The senior king allows the palace guard to expand to 50,000 people of organization systems, this truly is a good deed, now what I am worried is the sea-nymph clan the words that continues to attack, perhaps the palace guard the remaining 1.7 thousand people cannot preserve many people now, the words of remaining skulls, my beforehand effort will be when the time comes only in vain.
And, in this fight the military officers and soldiers of many palace guard promoted, some have also promoted the grade, Han Yuan, Xiao severe, Xia Ye and other Yorozuo long have upgraded the Divine Tier accurate BOSS level, in the fight noticeable, these people are the most precious objects of palace guard, then cannot make them lose, otherwise 50,000 soldiers cannot change these gallant brave generals.
Looks out the distant place, above the sea level, the sea-nymph king Sellin's shadow in dragging, has not been attacking, has not actually fled, this makes in the will of the people somewhat restless.
Has attacked the empire commanders to amount to for 14 hours from the Hybrid Demon army that does not turn over to the sea, properly speaking now should also come a wave of true offensive to be right, although the army loss of Tian Ling Empire is serious, but the player strength has preserved much, [Legend], [Hero's Mound], [Judgement] and other Guild are also preserving the quite good strength.
„Hum hum......"
In the distant place sea level has heard the continuous toot, Princess Pearl the tender body trembles, said: „Is that......? That is the sound of Saint conch corner/horn! The day, can Sellin really start the final general attack?"
Theodore stands up suddenly, pats table saying: „All regiments prepare, do not stint the arrow arrow and dragon crystal, polishes dragon crystal that we keep in stock completely, whether Tian Ling Empire more ancient can exist forever looked this fought!"
Also stands up, narrows the eye to look at the distant place, said: „Is the deep sea imperial guard of sea-nymph king, I had heard this army, completely comprised of the seabed demon, altogether more than 200,000 audiences, were in the sea-nymph king hand the most intrepid trump card, in the deep sea imperial guard had 12 martial arts Superior military officers, was the male hosts of seabed, d.a.m.n, we must experience these powerhouses approximately!"
Locker Great Emperor is holding the sword of King, the trembling sound track: „The Tian Ling Empire brave warriors, standing by, no matter Sellin has brought many people, we must defeat him, making him pay the price for the betrayal treaty of alliance!"
People Qi Qi stands up, stood up from failure to start to direct the strong wind from afar regiment including Princess Pearl to battle, but I also rapidly returned to the position of palace guard, this time as if was really a general attack, because sea-nymph w.a.n.g Ti a shadow of handle long halberd unceasingly was also approaching in the sea level, if Sellin personally launched the attack, this can only explain that did not turn over to the marine sea clan to try to attack in the notch.
The Han deep pool is raising the long blade, the horizontal blade immediately, has the wind of senior general, said: „This flock of sea mice gave up to put out to press the bottom finally the military strength! Hey, is the demon regiment!"
Dragon Xing stares: „Demon? Day...... Isn't the deep sea imperial guard in legend?"
Xiao severe shows a faint smile: „Deep sea imperial guard, in the legend does not turn over to the sea most fearful existence, what kind , won't General Dragon Xing be afraid? Also right, you were flame dragon regiment once Yorozuo are long, always had a high and respected position, how can also altogether go to the life and death with our palace guard all living things dead beyond consideration common people?"
Dragon Xing the complexion is somewhat embarra.s.sed, actually clenches jaws saying: „General Xiao severe, although I once was the person of flame dragon regiment, but...... My Dragon Xing knows that what is utterly loyal to serve the country, knows that what is utterly devoted, Li Xiao Yao will command the Sir end to trust me never to put behind that I want to tell you, now I am Battalion Tuan of palace guard control, even if died, on my dying in battle sign wrote was also the words of palace guard!"
The Han deep pool laughs: „Today results in General Dragon Xing a word, exceeds thousand armed forces! Good, no matter the deep sea imperial guard is how fearful, our certainly common onset and retreat, even if dies does not lose brothers!"
On Dragon Xing the face also reappears the heroic spirit to come, to raise a handle rifle, said with a smile: „Good, my dragon whetstone can with commanding the Sir and Han Yuan, Xiao severe, Xia Ye such hero character fights shoulder to shoulder, even if dies also this to live not regrets!"
Several military officers' dialogs as if also stimulated the fighting spirit of entire army, the front blade s.h.i.+eld camp barbarian soldier to hold up Steel Blade to make an effort to stroke the s.h.i.+eld, gave out pre-war roaring, but the distant place, one crowd of dense and numerous numbers of people braved the sea level, a dense piece, perhaps can also say that likely was not the number of people, many were fierce, the mouth such as the fish or was the wild animal, on some faces also lived completely the scale and hangnail, some behind were ascending a banding the tail of hangnail, looked like fierce fearful.
I raise Dragon Reservoir Sword to graze the position of palace guard, then arrived in the [Zhan Long] position, Lin Wan Er has reorganized the formation, Steel Blade rode the loss more than half, now also 3000 + people of Steel Blade have only ridden, unfolded on all fronts, and drew in the lineup, the attack that like this withstood will be less, in the [Zhan Long] left was [Hero's Mound], [Prague] and even
connected Pai of [Enemies at the Gate] three big guilds, here was the key target of sea-nymph clan, must be very resistant to compression guild can withstand.
Li Mu looks at the distant place, said: „Demons came, NPC quickly frightened to urinate, Ha Ha......"
I am speechless: „We do not have a low opinion of the enemy, NPC is so anxious, thinks that this crowd was known as the army that deep sea imperial guard is not truly simple, NND, I could not think......"
The Lin Wan Er body is hanging, does not know when she has learned [Unyielding Spirit], looks that I supple smile: „What can't think?"
I said: „Sea-nymph clan has hired oneself the Hybrid Demon territory, this war sea-nymph clan has almost deployed about 100 thousand military strength, thinks that has been equal to completely, what sea-nymph w.a.n.g does Sailin go all out to attempt? The Hybrid Demon territory also just set out Luo Lin . Moreover the awe brave warrior has not polished completely, this has clearly regarded the fool sea-nymph w.a.n.g Sailin, making his military strength work as the cannon fodder."
Lin Wan Er sip the red lip, said: „Among the influences of Hybrid Demon territory will also mistrust each other?"
I shake the head: „Does not know......"
Li Mu actually smiles: „Guildmaster, you had not discovered that the monarchies in Hybrid Demon territory appear, but doesn't see the king level Hybrid Demon command of that NO.1 throughout? That is the lord of true Hybrid Demon, Sellin who I think the sea-nymph clan reason that goes all out like this, is this Hybrid Demon king is certainly related?"
I nod: „Um, is reasonable, does not manage, we resisted this wave of demon to attack first said again!"
After several minutes, the sound of Saint conch corner/horn suddenly becomes intense, the demon regiment in sea level finally is also in a tumult, shouted the war cries that soars to the heavens fired into the seacoast, the sea water have as if raised a Tsunami to be common, reached as high as 5 meters ocean waves plunged the sh.o.r.e due to the promotion of demon regiment, this made us be unexpected actually, ocean waves crash-bang impact position!
„Came to a stop!"
I p.r.i.c.k the ground Dragon Reservoir Sword, fixes person and the body of warhorse was not flushed draws back, at the same time orders loudly, one crowd of [Zhan Long] Steel Blade ride with the blade s.h.i.+eld camp soldier of palace guard imitates, withstands the position, the next quarter, we have been located under the sea water completely, holds in the air/Qi, but can see that as before many people had fired into by the ocean waves rear area, when the sea water disperses the people have opened the eye, but demons have wielded the pointed weapons to be away from us less than 100 yards!
Behind the palace guards, Dragon Xingnu exclaimed: „Sea water got wet the gunpowder, the hot crag artillery was unable to attack!"
Xiao Lidi shouted to clear the way: „dragon crystal artillery! General Dragon Xing, them with the dragon crystal artillery and crossbow car(riage)!"
The next quarter, above the earth transmits an intermittent vibration, the crackle of gunfire again and again, supplement the dragon crystal strength fire to erupt in the sand beach, likely is the shock-waves, ripped the smas.h.i.+ng the body of demons, the crossbow car(riage) also unceasing launch, but obviously after the baptism of ocean waves the might greatly reduced.
Matcha pounds to fall the s.h.i.+eld on place, shouted to clear the way tenderly: „Long-distance, prepared to project, the archer with the [Seven Stars Teleportation] arrow, disrupted the offensive rhythm of demon as far as possible, Steel Blade rides to prepare the s.h.i.+eld wall completely CD!"
Not far away, [Hero's Mound], [Prague] and [Enemies at the Gate] three big Guild are also critical situation, Q-Sword is instigates the warhorse to raise the long sword to walk randomly in the frontal line edge, loud was shouting inspiration morale and intelligent lineup, after several seconds, demon regiment already fast close, we can notice that the demon of many octopus face and lobster face brandished the pointed weapons to scream.
The attributes of these demons almost exactly the same, I read a lobster face, to carry the fellow of iron (spear
gun) at fingertips
【Deep sea demon】( 6 levels of Hybrid Demon)
Level: 153
Attack: 16700-18900
Defense: 15000
HP: 1000000
Skill: 【The blade edge of cold ice】 【Dark blue billows advance】 【Dark blue billows attack and destroy】
Introduced: The deep sea demon, the strength outstanding person in sea-nymph clan, these deep sea demons understands the river character, and can walk freely on the land, studies various war techniques under the sea-nymph king Sellin's rule for a long time, even some can control Dou Qi, can like be the human brave warrior enters the earth, sky, Holy Domain and other boundaries, the deep sea imperial guard that in addition the sea mail-armor and helmet protection of sword potential, these deep sea demons compose is brave, in 7 years sweep away by the 200 000 military strength do not turn over to the major influences of sea deep place, have carried in the sea Sellin the main throne
„Has been careful, is 6 levels of Hybrid Demon!"
I am gripping tightly Dragon Reservoir Sword, said: „Three skills are the uniform attack departments, we are doomed to defend!"
During the speeches the demons entered the firing distance, the [Zhan Long] archer, Mage, Musketeer and others had fired, the arrow arrow and magic interlock the bang to kill in the monster group, a big injury digit spatters in all directions, but demons as if basic on fearless this degree of attack, before called was rus.h.i.+ng, is carrying the iron blade and long spear on the bang on the s.h.i.+eld that Steel Blade rode, the dark blue billows advance drew back several rice our battleline bang, a fellow antenna of octopus face was grasping three handle blades, was rumbling a time piece to kill to the Matcha Lion King s.h.i.+eld on, blade optical density volume. The dark blue billows attack and destroy the skill, Matcha can also insist, nearby Swordsman is Steel Blade rides actually sobs one to fall to the ground, was attacked and destroyed by three dark blue billows. .h.i.ts together, has not added the blood to hang with enough time.