A Different Kind Of Journey - 22 Arc 2: Getting The Job Done

22 Arc 2: Getting The Job Done

I don't own Naruto. Kis.h.i.+moto Does.

Author's note: Hey there Readers!, I'm back with a new chapter! I Hope you guys enjoy! I would also like to thank you guys for the Reviews. Favorites, and follows :) Thank you for also sharing your tips and thoughts for the story.

I'm still recovering from sickness but I was able to find time to write the chapter.

Take note: This chapter is a bit short.

Thank you for understanding :)

(Beta Edited by Tefafox2002)

Arc 2:

Chapter 9: Getting the Job Done

Silence had took over the room. Everyone's eyes was on the two kunoichi who was treating the injured brother of the Kazekage. It was like they were all witnesses to some operating session.

Sakura was pretty impressed on how the raven haired girl was handling the situation. It was as if she had the abilities of a medic nin. She quietly observed how the latter performed the basic steps of an emergency operation and described it as being gracefully executed.

As for their audience, it was clearly the same reaction throughout. Their reactions were either of awe or amazement. Kakas.h.i.+ wondered about this raven haired rookie, based on the reports that he got from the Lady Hokage herself, she had basically no knowledge on how to be a medic nin and yet here she was performing flawlessly like she was no beginner. Naruto, on the other hand just watched in amazement, he was witnessing the powers of a medic nin in front of his eyes.

Boruto and Himawari just simply watched the whole scene unfold. They were not even surprised about their raven haired girl's abilities. In fact, she was really medic-nin back home and was also considered one of the best there is at the time, a lot of young ninja looked up to her.

Sarada could only sigh. She didn't want to show off. She was just eager to learn more and very much wanted to contribute whatever she can to help. By the time they were going to extract the poison out from the young man's body, her teenage mother instructed the staff to hold him as this was gonna be really painful.

Temari stayed by her brother's side to comfort him. Sarada, having noticed this, secretly activated her sharingan and called the injured young man to looked into her eyes. When Kankuro did looked into her eyes, he suddenly felt relaxed and his consciousness started to fade away.


"He was really in pain and He was on the verge of getting hysterical. So I did what was logical and necessary just to calm him down. This procedure, from what I know can eat up a lot of anyone's time."


Sakura, holding the huge bubble on her hand then inserted it through the young man's chest. Surprisingly, it did not made the man hysterical as usually people would be screaming in pain during this procedure.

"There there now." Sarada comforted Temari and Kankuro. She felt that with her help, the procedure will end on a peaceful note.

By the time the poison, which was now in inside the bubble-like container which was being extracted from his body, Kankuro began to spring back to consciousness as he was breathing heavily in and out.

"What happened?" Kankuro asked, as he wasn't aware of what really happened just now. It was as if he was hypnotized by someone.

"You're alright now Kankuro, the poison is out from your body. You are safe now." Sakura explained as she pulled her back to its usual common form.

Temari took a deep breath and sighed in relief has the tension in her body vanished. She didn't have to worry anymore." Thank you for saving Kankuro." She said.

"Although Temari-san, your brother is going to need to drink a dose of the antidote." Sarada explained. She would go on to tell that there are still toxins left inside his body and a dose of that antidote is needed to fully wipe out the toxins.

Sakura was about to say the exact same thing but the latter had already beaten her to it. She observed the raven haired girl, who finally removed her gloves and pulled back her ponytail. Curiosity had finally got the best of her. Who was this girl exactly? Is she even a rookie?

As for Sarada, All the work was finished so far. By the time she got back and reunited with the Uzumaki siblings, He was then met by the silent and serious looked of her blonde teammate.

"Hey something the matter?" Sarada asked. She was visibly concerned right now while Boruto could only sighed back. This was really something important to be discussed with.

"Saradchan can we talk in private?"


As the day finally continued, a large part of the mission was accomplished. The team managed to arrived in time and had somehow saved the Kazekage's brother before he succ.u.mbed into the poison that was inflicted to by none of other than Sasori of the Sand.

The white haired man, who was thinking about what had happened earlier on today, sighed. He found himself a quiet area to rest for awhile, as it was quite an eventful day for him. First, he had managed his student's temper of bursting his frustrations towards the rookies, second, he had guided them throughout the journey and all that it entailed and lastly, he was mistaken for his father.

The ordeals had really tired him out by this point, but of course it was his duty to help the Sand Village and he would never give up. His thoughts then went back to the three rookies, and in particular, the raven haired girl, who was a.s.sisting his only female student. He didn't know what he saw a while ago but when he looked into her eyes, he thought that she saw red eyes with three tomoes, which was none other than the Sharingan.


"I'm not really sure on what was I seeing back there, but I guess maybe because of exhaustion and the stress that I was currently experiencing awhile back."


The white haired jounin, rubbed a hand over his face and sighed yet again. What had gotten to the Lady Hokage? Just where did she get these new rookies? There was really something about them and he had to find out, or maybe he was just tired and going crazy at the same time? Maybe he really should stop reading his orange books.

"Kakas.h.i.+-sensei?" The voice of Naruto then interrupted his thoughts, he thought that no one would be able to find him here but he was wrong. He looked up to the blonde himself, staring at him.

"Yes, what is it?" Kakas.h.i.+ asked.

"I think you're being called inside, They wanted to talked to you for awhile."


The sound of hot tea could be heard being poured into a cup. The Sarada and Boruto found themselves inside the building's small canteen area. Sarada was a bit bewildered and confused that the blonde wanted privately talk to her and for what actually? Is there something wrong that she did just now?

"Saradchan." The raven haired girl's thoughts were then interrupted by the blonde himself as she looked up to see her teammate carrying the tray of snacks, which consists of some sandwiches and hot drinks such as the tea and a hot chocolate milk.

"Oh thank you Boruto." Sarada thanked her blonde teammate, who finally sat down in front of her.

There was a bit of silence that took over their area. They quietly enjoyed their food before the blonde finally spoke up.

"Uhmm, there is something that I wanted to ask." Boruto said as he munched his sandwich.

"Yes, what is it?" Sarada asked. She was a bit confused right now.

"Did you used your Sharingan awhile ago?" Boruto asked. The blonde saw the whole thing, but he just wanted clarification from the girl.

Sarada just kept quiet for a few moments before finally opening her mouth." Yes I did." She simply said. She then would go on to explain that the reason for activating her sharingan was to make the young man relaxed and to not feel the pain from the extraction of the poison.

Boruto nodded in understanding." I understand your intentions but I had noticed that Uncle Kakas.h.i.+ was observing you the whole time." The blonde explained.

Sarada widened her eyes in shocked and surprised. She did not expected that. She was actually unaware of everyone watching her during the procedure. The raven haired girl almost choked in her sandwich, panic began to take over her but she managed to calm herself down.

"Oh no Boruto then that means..." Sarada, with a shocked expression, trailed off. She was just loss for words right now.

"Calm down Saradchan." Boruto said. He would go on to explained that he also did his part by conversing with the white haired man to distract him from the procedure just now.


"Well, I basically did my part back there, whatever things that I could contribute and It was a relief for us that it succeeded."

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The raven haired girl just sighed in relief. She thought the secret was out but thanks to her blonde teammate, It was all in one piece.

As the conversation continued. Both of the teens then discussed if whether they will play a big role in this mission. Since, the Kazekage's brother had been saved, the next step was to locate the exact the location of where their Uncle Gaara is being held.

"You know, I think this observing thing is getting out of hand." Boruto commented. He was really doubting the position that Granny Tsunade a.s.signed them. They were not really observers, they were s.h.i.+n.o.bi now.

"You got a point." Sarada agreed. It's only a matter of time before they're gonna find themselves at the front rows of the mission.

Plus who knows besides the Akatsuki are out there. It was a big world out there. The only thing they can do is expect the unexpected. At one point they're gonna have to engaged the enemy in a fight.

"Hey guys!"

The voice of Himawari then interrupted their conversation. The two looked at the lavender haired girl who was taking a deep breaths from exhaustion.

"Is something the matter Himchan?" Boruto asked.

As Himawari finally caught her breath, she stood up straight as she beared some interesting news for the two.

"Uncle Kakas.h.i.+ sent me here, he wants to brief everybody regarding the mission." The Uzumaki girl explained while the two older teens took glances at each other then turned their eyes towards the lavender haired girl and both raised their eyebrows at her.

Himawari on the other hand was puzzled. Why were the two giving her weird looks like that?


Sakura sighed as she took a deep breath. The procedure has now been completely finished. The antidote was finally made and Kankuro was now considered clean from any poison in his body. The pink haired girl sat down on of the chairs in the infirmary. It was really a tiring procedure to be honest, but with the help of the raven haired girl from a little while ago, the process had been sped up and the procedure ended on a peaceful note.

Millions of thoughts were running through Sakura's head. She was wondering about the raven haired girl again. She had to admit that she really had the skills of a medic-nin, but how did she managed to learn all of this? She came from a small village that have no s.h.i.+n.o.bi or medical experts. So the question was, who taught her the skills?

Around this time, the pink haired girl felt a headache coming on. She held her forehead in slight pain, but she really couldn't explain this right now. Suddenly her world, began to spin around her, but after a few moments it stopped. Although, it wasn't over yet as images of a certain place started to flash before her eyes. It was the Leaf Village, but the place was very different to what it was now, plus the fact that it was destroyed. An image of a certain person also flashed before her eyes, it was a person she quickly recognized, the person being none other than Sasuke Uchiha himself, but he was older than he appeared to be right now.

"Sasuke?" Sakura muttered as the memories began to fade away. One of the last things that she saw, was herself, but much older. She was fighting enemies that she didn't know and was protecting a person that looked really familiar.

Moments later, the memories abruptly ended. Her headache finally stopped and she was back into reality.

"Hey you sure are pretty stressed Sakurchan." The familiar voice of Naruto interrupted the silence as well as her thoughts, as the blonde teen arrived at the scene.

The pink haired girl, then looked up and saw the blonde haired teen giving her a confused and worried looked.

Naruto was also worried about her. He just went up to check up on his older teammate and childhood crush, but all he saw was the latter holding her forehead in pain.

"Are you alright?" Naruto, with a concerned voice asked.

The pink haired girl just gave a slightly strained smile. "Yeah, I'm fine Naruto, I'm just tired from the journey, the fighting and healing Kankuro, that's all." Sakura explained and a.s.sured the blonde, not telling him of what she thought she saw from before..

"Well, if you need something, just call me okay?" Naruto then said as he headed back to where sand siblings are.

As for Sakura herself, this was the first time that she had this kind of headache, and she had no explanation for it. But she just deduced that this was some kind of lucid dream or something similar.

Sakura sighed and ma.s.saged her temples yet again. The pink haired girl could only hope that she wasn't going crazy.


"And I thought the headaches were permanently gone, Now it's back and is being its usual pain in b.u.t.t.



The meeting was then held back in a different location, which was an empty infirmary, probably from the Second or Third Great s.h.i.+n.o.bi wars, or something similar. Those who were present, were the time travelling trio and Kakas.h.i.+ himself. This seemed as if it was going to be a closed door, rather private meeting.

Boruto and Sarada were just even more confused. They were probably thinking the man had already figured it out, and they could only just have to prepare themselves if they were going to tell the truth.

On the other hand, Himawari was giving them weird but worried looks. Why were the two looked so worried and what was to worry about? This was just a mission briefing, they surely were safe?

Kakas.h.i.+ could only sighed in response." Alright guys There is nothing to worry about , I just needed to speak with you three regarding the mission." He explained.

Both of the Uchiha and the older time traveling Uzumaki's eyes widened. They thought at first that they'd been finally exposed, but it turned out, they were not. Their thoughts quickly turned to the mission briefing, but not after a suspicious glare from Kakas.h.i.+, as well as a worried look from Himawari.

"First I will have to apologize for this but you three will not be observers anymore." Kakas.h.i.+ added which gave surprised reactions from the trio, as they were not expecting this.

"So that means, we're going to be doing this mission as official members now?" Himawari asked. This breaking news had really made her excited.

Kakas.h.i.+ simply nodded. "Yes, and later there will be a brief meeting regarding the search for the captured Kazekage." He added.

Himawari was just really jumping in excitement right now. She really wanted this opportunity to proved herself and she knew that this was gonna be her time to s.h.i.+ne.

As for Boruto and Sarada, they were just glancing at each other and wondering of what could possibly go right and wrong this time. It was like a sudden promotion that they were not expecting. They turned eyes to the main instructor of Team 7, who gave them a smile.

"Well, wish you guys the best for this mission." Kakas.h.i.+ said. He then stood up from a chair and headed for the door.

By the time he reached the door, He suddenly stopped his tracks and then turned around to face the trio again." Oh and by the way, The Leaf Village has sent another team to a.s.sist in this mission." He informed the trio before fully going outside.

There was silence in the room. The trio wondered on whose team was sent to a.s.sist them. It was just full of unexpected surprises today. Has difficulty of this mission increased? Maybe that's why another team was sent. Who knows?

On the other note, Himawari could only antic.i.p.ate and wondered about that team that will be sent. She then asked herself, "Can this team can handle the challenge of this mission?"


"When Kakas.h.i.+-sensei told us about playing a bigger role in the mission, We were definitely glad and I myself was very excited! Not because of being in the moment but because of giving our best to help what we can."



(Somewhere in the vast forest)

To all the things that Neji had been through. This was going to be the toughest challenge of his life yet. The first was easy, Lady Hokage a.s.signed him and the team on this mission to a.s.sist Team 7. Second, as soon as his little cousin found out about it, there's nothing that he can do now, and lastly, his little cousin had apparently joined in the mission at the approval of Lady Hokage herself which he found strange and impossible.

"Hey big cousin, why are you silent for?" Hanabi asked. She was getting really annoyed that her cousin wasn't answering her questions.

Neji, on the other hand just kept silent. He really didn't want to argue with the younger Hyuuga. In fact, he had gave up, there was really no chance of winning an argument with her. You either get trashed talk or just lived to see yourself become a verbal punching bag.

"I really don't wanna talk about this Hanabi." Neji replied. These were the only words that came from his mouth before he completely shut his mouth up.

"You know, if this is about concerning me, then you don't have to worry because I'm going kicked those Akatsuki b.u.t.ts outta of this world." Hanabi said. She was just really pumped up to join in this mission and to also watch over her big cousin, just in case if he did anything stupid that would have risked his life.

Neji could only sigh back to his cousin. His best choice was just to go with flow. He turned his eyes to the rest of the team, as he had heard snickering coming from them, and his thoughts and suspicions were confirmed about those who were snickering at him or chuckling at him, especially about his predicament. The brown haired Hyuuga secretly whined about this.

"Why does she have to babysit me?"


"As expected, here comes my courageous cousin to the rescue.(Sighs)


"Well, as you all know, my job is simply to make sure that my cousin doesn't get himself in trouble."



AN: Thank you for reading the chapter.