A Different Kind Of Journey - 19 Arc 2: First Mission

19 Arc 2: First Mission

I don't own Naruto. Kis.h.i.+moto Does.

Author's note: Hey there Readers!, I'm back with a new chapter! I Hope you guys enjoy! I would also like to thank you guys for the Reviews. Favorites, and follows :) Thank you for also sharing your tips and thoughts for the story.

I'm still recovering from sickness but I was able to find time to write the chapter.

I am also working on a new short story which is just for the fun of it.

Take note: I will be busy for the coming days to come because of Exams. If I find free time then I will write the next chapter.

Thank you for understanding :)

Expect Grammar and Spelling mistakes

P.S: I am just newbie so go easy on me

Arc 2:

Chapter 6: First Mission

"It really feels nostalgic to be here."

Boruto stood on a gra.s.sy ground as he surveyed the area that he was in right now. It was a portion of land located inside of Konoha. There was a overview of the mountains and a large deep river with forests in the both of its sides. There is a glade along with three stumps lined up side by side.

The place was considered a tourist spot back in home. The certain spot where the future leaders and heroes of the village trained and began their journey. It was very lucky moment for the blonde teenager to be here right now for tenth time.

He was the only one person present so far in a very cold and quiet sunrise morning.

"Always a good place to get back in shape." Boruto commented, stretching up his arms and limbs throughout. He often knew that it was healthy for him to get away from the stress of everyday work.

Exercise was also a simple valid reason.

He first began his usual pre- warm up routine by doing a little bit of the basic stretching to get the joints , He then began to do some jugs until it became cardio runs that lasted for 10-20 rounds just around the area. The last stage of the basic warm up was basic breathing exercises for him to prepare for the main training.

By the time he had gone through the warm ups, he proceeded with the main training regimen.

The main training segment focused more on improving his skillset, such as improving the usage of his clones, trying out different elemental techniques and combining it with a little bit of his training games.

An example of those games were carving a circle or an X sign in a tree, then he would practice using his Vanis.h.i.+ng Rasengan by throwing the tree from an enough long distance just to hit that main target.

Another one of his training routines was sparring with one of his clones, which took him to the next level.

These sparring sessions was also able to help him discover new moves and counter attacks, every time he was then thrown into a Taijutsu segment.

As the morning continued, a certain teenage Bushy brow had witnessed the whole thing unfold. Rock Lee had been gaping for a quite a time now as he stood there watching the blonde in awe.

"Amazing!" He commented.

Apparently, he had just arrived at the scene for his usual training routine, when discovered that someone was already here in the training grounds and it surprised him since he hadn't seen this new person before.

Although, as he went for a closer look, his eyes widened in suprised." Naruto?" He muttered to himself." Is He really back?" He asked. How could he have not known about this earlier? No one had told him that one of his friends has returned after a few years.

Yet, by the time he got a good look, it was then that he realized that person in front of him wasn't the Uzumaki himself but rather just a look alike or somesort. He was wearing this simple white t-s.h.i.+rt and black jogging pants. He had the same spiky blonde hair, blue eyes, and two white patches on his cheeks.

Rock Lee watched the blonde as he sparred with what seemed to be clone. He also wondered if this person was a s.h.i.+n.o.bi himself. He had never seen him before in this place. He was amazed the fact on how he moved along. The gracefulness, flair, and timing was just perfect.

"Man! How did he do that?" Bushy Brow wondered. He had never seen a person performed like this.

The training ended not too long and Bushy Brow was now planning to approach and converse with the blonde. Although, He wasn't sure how to start the talk with him but there was only one thing in his mind.


"Since, He was not Naruto, I really wanted to meet him in person. I never really seen a person moved with such finesse and grace, It was amazing!"

-Rock Lee

By the time Boruto had finished his mini-training routine. He went to the area where the three wooden stumps were located.

A small sports bag was positioned on one of the stumps. As the teen reached the area, He reached his hand inside and grabbed a water bottle, and began drinking. He stayed in the area and enjoyed the fresh sunny and windy weather. He stared at the blue sky and new fully raised sun, taking a deep breath to refresh himself.

"Man, I really loved mornings like this." Boruto muttered aloud. His life wasn't complete without this specific routine. He can't stay outbof shape for a long time.

"Excuse me sir!"

A male voice then interrupted the peacefulness. Boruto then turned around to face a somewhat quite familiar face.

"Metal Lee!?" Boruto exclaimed in his thoughts. In that few moments of shock, he thought he was staring at the ghost of Metal Lee or a hallucination of him, but would soon realized that this was indeed real yet this wasn't the hard working friend from home.


"It really surprised me for a second there, Metal Lee and His Dad looked liked twins to be honest."


As for Rock Lee, having decided on what would be the right way to confront him. Just stopped his tracks right in front of the guy and greeted with a level of respect which even surprised the blonde himself.

"Man! you were awesome back there!" Rock Lee praised, trying to contain his excitement.

Rock Lee took a deep a breath before opening his mouth." How did you learned to move and spar like that!?" He commented with all the excitement suddenly bursting out from him.

Boruto was a bit taken a back, He scratched his head, thnking of what to say right now." Well, I really don't know but all I can say is Practice makes Perfect." He explained in the most simplistic way.

He was a bit unsure of his statement, he wasn't really good of breaking down the details and parts.

"I guess you're really right about that! And you're talking about Practice!" Rock Lee replied back, he was just hyped. His youth was booming out of control.

"Gai-sensei told me that if you want to have the strong spirit of Youth, You also gotta Practice! Not in a mission but during the time you're gonna practice! That's What I'm talking about!" Rock Lee exclaimed. He just recalled his sensei's teachings about practicing to have the spirit of Youth.

Boruto just stood there with an amused face. He really thought he was talking to the most energetic person in the world. He could really see the pa.s.sion of this person and it turned out to be Metal Lee's father.

"That's a very interesting concept!." Boruto nodded. As much as he wanted to share his own ideas, He wasn't able to.

He was a bit loss for words right now.

"Yeah! sure is!" Bushy Brow replied, raising his fist in the air in the name of Youth.

Boruto could only smile and chuckle. If Metal Lee was here, These two would really get along with each other. They had the same hair, eyes, brows, and distinctive personalities. They were in fact carbon copies of each other thanks to the family genes.

"Hey are you alright?"

Boruto blinked a couple of times as he was brought back to reality." Uhmm, nothing at all! It's just that you kinda remind me of a friend from home." He explained.

Lee raised all of his eyebrows in surprised." Oh, really?" He reacted." He must be a student of Youth! I really should meet this friend of yours!" He added.

Boruto smiled." Well, You really should meet him! " He said" His a great person just like you." He added.

It was at this time that he checked his small watched and widened his eyes surprised with a little bit of panic." Oh shoot!" He muttered aloud as he immediately started to pack his things up.

"Hey, you're leaving soon?" Rock Lee asked.

Boruto simply sighed." Yeah, I really need to go, It's part of every day so...Maybe some other time?" He explained and apologized, before finally heading out.

The other blinked a couple of times, being dumbfounded for a few moments, His mind came back to life and he spoke."Hey! What's your name by the way?" He asked.

Hearing the last question, Boruto turned around and faced the teen for the finaly time." You can call me Bolt!" He replied as he disappeared from his counterpart's sight.

"Alright, Nice talking to you Bolt!" Rock Lee yelled out. He was quite a bit disappointed since the meeting lasted for a short time but he promised to himself that he will definitely meet this blonde once again.


"He seemed to be a really nice guy. I wonder if he really is a s.h.i.+n.o.bi, He looked as if He waa for a long time."

-Rock Lee


Sarada took a deep breath and smiled. She gazed at the sun which was beginning to rise. The Uchiha girl never felt so relax and feeling good this before. She was enjoying the morning hot tea that she was having now.

"So this what Hima is doing every morning." The Uchiha girl thought. She was just feeling surreal right now. If she had just listen to the latter's advice then she would've been doing this for awhile now.

"Everything alright? Saradnee?" The voice of Himawari asked the raven haired girl.

Sarada then turned around to see the lavender hairded girl. Who had just arrived at the scene. She also had her own cup of tea for a change. The raven haired teen suggested the latter to try this and she did.

"h.e.l.lo Hima." Sarada greeted with a smile.

The lavender haired girl just smiled." Just finish preparing the breakfast, Nii-chan might be home soon." She explained as she joined the raven haired teen.

"Oh, so where's the knucklehead again?" Sarada asked, forgetting once more where her childhood friend had went off to, early in the morning.

"Well, Boro-nii told me that he was gonna get himself back into condition at the local training grounds." Himawari explained. She recalled how her big brother, very determined, woke up early morning and told her that he was gonna head out to the training grounds for awhile.

"Oh, that's something new." Sarada commented as she took sip of hee hot tea. This was the first that she heard her blonde teammate training early in the morning for the first time.

Himawari raised up her shoulders and smiled." Yeah, Since we are going to be a.s.signed to a team soon so why not train get back in shape?" She explained.

"You're right, Maybe we should start training by now. We've been so occupied with everyday life that we've forgot that we're still a s.h.i.+n.o.bi." Sarada explained. She was a bit disappointed the fact that they didn't have the time to train themselves again.

Both girls talked about on how they were gonna pick up from here. They knew that sometime in the future, they'll have to be ready for any kind of threat. The past was a different place. Since they've finally settled and been living here for weeks, now it was the right time for them to get back into their former status. The conversation then s.h.i.+fted to them being recently a.s.signed to team. They were not sure which team they will be going to but sure they hoped to be a.s.signed on a good team.

Both of the girls also talked about, their recent doings for this week. With Himawari telling the older girl about her recent conversation with her Aunt Hanabi, to which she relied a very cla.s.sified information regarding her Uncle Neji. His untimely death during the Fourth s.h.i.+n.o.bi War.

"Oh I see." Sarada nodded in understanding." Have also told-" She was about finish her second question but was cut by the girl.

"No I didn't tell him." Himawari simply said, before looking down." I felt that it was not the time to tell him yet." She added, with the reason of being fearful that it might severely affect the Hyuuga emotionally and mentally." Plus, Aunt Hanabi was able to understand that." She added, finally taking a deep breath.

Sarada nodded in understanding, the silence was overwhelming yet she still continued to share her story." Well, The other day, I unexpectedly met my uncle while I was at work." She explained, fully gaining the girl's attention.

"You mean you met your Uncle Itachi?" Himawari asked.

Sarada simply nodded." Yes, I met him two times, first at the shop when he was in his obvious disguise and second, at the Uchiha compound, where he was strolling around." She explained and continued." So I decided to converse with him and he told me the reason why he had to do it and I understood." She said.

Himawari gave a sad quiet look. She had heard about the infamous Uchiha Ma.s.sacre, that happened many years ago, where raven haired teen's father was the only sole survivor. She can't imagine the horrors and innocent deaths that had transpired. Why would a person commit such an act?

"It's a complex reason to be honest." Sarada continued." Trust me, I was also confused the first time." She gave a little chuckle." But let's just say that if My Uncle didn't do that, the whole village will be destroyed." She explained, rubbing her forehead.

"You know Saradnee, We are really lucky that we have Uncles that are so brave yet so complicated." Himawari commented. She was referring to their uncles who can be considered as people who would do everything to protect their loved ones and deciding for the better.

Sarada smiled." Well, I guess we're really lucky." She agreed.

Silence took over the whole area. Both girls then gazed at the sunrise once more. Both were thinking and knowing that their Uncles would be risking their lives to protect them in the future. They really have to do something to prepare for that future.


"Well, what can I say, I guess I'm very proud to have a complex Uncle."



As the morning continued. The streets of the village slowly came to life. People were slowly filling up every area and doing their usual daily business. As for the blonde time traveller, He knew that had to be back in the apartment in time. So he found a way which was unusual for this time.

"Alright, Time for my trusty board." Boruto commented. He stopped his tracks and drew out a wooden board with four small wheels attached under it. The blonde smiled as he then hopped on the wooden board and rolled his way throughout the streets towards the apartment.

The wooden board with wheels that he had right now was actually by the blonde himself recently by hand. He knew that this would be in handy when the time comes. Boruto then found himself in a mini roller coaster ride. He was like in a video game, traversing the pathways, and avoiding every obstacle in the way. Of course, the random citizens pa.s.ssing by were kind of surprised and new to this kind of thing, especially, the kids who were wondering about the blonde's new toy.

Not too long, the blonde arrived in his destination where he was greeted by an unexpected surprised. Apparently a certain person can be seen standing in front of the apartment building, He had white spiky hair and was wearing a mask to cover his lower face. The blonde teen widened his eyes, He immediately recognized the person.

The Sixth Hokage.

"Great Scott! I never knew Uncle Kakas.h.i.+ would be in a place like this." Boruto commented. As he got closer, he saw that the man was holding a small orange book which the blonde deduced as his Rated M book that he would often carry everywhere.

By the time he got closer, Kakas.h.i.+ had finally noticed the blonde teenager."He looks alot like Naruto." He thought to himself. The resemblance was very much uncanny with the exception a certain scar on the teen's right eye.

"May I help you sir?" Boruto asked as he finally stopped and stood in front of the masked man.

"Yes, do you know where the apartment unit number 506 is?" Kakas.h.i.+ asked, giving the obvious expression that he was clueless around this area.

Boruto widened his eyes in surprised. That was their apartment unit number." Yeah, It's actually where I lived." He explained.

Kakas.h.i.+ smiled under his mask." Then you must be Bolt-kun am I correct?" He asked.

Boruto nodded." Yes I am sir." The blonde respectfully greeted the older man.

"Well then, Nice to meet you Bolt, I am Kakas.h.i.+ Hatake, You can just call me Kakas.h.i.+ for short." The man explained as he shook hands with the blonde.

Boruto smiled." Nice to meet you Kakas.h.i.+-san, What you brings you here by the way?" He asked.

"Well, as matter a fact, Lady Hokage sent me here to brief you guys about the mission." Kakas.h.i.+ explained much to the surprised reaction of the latter.

"Mission?" The blonde nodded. This was really an unexepected news for him. Sure there was a plan for them to be a.s.signed on a mission but he never expected it to be this early.

There was only one way to find out.


"A Mission? What could that possibly be?"



Everyone was staring and listening careful to the man's explanation about the mission. The trio were kind of shocked that the mission that they were a.s.signed to, was going to be a rescue mission and it was no ordinary rescue mission, it was a mission that involves saving the leader of the sand village. The Kazekage himself.

An S rank mission to be exact.

"Now hold your horses." Kakas.h.i.+ interrupted the mini-celebaration." So far, you three will be a.s.signed as Observers and My team will be taking responsibiity to watch over you three." He explained, before continuing." Although, I would also clarify that the Lady Tsunade was the one who made all the papers for this." He added.

Silence took over once more. The trio knew that this was coming and the only thing that they could do was to accept the fact that they will play lowkey roles in this mission.

"So when do we start?" Himawari asked, breaking the quietness.

"As of now, The final mission briefing will be at the Hokage office by today, So I hope see you soon there." Kakas.h.i.+ further explained before he stood up from his seat and headed towards the door.

"Oh and by the way, The rest of the team is looking forward on meeting you, so be ready." Kakas.h.i.+ added as he opened the door and left the apartment.

Silence then took in charged once more.

The trio were left speechless and began on thniking about the whole news. They were expecting to be a.s.signed on a mission in the future, but not early as of now. This was really a surprised, especially for the two girls.

"I really can't believed it, We are going to rescue the Kazekage from the Akatsuki." Sarada commented. She also knew about this event, since she heard and learned it through the stories coming from her mother.

The rescue mission was aparrently a b.l.o.o.d.y one according to her.

"We have no choice but to deal with it, Besides this is our first mission so we gotta be ready." Boruto explained, giving a slight grin." And of course, we get to see the rest of places!" He added.

As Himawari, She just kept a positive smile on her face." Well, what are you guys waiting for?" The Uzumaki asked, expressing her excitement for the mission.

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The lavender haired teen then stood up from her seat and gave the two a look of motivation." Come on you two, We can do this! We are s.h.i.+n.o.bi alright!"" She exclaimed. Trying to emphasis that this was a new challenge for them to face and brushed aside any doubts and fears.

Quietness took over once more.

Boruto and Sarada just gave glances at each other and then looked at the lavender haired girl. The two of them nodded at the same time and then stood up.

"Alright, Let's go pack up the bags Datteba.s.sa!" Boruto replied back as the blonde headed to his room to pack up whatever was necessary. Same did for his Uchiha teammate, who also proceeded to pack up.

Himawari, not alone at the table blinked a couple of times, She felt dumbfounded and can't believed on what she had just said to them. She never knew she could speak like that or she was only just unaware of it all the time. Yet, it brought her to only one question that she continued to repeat inside her head.

"Am I really that good of a motivator?"


"I was like" Come on you guys! It's our time to s.h.i.+ne!" Whether this was going to be a tough mission or not, we can do it!"



Tsunade sighed. She took a deep breath to relieved the tension that was building up inside her. It was a very eventful day. Having recently received the news of the Kazekage's defeat and capture. It was a really serious problem. She also had no choice but to send a certain team to the Sand village to a.s.sess the situation.

Team Seven was the name.

It was just all silent around the main office right now. After a brief meeting with the main members, she instructed the rest to wait at the gates, while she waited for the other trio arrive at the office.

A little time has pa.s.sed and the door finally opened. Three teenage individuals stepped inside with of them looking like they were ready and prepared. They were all wearing their mission attire, with Boruto in his matching black pants and a jacket which was zipped up covering the white t s.h.i.+rt inside. Himawari, donning a yellowish jacket with a T s.h.i.+rt inside and red shorts. Lastly, Sarada, who was donning a red blackish outfit.

"Granny!" Himawari was the first one to greet followed by her big brother.

"Yo Granny What's up!" Boruto grinned and gave a peace sign while The raven haired teen just smiled and waved at her.

Tsunade had a vein popped And twitched a vein in her forehead but she managed to calmed herself down. The siblings just called her "Granny" again, which was Just a wonderful thing.

"Looks like you're all ready for the mission." Tsunade, was able to gather herself up and commented." I guess Kakas.h.i.+ informed you well." She added.

Tsunade gave a sigh and straightened up." Alright, this mission briefing will be short so listen carefully." She explained.

The blonde Hokage then took a deep breath. "You three will be officially a.s.signed as Observers to Team Seven which consists of Kakas.h.i.+ Hatake, Naruto Uzumaki and Sakura Haruno for this mission." She explained.

It was then that Sarada widened her eyes in surprised. Her mother was also going to be partic.i.p.ating in the mission. Same too for the siblings, they were gonna meet their young dad very soon.

Tsunade then cleared her throat." As additional advice, please try to be cautious and careful." She informed them like how a mother would do, visibly showing her concern for the three.

"Yes Ma'am!" All three exclaimed in unison.

"Alright then" Tsunade said as she stood up from her chair and gave them a confident smile.

"You guys ready to meet them?


"I did hesitate a bit when I signed those papers automatically a.s.signing them into this mission. I had no choice since it was the only way I could do to protect their true ident.i.ties from those old geezers."



"How long do I have to wait!"

Naruto frowned as he stood in front of the team, Jiraiya and Iruka. He was really getting impatient. His friend from the sand village was on a life and death situation and all they had to do was just stand here wait for these newcomers to come.

"Why would Bachan need to a.s.signed this rookies or whatever they're called to the team right now?" Naruto wondered and complained.

He just didn't like the idea of new people on the team.

"Would you please calm down Naruto?" Sakura scolded her blonde teammate.

Naruto then gave her a look." Did Bachan think that this would be some kind of field trip? What was she thinking!? " The blonde argued, he was truly against this.

As for Jiraiya and Iruka, the two men could only sighed. The blonde needed to calm himself down. The two men also have little knowledge on whoever these new rookies were. Apparently, Tsunade only told them that they came from a small village and had just moved in to the village recently.

It didn't took long enough for the blonde woman to finally arrived at the scene with the three newcomers.

"Wait a minute isn't that...?" Naruto and Sakura both trailed off at the same time. They both recognized the blonde teenager and the raven haired teen, who had just arrived.

Tsunade smiled as she stood beside the three. She took a deep breath for a few moments and stood firm.

"Thank you all for waiting. As you know by now, I will be a.s.signing three individuals to this team." She announced, as she presented the trio to the rest." I would like you to meet Bolt and Himawari Kazaki and Sarada Inoue." She introduced them thereafter.

"They'll be observers in the team and would not be interfering with the main mission. Understood?" Tsunade explained.

"Yes Ma'am!" Sakura agreed and nodded while a certain raven haired teen was secretly observing her from a distance.

"So will be like guides to them?" Naruto asked, there was still annoyance in his voice.

Tsunade simply nodded." Yes, You will guide them and teach them throughout the mission." She straightforwardly informed, much to the whining face of the blonde.

Reactions from the time travelling trio varied. Himawari was could feel the nervousness rising from inside but fought to stay calm. Sarada, on the other hand, was still observing the pink haired teen, she couldn't bring himself to interact with the girl since her mind began replaying the last memories of the time she had last seen her.

Boruto kept calm and chose to stay quiet. Right in front of him was his old man, the young version of him, who had a stubborn and impatient face as of now. Due to unknown circ.u.mstances, he couldn't approach and greet the guy properly.

Jiraiya also observed the trio, He had not seen these teens before but they all look strangely familiar. They looked as if they were more experienced than the others.

Tsunade, who had been stuck in the middle, took a deep breath and made her final announcement." Well then! I wish you all the best for this mission and may Kami guide throughout."

By the time she had made the announcement, all of them nodded in agreement." Yes Ma'am!"

It was at this time that Naruto had immediately took off from his position and headed towards the outskirts of the forest with anger and determination in his eyes. He was going to save him no matter what.

"Hey Naruto wait up!" Sakura exclaimed as she followed thereafter.

For the trio themselves, they knew that this was only the beginning for things to come. Who knows, what fate has in store for them in this mission.

They just have to be strong and believed in themselves.


"All three of us were prepared for this, It's just that we don't know what could happen, we found ourselves inside an event that has already transpired in History.



"So how was your trip to Konoha?"

Itachi could only smile. In fact, he really enjoyed his recent occasional visit. Looking at his blue skinned friend, who was also his partner in the organization, he gave out a simple response.

"Thank you for asking Kisame-san. I really enjoyed it." Itachi simply said.

Kisame raised both eyebrows and chuckled." You sounded like you've met a family member or something?" He guessed. He was wondering on how the latter enjoyed his day at his beloved home.

Itachi sighed but smiled again." In fact I did." He replied as the raven haired man thought of the girl with the red gla.s.ses who he had met back at the compound.

What's the name then?" Kisame asked. His thoughts telling him that the Uchiha had met some random girl in the village.

"Sarada, that's her name." He simply replied.

Kisame nodded in amus.e.m.e.nt as he widened his eyes." What does she looked like then?" He asked.

Itachi kept quiet for a few moments before sighing yet again. He then gave the latter a small smile and opened his mouth to reply.

"She kind of looks like my future niece."


AN: Thank you for reading the chapter!