"What's happening?"
I shouted, the entire place was pitch black, and she felt like she was walking on water. Endlessly i walked, on and on and on. Just when I wanted to give up, the scenery changed. It was in a garden, a very wild but still pretty garden, I was sitting in a chair. It was then that something appeared in front of me. I stared at it, for a Long time. When I reached out to grab the object. I realised I was back in my room. I was reaching out into the air, realising this i retracted my hand. That was when I felt something laying on top of me, looking down at the culprit. I could not bring myself to wake it, or him up.
Laying on top of me was little baby Stanley. A big 12 year old baby Stanley. His midnight blue hair was in a mess as he was cuddling with his Sister.
Author: he's under the blanket.
While breaking my own heart. I shook Stanley a bit. "Stanley, wake up." I said calmly, but Stanley woke up with a frightened look,!!!!. Seeing this, I immediately embraced him into my arms, and started stroking his back, "Now Stanley, tell onee-Chan what's wrong?" I said gently, he was shaking so much MY HEARTEU. Looking down, i saw him looking back at me with his big eyes with his sky blue pupils. But it was br.i.m.m.i.n.g with tears threatening to fall. SO CUTE I CANTTTT AIDJAONFKANV.
" *sniff* I, dreamt that ...mommy was. .h.i.tting me again, because daddy, *sniff* was..." I placed a finger in his mouth, "shhh, it's fine Stanley, Big sis is here to protect you now. " I hushed, as I started stroking his hair, slowly, Stanley started closing his eyes, as he nudged closer to me. After awhile, he went deep into sleep. Seeing that I whispered, "Yu." The fiery red bracelet on my hand started to glow as it transformed into 15 year old looking Yu, he was standing at the side of the bed, still a bit uncomfortable about the sudden realisation yesterday.
I chuckled, "Yu, you alright?" I smiled, his face burned like fire, "Y-Yeah, I'm fine.." he said as his voice was real shaky. I slowly removed the insect called Stanley from me, I took my hidden rabbit plushy and slipped it into his arms, he grabbed it and hugged it tightly, I squealed at his adorable self. "Now he won't have a rough childhood, but now, it's time for the hard one at the moment..." I said in a Low voice, putting on a serious expression.
In the game, the reason why Luna in the game was so twisted was because of her family's past circ.u.mstances. His Father adopted Yu from a branch Family, despite explaining it to her Mother, she still thought that Luna's Father brought home a illegitimate child. Filled with rage, whenever no one was around, she would drag Stanley to her room and torture him. She also brainwashed Luna into bullying her Brother and having an unhealthy mind set. Like everyone loves you, your the best of the best, use force to get what you want.
Remembering this, Luna unconsciously s.h.i.+vered, after asking Yu to tuck Stanley into bed, she kissed Stanley's forehead and said, "Yu, I think I need you to go to a corner and cover your eyes, I'm going to change." with a flushed face, Yu went to hid under the table facing the wall in the darkest area. Thus Luna went to shower secretly, but she could not find any dress she liked, since everything is just GLITTER!! I regret not buying a dress that time.... wait, I have that Dryard... NOOOO, *cries in agony*, wait what about... I'm visiting my parents for breakfast. They will kill me if I wear that... *maked unrecognisable sobbing noises*
After bawling silently, I took out the bracelet from my Jewellery box, "Seth... can you turn into a dress, just a pretty and simple one..." I said sadly, "does that mean Master is going to be inside of me?!" Seth exclaimed gleefully, while me and Yu s.h.i.+vers with disgust." Seth, your making it sound wrong..." I sighed, Then Seth hums a faint glow and transforms into a simple green dress, it reached until slightly below the knee and there were Long, vine embroidery everywhere with a few flowers, but at the hem of the dress and the sleeves were embroidered with a small row of the same lotus flower in a light blue colour. The sleeves at the elbow extends out looking like bat wings as safiya nygaard says. But the green is pastel and the vines are a bright green like this ? but slightly lighter.
With a few frills here and there. Seeing this I squealed with delight, "How pretty!" I then proceeded to wear it, and yell (softly yet firmly) at Seth to not look. "Wow it's so pretty!" I yelped again, as I looked in the mirror, "Yu!" I whispered, as Yu transformed into a bracket and floated to my arm, I wore it. After kissing Stanley on the forehead again, I was ready to face what was going to come.
Walking down the hall, I approached the dinning room, there I opened the door, to see my Father and Mother sitting there, as I took my seat. My Father spoke, " Luna, I have arranged for you to have a meeting with your fiancé." I almost choked, I almost forgot! When Luna was 9, she was arranged a fiancé, and that was the main target, the crown prince. "AHHH s.h.i.+ZZZZ!!" At the moment, i am going to enroll this year, in March, now is only January. So yeahhh... "Luna, you have not met your Fiancé in over a year!" Mother wept, i inwardly eye rolled. I delicately ate my food as they lectured me about continuing my lessons. Wait what????
After finis.h.i.+ng Breakfast, they went to find Stanley. Saying their going to reprimand him, "Excuse me." I curtesy, then rushed to my bedroom, seeing Stanley still hugging my stuff toy, with the mind set of wanting to save Stanley and skip lessons. I dressed as Bianca and rushed to Stanley's room stealthily. Knowing my parents are coming soon, I went to find clothes suited for Stanley, after finding his training attire, I rushed back to Stanley. Changing his eye colour to green and hair to yellow, like me, and asking Yu to change him. After that was finished, I wore Yu on one hand and Seth on one of Stanley's hand, for protection purposes. Then I proceeded to wake up Stanley. "Stanley, wakey wakey. Wanna come with Sister to the place where she went last time?" I asked gently, hearing this, Stanley opened his eyes and looked at my face, "Really!!" I smiled, "Yes! I helped you get into the proper attire, look!" Hearing this, Stanley rushed to the mirror, "Woooah!"
I then bridal styled carried Stanley, he was still holding onto the bunny. I jumped of the balcony and rushed into the forest, "Sissy!! Where are we going!!" Stanley exclaimed, "You'll see!"
After entering town square, I let him down," Stanley, hold onto sister's hand ok? Don't let go." Stanley nodded, as we explored the city, he hugged the bunny tightly.
"Look at those two siblings!"
"Their so charming these two children!"
The people started whispering, but me and Stanley didn't care, we went to buy clothes from the nice old lady from last time, I got a simple blue dress and Stanley got a white s.h.i.+rt and brown overall's. After paying, we went and got a bun to eat. While eating at the fountain, a familiar voice rang out." Bianca?!" I turned my head, my eyes sparkled, "Aklan!"
The owner was Aklan, he's Ocean blue hair still as messy as ever, his eyes were twinkling even thought they look like black holes. "Oh, who's that little bun bun?" Aklan asked, pointing at Stanley, who is currently gripping onto my arm very tightly. "That my little Brother! Isn't he adorable?" I smiled proudly, Aklan chuckled, he approached Stanley, "h.e.l.lo little one! What you name?" Aklan asked, Stanley just stared at him, unmoving. "Seems like he doesn't like me..." aklan pouted, "Stanley, be nice." I said sternly, "B-but... he's going to take sissy away from me!" He protested, his tiny little hands were in a fist and he pouted. when I looked at Aklan and he looked at me, we both knew, he's so CUTE! but he's a SISCON/ he liked his Sister too much!
Aklan looked at Stanley and grinned. He grabbed me and back hugged me, "Yes! I will take her away! Now my princess, shall we go?" I was confused and fl.u.s.tered for a second, then realised what he was trying to do, I grinned," Of course sir P-Prince... *snickers*" Aklan then stamped his feet, "WHAT ARE YOU LAUGHING AT!" I laughed," YOU DONT LOOK LIKE A PRINCE AT ALLL HAHAHAHAHAH." Aklan smirked, "You don't look like a princess either!" Before I had replied to him, Stanley shouted, "NO!! MY SISSY IS THE PWITIEST PWINCESS IN THE WHOLE WIDE WURLD!" STANLEY STOP, MY HEARTEU! "See, Stanley is my true prince!" I said cheekily, running to Stanley and back hugged my Brother, resting my head on his. Instead of the usual snappy retorts, Aklan's face turned dark. "So...You don't think I'm your prince at all?" He asked, still looking at the ground. Seeing this, it reminded me of how the Crown Prince looked when Luna annoyed him," Wait...Aklan are you jealous of my little Brother?" I teased, seeing his pace speed up, with a menacing aura. I continued my sentence unfazed," Aklan, If my Brother is my Prince, then your my knight in s.h.i.+nning armour!" I finished, flas.h.i.+ng a big wide smile.
Aklan's menacing aura that were scaring the critters and children away vanished, not the adults though cause they thought it was a an arrogant kid that was being a brat to me. "R-Really?" He asked, still looking at the ground. I was a self-proclaimed blush spotting extraordinaire, so in anime or manga. No blush can escape from me, so when I spotted his ears red like tomatoes. I almost burst out laughing. He was either embarra.s.sed or fl.u.s.tered. I have no idea, when Stanley heard this he got mad. "SISSY!" He shouted, punching me as hard as he could. I felt absolutely nothing as I starred at him with those kind of aww face.
After running around in the afternoon again and teasing Aklan relentlessly. He suddenly spoke up, " It's afternoon already?! I need to get back!" My ears perked up. "AFTERNOON?! STANLEY WE HAVE TO GET GOING OR MOM AND DAD ARE GOING TO KILL US!" Aklan laughed, "So your in the same predicament. Lets get going or our heads going to be rolling!" I puffed my cheeks as I swallowed the last of my skewer and dragged Stanley along. "Bye!" I shouted, looking at Aklan, he waved back.
After taking off our disguises and having a bath and changing into our normal clothes. We rushed to have our Lunch. As we sat in our chairs while being nagged at by our Mother. We looked at each other and giggles softly. "What are you two laughing about?" Mother said angrily, "Nothing!" We both replied harmoniously.
Third person eh POV
After falling asleep almost immediately, Yu and Seth transformed back into their humanoid form. As yu squared next to the bed and stared at Luna, Seth chuckled, "Yu...Why is your tail fidgeting so much?" YU's tail was swaying from side to side, and he didn't even notice! Finding out, he blushed hard and hid under the table again. Seth smirked, as he leaned over Luna from the side of the bed and traced her cheek. "Master..." Whispered Seth, just then. Luna grabbed his hand and held it agains her face, snuggling towards it. Feeling the warm sensation, Seth was a little shock. "Daddy..." Luna mumbled, Seth could hear this and was more shocked, daddy? With a flushed face, Seth had to admit. He liked the feeling. Then he noticed a small tear in her eye, Gently removing his hands. He smiled and returned back to a bracelet and beckoned Yu to do the same via telepathy. That night, no one would know anything about the next day.
Luna POV
I was in a white s.p.a.ce.
I couldn't move
Couldn't open my eyes
There was no one
No sounds
It felt
But it was so lonely.
Where are you?!
then a hand reached out to stroke my cheek...
Finally croaking my head up.
"Oh Abby... Your Daddy's baby girl."
I snuggled closer, reaching in for the warmth in this cold white world. I felt him flinch, I didn't want to remember, but it kept bombarding my brain. Stop! Daddy isn't dead! He's alive! He's here! I'm holding his hand! He's...
"Abby...Stop trying to convince yourself. He's dead and gone."
Huh?! I looked where the voice came from, tears forming on the edge of my eyes. In the distance, I saw a figure. It looks like me, when I was younger....
As the figure came closer, the silhouette changed. It kept changing, and when it was right in front of me. It was Luna! I then noticed his hand wasn't there anymore... Where? Where?? WHERE?!
My eyes popped open, and I sat straight up. Tears trickling down my face. My eyes were red and swollen. Wiping away my tears. I got dressed, avoiding The Maids since I woke up way earlier, today was the day I meet my fiancé,Cyrus. I at least had to look pretty, last time, i was so broke that I wouldn't allow myself to buy those expensive clothes and accessories, and I didn't really like wearing them anyways since they don't fit me! So now I can wear I better do! After buying clothes from the clothes shop at the market. I choose the one with the Family colour, purple, a deep rich purple. "I managed to memorise that when I was reading those dusty books. Quite remarkable I must say..." I thought to myself, as i wore on the outfit and sat at my desk. Studying the rest of the books.
"Miss, wake up-" the maids beckoned as they opened the door, little did they know Luna was already dressed and awake. "MISS?!" Another maid gasped. I smiled, "h.e.l.lo! Must I go to Breakfast already?" The maids were all shocked, why is miss awake so early without them waking her up?! "Y-Yes miss." Another maid spoke up. "I shall proceed to the dining hall then, you may leave." I waved my hand as they awkwardly wobbled out. Then I started walked unsteadily out of my room and to the dining hall.
"Father..." I whispered, as I closed the door. The atmosphere was dense and very eerie, bad sign. Mother was just sitting there with a small smile, but was clearly uncomfortable. Father was patiently sitting there with a completely black face. Stanley's seat was empty. So I sat where I should and waited for Father to eat, half way through breakfast Stanley burst through the door. "I'm sorry I'm late Father." He said bowing his head Low," It's alright take your seat." My Father said dangerously calmly. But innocent Stanley just didn't noticed and plopped down to eat. I sighed as I placed the final piece of some very plane and bland food into my mouth and stood up," Mother,Father, I will take my leave." I said bluntly and walked away, clearly noticing the very piercing glare from father. For of course not asking his permission to walk out, after shutting the door Luna slumped down. "That tension was too intense." I murmured, as i heaved a sigh of relief. Getting up, I remembered the dream, the garden!
The gra.s.s were blown to the side due to the extreme speed of my running. The garden! I need to see if this house has a garden! After running around for a while and not being able to find the garden. I groan in defeat and was about to go back to my room, when I saw a small tunnel behind an inconspicuous bush, the tunnel was full of shrubbery, since it is through another bush. "Seth, Stable boy attire please." I said excitedly, as the dressed hum a faint glow, since Seth was using it as a base, it turned into white ooze and transformed into a stable boy attire. "Comfy!" I squealed, as I moved through the bush and into the bushy tunnel. I found it was made with some wire mesh. Shrugging it off, I continued to crawl through, did I mention I was a very playful and adventurous kid?
After crawling through a very windy tunnel for what seemed like ages, I saw that there was light out of the tunnel!
Crawling out of it, I saw a beautiful garden. it was filled with all colours of roses and tulips, any kind of flower you could dream of! Having gone through a florist phase, I memorised every single flower ever recorded down, as well as those from folk lore.
There were also white chairs and round tables, like ones you'd find in a cafe. With small floral patterns, from the looks of it the place hasn't been used for years! The luscious trees and vines hanging from the tree branches looks magnificent. "Like from a dream..." two voices murmured. Feeling surprised,
I quickly stood up and look around, my eyes locked with another. His clear Azure eyes bore into mine, seeing his flawless skin and messy jet black hair. I couldn't take it! He looked so pretty!!!
After staring at each other for a few seconds we looked the other way, "S-Speak! What is your name..." the person from fairy tales asked. "Although not my real name, just call me Abby will suffice." I replied, "What about you?" I questioned, "Call me Javier..." Javier trailed off. I sighed,"So none of us want to reveal our names huh-" I spotted the thing, the thing I wanted most, the thing I saw in my dreams! Before Javier could reply I rushed to that table and grabbed hold of it, pick-pocketed it and rushed back to Javier," How about sitting down first before we chat hmm?" I asked sweetly, But he had such a stone cold face it was hard to read! Like a seriously hard history book.... But his ears are burning red, wonder why..." sure..." he replied bluntly.
After chatting for a bit we found out we have quite a few things in common, so naturally we became friends. After deciding that we would make this our secret spot, we heed each other adieu," Bye bye smartypants!" I exclaimed, "Right back at You, Bedhead!" He retorted, then we stared at each other fiercely, then burst out laughing before i climbed back through the tunnel. Who knew how special that place would be for us...
After climbing out, it was almost lunch time. So I hurriedly scurried back to me room. When I got there I saw Stanley was gone, so I went to shower per usual. Of course having to hit that perverted Dryard first. And having Yu deal with him plus locking the doors.
After a nice shower I wore one of the comfy clothes that I bought at the square, it's just some simple dress in the colour of white, that's all. I took the fabric I bought and the needles and started sewing, I needed to learn as for fixing my torn suits. Since I spend my money on anime merchandise anyways, and had fun with embroidery on rare occasions. So after happily sewing for awhile. I held it infront of me, it was a skirt, a very well made Long skirt. Hugging it tightly I hid it in the closet and started sewing a s.h.i.+rt and pants, after that and also hiding in the closet, while keeping my kit someone barged through the door. "Miss, your fiancé has arrived." The Maid said, after recovering from shock, Luna was very mad. "Why didn't you knock the door before you came in?" I asked, "Why would I have to knock miss?" The Maid asked innocently, thinking she could trick me to think she's a country b.u.mpkin. Too bad I wasn't the Luna I was before.
"Knocking before entering someone's room is basic courtesy, it is too show to the other party that you respect their privacy and is asking permission to enter. And you are only allowed not to knock on ones door if it is ones room. Don't tell me your too dumb to realise this?" I said firmly, The Maid was shocked at what I had said, trembling she said,"This is too much miss!" I looked at her fingers, wrist and face, bangles and brackets, rings and necklaces, hair ornaments and earrings all that were too expensive for her to afford? No way did that Maid buy that. I stalked over to her and s.n.a.t.c.hed every single Jewelry off her, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU BRAT?!" The Maid shouted in fury, only to cover her mouth immediately, I smirked,"Finally showing your true colours huh? Daddy!!" I said, running over to my dad at his office, while The Maid chased me.
"Daddy!Daddy! Look look! Is this something that needs to be looked up on?" I asked as I barged through the office door, when father looked up and saw what I was holding, he immediately stood up and said coldly,"Luna where did you get this." "From this Maid right here! She was showing it off to me this morning!" I said innocently, as The Maid begins to falter and step back,". I see, this was the Jewelry that I gave your beloved Mother. she really liked it but lost it recently, I haven't had a wink of sleep trying to find it, I will punish this Maid accordingly." My Father said coldly, "Of course Father." I said as I walked out of the room to the dinning room, when I entered I saw something horrific. "Luna! Welcome!" My Mother said happily, while she was holding a cane. I sweated bucketfuls Of sweat, S**T!
As I tip toed to my seat and started eating quietly, I can see the intense glare from my dear mother. Oh no oh no oh no oh no. "dear." A voice rang out, saviour! My saviour' Father! "h.e.l.lo dear." My mom said calmly, I know she's so p.i.s.sed about the Stanley thing. Father walked next to her and placed down the Jewelry, Mother looked shocked. "I found it, with Luna's help of course." He said bluntly, now that I think about it, his skin does look sickly pail and had dark eye bags underneath, as well as the fact he looks unhealthily skinny. " Darling..." my mom said, tears rolling down her face,"Didn't you steal it? What about your lover that you conceived Stanley with? Aren't you giving it to her?" Mother asked with a croaky voice,haha! The truth telling thingy I told Seth to put in her food worked!
After running out of fathers office, I thought," Seth, do you perhaps have a powder that can evoke someone to tell the truth?" "Coincidentally I do, why?" Seth's voice echoed back. Still creeps me out," Hey I hear you." Seth said in a hurt tone, I rolled my eyes, "ok whatever, just help me put it in mother's food." "Why should I?" Seth protested, "I'll give you a reward." I thought, "Yes MISS RIGHT AWAY!" Seth said excitedly, I sighed. and continued my way to the dining hall... since that scene was the scene where Mother went insane, thinking that Father stole the Jewelry he gave her to give to his Mistress. It's better to solve it before hand isn't it?
Back to present situation
"Wait Seth does look a lot like father..." now that I think about it, their eyes and jaw look slightly similar, "It's dangerously similar when we actually look properly..." I whispered under my breath. "Honey...Stanley was just a branch families unwanted Son, they couldn't see the potential in Stanley, so I just brought him to our house."Father said sincerely, Mother's eyes watered, tearing up," Are you truly truly telling the truth?" She said in weakly," Why would I lie to you dear?" Father said sweetly, they both embraced in a loving hug,"How touching...*sniff*" I said drying my nonexistent tears, just then Stanley entered,noticing this I appeared behind him in a flash
Author:get it?
And covered his eyes and ears from the scene, "Why are you covering my eyes Sister?" He asked innocently, phew! That onne-Chan thing is really embarra.s.sing for me to be honest since I'm not used to it. "Nothing..." I said as I stared daggers and my parents, noticing this they stopped being lovey-dovey and sat back at their seats, then I flashed my way back to my seat while Stanley confusingly sat in his own. After a hearty meal, I realised that this family was actually very cheerful. Serious jealousy alert! Why can't my old family be like then hmmm??? My Father announces," Luna, You'll be visiting your fiancé's house today, get dress quickly and we will departure-" "Sir!Sir!" A maid rushed in, " Duke Leonhart requests a meeting at once!" My father placed down his silver ware, as black aura emitted out of his body. "Is it urgent?" He asked, clearly hearing the anger in his voice. "It's about the thing, he quotes." The Maid shriveled down, meekly squealing out her sentence, just then my fathers aura disappeared, "oh that thing. Well, looks like I can't accompany you to your fiancé's house then Luna. I Guess you have to go there yourself." My father told me, as he got up and asked the butler, "Prepare Tea for our guest." As he walked away, I turned to get up until..." Mother what's fiancé?" Stanley asked, I halted. "Well a fiancé is boy who is going to marry girl, but they aren't actually married yet!" My mother replied cheerily, after all she found out her husband still loved her the same as he did many years ago." Does that mean sister is going to marry someone?!" Stanley exclaimed, agitated. "Of course, and the crown prince no less." My mother continued. Oh what a bother.
After hearing the conversation, I tip-toed quickly to the door and dashed out of the dining room. And made a mad dash to my own living quarters, busting open the doors and slamming it shut. I grabbed my lock (chair) and locked the door. I slumped down the wall as I catch my breath, seeing my mother telling Stanley about my fiancé made me realise something.
As I gathered up my strength, I stumbled to my desk to grab my ink and quill. Flipping open my notebook, I wrote down on the next empty pages
'Name: Cyrus
t.i.tle: Crown Prince
The prince who is nonchalant to Luna, in the castle his father is busy working and his mother waiting patiently for him to come by. Crazy about the king, the queen dresses her son to look like the king, however since the crown prince looks like her more than the king. She gets mad and punished him, wallowing in sadness afterwords.
The king not caring what happened to the crown prince, as he was busy caring for the rest of the princes. Without any parental love, he grew up to be a boy without a soul. Not really disturbed but also not happy when Luna bugs him. However after meeting the female lead, he finally learnt what love is after a fuzzy feeling erupted from his heart. Finally fed up with Luna trying to sabotage the girl he loves. He exiled Luna to a torturous land, and she stayed there for good.'
I shuddered, re-reading what I just wrote. 'What am I supposed to do now?' I thought, as a rested my head in my hand.