It's spicy-ish
As Luna opened her eyes, she saw a sea of green leaves, realising she was in a entirely different location, and that she had a real stiff neck, she started surveying her surroundings. Until she felt something nudge her arm, she cranked her head to her left and saw a baby red cat, "Yu!" She thought, as she tried to lift her arm," It's no use pip squeak." A arrogant voice sounded, she tried to find out where it came from, but it rang out from everywhere...
...Back story s.p.a.ce s.h.i.+p time!
So when she was younger, Luna, or Abby had a knack of locating where sounds come from without seeing where the thing is, so now she is very sensitive to where sound comes from....back to trac boiiii....
..."I'm the tree you mongrel." It huffed, Yu started growling but stopped when he saw Luna's, sorry, Lucifer's 'stop it I will cry' look. "Who...are you?" Lucifer croaked, feeling really confused," Not that it matters, your in MY house, little kitten there says you came to get something?"
MEOW MEOW MEOW author here, today I decided that I will be writing in this fixed style from now on, if you spot the change in style when me publish, please comment, helpful ppl of G.o.d. Ok back story...(chicken wings?)
My eyes shot open and I could feel the adrenalin coursing through my body,"MANA BREATHING ART!" I screamed , startling the kitten look-like Yu and the voice, from the gasp it gave out,"how Chu know????" It questioned, I gulped, YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME, "Person..." I said nonchalantly, I was internally panicking karisjgkeoosnrisnfo. "No one knows except for a selected few... by that I mean very VERY few people...." the voice trailed on, until Yu stopped it, now that he reverted to his handsome boi mode." Stop with the questioning just give it to him already..." the voice snickered," If that weak looking man can get a hit on me, I'll consider. " I was fired up now, "YOU GOT A CHALLENGE AND I ACCEPT!!" I was a very notorious delinquent back in my school days, it was for my little bro tho..." Ok, right in front of this tree. I'll be waiting..." it snickered, 'I can feel it's presence fade away...' I thought, "WHY DID YOU ACCEPT THAT s.a.d.i.s.tIC TREE?!?!" Yu asked half worried half angrily,
Author: w.a.n.grily hehehe
"ITS THE TREE??!!" I screamed, DOESEN'T THAT MEAN IM INSIDE IT???? I ran like sonic right out of that G.o.dd.a.m.n room, 'gotta go fast!' As they say, when I stood outside, I saw something that hurts me, like literally. There was a person, a little shorter that Yu, BUT STILL FREAKISHLY TALL LIKE A HEAD TALLER THAN ME, YU'S A HEAD AND A LITTLE BIT MORE TALLER THAN ME?!! He had Long forest green hair tied into a really Low pony tail, pale skin that looks like porcelain, Long elven like ears, wearing a simple robe adorn with a few flowers, but it's like seriously revealing, narrow eyes, a compact build and broad shoulders. AND I THOUGHT YU WASN'T ENOUGH.
His pupils were like staring into a clean stagnant lake anyone could be sucked into, BUT NOT ABBY NOO SHE WAS TOO FIRED UP TO CARE. "LETS FIGHT YOU PIP SQUEAK" she shouted...
???(Dryard) POV
H-Huh?! She's shouting at me and calling me a pip squeak?! But I don't feel angry... AM I BENT??? NAW NAW NAW NO WAY.... I tossed that thought to the side "COME AT ME T-"
Lucifer's POV
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"THOT!" I interrupted as I charged at him, my Father did not torture me with martial arts for my child hood for nothing! The handsome boi 2 (hehehe) was shocked for a millisecond before he started swinging st.u.r.dy large branches like the ones form the whomping willow,of course it was connected to the tree. I was barely able to dodge them all," so this is why he kept throwing random stuff at me all the time like pipes,chairs, tables, a piano and a bed. And that's just some of them... isn't that child abuse dad?" I thought while dodging, I was gradually getting closer to him and he, well, was panicking like a little girl, he keeps mumbling to himself, all I could catch was "Defence barrier!!!"
Suddenly a bunch of roots sprouted and trapped him in a caged,oh no what am I gonna do... wait. I stopped and thought, "if he is the tree, he must be ticklish", I crept away and dashed to Yu. "Hey Yu, is this tree ticklish?? If so where?" I whispered, suddenly Yu's voice was in my brain, "the high branches, why?" I Guess its telepathy, I gave him a thumbs up, and started climbing the tree," What are you Doing?!" The tree said, startled, "You'll know soon enough!" I replied, as I made my way up, it really brings some nostalgia to me, the way me and my Brother always sneaked out of the house just to climb a tree or play.... "Now not the time!!" I said to myself as I made my way to the top branch, then I started tickling every single branch in my sight."HAHAHA!!!S-Stop!! YOUR PLAYING DIRTYAHAHHAHEEHEHE" I smiled, I know it must've released its defence as I see in the distance the vines retreating. I jumped off the tree, "WOOOOAH!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, smiling, it was such a beautiful scene. "MASTEEEERR!!!" Yu screeched, "WEEEEEEEEE!!" I shouted, and the handsome boi 2, which was actually the tree, was still laughing. When I got close to the ground and was able to see the handsome boi 2, I aimed right at him," HHAHAHAH- wait, WH" And I crashed into him, "OWWWW" he screamed, wait a minute... he called me pip squeak and mongrel, that means weak isn't it? HE'S CALLING ME WEAK!!! Getting angry, I punched him really hard on the head and stomped a lot on his stomach. Leaping away right after, "served him right- wait. He's breathing heavily? No way he's not that heavily injured right? But I have a bad feeling about this...." I thought as I looked worried, he stood up, but then something unexpected that neither the cat Nor I expected.
"H-HE'S CLINGING ONTO ME!!!!" I internally whimpered, Yu was emitting a very scary aura tho, "I wish you would step onto me as hard as you Can and hit me hard!" He said breathing heavily with a red face. I froze,
?Lucifer's brain ?
"LUCFIER, ITS A m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t ALERT!!" A Lucifer in said
"I KNOW LUCIFER!" A Lucifer that's the main one replied hurriedly,
"WHATS GOING ON?!" A Lucifer said that was dressed in martial uniform
"IM SCARED LUCIFER" said a lucifer wearing robes clinging onto another Lucifer that is wearing comfortable clothing, it's chaos in there, utter chaos...
? in reality ?
I was frozen solid, while the tree person was begging me to hit him.."M-m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t?? Isn't he suppose to be a s.a.d.i.s.t Yu?" I asked, Yu was approaching with a confused face while the dryard was now Lying on the floor waiting for me to step on him....Help. "He is a s.a.d.i.s.t, dunno what got into him." Yu mumbled, "Hey sir...can you please not do that?" I asked, as I tried to lift him up. "B-But..." he staggered, "no more, ok, I beat you. Can I have the book or thing?" I asked kindly, smiling.
? Dryard POV ?
"HAHAHAHAHAHA wait WH" she crashed into me. "OWWWW!!" I screamed, it really hurt, but before I knew it, she started hitting my head really hard, wait, isn't this suppose to hurt ? Am I not to feel pain? Because it feels kinda nice, then a flurry of stomps of her foot to my stomach kept hitting me. "THE PAIN!!! I love it!" I moaned in my mind.
(Help I'm dying)
After she jumped away, my breath was very heavy, my whole body feels hot. Ahem, it was very warm. My face is red, isn't it? "But I never knew pain felt so nice...." I thought, usually I'm the one giving hurtful remarks and slapping people, but why... WHY??? I started to stand, I want to get hit more, stomped more. I want to get tortured. These thought ran through my mind and subconsciously, I ran and started clinging onto her," I wish you would step onto me as hard as you can and hit me hard!" I pleaded, I want more!
(I'm dying help, I need to convey the masochism!)
Now I was just laying on the grown with star filled eyes waiting for it. Suddenly fire cat showed up, "I'm a little annoyed, not because of him doing anything but just him taking my mistresses attention..." I was to busy admiring his face, wait, I can smell peach from him... and his facial features as well as how she conducts himself, he isn't a he, he's a She! "Hey sir...can you please not do that?" She asked me "B-But..." I really want to be hit ok?! "no more, ok, I beat you. Can I have the book or thing?" She asked kindly, smiling. An angel, I saw an angel.... I want to be her contracted creature, I wanna!
End of m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t dryard POV
I'm sorry my readers.