Xiao Qi, Wait! - Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Xiao Qi, Wait: Chapter 9

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Chapter 9: Qian Xiao Qi, Wait a Minute

The boss hurriedly smiled as he saidwelcome, then quickly wiped the seat to allow Song Liang Zhuo to sit. Song Liang Zhuo spoke with a smile: Youre still working this late at night?

Aaah, just preparing tomorrows roast chicken so it can be ready early in the morning. The boss replied with a smile.

The bosss wife poured a bowl of water, smiled excitedly and said: Officialda ren1, please have a drink.

(1) da ren Sir/Madam. A suffix used for an official or a person in authority.

Please do not host elsewhere but MBC and Yumeabyss

Please do not host elsewhere but MBC and Yumeabyss

Please do not host elsewhere but MBC and Yumeabyss

Please do not host elsewhere but MBC and Yumeabyss

Please do not host elsewhere but MBC and Yumeabyss

Xiao Qi pouted as she got up, when she walked to the door she suddenly remembered Ha Pi2. After giving several calls, a white shadow dashed out from the backyard. Xiao Qi had bent down with the intention ofpicking him up, but seeing blood stuck to Ha Pis mouth, she jumped back. Song Liang Zhuo reached out to steady Xiao Qi who had retreated quickly, lowered his head take a look at the Ha Pi whose mouth was covered with blood and knitted his brows.

(2) The pinyin is Ha Pi, so I dont know why trung used Ha Da? Ha Pi, I think, means naughty or mischievous, or maybe its just meant to be a cute name.

Haha, this is probably the result of eating the leftover chicken bits in the back. This dog really is adorable, to even eat so cheerfully. The boss explained as he laughed.

Xiao Qi pouted: Song Liang Zhou, help me carry him.

The corners of Song Liang Zhuos mouth twitched, but after thinking for a while he still bent down tolift Ha Pi up by the collar of his clothes.

Song Liang Zhuo nodded to the boss then took the lead strolling out of the shop. Xiao Qi felt bad for Ha Pi whose four limbs were dangling in midair quickly waved goodbye to the boss and his wife and rushed out. Lu Liu who saw that Song Liang Zhuo wasnt angry, silently breathed out a sigh of relief, fished out some pieces of silver meaning to pay the boss for the two bowls of noodles. The boss said there was no need, Lu Liu saw that Song Liang Zhuo and Xiao Qi were getting pretty far away, grabbed the hand of the bosss wife and pushed the money onto her palm then rushed to catch up.

As Lu Liu ran she gave a wave to the bosss wife who was standing at the door calling, and followed behind Song Liang Zhuo and Xiao Qi, staying at a distance not too close but not too far away either.

Song Liang Zhuo, holding him like this, Ha Pis stomach will be uncomfortable.

Song Liang Zhuo cast a look at her, lifted his hand to pass Ha Pi over, and saw Xiao Qi wrinkle her nose: His mouth is covered with blood, so are his legs.

Song Liang Zhuo dangled his hand again, slowly walking forward.

Song Liang Zhuo, Xiao Qi stopped muttering after seeing Ha Pi, turned and looked at Song Liang Zhuo, then said: What did you come out for? I was just about to head back!

How were you going to head back? Werent you worried that thefu3doors would close?

(3) fu refers to a residence and the clan that resides there

Jump Qian Xiao Qi snuck a peek at Song Liang Zhuo, and switched her words: Ill just knock.

Song Liang Zhuo nodded, then turned to stare attentively at Xiao Qi a while, in a low voice asked: Xiao Qi has suffered grievances in thefu?

Qian Xiao Qi inwardly curled her lips, shook her head as she said: No, Song Liang Zhuo should hurry up and build the dam, after you have used up the money Ill ask for more. Once we settle this deal Ill be able to properly go home.

Then that still means youve suffered grievances.

Qian Xiao Qi gave a soft hm but didnt speak.

Xiao Qi cant eat her fill?

Qian Xiao Qi blinked: What about Ruo Shuijie jie4?

(4) jie jie Older sister, can be used to address people not blood related



The two didnt speak further on the road, walking at a pace not fast and not slow, returned to Songfu.

Song Liang Zhuo also didnt mention Xiao Qis sneaking out incident. After entering the back courtyard he just threw Ha Pi on the ground. Xiao Qi glanced at Ha Pi who was frantically shaking his head, and said in a low tone: I have to give Ha Pi a bath first, dont treat him as a good-for-nothing, if you hate it Ill give you money.

Song Liang Zhuo touched his forehead: Im not poor to the point that I cant feed my wife and a small dog.

Oh. Qian Xiao Qi turned while coaxing Ha Pi, heading to the kitchen. After walking a while, she turned back to say: Song Liang Zhuo, the bedroom is mine, Im not sleeping on the table anymore.

Song Liang Zhuo looked atXiao Qi whose butt was sticking in the air as she used her hand to coax Ha Pi out of the courtyard, without realizing it he let out a soft laugh and slowly entered the bedroom.

Lu Liu prepared enough warm water then helped Xiao Qi put Ha Pi into the wooden basin to bath. Xiao Qi stood at the side watching, occasionally giving directions.

Miss, Im afraid it wont wash off, we dont have balsam. Lu Liu grabbed Ha Pis lowermost long fur, a bit stumped.

Keep rubbing. Xiao Qi gestured with some force how to rub: Rub with more strength.

Miss, unless we pulled the fur off theres no way to wash it clean. But once its dry it wont be apparent.

Will there be a fishy smell?

I dont know. Lu Liu lifted Ha Pi onto the stool, as she rubbed him using a cloth she said: Miss, Ha Pi has always been taken care of by Zi Teng, I really cant do it. Why dont we send Ha Pi back, otherwise it might turn out that after we take care of him for two days hell end up becoming a wild dog.

Xiao Qi Qi pouted, I think so too. Lets wait a few more days, so then at night I can at least have something to keep me company when I sleep.

What about yourguye5? Lu Liu frowned.

(5) guye a way to refer to someones husband, translated to son-in-law (used by wifes family) and uncle (husband of fathers sister)

Im telling you, theres nothing between me and that Song Liang Zhuo. After a while Ill be able to go home. Xiao Qi wrinkled her nose at Lu Liu: Youre not allowed to tell Old Man Qian.

Then isnt Miss pretty much willingly surrenderingguyeto that Miss Ruo Shui? No good, thats no good at all! I still better tell madam!

You dare! Qian Xiao Qi jumped in front of Lu Liu: If you dare to tell then I wont like you anymore, and I wont let you follow me. You can go back and serve the second Miss.

I dont want.

Then youre not allowed to tell anyone.

Lu Liu closed her mouth, not speaking anymore.

Qian Xiao Qi pinched Lu Lius cheeks and said, smiling: Lu Liu, think about it, here we cant eat well, cant play well, at home isnt it much more free and unfettered? Later, I will personally find a goodguyefor you, one that doesnt nag about us eating, that doesnt nag about us playing, and one thats willing to part with enough money for Ha Pi to eat until his stomachs full. Hows that?

Guyeis a good person too.

Qian Xiao Qi glared: Then you can go and marry him.

Lu Lius face flushed red: Miss is saying stupid things.

I dont care, I really dont want to stay here. Xiao Qi was a bit sad, gave a sigh and said: I just want to go home. Lu Liu, isnt it fine if we go home?

Lu Liu angrily spoke: Miss went through so many difficulties to get this marriage, to just throw it away like this, even if Miss doesnt feel sad Im not going to follow and act blind to it as well!

Qian Xiao Qi took Ha Pi as she said: Lu Liu, I really dont remember anymore, and I dont like unfaithful men. Later Ill find a good one, otherwise Ill definitely be bullied my whole life.

Lu Lius lips twitched as she mumbled: Misss head is muddled,guyeisnt that sort of person.

Qian Xiao Qi pouted, hugging Ha Pi she returned to the room.

Song Liang Zhuo was sitting next to the table drinking tea when he saw Qian Xiao Qi enter carrying Ha Pi.

Qian Xiao Qi hugged Ha Pi while defensively looking at Song Liang Zhuo and angrily said: Song Liang Zhuo, you cant break your word. Im not keeping you company, Im going to sleep with Ha Pi.

You let him sleep on the bed?

Xiao Qi lifted her chin and said: Ive always had.

Its not good for the body.

Dont need you to care! Qian Xiao Qi hugged Ha Pi, walked around Song Liang Zhuo to the bedside, rubbed its fur again before putting him down at the foot of the bed. Ha Pi chased its tail, turning around in two circles, before obediently settling into a ball and stopped moving.

Qian Xiao Qi threw the blanket that Song Liang Zhuo had used before to him, saying: You should also go to sleep, Im going to sleep.

Xiao Qi, in the future you are not allowed to go out at night. Song Liang Zhuo said it softly, but it was unquestionable: If you get hungry, you can have the kitchen prepare a midnight snack.

Qian Xiao Qi affirmed: Got it.

In the future youre not allowed to jump over the wall.

Qian Xiao Qi was slightly annoyed, blinked and said en6 again.

(6) en is sound of affirmation, agreement, etc.

Song Liang Zhuo saw her purposely stretch out her arm to occupy the entire bed, gave a laugh, and said: Sleep properly, isnt that position uncomfortable?

Qian Xiao Qi turned to her side, looked over, and asked: What about you?

Ill sleep in the outer room.

Why not sleep in the study?

It wont be good if the news spread.

Whats not good! Qian Xiao Qi mumbled to herself, but didnt say anything else. Anyways, as long as he doesnt sleep next to her.

Song Liang Zhuo laid on the small couch in the other room, saw the light extinguish inside, lifted the corner of his mouth into a smile, sighed a breath and also closed his eyes.

She really is a child still, only seventeen years old. In the past she held a meal box in front of the court gates every day. The first time he saw her, her entire face was dazed, paired with two crimson cheeks, he had thought it was a peasant family daughter that was bearing a huge grudge but not daring to cry out her grievances, turns out it was actually a brave girl who was pursuing him.

Song Liang Zhuo thought of that Zi Xiao who chose to enter the palace, wonder if she had already became a favored imperial concubine by now? Wonder if she regretted that decision back then.

People ah, always ponder too much!

Song Liang Zhuo sighed and turned his body, bent an ear to hear Xiao Qis low snoring, lightly smiled and closed his eyes.


Translator Notes:

Extra Info regarding the picking up of this serieshere. And aaah, its revealed that he has a past love!!

I cant wait for more chapters of this!! I need to find out who breaks whose heart! Give me more!! Oh wait, Im the translator, aaah, why are there only 24 hours in a day, why cant I use shadow clone jutsu Oh, but spams Voidlight, helpmehelpmehelpme