The disorderly hoofbeat strikes on the beach, I led Matcha, w.a.n.g Jian and other crowd of Steel Blade to ride in the crowd of walrus cavalry soldier am carrying on the last round rush, the walrus cavalry soldier who Dragon Reservoir Sword and Zhen Yue Blade reduced already some innumerable many, the whole body was the blood, the fight of long Cooldown caused on Hidden Dragon Armor to cover entirely the motley slash, the control cape like that fished from the b.l.o.o.d.y water.
Sword blade edge Ping Guo, took the lead in hewing two a walrus troop (spear
gun) together, he pitiful yell whereabouts place, the body convulsion was twitching, simultaneously blew out a bar iron (spear
gun), took away to lose to Li Mu conveniently to Steel Blade rides, he looked to me, said: „How long we killed the walrus cavalry soldier to kill, probably experienced a century general......"
I nod: „Entire 6 hours!"
Yue Qing Qian raises to drop the dagger of blood to walk, said: „Brother Xiao Yao, the [Zhan Long] battle loss is serious, the remaining 1 thousand people have not only arrived, which your palace guard also very to goes probably......"
In my cannot help but heart a pain, yes, this palace guard is almost I looks to grow, this fought their buckle to be too many too much, has to love dearly.
A Lin Wan Er two stars pupil looks at the sea level, in the hand the iron umbrella supports to resist noon Sun, said leisurely: „How many sea-nymphs doesn't turn over to some into the sea also? Properly speaking died several hundred thousand in ash.o.r.e, should not be more?"
I walked to go forward, have hugged slightly weary her, said with a smile: „Wan Er was laborious, your meritorious value rushed to 6 th!"
Lin Wan Er throws smiles: „Also is not because [Zhan Long] has blocked the impact of walrus cavalry soldier...... Right, male Ba Fengyun, [Thousand Burial], [Valley of the G.o.ds] many Guild, they the position before three hours were shattered, loses seriously......"
I do not have to care about other Guild situations, has not actually thought that the loss so will be miserable, knit the brows saying: „Unexpectedly can like this......"
Yue Wei Liang female bends the waist to pick to take the spoils of war in ground, while blinked, said: „[Thousand Burial] has Guild that 3 thousand Greedy Wolf ride, unexpectedly cannot resist the walrus cavalry soldier, really strange......"
Lin Wan Er smiles: „It is not strange, Greedy Wolf rides to pay great attention to attack and drop rate, is well below Steel Blade to ride to the addition of defense . Moreover the speed of [Thousand Burial] expansion population is too fast, the good and evil intermingled, the coordination does not have too many tacit understanding, from the beginning occupied very big defense line by the fall harvest regiment, the density is too low, was shattered was also normal."
Li Mu said: „Ok, this wave of Hybrid Demon attacked us in any case is resists!"
I nod: „Um, Wan Er you are responsible for the defense of preparation next round, I go to palace guard there to have a look!"
„Good ~"
Raises bloodstained Dragon Reservoir Sword to progress to arrive at the palace guard position, sees only has the disabled soldier in whinning everywhere, Han Yuan, Dragon Xing, Xia Ye, Xiao severe and other military officers is a dignity of face, after seeing me to come, said respectfully: „Commands!"
I nod, stand up from failure to discontinue, asked: „Is situation how is it?"
The eye of Han deep pool was red: 8000 recruits who „we bring, were only killed remaining 4000 do not arrive...... The blade s.h.i.+eld camp, the cavalry camp and other veterans, were also serious after this fight casualties, died more than 7000 more than people of people, has injured more than 9000 people, now can also fight already less than 10,000 people, this was in situation that in minor wound continued to fight optimistic statistics."
I deeply inspire, the racket Han Yuan shoulder, said: „Immediately makes the people husband escort the injured soldier to return to Tian Ling Empire to accept the treatment, other people stay behind, continue the preparation next fight, the Hybrid Demon regiment will not let off easily our, the Empire Armed forces the buckle to that serious situation, they will certainly have followed up a victory with hot pursuit."
In the eye of Han deep pool pa.s.sed over gently and swiftly a despair, said: „General, our time will die really completely here? Does not turn over to the sea is a piece certainly, we...... If we die here, our parents family country really did fall to the enemy?"
I clench teeth, said: „Relax, the ma.s.sive adventurers are fighting, the empire will certainly not fall into Hybrid Demon, our losses are very big, the sea-nymph is bigger, don't forget, they have almost been annihilated . Moreover the wars.h.i.+p that the awe state oversees the manufacture is also limited, I do not believe Luo Lin to have the huge skill to have many wars.h.i.+ps after buckle that many wars.h.i.+ps as before."
In the eye of Han deep pool emerges the hope, is not only he, Xiao severe, Dragon Xing, on summer leaf several Yorozuo's long faces also had the brilliance, as if my these words raised many morales actually, making everybody see the hope, um, this time made them see that the hope should be more important than anything.
At this time, transmitting orders officer came once more, distant shouting: „Does palace guard command General Li Xiao Yao also to live? If still, please fast arrive at once armed forces account discussing official business!"
The Han deep pool progresses to scout immediately: „Was idiot, what you saying? How we commanded the Sir dead in battle easily, Ha Ha, our commanding Sirs civil and military unparalleled, will not die!"
A transmitting orders officer face with amazement, looks at Han Yuan, as if thought that this Yorozuo long was sick, but Han Yuan military rank above the transmitting orders officer, he poured does not dare to say anything, I somewhat slightly was actually moved, it seems like Han Yuan already true regarded own brothers me, otherwise not so excited.
Stands up from failure to start, making the Han deep pool and Xiao severe and the others continue the entire armed forces to prepare, I progress to dash to armed forces account, in the battlefield of entire coastline has been able to choose a person the h.e.l.l to describe, everywhere is the corpses, but I actually can only see the battlefield tip of the iceberg, the true situation must be able to know in armed forces account.
Enters the armed forces account, when Princess Pearl sees me, I can notice that on her elegant face pa.s.sed over gently and swiftly a gratified look, although dodges, but I saw, wants to come Princess Pearl not to hope that my this efficient combat general such does hang in this war?
Is treading in the armed forces account the snow white rug, I walked one step to leave a clear scarlet footprint on the ground every time, the fish person and walrus that killed were really too many, some present also many blood downward are flowing along my war armor and battle dress, on the scabbard and scabbard were also the bloodstained, cleaned up without enough time, can only clean above with the cloth of cloak, caused do not shake the too slippery hand is.
Immediately, a bodyguard frowns, said: „General Li, before why enters the armed forces account, is unclean bloodstain cleaning, your contamination emperor w.a.n.g Jun zhang, have you been possible to know the crime?"
I gain ground to have a look at him, smiled: „Sorry, was really too busy, not having careful cleaning to change clean clothes with enough time again."
Pearl sneers: „Blue chief aide-de-camp, shuts your mouth, otherwise leaves the camp to meet head-on Hybrid Demon, this time is also fastidious about that many over-detailed formalities unexpectedly, I should say that you are innocent, should say your whited sepulchre defeat cotton wool in which?"
The chief aide-de-camp was said by the little princess is dumbfounded, a few words could not say, but Locker Great Emperor has not taken a stand, should tacitly consent to the view of Pearl, Pearl grasped the strong wind from afar regiments and palace guard two big military authorities after all, was the empire No. 3 character, the Great Emperor also needs own youngest daughter to help itself defend the landscape, how also to blame in her.
Combat general who soon, commands the level enters the armed forces account in abundance, the banning marquis who also includes the hot axe armed forces, the going too far axe armed forces are not much left, thinks that he hasn't striven, I counted the number, the discovery has been short of three people unexpectedly.
Bans a marquis face to be sad, crawls in the place, said: „Your majesty, fall harvest regiment whole army has been annihilated, summer lei commanded dead in battle, western Liang Jun wrinkled by rolling up damages over 90%, commanded Liang Xiao to be encircled, suicides dead, the sea Qin regiment battle loss surpa.s.sed 80%, commanded w.a.n.g Luzhan dead, these three regiments did not have, did not have......"
Locker Great Emperor body trembles: „Summer did lei command, Liang Xiao Tongling, w.a.n.g Lu to command died in battle?"
Theodore clenches teeth saying: „Father emperor, three commanded dead in battle dead for one's country, actually the model of my empire serviceman, the son feudal official suggested that received their skeletons, by ritual of elaborate funeral marquis!"
In the senior king eyes emerges innumerably desolate: „Plays certainly."
N'dow: „Father emperor, the urgent matter is the deployment next step battle plan, this time at least over 50 thousand walrus cavalry soldier died in battle, the sea-nymph clan will certainly not give up, perhaps next time was their true main forces, perhaps, Sellin that old thing also met the royal cart to draft, at the appointed time we will face the most terrorist attack! My legendary Emperor Yu regiment is also preserving the establishments of 10 thousand people, still strength of the war, the father emperor does not need to worry."
The senior king looks to the big imperial prince: „Theodore, flame dragon regiment tactical situation how?"
Theodore complexion sinks, said: „Father emperor, flame dragon regiment receives the walrus regiment to attack with emphasis, the buckle is quite serious, but also 9 thousand people can fight as before!"
Locker Great Emperor sighed: „Pearl, your army?"
Pearl said: „The strong wind from afar regiment still left over 6 thousand people may fight."
„Palace guard?" Appearance that the senior king as if very much cares about the palace guard.
Pearl looks to me: „Li Xiao Yao, did you reply father personally the emperor?"
I nod, walk to go forward saying: „Your majesty, the palace guard buckle is serious, the still left over 1 thousand person can fight."
„Anything!" The senior king had a scare: „Palace guard had about 30,000 people, unexpectedly only remaining 10,000 people......"
Theodore cannot bear sneer: „Really is only the generation of line of gab!"
Pearl got angry: „Big emperor brother, please do not say the palace guard, General Dragon who Xiang takes inventory the victory where? You said that the contrast of palace guard and flame dragon regiment?"
In the crowd, wears the middle-aged person of red armor to walk, knees down, said: „Opens reports your majesty, according to end the statistics, the flame dragon regiment 14 thousand people will enter the war, battle loss 5 thousand, altogether strike to kill 17 thousand Hybrid Demon, but the palace guard, altogether 2.8 thousand people enters the war, the battle loss 1.1 thousand people, capture Hybrid Demon severed head altogether 14 thousand!"
In the crowd has broadcast a sound of holding breath cold air/Qi, as if no one has thought the palace guard who the trivial 3 thousand people do not arrive at can kill the several fold in own enemy, naturally, actually also has much is [Zhan Long] Steel Blade rides the result that [a.s.sault] helps in the fighting . Moreover the role that 50 crossbow car(riage)s play is also not allow to neglect, otherwise the palace guard cannot ma.s.sacre that many Hybrid Demon certainly.
The astonished color flashes on the face of senior king, he thinks that said: „After this war, is lower than the regiment of 1 thousand person to dismiss completely, joins the palace guard, takes General Li Xiao Yao as to command, the palace guard must complete the scale to surpa.s.s the regular regiments of 5 thousand people!"
Pearl great happiness: „Many thanks father emperor!"
She spills me, I also then said: „Many thanks your majesty!"