A Different Kind Of Journey - 17 Arc 2: Meetings

17 Arc 2: Meetings

I don't own Naruto. Kis.h.i.+moto Does.

Author's note: Hey there Readers, I'm back with a new chapter! I Hope you guys enjoy! I would also like to thank you guys for the Reviews. Favorites, and follows :) Thank you for also sharing your tips and thoughts for the story.

Expect Grammar and Spelling mistakes

P.S: I am just newbie so go easy on me

Arc 2

Chapter 4: Meetings and Surprises

Himawari took a deep breath and inhaled the fresh air. She was at an area where a pond was situated. The lavender haired girl observed and watched a family of ducks crossed the pond. Apparently, she told the two Hyuuga that she would be taking a short stroll and she ended up in this area.

The wind blew stronger and it was a perfect scene for lavender haired girl to reminiscent the past. She remembered how she and her mother would take a stroll at the park after visiting her Uncle Neji's grave.

Himawari took a deep breath yet again. Even though she was remembering all the happy memories, she still felt a sense of sadness. She really did miss her mom. If only she was here.

"Hey Hima." A familiar voice then called her name. She turned around to see her Aunt Hanabi who had just arrived at the area.

"Aunt Hanabi? I thought you were talking to Uncle Neji?" Himawari asked. She was a bit confused.

Hanabi just smiled." We just finished our conversation and I thought maybe we could talk for a while." She explained.

Himawari blinked for a couple of times before giving her smile." So, what do you want to talk about, Aunt Hanabi?" She asked.

There was silence that took in charged. Hanabi just sighed and then gave the latter a calmed but serious looked. She really needed to know more information on why or how they were sent here and what happened to the rest of her family. She recalled that the Uzumaki girl never really told the whole story except that her big brother was fighting this guy named "Kawaki". She never mentioned the current state of Hinata and the others.

"Is it okay, if I asked more on what happened before you guys arrived here?" Hanabi asked. She was just eager to know the bigger picture to get a good idea.

Himawari was surprised. She wondered why her Aunt would want to know the rest of the story that wasn't worth to tell. It would just bring all the bad memories. The lavender haired girl just kept silent for a few moments. She could now feel the sadness and pain coming back just because she needed it to remember the important details she could.

Hanabi noticed the girl's face changed from a smile to a sad look. There were also small tears starting to come out from her eyes. The Hyuuga girl understood what the latter was feeling right now. The feeling of losing your family and home.

After a few moments, Himawari wiped the tears way from her eyes. She just had to let it go first. She was now ready to tell the all that she could remember.

"To be honest, I really don't remember much of everything before we arrived here. Other than witnessing the destruction of the village." Himawari explained.

"You don't remember much of everything? Hanabi asked. She was surprised.

Himawari could only nod." I only remember that there was this huge explosion and earthquake that hit the village in a blinked of an eye." She added. She was trying to remember every detail that she could recall, and it slowly came back to her.

The lavender haired Uzumaki girl further explained that she remembered her mom helping her dad to address the sudden situation. She also recalled that she was with the Uchiha girl herself and they were helping and treating injured and wounded civilians along with the latter's mother. After that, the village was then suddenly attacked or invaded by a group of unknown enemies. The Uzumaki girl and the older Uchiha was forced to defend themselves from the mysterious those enemies and after that everything just went black for the girl.

Hanabi was shocked and felt saddened on what the latter had went true. She couldn't believe this was indeed the fate of the village in the future. The question is How would they prepare for this forth coming future. There was also a thing that came into her mind, what has become of herself and Neji. When she asked that question, she was then received by two different response from the girl.

Himawari gave her young aunt a smile. She told her about her future that she will someday become a well-respected s.h.i.+n.o.bi and she will have a team of her own to go on missions.

Hanabi was surprised about that but she was pleased to hear about it. She also learned that her relations.h.i.+p with her big sister could be considered fixed in the future. She also learned that her strict father had transformed into a more soft and loveable grandpa and according to her future niece, would always cuddle the siblings whenever they visit the compound.

As the conversation continued, Himawari felt this was coming towards a topic about her Uncle Neji. Her prediction then came true as her young aunt asked on what had become of the brown haired Hyuuga.

When Hanabi asked the question, she was expecting a happy ending for her big cousin. But what comes out was just pure silence from the girl.

"Hima, is everything alright?" Hanabi asked. There was concerned building up inside of her. She felt her heart beat a little much faster.

"What happens to Neji in the future?" Hanabi asked. She did her best to keep herself calm. She was hoping to the latter would be alright.

Himawari just kept silent. She then gave her young aunt a sad smile and she shook her head. The sad truth had been revealed. The lavender haired girl then opened her mouth.

"Uncle Neji didn't make it, He pa.s.sed away before I was born." She simply said. It was true she did not the chance to meet his Uncle in person.

Hanabi was just shocked and surprised. No can't be! It was just Impossible, if is then How?

Himawari then began to explain that a fourth great s.h.i.+n.o.bi war had took place. Neji was part of the Allied s.h.i.+n.o.bi forces and the latter gave his life by protecting a certain someone who become the lavender haired girl's mother.

Hanabi was just silent. There were tears falling from both of her eyes. She just can't believe it that all those things would happen soon enough. She then wiped her tears and then embraced the Uzumaki girl.

Himawari was just silent. She was secretly crying in the inside as she just couldn't bear the sadness of seeing her aunt in this state. As for Hanabi, she gave the girl thankful smile." Thank you for letting me know our future." She said.

"Don't worry the truth is safe with me." Hanabi added. She won't be telling anyone about this especially her big cousin. It was not the right time yet for him to know.

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"Let's just end this topic. I don't wanna know anymore future stuff." Hanabi suggested. She had heard enough information, and this was the time to end this.

"Hey guys! What did I miss?" A familiar voice then interrupted the two girls. They turned to see a confused and bewildered Neji in front of them.

Hanabi just sighed." Neji, we have big news for you." She said.

Neji raised both his eyebrows in confusion." What news?" He asked. What this about his future?

"You'll still be a Virgin in the future Uncle Neji." Himawari smiled. Causing the Hyuuga girl to laugh out loud while the other just made it a deadpanned face.

"Oh, come on girls, that's not funny."

Noon time had finally come to an end. The sun had just begun its journey to set. Neji and Hanabi strolled for one last time in the park before deciding to go back home at the family compound. Apparently, their future niece already left early to prepare for dinner. The two were really amazed on how the young girl could really handle herself even when she is alone.

Neji wondered on how the lavender haired girl can managed her time. He learned that she was now the care taker of the apartment in terms of maintaining the unit into its clean condition. He also learned that the latter handles the menu for Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. She even goes to the public wet market now when she needed to. She is like some sort of efficient machine if you asked the older Hyuuga.

As for Hanabi, she was just proud of how tough and resilient the girl was. Even though, her future niece is still in her teens, she knew how life works. She really felt sorry for the girl. She lost everything in her life and was an orphan now along with her big brother and Uchiha friend.

"Hanabi?" The voice of Neji interrupted her thoughts. She then turned her attention to her cousin who was giving her a worried face.

"What's with the troubled face?" Hanabi asked.

Neji took a deep breath." I was just bothered about my future. Would I really be a virgin for a long time?" He asked himself and the latter.

Hanabi could only sighed." You know Neji, you really need to improve your lifestyle." She suggested which even made the latter confused as ever.

"What I meant is that you gotta work extra harder for a girl to fall in love you." Hanabi explained further. She hoped that her big cousin would take her advice.

As for Neji, his mind was on overdrive. He was now thinking of a way on how to be more appealing and charming to the girls. He really could be the next Sasuke Uchiha in terms of fan girls. If all that hard work pays off.

"Alright then! Then I would start by cutting my hair off, Girls hate long hair right!?" Neji exclaimed in a way what his bushy brow teammate would do.

"Uhm, Neji I-" Hanabi was gonna say something but was cut.

"I will also catch all those chickens and put them back in the cage to prove myself of being worthy to girls!" He added.

"Never mind." Hanabi just facepalmed herself. She just gave up right at that moment. No wonder Neji could still be a virgin in the future.

He just sucked at getting girls to fall in love with him.


Sarada smiled from ear to ear. She was in the best moment of her life so far. She was actually, truly enjoying for the first time. When she got out of the shop, she decided to get herself a relaxing foot ma.s.sage at the local spa, her feet were so tired of standing all day and night long of handling the customers so that's why she signed up for a foot ma.s.sage.

The second thing she did was let all her stress out, so she rented a karaoke room just for her and she sang her heart out to some songs that she loved growing up since she was kid. She didn't even know that she had a wonderful voice.

The last thing she did to enjoy was to immerse herself with knowledge as she bought couple of books, that discussed History and Mystery at the book shop. Then she went to a tea cafe and enjoyed her favorite black brewed tea.

"This is the life!" Sarada commented. She rested her head on a comfy chair in the tea house. She was also reading one of the two books that she bought while enjoying her tea.

Sarada was intrigued and fascinated on reading about the mysterious and unknown. When she was reading her book, she stumbled upon a topic which discussed the infamous Uchiha Ma.s.sacre that happened many years ago. It was general knowledge that a man named Itachi Uchiha was responsible for the whole ma.s.sacre but why did he have to do it?

Her Papa told her stories about her Uncle, but he did not go into detail regarding that night on what he witnessed. She would go on to read that after the Ma.s.sacre which left a boy named Sasuke Uchiha as the only survivor, dubbed as one of the most brutal ma.s.sacres in history. Right after that, Itachi Uchiha was branded as an in international criminal for also joining the Akatsuki. Years later, his younger brother, which was Sasuke Uchiha unexpectedly followed in his footsteps and left the village and was now missing-nin.

Sarada can't believe what she had just read. Her family history was just complicated and had met a tragic ending. But to all of that, there was one thing that she came up to her mind. There must be a real reason on why Uchiha ma.s.sacre happened. What was the motive behind it? You can't just go to someone's compound and kill everyone for no reason.

Sarada's eyes widened, she had an idea, why don't she pay a visit to the compound itself? She heard that it was turned into a memorial spot of sorts.

With her mind now in the right track, the Uchiha girl decided to pay the compound a visit to learn more about her clan's history and especially the truth about the Ma.s.sacre.


"As much as I have read and researched a lot of books regarding the infamous Uchiha clan ma.s.sacre, I still can't believed that such a tragic event would happened to my own clan. Until to this day, even Papa tried so much to avoid discussing that particular topic when asked.



As the late afternoon neared, Neji and Hanabi had just got back from their little adventure at the streets of the village and the park. Both were really looking forward for a very nice dinner and rest.

The two Hyuuga were walking near the compound when something came up on the younger Hyuuga." Hey Neji?" Hanabi called the latter's name.

Neji turned around to face the younger Hyuuga and raised both eyebrows.." Yeah, what is it?"

"How's Big sister, by the way?" Hanabi simply asked. She was wondering what her big sister was up to. Since she got called back to training again. She really can't find time to check up on her except she was only allowed to have a break and buy her foods outside. Their strict father, Hias.h.i.+ Hyuuga had apparently became even more stricter to put that in a simple way.

Neji was the only one who knows his cousin current state. He was the unofficial body guard and the sole Hyuuga who was always on the frontlines just to ensure her safety.

"Well, Hinatsama is alright but recently there is something off about her." Neji explained which really caught the full attention of the Hyuuga girl.

"What do you mean there is something off about her?" Hanabi eyed him suspiciously. What the heck is he talking about?

Neji sighed. It was really hard explaining this." Well, aside from being the usual shy and timid self, she's been having these weird dreams lately." He explained.

Hanabi raised both her eyebrows." Weird Dreams huh?" She was new to this information and that is why she was wondering.

Neji nodded. He would go on to explained that the Hyuuga Heiress started having these strange dreams not too long ago. The strange dreams that would make her wake up in the middle of night. Also, these dreams were somehow influenced the latter's character. There were small times that she would not stutter when talking to someone, small times where she would act differently and not freaking out on surprises. After that, she would then turn back to her usual self. The timid and shy Hinata.

"I am telling the truth here, I swear bring me to the Mental Inst.i.tute If I ever was wrong." Neji explained. He was hundred percent sure that he was telling the truth. He was freaking out about this!

Hanabi just can't believe what she was hearing. She was tired of hearing farfetched stories, first the time travelling trio, now this? Can't she just take a break?

As the two finally reached the compound. There was this silence that took over. Both could hear their hearts beating. They were both not sure if the latter was at home but there was only one way to find out.

By the time, they got to the entrance door. The two stopped their tracks as they heard a commotion inside. The two Hyuuga then glanced at each other, neither were sure of what's s going on. A few moments later, the two Hyuuga opened the door then entered.

They were expecting something bad has happened but instead they were greeted by an unusual sight. First, Neji was then tackled to the ground by a huge white-haired dog. Hanabi was caught by the sudden surprised as she found herself staring at her big cousin who has been mercilessly licked by the huge dog.

"Neji!?" Hanabi just exclaimed. She doesn't know what was going on.

"Hey, Akamaru! Easy Boy!" A male voice could be heard yelling out. A brown haired young man with red paint in his cheeks then entered the scene.

"Kiba?" Hanabi muttered. She was surprised. This person was her big sister's teammate!

Kiba finally managed to get his huge pet off the older Hyuuga. "I'm really sorry about that guys. Akamaru just likes to play." He explained.

"Yeah, I'm just fine." Neji said. There was a bit of sarcasm in his voice.

"Alright Kiba, what heck are you doing in the compound? Did you do something to my Big sister!?" Hanabi furiously asked the latter. Neji then stood up and placed his hands on his hips and made a face.

Kiba raised his arms up in surrender. He did not mean for this happen." Hey guys chill out! The rest of team is here because Hinata invited us for an early bird snack that's all I swear." He explained as if his life depended on it.

Hanabi just sighed and she beckoned her big cousin to follow her inside. When they got inside they saw how the place was so much cleaner than before. They could also smell the delicious scent of food being cooked. They were also greeted by Team 8's other members s.h.i.+no, and the main instructor Kurenai.

Kurenai greeted the two Hyuuga. She explained to them that the Hyuuga Heiress had invited the team to the house for a special afternoon with the food being prepared and cooked by her. She would also further explain that the latter's food was delicious.

Neji and Hanabi were just surprised. They never expected this. But they just have understood the Hyuuga Heiress. Maybe she was doing this to boost her social life and who knows?

A certain person came out from kitchen. It was none other Hinata Hyuuga herself who was wearing a different set of clothes which consisted of simple lavender t s.h.i.+rt accompanied by a simple long pinkish skirt went to her ankles.

Neji and Hanabi both noted the sudden changed of aura in her. She was more beautiful than they thought. They were just shocked and surprised right now.

When they came face to face with the latter, she then gave both the Hyuuga cousins a warm smile." N-Neji-kun, H-Hanabi-chan, you guys are just right in time." She said with a stutter, but it had confidence in the end.

Both cousins gave surprised and confused looks at each other. This is making them crazy bit by bit. Just what in the world is going here?


"I'm not really sure what the heck is going on but this was probably the most surprising and unexpected scene that we entered into."


"I'm just loss for words, besides seeing Hinatsama in a different aura, I tried not to bother about her bringing her whole team here.



Sarada had finally reached her destination. She was now in front of the Uchiha Compound entrance. The Uchiha girl then checked the time. It was still in the afternoon, so she had the time to explore the place.

Apparently, the compound had been converted to memorial tourist spot of sorts and right now, only a few people were visiting the place. Sarada then proceeded to the compound entrance, she felt goose b.u.mps all over her body as she slowly walked herself to the entrance door.

She heard that the place was considered haunted. Considering that many died here because of one sword.

"Come on Sarada, You ain't afraid of no ghost." She tried to motivate herself repeatedly. She then took a deep breath and entered the compound.

If she wants to know the answers to her questions. She gotta face the challenge.


"Well, To be truthful, I am really creeped out on being into these kinds of places with a dark and tragic history. Plus, I am going alone by myself which is a b.u.mmer but I'll try not to freak out if I see anything out of the ordinary."



The day had finally reached the later afternoon. Along with that, the night life had began making its presence across the entirety of the village. The weather retained its cold and windy aspect covering every area of the village.

In a certain small alleyway, a certain blonde sat down on a make s.h.i.+ft chair.

Boruto yawned out loud. He was currently at the backyard area of the ramen shop, attempting to replenished his daily energy. The countless swarm of customers seemed to have taken him to the brink of quitting yet he managed to held himself throughout the day.

Boruto rubbed his eyes as he slowly checked the time on his small watch and read:


He still had a few hours to go before he can finally go home. Specifically, He was still gonna face the wrath of the evening rush hour. Probably the most scariest of all of rush hours besides the morning and lunch hours.

It really left him drained but in turn gained more experienced.

He bothered his head and then looked up and gazed at the sun, that was setting. He wondered on what the two girls were doing back at the apartment. His Uchiha teammate should've adjust her schedule by now. Contrary to popular belief, she was now away from the dangers of a busy weekday schedule.

He then realized that he was the only one pending to go home.

"You've got to be kidding me." He commented and gave a chuckle.

This was his personal choice, aside from being jobless weeks ago, he had chosen this kind of job because of a simple reason of reconnecting or establis.h.i.+ng a connection with certain blonde counterpart.


"Well, My body is beaten up by the every day stress yet, somehow, I was able to hold on. Was it because of that desire? I don't know.


Several minutes had pa.s.sed, The teenage blonde then decided to head back to the main frontlines of the kitchen.

As he slowly took the steps towards the familiar curtains, he began to hear a loud commotion outside. It was also accompanied by sounds of surprise and laughter.

It made him more curious.

"Must be customers." Boruto muttered to himself as he then grabbed his ap.r.o.n and chef's hat, wearing it once more to take on the next challenge.

By the time he reached the front of the house, he was then met by an unexpected surprised.

"Mr. Teuchi." Boruto widened his eyes. He was surprised to see the famous owner of the ramen shop.

"h.e.l.lo there Bolt, I just wanted to check on you guys. I hope that working here isn't too stressful for you." The old man explained. He was currently attending a seminar, which had just finished and decided to head towards the shop to continue monitor the ongoing daily operations.

"Oh I see." Boruto gave a smiled." No sir, I really loved this job a lot! In fact, I really enjoyed serving ramen to the people hehe." He chuckled, trying boost the mood of the place.

"That's Right! Bolt-san is already abe part of the Ichiraku family now!" Ayame cheered and added. She was glad the young man was here. Because of him the ramen shop saw an inclusive economic growth and has attracted a lot of customers.

"Aww, Thank you very much you guys!" Boruto felt tearing up with joy. He could only smile. He sure was part of the family now. This kind of encouragement gave him more motivation and in fact instantly replenished his energy. He knew he was now ready for the last wave.

Yet, The afternoon wasn't complete without another surprise.

Soon, the thick curtains of the shop slowly opened, garnering the attention of the rest as they turned their eyes towards the front, at the same time, their thoughts began to come alive.

"Looks like a new customer." Boruto thought to himself as he prepared an empty bowl of Ramen. Although, unbeknownst to him, he was in for the best surprised of the day.

A certain blonde teenager, donning an black and orange jumpsuit, with three whisker-like marks on his cheeks finally stepped right inside with a huge grin.

"How's it going guys! I'm back!" The certain blonde greeted.

There was silence that took over the area.

Teuchi and Ayame's eyes immediately widened in surprised and shocked. They immediately recognized this person in front of them. The famous blonde patron and the most knucklehead s.h.i.+n.o.bi they had ever met had returned.

"You're back!" Ayame was the first one to open her mouth, breaking the silence as she happily exclaimed.

She even went towards the teenager and welcomed him with a huge embraced.

"We missed you much Naruto-kun!"

Boruto frozed as he almost dropped the empty bowl that he was holding onto. His hands were shaking and his heart was beating. He immediately recognized the certain person in front of him.

It was none other than his old man, the teenage version of him.

"It's been a long time guys!" The ever grinning Naruto greeted." Really can't wait for dinner Dattebayo!" He added.

Ayame smiled back, as she headed back to the counter." So what would you like for this evening?" She asked.

It was really good to be back and he missed the scent of the signature Ramen. His eyes moved around and saw a new collection of dishes being displayed. In seconds, he finally found what he was looking for.

"Well, I guessed I'll have the usual!" The blonde said, moving his eyes around once more until stopping his attention towards a certain person wearing a chef uniform.

"Hmm, A new chef?" He thought to himself as he observed the new guy.

He did not recognize this person at all. Did the shop got a new staff member while he was away? Even that, He had the same blonde hair and blue eyes as him! Except for the scar and patches on his cheeks.

He somehow looked familiar.

There was another silence that took over the area. Boruto's mind was on hot wheels. He didn't know what to say right now.

Meanwhile, father and daughter had turned their attention towards the young man . They were confused and wondering on why he was giving a very surprised and shocked reaction towards the young patron.

"Come on you're braver than this!" His mind was on overdrive as he thought of a way to continue the conversation.

Boruto then took a deep breath and opened his mouth to finally say his own greeting.

"Nice to meet to you, I'm the new guy by the way."


"Despite the awkwardness around, I managed to introduced myself the most casual way as possible. That's an Achievement Dattebasa!



AN: Thank you for reading the chapter!