A Different Kind Of Journey - 16 Arc 2: Homecoming Part 3

16 Arc 2: Homecoming Part 3

I don't own Naruto. Kis.h.i.+moto Does.

Author's note: Hey there Readers, I'm back with a new chapter! I Hope you guys enjoy!

Take note: Since I am going to be a little busy because School works. I will have to adjust the schedule on updating the story. Maybe a twice or once a week.

One more thing, I will be putting any idea of OCs in the story aside. Instead I will be focusing on the main characters and main storyline.

Thank you for Understanding:)

Beta Edited By: Abyssusdarkness

Arc 2

Chapter 3: Homecoming Part 3

Sarada then excused herself and went back to the counter to do other things while the customer began to enjoy his cake and hot tea. She kept observing the latter who was just enjoying his meal like any normal person.

For the raven-haired girl, she thought that guy was somehow familiar. She had seen him in a picture before a long time ago, but she just can't put her finger on it.

By the time the customer finished the meal. Sarada planned to the head to the customer's table for the bill and maybe asked him a few questions but at the same time, the Uchiha teen was called immediately by her boss through a female colleague/coworker and her chance of setting up a conversation with him slid to zero before she even realized.


"I was kind of disappointed, I knew I had my chance but it was a complete troll show to be honest. I really hate these kinds of situations.


The Two Guys

The certain nickname that had somehow become famous in a span of 2 years. Izumo and Kotetsu were often forgotten, their names literally. Even their superiors don't even know their names or simply having forgotten about it.

The two men found themselves guarding the gates for about a few years now. They wondered if they ever will get promoted to higher position or at least to the next rank. They were more than young rookies, they had goals and dreams of their own.

"Another boring day in the job isn't it?" Izumo commented as he rested himself on his seat.

"Yeah, I agree." Kotetsu yawned, seating at his own seat while reading a certain orange book." Haven't eaten anything yet to be honest." He added.

Izumo then turned his eyes towards his friend." You think we could clock out for awhile?" He asked, hoping to take an early break.

Kotetsu sighed and shook his head." Nah, I think that would be impossible." He replied, drawing out a certain a clipboard." There are about ten more deliveries to enter the gates and no one in the division is available to replace us for awhile." He explained, letting out a tone of disappointment.

"Man, what a b.u.mmer!" Izumo commented." I really wanna try something new." He said, before continuing." Being here all day and everyday is probably the worst thing ever." He added.

"I'm not the type of person who spends the rest of his time being a strict guard."

Kotetsu gave a little chuckle." Me too." He said." Yet, we have the responsiblity of guarding these gates, we are in fact the main Guardians of Konoha." He said.

The other let out a small chuckle." You're quite right though." Before taking a sigh." I guess we have to wait for another Hokage to get the different one."

Well, there are a lot of candidates for a Sixth Hokage" Kotetsu said, before continuing." I'm guessing it will a little different this time." He added, hoping for the next one to come from their ranks.

Izumo then slowly looked up to face the blue sky." And I guess the seventh will be more surprising." He commented.

The wind grew blew strong after that and the once unevenful day for them had become somewhat eventful one.

Eventually, they would be witnessing an unexpected scene in the form of unlikely two people who were few distances away from the gates. Both guys were minding their own business, when two certain familiar people entered the gates and pa.s.sed by them.

Kotetsu was the first one to noticed and stood up from his seat followed by Izumo who almost fell on his chair because he was caught by the sudden surprised.

"Is that who I think it is?" Kotetsu asked, trying to figure out on what he had just saw right now.

"Izumo gave a little chuckle and a smile slipped across his lips.

"No doubt about it."

The two people were none other than the great toad Sannin, Jiraiya and the ever famous young s.h.i.+n.o.bi, Naruto Uzumaki.


"Our eyes were big as a whale when we saw them. We thought we're inside a dream yet this was indeed reality."


"It was a very surreal moment for us. Can you believed that they are finally back!?"



Instead of being annoyed, Boruto was even more surprised and shocked. He did not expect to see his sensei. The Mini young version of himself in front of him. The blonde teen observed the young boy. He was far different from the person that he knew back in the future.

There was a silence in the area. Everyone was waiting for the blonde's response on the boy's hyperactive name entrance. Moegi and Udon were both looking at the third's grandson who was booming with the usual pride and confidence.

Konohamaru liked this kind of entrance. He was following the footsteps of his idol and role model who was also known for his epic introductions. He waited for the new guy's response. He seemed to look like a newbie.

On the other hand, Boruto just sighed. He was going to do this the professional way of handling kids like this." Nice to meet you Konohamaru." He just calmly smiled.

The three kids were caught by another surprised and bewilderment. Especially, for Konohamaru who was wondering about the blonde's calmed reaction.

There was yet another quietness that took over.

Although, At the same time, Ayame entered the scene and was greeted by three kids that she knew." Konohamaru, Moegi, and Udon? What are you guys doing here?" She asked which finally broke the silence.

"Hey, Ayame-neechan! I just want to ask if big brother Naruto came by here?" The boy asked.

Both Boruto and Ayame widened their eyes in surprised. Naruto was here? How could that be? They were handling customers all day long and they haven't seen any blonde person with an orange jumpsuit come by here yet.

"What do you mean? Did Naruto-san return from his training trip?" Ayame asked. She was eager to know if the blonde s.h.i.+n.o.bi had finally returned to the village.

Konohamaru just sighed in disappointment. He thought that his big brother would be here now. Looks like He won't be arriving soon enough." Oh, I just thought he was here." The boy replied with his down.

"Are you alright Konohamaru?" A concerned Ayame asked.

On the other hand, the boy just grinned." Nah, I'm alright, we better get going now, Thanks Ayame-neechan!" Konohamaru said as the boy then proceeded to head outside.

Moegi and Udon just stared at their teammate for a moment before catching up to the latter. The two gave their goodbyes as they left the ramen shop.

"What was that about?" Boruto wondered aloud. Was his young sensei really that big fan of his dad?

On the other hand, Ayame gave a sad smile." I'm so sorry if you don't understand him, He just really wants to see him again." She explained.

"Oh." Boruto said. To be honest, He really did not know his sensei's past and background. He did not really know about the latter's whole relations.h.i.+p with his dad. Plus, His sensei as a kid was just a new thing to him.

Ayame would go on to explain that the boy had a very close relations.h.i.+p with the blonde. The second person to acknowledge Naruto as he is. This was due to the blonde not seeing Konohamaru as simply the third's grandson like everyone else in the village originally did.

Slowly, Boruto began to understand. There were a lot of things that he did not knew about his sensei, parents and other people that he knew before. Since He was in the past, He might as well get to know everyone.


"Man, talk about seeing your sensei as a little kid. I wonder what would it be ike baby sitting him? He must be more hyper than me.(Chuckles)


It was beautiful day in the streets of the village. It was not crowded so it would be nice for everyone to take a stroll. As for a certain pink haired girl, she was both strolling and walking to her destination which was located at the main gates of the village.

Sakura enjoyed the atmosphere and ambience that was present at the moment. A wonderful sunny day combined with the peaceful presence of the village, it was a stroll to be remembered. As the pink haired teen pa.s.sed by the streets, she began to wonder about the events that happened in the past.

Specifically, she wondered the time when the lady Hokage went to the Hospital conduct some random test to three people that she did not met before. Why would she also need her teammates blood? is this because they were going on a blood transfusion here because of the same blood type? Or maybe DNA test?

If that were a DNA test, then that would be absurd. Not one in a million years that her blonde and raven-haired teammate might have long lost family members. It was just impossible. Both were orphans except for Sasuke, who still has an older brother left. Although, at the end of the day, n.o.body will know the truth.

"Hey Sakura!" A Familiar voice was then heard calling the pink haired girl's name.

Sakura turned around to see three familiar kids that she knew who were none other than Konohamaru, Moegi, and Udon.

The pink haired teen smiled." Hey guys!" She greeted them. She also wondered why they were such in a hurry?

Konohamaru gave a smile." Where are you off to?" He asked older girl.

"Well, I'm off to the main gates to fetch the daily pedestrian report for Lady Tsunade." She explained.

"You guys wanna tag along?" Sakura asked with a smile. She could use a good company right now.

Konohamaru and the rest of gang took glances at each other before all of them turned their heads towards the pink haired teen. They all nodded.

"Sure then! We might be able to meet Big brother Naruto at the gates!" Konohamaru expressed his excitement yet again while the other just raised her eyebrows in confusion.

"He is back?"


"I was really puzzled yet hoping that time. I hadn't seen him for two years now. Is He the same old idiot the last time I saw him?"


As the day continued. The crew found themselves walking along the streets of the village towards the main gates. Sakura found time to have a conversation with the three kids, especially Konohamaru who was leading the way.

"And the cat really tried to scratch my face and nuts off, but I was able to get it." Konohamaru explained their recent D rank mission which really caused laughter amongst the group.

Sakura couldn't believe on how it was tough for them to catch just only one cat. Are cats really that tough nowadays? She also remembered the times when the team was still together, and they would go on this D rank missions which included finding and catching escaped animals who were also pets to begin with.

"Yeah, I remember We have D rank missions which were exactly like that." Sakura commented. She was reminiscent about the past.

"Actually, brings back a lot of memories." Sakura added.

Konohamaru smiled but then he became quiet for a few seconds. He was eager to ask the pink-haired teen this question.

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"By the way, have you gotten any word from Naruto yet?" Konohamaru asked.

Sakura shook her head. She realized the reason why the boy agreed to tag along." Nope, not a word from Naruto yet." She simply replied.

Konohamaru sighed in yet another disappointment. "Too bad, I was really hoping." He explained.

"Is that why you're so excited to go to the main gates?" Sakura asked while the boy simply nodded.

Sakura gave a smile of hope to the boy." You don't have to be down, I'm sure He will be popping out anytime soon." She explained.

Konohamaru looked up and turned his head to the older girl. He then gave her a smile, reigniting his hopes of meeting his idol and big brother soon.

As the group finally reached their destination. They were then greeted by the shocked but excited faces of the two s.h.i.+n.o.bi who were at the guard post. Sakura and co. Were currently wondering on what the two were excited about.

"Hey guys, how's it going?" Sakura greeted the two who were ready to tell the big news anytime.

"Hey Sakura! You guys are just right in time!" Kotetsu grinned.

"I guess someone's waiting for you guys, but you just have to find him somewhere in the village." Izumo added further.

As of now, the rest of the crew were confused and bewildered. What the heck were they talking about? And Who's this person they say that was waiting for them?

After a few moments of wondering, Sakura finally realized who that person was.

"Naruto?" She muttered one name. She then glanced at the two guards who gave her a nod.

"Hey Konohamaru, looks like He's..." Sakura trailed off when she turned around to find the boy had gone off back to the main district with his team.

For a few moments, she felt dumbfounded. But she then regained her senses and noticed that she was the only one left.

"Hey wait!" Sakura exclaimed as she took off from her current spot and headed towards where her blonde teammate currently is.


"Man, it's been awhile since I walked in this street!"

"It's sure is."

A certain blonde teenager wearing a black and orange jumpsuit found himself and his sensei walking along the busy streets of the village. It was a sight to see, at least for blonde teenager who just came back after a long 2-year training trip with his sensei.

He was looking forward to meeting the rest. Especially, his one and only beloved Sakurchan. He remembered that he had plan. A plan to show the girl on how he has matured in this two years. He had to act like a gentleman, but would he fail?

"So, Naruto, what do you think of the new and improved Village of The Hidden leaves?" Jiraiya interrupted the latter's thoughts. The kid seemed to be quiet for most of the time. What was he thinking or planning?

The two reached a certain area where there stood an electric post that was tall enough for anyone to see a good view of the village. One would need a very long ladder to that view. However, only a s.h.i.+n.o.bi can go up there easily with his or her bare feet to see the view in a short time.

As for the teenage blonde, He had no problem at all. He quickly set his feet and immediately ran towards the certain post. As soon as he steps on the post, He ran upwards towards the top.

When he got to the top, He was then greeted by an amazing view of the village. " Now this takes me back!" The blonde teen exclaimed. It was just a breath-taking view.

"The village hasn't changed a bit!" He added as he observed his surroundings. The wind was very strong which added to his epic introduction yet.

"I'm Home Everyone! Naruto Uzumaki has returned to the hidden Leaf Village! Dattebayo!" Naruto yelled out with all his voice. The future greatest Ninja has arrived.

Jiraiya looked up as he observed the blonde from the ground." Same old Naruto as Always." He sighed.

"Jiraiysan!" A female voice then was heard calling the white haired Sannin.

Jiraiya then turned to face four familiar faces that he hadn't seen in two years. He smiled as he saw his student's pink haired teammate and three kids who he deduced as his sensei Sarutobi's grandson.

"Looks who's here." The white haired Sannin said. He greeted them as they seem to appear exhausted from the run.

Sakura who managed to catch up with the three kids, recovered her breath. She then looked towards the toad sage." Jiraiysan is He really here?" She asked.

Jiraiya could only sighed. "Well he's right up there." He pointed towards the top of post where the one and only blonde stood.

The rest of the gang then followed the latter's instructions and all of them looked up to see the person they were looking for.

"You got to be kidding me." Sakura muttered. As she was about to call him, the young Konohamaru beat her to it first.

"Big Brother Naruto!" Konohamaru yelled out to the blonde. He just can't contain his excitement. Although, there was no response or any sign of him hearing their calls.

"Naruto!" Sakura began to yell out her teammates name. She also wondered if the latter has gone deaf because he can't hear them calling him.


"Looks like they added an extra head for Tsunade-Baachan." Naruto commented. He was observing the Hokage Mountain and was really amazed on how they carved that additional face in just two years.


The Uzumaki then heard a very familiar female voice. The Blonde's eyes widened as he immediately recognized the voice that was calling his name. He then looked down and four familiar faces, especially the pink haired girl.

Naruto grinned. He quickly set off his feet and jumped down from his current position. He landed on the ground safely and quickly headed straight to greet the rest of the newcomers which were his friends.

"Hey guys Long time no See!" Naruto greeted the rest. By the time he reached his pink haired teammate, he stopped his tracks as he was then met by surprised.

Sakura stared at the blonde in awe. He really had grown up and He looks matured than before. She thought that she was staring at a different person, but it was really her teammate.

"You've grown taller." Sakura commented. She was just in awe and not used to seeing the blonde taller than her. She recalled back then that he was the shortest person in the team.

Naruto then noticed it." Well, What I can say Hehe." He chuckled while scratching the back of his head.

Naruto then noticed his pink haired teammate blushed. For what reason though?

"Uhm, Naruto Can I ask you a question?" Sakura asked while blus.h.i.+ng for a bit. The blonde then raised his eyebrows in question.

"Do you think I seemed more like a woman to you now?" She asked. She wasn't sure if she really looked like a beautiful grown woman in this two years.

Naruto then grinned. "Are you kidding!? You haven't changed a bit Sakurchan!" He commented with a thumbs up. He just did not realize what he had just said.

On the other hand, Sakura just made a disappointed looked and turned behind with her arms crossed. She was expecting for the blonde see her as a young woman.

Jiraiya could only snicker from behind." Nice going Naruto." He whispered to the blonde who was now thinking of what he was going to do next.

Naruto was just as crying in the inside because of his idiotic answer. He just promised himself that he would act a different and mature person for his teammate and he was stuck in an awkward situation right now.

Then a thought came into the blonde's mind. He finally knew what to do next. He then took a deep breath and processed his brain to apologize to the pink haired teen and maybe take back what he had said.

As he was about to open his mouth. The young Konohamaru interrupted him." Hey Big Brother Naruto, Take a looked at this!" He exclaimed as he then performed a hand sign.

"s.e.xy No Jutsu!" The boy yelled out he transformed. A puff of smoke appeared then faded away to reveal s.e.xy naked lady who was surrounded by the smoke to cover the sensitive parts.

There were several different reactions coming from the rest of the gang. Sakura was surprised and freaked about the Jutsu, along with Moegi was just visibly annoyed. Udon was in shocked while Jiraiya just made a goofy but perverted hungry in awe face. He was really the ultimate pervy sage.

After a few seconds, the s.e.xy no Jutsu wore off and the boy transformed back into his original form." What do you think? Not too bad for the Curves Department Hehe." Konohamaru grinned. After all this time, He wanted to also prove that there was no underestimating the power of his s.e.xy no Jutsu.

As the boy waited for a response, the blonde teenager just stood there. He just kept quiet and formed a small smile on his face.

"I'm sorry Konohamaru but I'm not scrawny little kid anymore." He explained.

"You shouldn't be using these kinds of Jutsu. You have to remember that they are beneath you now." Naruto explained further. His matured side was coming out but for how long?

As for Sakura, she was in awe and amazed by the blonde's sudden change in character. She had to admit that she really missed the old version of the knucklehead, but this was for the best. Maybe that two-year training trip really changed him as a person.

As for Konohamaru, He was caught by surprised. He just looked down on the ground. He can't believe that his Idol had finally matured and was not the same kid anymore.

Unbeknownst to them the blonde was planning something big of a surprised. There was quietness for a few moments before the blonde finally gave into his knucklehead side.

"Come on Konohamaru! It's that all you got!? I can do a thousand times better than that!" Naruto yelled out just like a scrawny little kid. He was also about to perform his new naughty Jutsu when something unexpected happens.

"NARUTO!" One screamed by the pink haired teen changed it all. Soon Naruto found himself being punched in the face and then turned into a wrestling and punching bag.

"WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING YOU IDIOT!? WE DIDN'T SEE EACH OTHER FOR TWO YEARS AND YOU'VE GOT THE NERVED TO PULL A STUNT LIKE THAT!?" Sakura was visibly and obviously outraged and furious. All her expectations and hopes of seeing a mature person in Naruto was just flushed down the toilet.

"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW THAT MAKES ME FEEL!?" The pink haired girl added. She was just scolding the blonde at an extreme level currently. She was also unknowingly grabbing him by the collar while she was yelling at the poor blonde.

"Man, she really hasn't changed a bit but gotten more vicious!" Naruto commented in his thoughts. He should be taking notes on how not to act like an idiot in front of his teammate or else.

Meanwhile, Konohamaru and gang immediately went to the white haired Sannin to take refuge from the wrath of the pink haired teen. They were visibly shaking in terror now.

Jiraiya just gave a sighed." Looks like She raised a Mini Tsunade of Konoha." He commented. He took note of the short-tempered teen which reminded him of his teammate from long ago.

Could this get any better?


Sarada couldn't believe what she was hearing from her boss, whom was the owner of the shop. Apparently, her proposal to adjust her working schedule was approved and the raven-haired girl was just as happy as anyone else. That would also mean that she would finally go on mission with the rest of the guys soon enough.

"Thank you so much! I promise that I will work harder, you won't regret it Sir!" Sarada remembered those words that she had said a while ago to her boss.

The raven-haired teen happily smiled from ear to ear. She was looking at a piece of paper which contained the information of her approved schedule.

She also told her boss about the whole thing about her being stress and overworked. The good thing is that her boss was an understanding person and understood the girl's current situation. So, she gave the raven-haired girl a deserved rest for a while.

"Thank you Boruto!" She thanked the latter inside. Her blonde friend was truly the one that she was to be thankful of. Without his advice and knowledge of time management, the Uchiha girl would still be working overtime throughout the week.

Sarada took a deep breath and restarted her face with a smile. Her boss also told her that she can go home anytime she wanted and the raven-haired teen decided that she was going home.

When She finally arrived at the main area of the Cafe/Shop, she was then greeted by a fellow colleague/employee who had told her that the customer who enjoying the meal had already left. Sarada realized that she had forgotten to engage the latter into a conversation, but it was too late though.

The mysterious customer had also apparently paid the bill through her female colleague and even left a tip for Uchiha teen. Sarada was just bewildered, this was one of the first times that a customer gave a tip. Regular customers in the shop rarely give tips.

Her female colleague/employee, also commented on how the customer was quite secretly attractive. The raven-haired teen could only have sighed. She knew that she had seen this customer's face before somewhere, but it was just too late to wonder now.

"So, where you off to now?" The female colleague, named Aika asked. This was the first time she had seen the raven haired lady excited.

Sarada just smiled." I think I'm gonna go home and relax." She simply said as she removed her green ap.r.o.n grabbed her small bag and headed for home.

The Uchiha girl told herself she was gonna only enjoy this day no matter what.


"Well, I guess I've been workaholic for weeks now and I'm looking forward to released that stress.( Gives a smile)


Himawari yawned as she sat on the couch. She used her hands to press the remote thus switching the channels on the TV. From Drama to Comedy to Family, to horror, the lavender haired girl just watched every genre just to keep her occupied.

She was getting tired that she might needed a nap. She had already finished preparing the ingredients and was ready for cooking anytime the time called her to do it. She also had in mind of going out again since she can just wear the patches on her cheeks, but she just doesn't have the mood and energy right now.

Himawari rested her head on couch. She wondered on what were the two doing right now at this moment. She also hoped they would go home early today. Being home alone was boring but the girl was used to it already.

Himawari just sighed." Might as well continue the horror movie marathon."


AN: Thank you for reading chapter!