A Different Kind Of Journey - 21 Arc 2: Sand Part 2

21 Arc 2: Sand Part 2

I don't own Naruto. Kis.h.i.+moto Does.

Author's note: Hey there Readers!, I'm back with a new chapter! I Hope you guys enjoy! I would also like to thank you guys for the Reviews. Favorites, and follows :) Thank you for also sharing your tips and thoughts for the story.

I'm still recovering from sickness but I was able to find time to write the chapter.

Take note: This chapter is a bit short.

Thank you for understanding :)

(Beta Edited by: Terrafox2002

Arc 2:

Chapter 22: Sand Part 2

Black onyx eyes observed as the large boulder opened to reveal the two other members of the Akatsuki. It was no doubt that the two were Deidara and Sasori who dragged the unconscious body of the lastest Jinchuriki, The Kazekage himself Gaara of the Sand.

The Uchiha secretly showed his disgust of the two. They treated the person with no respect even though the person was just an unconscious sh.e.l.l. Who could have thought these two would eventually get along. They were the perfect tandem, The blonde man specialized on forbidden explosion jutsu's while the other has the skills of a puppet master.

Itachi could only sigh. This organization has so many stranged members from different walks of life. It's only a matter of time before the tailed beast inside of the Jinchurikki will be extracted from him thus taking away another life in this world.

"Alright Fellas, our mission is finally accomplished!" The arrogant voice of Deidara could be heard all over the cave. This even made the latter annoyed. How he wished he'd never had to recruit him back then.

At the same time, the ground suddenly erupted and a giant statue with a face of a hundred eyes, and a number of giant hands which were attached on the statue emerged from the ground and a few moments later, holograms or silhouettes of the members started to appear one by one.

The extracting ritual was beginning to take shape and later on a meeting was going to be held. The Uchiha could only hope that his beloved village would send a team right now.


"But Lady Chiyo! You're the only one who can extract the poison from Kankuro!"

Baki pleaded with the elder woman. He was very desperate to save the young man, who was the Kazekage's older brother. Apparently, the brown-haired young man had attempted to save his brother but failed as the Akatsuki were just too much for him to handle.

A tall man with two distinctive, red markings on his face. He was a man of good principle. He was very loyal to the sand village and would do everything that he can just to save the young man's life. He was the only survivor as the rest of the team that was sent to rescue the Kazekage were wiped out.

Lady Chiyo was the only one who had the ability to heal the young man. In fact, he thought that she was the only one who had more medical knowledge than the medics here in the village. He hoped that she could help extract the lethal poison out of the young man's body.

"I told you Baki, I don't have any more business with the village's affairs." Chiyo stood by her word. She refused to attend the latter's wounds. Her companion, Ebizo just stood there and watched the whole scene unfold.

Baki could only show his disappointment. Although, he still never gave up despite the criticism of the two towards himself. It was true that he was not a very efficient leader as the Kazekage but he will do whatever he can to help.

"The young man is reckless, he should have never faced the enemy all by himself," Ebizo commented, he was the younger brother of the elder woman herself. He expressed the reckless att.i.tude of the younger generation nowadays.

Chiyo gave a looked towards the man." That's why the Sand village will never prosper. Their system is too dependent on foreign ent.i.ties. She expressed her disappointment towards the lack of experience of the s.h.i.+n.o.bi in this village. Even the Medic-nin were not enough to fully take care of the young man.

"With due respect, Lady Chiyo, but your grandson was the one responsible for this." Baki finally told the truth.

Chiyo, who had decided to stay away from the scene, suddenly stopped her tracks. She widened her eyes and turned back around to looked at the man who was in charge of handling the current situation.

"Sasori." She muttered. She was really surprised when the man mentioned her grandson. All the memories came back to her.

"Please Lady Chiyo."

The elder woman just sighed. She really had no choice. Instead of walking out, she decided to change her mind and walked back to the injured young man's aid. She had really no choice right now.

"Alright, I will do whatever I can to help."


"I usually don't lend a hand to a.s.sist on situations such as this nowadays, but if it concerns my grandson, then I am already a part of that situation."



The journey to the sand was nearing completion. After going through the forest, the group had finally reached the vast desert and along with a small road acting as a guide that will lead them to their destination, the group was on the right track.

The group resumed their journey by early dawn which the sun was just beginning to set. This was in order to catch up on the deadline and maybe arrived earlier than expected just to reach the injured Kankuro and finally treat him.

As for the time travelling trio, they just prepared themselves from what's to come. Since they were in the desert, a large sandstorm was expected to pa.s.s by them and they really have to hurry if they don't want to caught up in that sandstorm.

Boruto gazed at the sunrise which was rising above the sandstorm that was fast approaching. He then turned to his little sister and Uchiha teammate and observed them. He hoped that they were alright and not tired by the recent journey.

As time pa.s.sed by, the group finally caught a glimpse of the sand village from a few distances away. They were finally close to their destination when they found out that the sandstorm was just on their doorstep.

"You've got to kidding me!" Boruto exclaimed in his mind. He then darted his eyes towards the rest who were finally running on full speed.

He glanced back at the view where the sun once was and saw in horror that the sandstorm had blocked the sunlight and was now coming towards them like a giant tidal more than 5 minutes that sandstorm finally was just on their doorstep.

Although, luck with being on their side as there was a small cave nearby. Kakas.h.i.+ widened his eyes, the small cave could now be a perfect spot to wait for the sandstorm to pa.s.s.

"Everybody! Into that small cave right now!" Kakas.h.i.+ instructed the rest to follow him to the cave.


"The Sandstorm was really a hindrance to the mission. It definitely cost us an amount of time and we were forced to wait it all out."


By the time they've arrived at the cave, the sandstorm had finally engulfed the outside world and the team decided to stay in the cave until the sandstorm pa.s.sed by.

It was all nothing but silence, as they waited and waited for it pa.s.sed. Naruto, whose now getting impatient once again, tried to go out from the cave by himself but was stopped by Sensei.

"Dammit! We have no time Kakas.h.i.+-sensei!" Naruto protested. He was really nearing his boiling point again.

"Calm down, Naruto We really don't have a choice but to wait for the storm to pa.s.s," Kakas.h.i.+ explained.

Sakura sighed but frowned." Will you just relax Naruto and be patient?" The pink haired girl scolded the blonde.

"I think Temari is more worried than you," Sakura added as she beckoned the blonde to turned his eyes to the blonde haired woman.

Temari sat down in silence, her thoughts were running deep and she was so used to seeing sandstorms that she was not panicking at all. She then took a deep breath.

"There is an important rule here in our place, whenever there is a sandstorm, it also means death for anyone who comes across it outside," Temari explained. She also told the others that many people disappeared and went missing because of the sandstorm.

Naruto had no choice but to force himself to calm down. There was really no choice for now but to sit down and wait.

Meanwhile, the time travelling trio just kept quiet but they were listening to the conversation the whole time.

"Temari-san, how long will the sandstorm pa.s.sed by the way?" Boruto asked which caught the attention of everybody.

Temari simply smiled." Since this sandstorm is quite weak, Maybe around 5 to 10 minutes." She explained. Didn't she inform everybody that she was used to the climate here?

"Well, that's great! At least we don't have to wait much longer!" Naruto exclaimed. He was really getting desperate and impatient.

Himawari and Sarada just observed their the blonde. They both really were not used to seeing a young hyperactive Dad and Seventh Hokage. Although, they both understood him now.

Five minutes had already pa.s.sed and after a little waiting, the sandstorm had pa.s.sed. The group was finally allowed to go out and continue their journey to the sand village which just a few miles away.

By the time, the group reached their final destination, they were immediately met by the guards at the main gates. It turns out that they were already had been expected to arrive at the infirmary, where the Kazekage's brother was located.


It was a dark day for the village of the sand. Their beloved leader, the Kazekage himself was captured and possibly on the lines of death right now. The whole place was considered mourning and there was the silence that echoed through the whole village.

Lady Chiyo was not one of those mourners. In fact, she refused to mourn with the villagers. She was, even more, disappointed with the fact that how the people here quickly lose hope that their young leader is now gone. This is one of the reasons why she had lost hope with this village.

The elder puppeteer stared outside one of the windows of the Kazekage building. The sandstorm had receded and the sun was back in its glory. Just a while ago, she had failed to fully heal the young man. It was impossible and beyond her expertise to extract the poison from the younger's body.

She could see the disappointment of everybody when she didn't manage to do her job. She could only temporarily relieve the pain from him. She also explained that only the fifth Hokage could heal and extract the poison fully from the young man. She doubted that the leaf village would send someone good of a medic as the great slug princess.

"Will there be hope?" She wondered. She already lost her grandson from the evil of the world and now had come back to put everyone in the village in disarray. Who will solve this current conflict happening right now?

By the time she got back at the infirmary where the young Kankuro was confined, She was then greeted by the silent faces of the staff and Baki. She almost looked away from them as she didn't want to see their faces of anguish.

Although, at the same time, sounds of many footsteps can be heard heading towards the infirmary. By the time the footsteps reached the room, a group of people from the leaf village suddenly showed and entered the room by themselves.

"A team from the leaf village?" Chiyo wondered and asked. She was surprised and all her doubts were instantly washed away but except that Tsunade wasn't on the team.

"Sorry, we're late!" Sakura apologized as she headed towards the injured young man immediately as possible.

"Kankuro!" Temari exclaimed her brother's name. She was extremely worried and was trying not to breakdown in tears. She did all that she could just to comfort her big brother from the pain.

On the other hand, Chiyo was caught by the surprised and was followed by shocked when she saw a white-haired man with a mask from a terrible memory of past.

The elder woman widened her eyes and raged started to fuel her mind. She knew that white-haired man personally." White Fang of the leaf!" She exclaimed as she stepped off from her former position in an attempt to charge at the man but was stopped by her brother, Ebiso.

Kakas.h.i.+ who just entered the infirmary was suddenly caught by the surprised and was just about to position into his defensive stance. Even his blonde student summoned a shadow clone just to protect him from any surprise attacks.

"Take a closer look elder sister," Ebiso said. He would go on to explain that the man was not the white fang himself but different person.

Chiyo immediately realized and had let her guard down. She was just really caught up in the moment right now." My apologies, young man." She said.

Kakas.h.i.+ could only smile." It's alright Ma'am." He said as went to the latter and greeted her with respect.

"Sorry about that, I must be getting old," Chiyo explained. She also gave a chuckle to show him that she was making amends with the white-haired man.

"What's your name, young man?" Ebiso asked.

The white-haired man then smiled." Kakas.h.i.+ Hatake, Sir." Kakas.h.i.+ formally introduced his name to the old man He would go on to explain that he was not the White Fang of the village. That person died a very long time ago and that was his father.


" My father really had commited a lot of atrocities during those times. I really felt sorry and saddened for the families of the s.h.i.+n.o.bi that he had killed, including the family of Lady Chiyo."


"I'm glad he didn't grew up to be like his father and continued his legacy."



From behind the scenes, Boruto, Hinawari and Sarada were witnessing this silently. By the time things finally settled down, the three found themselves sitting on the corner and watching the scene unfold.

"Would you think Uncle Kankuro will be alright?" Boruto whispered to his raven-haired teammate.

Sarada could only sigh." I really don't know Boruto, but I hope with Mama here, he would be healed in no time." She explained. She had high trust for her young mom.

"Don't worry guys, I'm sure everything will be alright," Himawari said. She just stayed positive throughout this whole time.

As for Sarada, this was something important for her personally. She was going to witness her young mother, who was going to be the one who is handling the emergency treatment of the injured young man. She personally heard stories from her mother's closest friends that they told her that she was the best medic nin that ever was since the Fifth Hokage.

However, by fate or by coincidence, She was suddenly called up by the pink haired girl herself which she did not expect.

"Sarada." The raven-haired girl heard the voice of her young mom as she looked up to see everybody looking at her.

The raven-haired girl then glanced from both sides of her direction. A few moments later she finally realized that she was the one that the latter called.

"Me?" Sarada was a bit dumbfounded. She then immediately stood up and headed to where the pink haired girl was located.

"Uhmm, Do you need something Sakura?" The raven-haired girl asked. She was unsure of what was going to happen next.


"I was quite surprised when my teenage Mama called me up to a.s.sist her. I didn't know what to say at that moment other than just do whatever is right and I'm glad that as observers, I could finally contribute my skills.


"I think is quite common for her to be called upon in situations like this. I guess she's just too good of you know what I mean"(Chuckles)


Sakura nodded." Yes, since you're here as an observer, I might as well teach you some stuff." The pink haired girl then explained that it was also her job to teach the rookies and this was her chance to teach the basics of being a medic nin and at least maybe pa.s.sed her some knowledge.

Sarada was surprised. She had never expected this kind of thing. But she was here now and the only thing that she can do is to help.

"So are you with me?" Sakura asked. She felt that this girl will have the potential of becoming a great medic nin in the future.

Sarada blinked a couple of times, before snapping back into seriousness. She then took a pair of gloves from the metallic tray which contained the medical equipment. She was determined to prove that she was going to be a great medical expert just like her mom was.

She then gave a glanced at her blonde teammate, who gave her a smile of encouragement.

As for Boruto, He just smiled confidently as he knew that his raven-haired teammate was a great medic nin. In fact, she was a medic nin back home. One of the best on the team.

Sarada took a deep breath as she finally donned the gloves. She also pulled her hair into a ponytail as a sign that she was prepared for this thing.

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"Alright! Let's do this then!"


AN: Thank you for reading the chapter :)