"Um...No!" The dryard replied, I was dumbstruck, the heck?!" Why? I beat you though, unless I have to do something..." I asked confused, the dryards eyes sparkled, Yu saw a 'Now's my chance!' Expression on his face, oh no. "If...If you make me your contracted creature, I will!" He replied, I became a icicle, WHAAAAAAAAT.
? Lucifer TV ?
"LUCIFER DO YOU COPY?" The lucfier with gla.s.ses, Lucifer 1 shouted to the main Lucifer, Lucifer 0
"ITS CODE GEAS-" said the Lucifer with the comfortable clothes, Lucifer 5 "SHADAP LAH!" shouted the Lucifer in fight clothing, Lucifer 3
"ITS CODE WHATTHEFRICKWHATDOIDONOW AKA CODE WATERMELON!!!" Shouted the Lucifer in a cloak aka a dress, Lucifer 4
"SHOOT. EVERYTHING IS GOING HAYWHIRE!!!" Lucifer 1 shouted as he pressed all the b.u.t.tons on the panel while looking at the screen aka eyes, Lucifer 0 was right beside him, helping him out, cause he can't do it properly. Lucifer 3 was at his table trying to make him start moving again. He controls his body movement as well as instinct. Lucifer 4 was at his table, sorting out Lucifer's emotions, you can Guess what he is, Lucifer 5 was sitting at the middle, hugging the heart pillow to calm himself down. He is the heart so to say.
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? now onto advertis.e.m.e.nts/ back to normal ?
" Askxorjwkdofj" I can't say anything, I was just there while the Dryard was hugging me and Yu trying to pull him off. "H-how to contract?" I was able to form a sentence! Yes! "How about healing him just like you did to me?" Yu suggested, now giving up in pulling the dryard off. "Uh...how? I can't move..." I said depressingly. wait... aren't dryards suppose to be female? The handsome boi removed his mighty grasp, he looked very VERY reluctant. "Aren't Dryards suppose to be female?! And attached to trees? And look like wood?!" I questioned the boi, he looked at me in surprise and sighed, " No... they are not." I just stood there like a statue. "HEY ARE YOU GONNA HEAL ME OR NOOOT???" He whined, I was just there... I pointed my hands at him, or palms...."H-Heal..." I said, but this time, a magic circle appeared in my hand and green aura things flowed out and enveloped the boi. After it was done, he looked even more etherial than he already was. "THAT WASNT A CONTRACT." He cried, as he bit and pulled a cloth somehow from somewhere like a maiden. "Yu?" I asked. I am really scared..."Maybe...book?" He suggested , the book!! I started digging into my pocket or wherever I hid it. And was able to pull it out, I flipped to the page that said heal. And read it out loud, "In the name of the G.o.ddess, I pray to you. Almighty sword of healing and more-,THIS IS STILL TAKING TO LONG, WING IT, Heal!" I complained half-way, now a circle appeared under the dryard, he was floating in the air! Just like Yu before! "A light engulfed him while me and Yu covered our eyes from the blinding light. After it disappeared, I saw the Dryard but he looked completely different! His hair was still the same but more luscious and longer, nothing different with the ears and his skin just got smoother, but he was wearing a robe instead of something like a robe and the colour of it was Light blue, with a indigo flower embroidery on his chest, he was wearing Long pants though, Phew! He opened his eyes and they were even more enchanting than before. It was clearer. Scary..... I looked at Yu, and noticed he had a embroidery of the same flower on his cloth that was draped across him, I was alarmed, definitely alarmed. " What is my name, Mistress?" The Dryard Asked, i was confused, and had no idea of what to do , but when I looked at his appearance, it somehow reminded me of my work Boyfriend, Seth..." Um...Your name will be Seth from now on." Seth stood up, and ran up to me and hugged me. "MISTRESS!!!" He sure was clingy..." Seth, be sure to never ask for any sort of punishment for nothing ok?" I asked, Seth looked down, OH MA G.o.d HE LOOKED LIKE A G.o.d ANIME CHARACTER THATS ATTRACTIVE..." ...I'll try!" He gleamed, I pushed him away and ignored the moan he had, EW EWE WIFISNEKOCQJKFOAFOAIDCHR!!!!
"I need to get the technique Seth..." I asked, clearly feeling like I had no life force in me anymore. "Hey Seth, why do you call our Master Mistress? He's a guy?" Yu asked Seth, he sat up, breaking out in a sweat, " He looks like a girl!" He replied forcing a smile. "Hmmmm..." Yu trailed off. "Oh yeah! Follow me!" Seth exclaimed as he lead us to a hollow old tree that looked like it was a very important place. Seth reaches inside and took out a tattered book, "Here it is! You wanna learn it?" He asked, i modded my head vigorously, I need to be able to keep myself safe from the days to come! "Alright come here darl-" Seth said, as I punched him hard in the stomach, he moaned. (In agony? I wish :(. ) "M-Mistress..." he whispered , " YAH, DONT MAKE ME LOOK LIKE SOME s.a.d.i.s.t?!" I screamed, as i shuffled far far away from him, and hid behind Yu. "Heeeeyyyyy, how am I suppose to Make you learn when your so far away????" He whined, HIS WORDING WKKCKWNSHK. I reluctantly stood in from of him, but he then hit my head with the book, really hard. "OWWWWWE WHAT THE HE- wait, vat?" I am confusion, "Congrats Mistress! You learned it!" He clasped his hands together, I just stood there dumbfounded. "It's getting late, do you need to go back to the tree?" Yu asked, my face turned pale, no no no no!
"Hey Seth." (Lucifer)
"Yes Mistress?" (Seth)
"What did you do?" (Lucifer)
"I made you remember the skill." (Seth)
"How???" (Lucifer)
"It's a special skill book. If you hit the head, you'll remember instantly, you just need to practice it." (Seth)
"Hey Seth." (Lucifer)
"Yes Mistress?" (Seth)
"You are the tree right?" (Lucifer)
"Yes, right now I'm just the soul in a sapling." (Seth)
"Then your house was..." (Lucifer)
"Its my crotch yes- Mistress? MISTRESS???" (Seth)
"Crotch crotch crotch crotch..." I mumbled, while I was lying on the gra.s.s, Yu and Seth were panicking. It was then I noticed that the sky was getting dark. I have to go home, don't I? Go home...home, dad..."DAD!!!" I shouted, springing back to life, scaring both Yu and Seth. I was rolling in the ground thinking of a way to do something about it," Hey Master....What are you so worried about?" Yu asked, his ears and tail were hung Low. While Seth was just there looking worried...." I have to go home and I can't tell my dad about this!!!" I exclaimed, "Wait...I can call you can't I?" I asked, eyes bright. "Sorry Mistress but I think fire cat here is to worried to allow you to leave here alone, same goes for me, WHAT IF BANDITS KIDNAP YOU???" Seth rambled, and my mind was going haywire. Let's say the Lucifer's were having trouble...
"ok, so you two.can you change into anything inconspicuous?" I asked, twirling my hair around my index finger. "Seth can become anything really, since he is a shapes.h.i.+fter after all. But since I have ascended to something beyond heavenly monarch realm. I now have the ability to change into a thing. Which is actually a bracelet." Yu explained, I stood there and listened attentively. Wow, such detailed explanations coming from a cat. " So.... Yu....can you turn for me to see?" I asked, Yu was reluctant but said,"It's for ladies though..." I smiled,"Even better." Now Yu was confused and Seth snickering at the side. Yu sighed in defeat when I wouldn't say why and turned into the bracelet. It had crimson red and pearly white beads and a cute cat and a fire charm on it, there was also a flower charm that was blue in colour and had the same design as the one on Yu's cloth and Seth's robe. I picked it up and wore it, as I helped my hand high to examine the bracelet, it had a simple yet pretty design, I like it. "Seth, what about you? Can you turn into anything? For example a choker?" I asked, Seth beamed,"Yes yes Mistress!" He chirped, as he turned into a beautiful choker , the colour of the fabric was indigo with a light blue hue. It had tiny metal chain strings dangling off it, so that she could hang charms on them. But there were three strings, the first one that was the closest to her neck had a green leaf charm dangling of it, the second had a blue jewel the colour of his eyes dangling of it, and the last one had the same flower charm as YU's dangling off it, they all swayed inconsistently. Lucifer was delighted, to say the least, "You both or so pretty!" He, or let's revert back, she squealed, both creatures were confused, "How?" They said in unison via mind link. Luna can choose to block it off or not, but she didn't know such things could happen." HOW YOU TALK???" She screamed, "Mind link! Just talk in your mind!" Yu pleaded. "O-Ok...Until i say so, don't open your eyes, ok?" I asked, "Yes Master/Mistress." They both replied Simultaneously, "Yu, I trust you will supervise the pervert." I said calmly," Of course Master." Yu replied bluntly, and after waiting awhile, I touched my hair and said one word, "Revert." And then from where I touched my hair, it turned back to the blue I had and started spreading, I also changed her eyes from red back to gold, including the many many tears I had to shed. Untying my ponytail, some might say I looked like an untouchable princess in commoners clothing. As I walked aimlessly through the forest, I stumbled across an injured snake, feeling pity I healed it up again, it wanted to thank me and I replied that all I need is directions to my house, then I started following the snake and, eventually, reached my house, I was delighted," Thank you snake!" I waved, as it slithered away. I walked to a bush and grabbed out a sullied cloth wrapped around something, as I untied it, it was a cloak that I bought with Aklan! After wearing it, I hugged the cloth and ran to the rope that was hung off my balcony, after climbing up and repeating the procedure from yesterday, with the exception of removing Seth and Yu and placing them on the table, after showering and 'locking' my door, I was met with an unexpected situation, Yu and Seth were back in their human form, but were now 15 year olds....and they were still taller than me! Well I am a pretty tall girl for my age, but still! "M-Master?" Yu asked, voice trembling, "Excuse me but please sit in a corner and close your eyes." I said calmly, giving them a very 'kind' smile. They immediately went to hid in a corner and cover their eyes with their ginormous hands, I put a blanket over them, just in case, "Don't peak, don't remove the blanket, don't utter a word and most importantly, DON'T move." I ordered, the nodded their head vigorously, I smiled. I changed into a pink nightgown, very plain, but very comfy. "You are allowed to do them now." I sighed, as Seth jumped out from the covers and hug me tightly, Yu stayed under the covers, "Master.... why did you hid your gender?" He finally spoke after a while, I smiled gently and crawled over after being freed from Seth's grasps, I patted his head and said," Ident.i.ty purposes." I smiled, he looked up, and I was truly heartbroken, his eyes were s.h.i.+ny and his nose was slightly red, I hugged him super tightly, and he hugged back. "Why are you crying?" I asked Yu, he sniffed, "I thought you were lying to me, as you didn't trust me enough..." I Guess contracted beasts trust their owners a lot huh, it wasn't before Long until I heard faint footsteps, "Dad." That was the only word ringing in my head, "Yu! Bracelet! Seth! Be another bracelet!" I whispered under my breath, they could detect the urgency in my voice and did it effectively, Seth was hidden in my Jewelry box and I removed the chair and placed it back to where it was suppose to be and jumped into my bed and pretend to fall asleep in breakneck speed. The door creaked open,
'It's actually Father!'
Ithought, as I peaked through a small opening through my eyelids. I was shocked to the core, he never did this before. He looked around the room and left. But not before he kissed my forehead goodnight. We survived, for now....