Author: BTW for extra information, there is a separate arc for RPG role play, so there was a RPG function where you, as the Heroine, get to explore and upgrade your character and battle monsters and join guilds, you also get to customise her in there for her fake ident.i.ty, so most players play these in this otome game, and a novel written and included about it, although Abby does not play much of the RPG, she finished reading the novel, so she knows stuff about it at least :)
As we continued walking, I start recalling the novel for the RPG function in the novel, I did play a very tiny amount of it for quests and stuff, But I wonder, What happens in here? Do we get extra buffs to unlock hidden scenarios? While in deep thinking, Yu was taking extra care of his master to make sure he doesn't fall, how cute! Just then authors writing style changed from Abby thinking is me and I, describing scenarios is her and she, IM SORRY MY WRITING STYLE IS VAGUE BLAME MY COMPO TEACHER PAH LEASE, I'm sorry. Forgive me ?
Ok now the reaallll just then
Just then Luna remembered that there was a hidden book about some techniques to improve the mana flow, it's called, 'Mana breath Art' I think? Luna then remembers that it's located at the center of DemonCross forest...
"Hey Yu."
"Yes master?"
"What's this forests name?"
"It's DemonCross forest Master."
"I see."
""What's wrong with master?"" ( Yu thought)
"Oh Kay, my family lives behind DemonCross, no big deal, YEAH THATS NOT GONNA CUT IT."
Luna screamed in her mind, after calming down at a nearby tree, she decided to go to the center of DemonCross. "Hey Yu, do you think I can ride you to get to the center of the forest?" She asked, Yu stared at his master, is master for real?"You can but, why?" Yu asked, dumbfounded that his master actually want to ride him to the forests center."Really? Can We get going now?! I have some business there!" She squealed, Yu sighed and reluctantly turned back to a Crustalia, and allowed her to get up, why he was reluctant you ask? It was because no one rode him before! He doesn't know if he is able to, that's why! So before Luna could prepare, Yu was already sprinting in the speed of light, all she could do was adapt and cope, and she did, after a few minutes, they reached the center of the forest, Luna, with her hair messed up covered in leaves and branches, she stumbled off Yu, and face planted onto the dirt, she tried to stand again, but fell again... Yu the. Provided to help her up and carry her to where she wanted to go which seemed like the big tree in the middle of the forest. What will master do without him?
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With a drunk but not drunk Luna who is dressed as a boy, Lucifer, and the poor Crustalia Yu, still in beast form. when they got to the tree, a nymph sprouted our from the bark, and asked,"Why are you here? Who are you mortal? Sir, why are you carrying a mortal?" Yu sighed and told it that she, that is of course, a he needs rest and badly. so it carried him with its vines and gently placed her on a bed and tucked her in. Then it turned around back to Yu, and removed the mask it was wearing,"Why in the heavens would you bring a mortal to MY place fire cat." It snorted. Dryads aren't really friendly creatures." Well he wanted to come bark face." Yu replied, scrunching it's nose. The dryard sighed. " What do you want me to do bout it?" Yu replied" "He needs companions, so maybe can you please lend one of your bark children to us?" The dryard looked at him, with a confused look. "Let's see if he's worth first." It said with a displeased tone, not even trying to hide it. "You frigin-" Yu growled, but when Luna's eyes started to flutter open. Yu immediately noticed this and leaped to her side. "When did sir ' I don't like mortals' got so worried over one?" The dryard mumbled. With an amused face.