20 Year Old Otaku Gets Born Into A Otome Game As Its Villainess! - 12 Meating My Fiancé 2

12 Meating My Fiancé 2

_great big shock__~~__~~__



"MY LADY!" A maid shouted, making me bounce up. I was staring at the wall blankly. I may perhaps had made The Maid worried. "Wha?" I blabbered, still stunned at the sudden noise. "MY lady! If you don't get up now you might run late, Your Fiancé is waiting!" The Maid ushered, as she dragged me around to prepare me for the meeting. As I was rudely awakened from my deep state, I was as motionless as a rag doll. As such The Maid threw everything on me while muttering all the important details, however since I was in such a blank state. Most things just when I'm one ear and out the other.

After being tossed around, I stumbled out of my room and into the corridor. I stood there like a fool and blinked.

As I tried regain my senses, I noticed what I was wearing and my jaw dropped. It was one of luna's old gowns!

It was a pink dress adorned in too much unnecessary ruffles and bows, it had big poofy bell sleeves and a big cupcake dress. My while faced twitched and when I regained my senses, I realised I still had time to make adjustments. So after waiting for The Maid to leave, I ran into my room and shouted," Seth!" Hearing my command, Seth transformed into his human form and stood in front of me. I b.u.mped into him and questioned," You know much situation, why didn't you?" " My reward!!!!!" Seth whined as he clung onto my leg, and I stood there dumb founded. Yu sighed," He has been like this since you were staring at the wall, mistress." I looked at him, gathered up all my annoyance, and stomped once on his back with my other foot hard.

?Dryard? POV

"Yu, yu, yu, yu-"


"I still haven't gotten my reward yet!" I whined, me and Yu were bracelets on mistresses table at the moment. We use our spiritual telepathy to communicate. "Really Seth? What is your reward anyways?" "IS IT NOT OBVIOUS???" I stuttered with shock,"Of course she is going to inflict pain one me?! Oh... ah~" I started drooling, the oh so satisfaction from the pain my dear mistress inflicts on me is oh so heavenly I couldn't ask for more!

Yu: ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew

"Anyways, I really want my reward!" I once again again complained. "Oh, a maid came barging in. Now she is shouting at our mistress, and is making our mistress wear a hideous gown and pushed her out the door." Yu said blankly. "Wait what." I said.

"Seth!" Mistress shouted, she must have realised what she was wearing. I should make her give me my reward before helping her! "Hehehehehheehe." I laughed as I jumped in front of mistress.

"Ow! You know my situation, why didn't you-" "my reward!!!!!!" I whined as I clung onto her legs. While Yu was explains to my dear devil mistress I was rubbing my face on her leg and begging her to hit me. That was until a surprise Attack happened, my mistress stomped on me like I was some never clinging onto a n.o.ble woman for money.

"Ahhah~" I moaned, she stomped on me like I was a disgrace, a filthy lowly-being not worthy of her attention or grace. And mercilessly stomped on my back! Oh how wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!!

Luna POV

I regret my decision, the dryard now looked so happy. I'm scared mommy, " Are you now able

To transform?" I asked, the dryard pouted and moulded my current outfit into a green Lolita dress!

Author: I just found out how I spell dryard is incorrect however I will work spell it like this because I got use to it. And it will be hard for me to not spell it like this, in case your wondering. This is how you spell dryad.

I had a green ribbon tied around my neck and a white s.h.i.+rt with laced-poofy long sleeves underneath the actual dress, a green bow in the middle of the chest with lace underneath it, the dress was a pastel green with a darker shade of green bow under the chest. It had patterns of flowers, bows and a house? Then dark green frills at the bottom of the dress.

*for clearer details for the dress please check the authors thoughts.

"Seth! This is amazing!" I squealed as I spin around in my dress. "Hehehe! Aren't I amazing master?" As I spun around, Yu turned into a bracelet and wore himself onto my hand. "Oops, sorry Yu. Thanks for reminding me!" I said as I kissed the bracelet. The bracelet then started to illuminate a faint red glow, 'he is so totally blus.h.i.+ng!' I thought as I ran towards the only place I thought of, and the only thing I caught from the maids Long lecture. The pavilion!

As I sped my way there, I bolted around the manor. Trying to remember how in the world do I get to the pavilion without the use of my window rope? As I dived around blurred objects. I arrived outside of the manor, and found myself standing in a big beautiful garden. I looked around in awe until seth squeezes me a bit. "Focus mistress." He heeded, and I regained my ropes and continue bolting forward. It was not until I saw the pavilion that I slowed my pace and gracefully walked forward, trotting towards the pavilion. Once I reached there I fluttered my eyes open and greeted the two, of course they were the crown prince and the king. The king smiled back and asked me to rise, he was a man with a kind and wise face, and a wise bearded to boot. He was dressed in his kingly robes and sat eloquently in the pavilion,

When my eyes laid on the crown prince. His fave was doused with shock, the feeling is mutual

My friend, however both of us regained our calm

Demeanour and we greeted each other . The king ushered me to sit next to the prince and, reluctantly I agreed. And say next to the crown prince, Who moved away a little. I appreciate that.

"Luna, it has been a Long while since I saw you, you have grown into such a fine lady. I heard you had an accident a while back, are you alright now?"

"I am fine, thank you for your utmost concern to this lowly one."

I said sweetly, as I smiled back at the king. The king smiled back and we both talked and chatted for a bit from the years we haven't met, of course I knew that the king was trying to pry information from me. Excuse you old man I was a marketing agent last time, with too much work dumped onto me, Don't test me. As we finished wrapping up, the king then beckoned,"Dear Luna, why don't you talk to Cyrus for a bit, stroll around the garden. You two should bond more." I tensed, oh Gosh oh Gosh oh Gosh oh Gosh oh Gosh.











What, why, when, why, where, who and why. Why me, I my shoulders were as stiff as h.o.a.rds and my arms were glued to the side of my body. My spine is a straight as a tree and my legs move robotically. Beside me is a das.h.i.+ng young man with luscious jet black locks swaying rhythmically in the wind. His Azure eyes as clear as the sky and as empty as the sea. His skin with no blemishes Nor scars in sight, flawless. And dawned on him a princely attire, as his blue cloak flutters behind him. YET HERE I AM, uncomfortable, embarra.s.sed, and most of all feeling like an earthworm next to a husky. Like COME ON! As my mind went deeper into turmoil, the princes eyes locks onto me with a mysterious gaze.

As we circled around we found another pavilion, this time decorated with an array of Anthuriums, Queen Anne's laces, daffodils and hyacinths. My eyes lit up as I ran towards them, slowly inspecting each and everyone of the flowers. Did I mention I had a floral phase a Long Long time ago? As I hopped around from flower to flower, the prince finally spoke," Why are you hopping around like a hare?" I 360 degrees turned my head and glared, unfazed he continued," Besides, weren't you always clinging onto me?" I turned my body around and tilted my head, wha?- OH MY G.o.d. I widened my eyes, suddenly my face felt boiling hot and I jumped into the plateau of flowers," Wait- Luna!" The prince shouted as I continued to crawl through the flowers with a red face, how could I forget? Luna was so taken with the prince she stuck to him like a bee is to flowers! "Oh man oh man oh man !!!" I whispered under my breath as I thought Long and hard under the protection of the flowers.

Author: the flowers were surrounding the pavilion however there is a tall bush behind them, so Luna was crawling sideways. Not forward.

As I was thinking, Seth whispered to someone in a weird language. As I was about to ask why he was doing that, the flowers started carrying me! "Woah!" I yelped, the prince turned his,"Luna!" He ran towards me, the flowers then started carrying me faster somewhere. When there were no more flowers, gra.s.s started to carry me. If there were no more gra.s.s, I was going though the bush wall! "Seth! What did you do?!" I screamed internally. "I Just. I just told them to bring you to the beautiful flower place we went to last time..." he said meekly. Suddenly I felt my hand being jolted to the other side, with a shriek I closed my eyes ready for the fall ahead of me. But it never came, when I opened my eyes I saw the face of the crown prince Cyrus UNCOMFORTABLY close to mine. "So, you were bed head?" He asked, he wasn't even panting?! What kind of Monster is he?!!!! "Yes, smarty pants." I said, Turing my head away. As we returned back to the pavilion, he asked." So why did you run away when I asked you why you didn't cling to me anymore." Hearing this my face turned bright red.

"It's embarra.s.sing! I was a big doofus! Did you know how embarra.s.sed I felt after coming to my senses?!" I rambled, it truly was though. "Also can you put me down?" I asked, his face has the 'I just realised I was still carrying her' look. How is the crown prince such and air-head? *sigh* Placing her down ?????? ?? ???? ???? ?? ???? ?????'? ????, ???? ??? ?????????? ????- AS IF?! He just dropped her onto the floor and continue his own merry way?! "Hateful! Come back here Javier!!!" I screamed, as I dusted my skirt and tailed after him. "No way! Abby!" He cackled as he ran. OHHH HOW I THOUGHT HE WAS NICE MY GO-

While talking to the ever more hateful prince, who was of course Javier, the emperor swung by and joined in the conversation, "Luna, how about you come enjoy a meal with the prince?" Both of them opened their mouths wide, W-What??!! "Excuse me your H-Highness, but I am ever so busy tomorrow with very important things to attend to. So sadly I have to decline your information." I said shakily, my mouth twitching ever so severely. "I agree Father, I too have a few private matters to attend to." Javier,

No, Cyrus exclaimed. However the King shook his head, "Kids these days, no matter how busy both of you are. I will be making sure my son visits you more often that ever."

? Luna's brain ?











Yeah let's not disturb her minis as of the moment. My eyes twitched crazily, mouth slightly agape. The little happiness left in my face flew away leaving only agony and bitterness, Cyrus was no different either. "I think we should now return back to the castle, come now Cyrus." The king said coldly, he hang his head Low as he followed the king. I saw this and my reader emotions erupted from my heart, no matter how annoying this sh**y prince is. I have to say that as a reader, this is a heartbreaking moment.

"Wait!" I shouted as I caught up to the king, "Yes Miss Luna?" The king questioned, "Cyrus forgot to take something from the other pavilion! I remember not seeing it on him anymore!" I quickly fabricated a semi-believable excuse. "Wai-" Cyrus prod, I quickly covered his mouth and smiled sweetly at the king, "Let us go back first your highness, we will come back as fast as possible." And as I clasped my hand firmly with Cyrus, I sprinted away. Cyrus yet again looked at me witness a mysterious haze in his eyes.

As I twisted my way around the place, I chanced upon the hole again, as I twist through the hole. "Come in! Follow me." I signalled as I disappeared into the shrubbery, sighing. The prince had to follow suite and was right behind me, as I emerged from the bushes. Cyrus crawled out right after, and saw me standing in the middle of the garden, his eyes opened wide as a Breeze blew. I turned around and smiled, "I saw how you looked like when you father called, it looks like you don't have anyone to talk too. Should you need anyone to talk about anything, really. Come here, I'll always be waiting." As we stood there in silence, the Breeze died down and I walked towards him. And I...

Gave him a great big hug. "I can see through you, you know. Push me away for all I care, all I know is that this, this hug is what you need the most Cyrus." I said sincerely. Cyrus, overwhelmed with emotion, clinger onto me and bawled. As I patted his back. "There, there, it's going to be alright." I said soothingly, for who knows how Long, Cyrus opened up about everything he bottled inside long ago. "Thanks Luna, *sniff*, I feel much better. However, if you are trying to make me fall for you. That won't happen." He said, warning Luna. Luna was shocked, who had seduced the crown prince before the Heroine?! "May I have the ability to ask whom has conquered thine heart?" I asked, Cyrus looked at me quietly. "I shall let you in on this since it is a secret after all, come on, lean in!" He said, I leaned in my ear, as he cupped his hand around my ear. He whispered to me a name, a name I couldn't believe be heard from him. " She is a charming girl, who bounces around eating skewers. Whilst spring on her cute brother, you may not compare to her. However I feel like you are a great person to rely on." He smiles gently, "Now come on, we don't want to keep my father waiting now can we?" He walked away as he said so.

As I saw his back turned around, I smiled mischievously, a contrasting look of pure shock and surprise from before. " I see I see, I shall need to beat you the next time then." I smirked, scheming my next course of action. Of course immediately changing to a hurried expression, "wait for me!!! Bad Prince!!!" I exclaimed hurrying behind Cyrus, leaving two lone chairs not pushed in. Out in the cold dawn wind.