his young dad who was busy supporting his red haired friend along with a single clone. The blonde teenager gave a sad look.

"Kakas.h.i.+-sensei?" he whispered to the white haired man whom he was a.s.sisting at the moment.

"Yes what is it kid?" Kakas.h.i.+ replied.

"I just wanted to ask this. Why do you think Naruto cares so much about the Kazekage not as a friend but something more important to his life?" he straightforwardly asked. He wanted to know more information about his young dad's relations.h.i.+p with the Kazekage.

Kakas.h.i.+ sighed.

"Well it's really a very long story but let's just say that both of them host the tailed beast inside of them," he said. He would go on to explain that the two were enemies back then and Naruto himself, brought the red head back from the brink of insanity.

Boruto was just wide eye listening. He again was receiving all these stories that his old man never told him back home. In fact, he was told that all Jinchurikkis would have that kind of life. Luckily for Naruto, he realized that there were these people that really cared for him and he was not completely fallen of the darkness.

"I suggest that you guys should get to know him more. He is in fact a good person to be honest," Kakas.h.i.+ explained. His student was not that scary as many rumors said. Some worthless people are just spreading some false news to make a bad image of him.

Boruto smiled.

"Thanks for telling me sensei, My little sister is actually excited to be friends with him," he said.

"Oh you mean Miss Himawari?" Kakas.h.i.+ asked while the other just simply nodded.

"Oh yes! She is the happiest girl I've ever seen," he added. He had to admit that he had never seen the girl get angry or cried. She was really indeed the most positive type of person that he'd ever seen.

Boruto then darted his eyes back towards his young dad. He just hoped that there would still be a way for his friend to be brought back. Sure, everyone would say that there is no hope of bringing him back. Although, for him, he still believed that everything would end in a good note.


Not too long, the last group finally arrived at the meeting place. Everyone rushed to their aid and did whatever they can to help the guys. Sarada and Himawari were the most worried as they quickly rushed to the blonde to help him a.s.sist the older jounin.

"Are you alright?" Sarada worriedly asked. She immediately checked her teammate for any signs of injuries or damage but luckily he was in one piece.

Boruto was about to say something when he was suddenly hugged by his little sister.

"Nii-chan! I'm so glad you're alright, we were so worried about you!" Himawari exclaimed. She really missed her big brother since they got separated awhile back.

"Yeah I missed you too Hima, but you're really squeezing the heck out of me," Boruto gave away all his breath just to tell the latter to stop hugging him.

"Oops! Sorry about that. Hehe," Himawari apologized. She was scratching the back of her head and grinning all the way. She really earned her reputation as the monster hugger.

Sarada just shook her head.

" Oh you two." She commented. The Uzumaki siblings were really the goofiest and happiest brother and sister she had ever seen in her life.

As the reunion came into full swing. Neji and Hanabi also joined the scene followed by the rest of Team 8. For at least a brief moment, there were a couple of laughters to be heard, the loudest of all of them were from Might Gai himself.

Naruto secretly observed them. He gave a smile as he was glad that all of them were alright. For a brief moment, he could feel the warmth and peace that he was looking for but as he then turned around, all of that vanished in an instant.

He first looked at the elder Chiyo and Sasori, he was caught by surprise then by the time he saw the former Akatsuki member, he then tried to question why he was here but the elder puppeteer just simply explained to him that he willingly surrendered. Naruto nodded and understood what the latter explained to him.

He then observed his pink haired teammate who was checking the red head for any signs of life. He really hoped there was a way to bring him back. By the time, his pink haired teammate finished checking him; she gave the blonde a sad looked indicating that it was too late. There was nothing that she could do.

The atmosphere then took a sudden turn. The wind grew blew strong. The others immediately felt the presence and turned around to face the teen who slumped down on his knees.

Naruto silently cried. He was not crying because of the emotions but he was crying because everything was now over and his friend was finally rescued from the Akatsuki. If he was really gone, then he could only wish that he would have peace now.

Boruto and Himawari stood there and watched their young father. The siblings immediately went to the latter. They tried their best to comfort their dad as possible. Himawari felt the sorrow as she gave her young dad a warm embrace.

On the other hand, Boruto could only watched, if he only had the power to bring things back but the sad truth of it all is that there's nothing he can do about it. Although, He still kept his faith up. He still kept believing that there was still a way.

Moments had pa.s.sed as silence had taken over the surroundings. Everyone was silent. They were all mourning with the blonde teenager. As everything seemed to be over, a very unlikely person headed towards to the spot where the Kazekage rested.

Boruto widened his eyes in surprised as he noticed that Lady Chiyo slowly walked pa.s.sed by the others towards to his young dad's side.

By the time she finally arrived at the spot. She then knelt down next to the Kazekage and in front of a silent Naruto, who gave her a surprised face.

Lady Chiyo smiled.

"Even though I'm at in this current stage of my life, there are things that still baffled me to this day," The elder puppeteer said. She then placed both of her hand on the Kazekage's chest.

"I always thought that during my younger days times were better than they are now. Although, I realized that this generation would achieve greater peace and progress that we've dreamed of since," She explained. Moments later, her hands glowed emitting Chakra on the red head's chest.

Naruto, who noticed the glowing chakra instinctively placed his hands together with the latter's and the glowing chakra immediately glowed brighter than before.

Chiyo just simply sighed. She then turned her eyes towards the blonde teenager. She remembered on what the white haired Jounin had told her about him, his dreams of being the leader of his village someday and a goal of changing the world.

"This power of yours that Kakas.h.i.+ spoke of is special. It will change the future," She explained.

As for the time travelling trio, they completely agreed with the latter. That power will really changed and make the world a better place.

As moments pa.s.sed, Chiyo knew that her time was almost coming to an end.

"Though these will be the final hours of my life, at least I did something right," She explained.

"I believed that the sand village may need a young promising leader that will lead them towards the future," Chiyo added. She then raised her head up and observed the rest.

"Thank you for giving me this experience. It changed my views and made me into a better person," She thanked the rest. She then turned her eyes towards the pink haired girl and gave her a nod.

"As for you my dear child, you will help a lot of people in the future." Chiyo added. She meant for the girl to never give up no matter what.

As her time finally neared, she took one last looked at her grandson. She gave the red head a warm farewell smile.

"Sasori, promise me that you will guide the next generation," She said.

"I will," Sasori nodded. He was going to this promise.

Chiyo smiled.

"I will always be there to watching over you. Remember grandma Loves you!"

Sasori on the other hand, tried to keep his emotions but slowly the tears flowed from his eyes.

"Obachan," he could only mutter the word.

With all said and done, Chiyo looked up and gazed at the blue sky. She then closed her eyes took one last deep breath and smiled.

"I wonder what heaven will be like."


"Well, there's nothing I could do but just to give this young man a new life. I had my life and it's their turn to lead towards a better future.



AN: Thank you for reading the chapter!