20 Year Old Otaku Gets Born Into A Otome Game As Its Villainess! - 6 Wait, I'm A Master Of Some Holy Beast?!!!

6 Wait, I'm A Master Of Some Holy Beast?!!!

She was starting drift away when she heard a knock at the door, she swiftly turned her head and heard the door creak open, it was Stanley! "h.e.l.lo Stanley! Why are you here." Luna said bluntly, still unable to not think that Stanley is adorable when he walked in,"Sister! Sister! Sister...*sobs*" Stanley shouted as he walked in and pounced onto his Sister, then Stanley proceeded to bury into her chest. "Woah! Stanley, what's going on?" Luna asked as she caressed the little buns head, this is heaven! "I wondered where Sister went!...I...I... missed Sister!" He sobbed as he hugged me even tighter and buried into her chest even deeper, Luna looked calm, but she was nose bleeding like heck in her brain, OMG HE IS SO CUUUTEEEEEE!!!! "Sister went somewhere okay? Don't worry, next time does Stanley want to come along?" She Asked, ruffling his hair. Stanley looked up and bounced up and down, "Yes!Please bring me with you!" Luna tried to calm down but thought, how was this boy just a few years younger than her? Like, He was 12. 12 PEOPLE. So in desperation to sleep, she somehow chased Stanley away and went sound to sleep. Who knew there would be such a surprise...

"Today, I will explore the forest that I have never been to before!" Luna said as she looked at the forest behind her house, many adventures go there for some reason, "I remember that we can become adventurers in the game, but I never really explored that part cause I was to caught up in the drama of the otome game. WHAT EVER" shouted Luna, with a nonchalant face? I dunno... anyways she something a common boy would wear (to lazy to write out...:p) She tied her hair into a lose ponytail and changed her eyes to red, She also found a new spell to change her hair colour, so she Made it white..."These clothes are so comfortable..." She thought as she felt like she was in heaven, those dresses, expect for the night gowns, were so uncomfortable! She then started slapping her own cheeks and said to herself." No! Not now! I need to concentrate on exploring the forest! I already successfully snuck out. I can't be found out now!" Now with determines eyes, she went into the forest. Now strolling in the luscious green vegetation's, Luna was beginning to feel more calm and serene, of course this time she had a new ident.i.ty prepared in case she b.u.mps into anyone, she was now a he and is called Lucifer. So Luna was letting her instincts take over and strolled around everywhere, she picked flowers, helped critters that were hurt, and occasionally lied on a tree to enjoy the beautiful scenery. "I wonder why people would come here to hunt for stuff?" She thought as she hugged a wild bunny that cuddled in her lap. When she saved that bird earlier every animal she met, whether it be Monster or just Everyday animals. Began to be friendly around her. Of course when she relaxed she starts to speak to things."Being in here must be relaxing huh? Little rabbit." She whispered as she stroked the bunny, it seemed the bunny understood and began to relax even more. When Luna wanted to get up, it hopped away into the shrubbery. As she continued walking, she remembered she brought a book with her, so she started flipping through pages to read out of boredom , as she walked and read, she encountered a Catalic. She remembered reading about them in her little book, they were externally rare creatures that have great fire affinity. Their body temperatures can reach to about 300C. And they are extremely dangerous, it is rare to see them because they dislike being near humans. So they tend to pry away from us. "I wonder why a Catalic is in front of me now?" Luna wondered. The Catalic she saw is not like the one described in the book, however they look similar. The book describes them as if they have a cheetahs speed and body shape, with flames emitting out from their bodies, while the Catalic in front of her does have a cheetahs body shape and have flames emiting out of its body, it is larger than described in the book, which is the size of a Leopard. And it's eyes are icy blue, but in the book it's flaming red. It also has a weird patterns unlike any before when the book says it has no patterns, and other features indescribable to Luna. By the looks of it this Catalic is heavily injured and is lying on the ground, Luna squared down to look at it, and asked,"Are you alright?" The Catalic's eyes widened and ,to Luna's surprise, Replied,"How can a human child be able to speak our language." That's when Luna remembered. 'I'M SPEAKING ENGLISH', "Regardless of how you know our way of speaking, I am in dear pain. I fear I may not live Long enough to go back to my children." it whispered. As it's paw touched her hand."I may know something to help you!" luna said as she took out a small little book, write down notes about magic in there. Habit from her last life. She saw a spell that can be cast to heal something. So she began to try and cast it on the Catalic, "In the name of the G.o.ddess, I pray to you. Almighty sword of healing and more-, THIS IS TAKING TO LONG, WING IT. Heal!" To Luna's surprise and to the Catalic's too. A magic circle formed underneath the Catalic's body, and began to glow. Then a wind was emitted from the magic circle and started to gently lift the Catalic of the ground, a white light engulfed the Catalic, and it started to s.h.i.+ne, Luna s.h.i.+eld her eyes form the light. As it died down and went to look, her jaw dropped. What was in front of her was not the Catalic she saw just now, instead it was a

handsome BOIIIIIII ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Ok ok now for the actually description ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Instead it was a man who looked around her age. He had hair at the middle of his face, and his front hair which were until his eyes, curved inward, and his back hair, that was until the end of his neck, was tousled, giving him a wild look, and it's colour was like the colour of the fur of the Catalic. Crimson Red. His eyes were also icy blue, just like the Catalic, but was even colder than the Catalic's eyes. A cloth draped across his chest. And wore big pants... uh how his clothes look, peek at the authors thoughtss....

However he had ears and a tail of a cheetah with the patterns of the weird cat. (Catalic) he also had a weird tattoo (also at the thoughts.) that was black and was located at his left eye.

Author: wait. Writing she and her is too troublesome. I'll just write the normal I and me. Sorry for this readers ^ - ^ it's Abby btw

"Wow....where did he come from? He looks just like an anime character I would totally buy merchandise from..." I thought, as I laid there. Using my elbow to support my upper body. The handsome man ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) then kneeled on one leg, and said, "Master, what would you like my name to be?" His voice is so deep and soothing. d.a.m.n HE WOULD BE A WELL SOUGHT FOR VOICE ACTOR. wait he asked me to name him? Uh uh uh," Your name will be Yǔ from now on." I replied. In the most normal voice i could muster, if not I would sound like a babbling buffoon. "Of course master, my name shall be Yǔ from now on." He says standing up, and helping me pull up as well, how kind :)

"Anyways what Did I do to become your master and how did I do it?" I asked nervously, squirming around as the atmosphere at that moment felt extremely uncomfortable. "Master, did you initiate a soul contract without knowing how and what it is?" Yu asked in surprise, his eyes wide open."Maybe... I think so? It's not like a wanted to ok!!" I retorted. Clenching my fists tightly. Yu nodded and said,"There are three types of soul contracts. The first type is the master-and-slave contract, it means that the spirit beast that has been contracted is now a slave to its master, so it has to obey whatever the master tells it to do, and can't Attack its master. This method is usually used by people who work at the beast tamer guild or trade spirit beasts illegally for various purposes. It is done by force. This contract allows the user to capture the beast and make it obey them, so they would be tame when they sold them to the public, it can be cancelled by the master anytime they want to.And if the beast dies, the master won't." Yu shuddered, I noticed this and placed my hand on his shoulder, Yu started to calm down, and continued," The second type actually had Two different method but same procedure, one is where if the master or spirit dies, the other dies too, while the other is if the master or spirit dies, the other does not. The one you did was the second type, and the one where if one dies the other dies too. It's irreversible I'm afraid." My mind went black and I was like whaaat? "O-ok... But why are you human? Aren't spirit beast suppose to continue being spirit beasts when they are tamed?" I asked. "To be honest, I am not sure myself... The minimal rank that allows you to turn to human for spirit beasts is heavenly monarch rank, I'm only just at the monarch rank, I don't believe this is possible..." The weird cat man replied, just then I remembered and asked said weird cat Hooman thing," Oh ya! Where has that Catalic-like creature went too?" The handsome BOIIIII ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), ahem, Yu's eyes widened, but only briefly, and went back to normal, he replied,"I am that...that... weird cat hooman...thing y-you speak of..." he said as he hid is face with his big hands, I swear I can see the tips of his cat ears and tail growing red, I SWEAR. But then I also stood there, frozen,"Wha???" I kept pacing around in circles while yu, who is supposedly the weird cat thing that looks similar to a Catalic, squatted under a nearby tree, drawing circles with a stick, pouting, after awhile when I regained my composure with a side affect of dizziness and headaches, I went and asked Yu,"So actually? What are you? You don't look like a Catalic? So what are you?" Yu, who had turned into a child somehow, looked up with his big, adorable eyes and said in the most adorable tone ever,"Well. I'm a Crustalia, an ancient blood line of Catalics, I can say we are their cousins..." I stepped back a little, his cuteness is over a million! Ugh to cute!!! But really, what is happening???