Xiao Qi, Wait! - Chapter 10

Chapter 10

Xiao Qi, Wait: Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Xiao Qi, Dont Go Past The Walls

Official Song wasnt just joking around when he said he was going to build a dam. Lately he had truly been busy, he was gone without a trace by dawn and only returned afteryou shi1.

(1) you shi is an ancient measurement of time. Its about 5-7pm.

Qian Xiao Qi still had a tank of goldfish she could angle, Wen Ruo Shui, on the other hand, was devastatingly bored.

Wen Ruo Shui envied Qian Xiao Qi a lot and Qian Xiao Qi knew, Xiao Qi could feel it from her eyes.

Qian Xiao Qi ignored Wen Ruo Shui who was standing nearby and staring at her impatiently. With one hand hugging Ha Pi and the other grasping a self-made branch fishing rod, Xiao Qi sat carefreely on the couch next to the large tank. Behind her was Lu Liu who was on standby to help Xiao Qi put fish food on the hook.

Qian Xiao Qi, youre too free and unfettered. Zhuoge ge2has to leave early and return late everyday, you should prepare food and drink for him and wait for him to come back. Wen Ruo Shi didnt have anything to say so she dug up something to say.

(2) ge ge older brother, can be used to address someone not blood related

Qian Xiao Qi didnt even lift her eyelid.

Qian Xiao Qi, acting like this, you really dont suit being Zhuoge ges wife. You, youre, youre too, too, you know how to enjoy life waaaay too much.

Qian Xiao Qi laughed hehe, behind her, Lu Liu also laughed. Wen Ruo Shuis face turned red, she had originally planned to scold some more, but when she saw Qian Xiao Qi lift the pole she hurriedly looked over.

Eh, why is it a straight hook? Wen Ruo Shui questioned.

Qi, what if I tore the mouths of the red carps with the hook? Its not like I know how to fix it!

Wen Ruo Shui batted her eyes: Then let me play for a while.

Qian Xiao Qi thought about it, then also batted her eyes and said: Ruo Shuijie jie, why dont we go out to listen to book-telling, its really exciting.

Book-telling? Like an opera performance?

Pretty much.

Qian Xiao Qi was very proud of her own suggestion. How long has it been since she had gone out, who could blame her for wanting to go out and look around.

Is it pleasant to hear?

Its pleasant. Stories are told and theres all kinds of stories.

Qian Xiao Qi saw that Wen Ruo Shui was interested and said with a smile: Official Song wont let me run all over the place, but he definitely wont scold Ruo Shuijie jie.Jie jie,come with me to have a stroll outside together. Well hurry back early, Official Song definitely wont find out. Even if he found out, he still wouldnt scold Ruo Shuijie jie. Wouldnt it be much more fun compared to staying inside the courtyard with nothing to do?

Wen Ruo Shui pouted: I dont have money, youll have to treat me.

Qian Xiao Qi vigorously nodded and leaned the fishing rod vertically to one side, then lifted her hands to pass Ha Pi to Lu Liu, but after thinking for a moment, said: We better leave Ha Pi home afterall.

Qian Xiao Qi went to get some money from her own treasure chest while Lu Liu took out two mens outfits that she and Xiao Qi often used, after reflecting she also got one for Wen Ruo Shui.

Wen Ruo Shui, looking at the mans outfit in her hands, seemed a bit excited: Xiao Qi, how come you have something like this?

Qian Xiao Qi silently laughed: I dont know, perhaps its for backup.

Wen Ruo Shui put on the mens outfit, after waiting for Lu Liu to help bind up her hair she finally opened her mouth to ask, suspicious: Why is a mans outfit necessary? Are girls not allowed out on the streets here?

Qian Xiao Qi fluttered her eyelashes as she said: Ruo Shuijie jieis too beautiful, what if a female outfit caught the attention of bad people?

Wen Ruo Shui smoothed her lips into a smile. After smiling her head tilted again and she pouted, slightly annoyed: Xiao Qi only says things that are nice to hear.

Lu Liu and Xiao Qi shared a look and stuck out their tongues at the same time, then also laughed hehe.

No matter what its still the inner city so the streets are filled with people. Qian Xiao Qi pulled Wen Ruo Shui, who had questions to ask about everything, onwards and intuitively entered a teahouse.

There were a lot of people inside the large teahouse. Xiao Qi pulled Wen Ruo Shuis hand and chose a not-too-conspicuous place to sit. Wen Ruo Shui seeing that the teahouse had so many people and that the chairs were actually that type of bench, curiously asked in a low voice: Why do the people here sit so crowdedly?

To listen to the book-telling.

Oh, why dont I see anyone in costume?

Qian Xiao Qi rolled her eyes: They still havent come out.


Wen Ruo Shui twisted her head to look towards the skewers near the door that was stuck full of tanghulu3and the large black pot that was frying puffed rice on the roadside opposing the teahouse, seeming to be really interested in these two things.


The guy frying the puffed rice, brandishing a bamboo broom, slowly pushed the contents of the pot around. The small grains of glutinous rice inside the large black pot slowly expanded, after a short while, it actually went from simply covering the pot bottom to filling half the pot.

Wen Ruo Shui hugged Qian Xiao Qis armandshook her while noisily saying: Look, hurry, look! It grows! White and puffy.

Qian Xiao Qi turned her head and looked at the puffed rice booth, sighing, shespoke back in a low voice: Its popped glutinous rice, does Ruo Shuijie jiewish to eat some?

Wen Ruo Shui repeatedly nodded. Xiao Qi said: Ill save your seats, you and Lu Liu go buy it, bring me back some as well.

Okay! Wen Ruo Shui was very interested in that large black pot, pulled Lu Liu and hurried out.

Miss, please dont wander off, Ill be back in just a while. Lu Liu said uneasily.

En, en, just go, go. Buy some five-spice seasoned melon seeds too!

Bang! In front of her stood achang pao4wearing, middle-aged man who was behind a table. He slammed the wooden block in his hand towards the table and absolute silence immediately followed.


Please do not host elsewhere but MBC and Yumeabyss

Please do not host elsewhere but MBC and Yumeabyss

Last time we got to, The little fox immortal wandered the Three Islands seeking the medicine and spat out his source pellet to give emergency treatment to Meng Lang, to where little fox immortal and Meng Lang parted with Master Zhen Yuan to be on their way. In the early morning they saw a high mountain, with endless rows of rugged peaks, and valleys that twisted and turned. Tigers and wolves successfully drove in packs, muntjacs and deers were running in herds. Countless river-deers darted in crowds, the whole mountain was covered with foxes and rabbits all clustered together. Thousand-foot large pythons, ten-thousand fathoms long serpents. The large pythons puffed out mist, the long snakes spat strange wind. Then, look at the side of the road, thorny undergrowth grew unrestrained along the paths, up on the mountain range were beautiful Chinese redwoods. Wild fig-trees filled the eyes, fragrant grass stretched far into the horizon. The scenery of the azure sea to the north and clouds that opened the handle of the Big Dipper to the south. Ten thousand ancients were ever old as the primal essence, thousand wind towered in the cold light of day. (Borrowing Journey to the West26th chapter)

(5) It took me forever to search everything up, which is why the chapter late even though I was planning on one update a week. FYI, even though I did a lot of searching and cross checking, some of this might be off. I did my best to make some sense out of the individually translated characters, the above is a poem by the way. Also, I think the little fox immortal is the Monkey King, while Meng Lang is the monk. I think the author switched the names around, on purpose? So I kept it that way.

More trivia, since this is already pretty long. When I glanced through it it felt like Meng Lang was a good-for-nothing cheating on the little fox immortal, but when you put it in perspective of the Journey to the West characters, blergh.

Master Zhen Yuan is, according to baidu, the ancestor of the immortal, he grows mandrake fruits

The book-telling Misters magnificant start drew a round of cheers, good. Qian Xiao Qi also followed and clapped with all her might. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw someone holding puffed rice sat down to the side and, without taking her eyes off the Mister, she reached out to grab a handful.

That Meng Lang became hungry and had the little fox immortal search for alms6to bring over. The little fox immortal spoke with a smile. Benefactor is very intelligent, this place is in the middle of the mountains; ahead theres not a single village, behind there exist no shops, I have money but theres nowhere to buy, please enlighten me as to where to go to seek alms?

(6) Alms as in the foods that monks eat, either donated by people or provided somehow by the temple. Often vegetarian, like grains of rice.

Qian Xiao Qi stuck her tongue out to lick up a mouthful of puffed rice and wrinkled her brows as she repeatedly nodded.

Meng Langs heart felt a bit unhappy so his mouth scolded, You fox! When you were at Mo Ya temple7, casted down by thesenior monk, when you could speak but could not move, it was I who saved your life and helped you escape from that suffering. How could you not work hard and still harbor a lazy heart!

(7) The senior monk is probably Buddha. From what I remember, the monkey lost a bet with Buddha and was casted down from heaven. Buddhas palm pressed on him and became a mountain, imprisoning him and it the was monk that freed him. The phonetics of the temple name also sounds like the words pressed down so I think the author mightve changed some stuff around in order to avoid blatantly copying.

Tsk! Qian Xiao Qi quietly sneered and thought silently, stinking useless old man, if youre so great, go find food yourself, to dare to yell at the sweet little fox immortal! Qian Xiao Qi furiously finished the puffed rice in one swallow then reached out to grab another handful.

The little fox immortal was a bit melancholic. He transformed into a butterfly and flew into the sky. Looking down, he saw pink at a distant place and thinking it was ripened fruit, went to pick it for Meng Lang. Meng Lang resting at the mountain cliff, suddenly saw a hairpin woman approach. Her light green sleeve gently swayed over jade white fingers8, the skirt trailed slantedly and golden lotus feet peeked out.

(8) According to baidu, the phrase originally refered to actual pure white bamboo shoots, but was later used to compare fingers, legs or scenery to the beauty of delicate white bamboo shoots Wow. So, sleeves, I guess fingers.


Qian Xiao Qi made a bitter face as she ate the puffed rice then reached out to grab more. She searched a couple times but couldnt grab any. In the end she concluded that Wen Ruo Shui was stingy and not letting her eat so Xiao Qi frowned, wiped her mouth and continued to listen to the story.

That woman was truly the epitome of frost fleshed jade bones9. Her garments collar revealed a soft bosom, her shapely eyebrows seemed perfectly painted umber, silver stars flashed from her amber eyes. Her appearance was as charming as the moon, her nature naturally pure. Her body was like a swallow hidden by a willow tree, her voice like an oriole singing in the woods. Half releasing her cherry apple cover to shine in the day, she then opened the peony to fool spring.

(9) This is a chinese expression, used to praise womans skin as being bright and clean as jade, figure noble and refined. Much of the rest of the description is a poem.

Lust trap! Qian Xiao Qi grinded her teeth.

Thus that little fox immortal picked some peaches, then transformed into a black hawk to hurried back, only to see Meng Lang and that good-looking woman becoming extremely intimate. The little fox immortal pushed down his rage to carefully watch and found out that woman was a corpse. If Meng Lang couldnt resist the temptation and had sexual intercourse, he would definitely lose his life to the Yellow Springs10.

(10) The Yellow Springs are equivalent of the Chinese underworld. And now Im 100% sure there were edits made. The monk was kinda dumb, but he was a monk! I dont remember him ever giving in to sexual temptation even when a truly beautiful spirit stole him and trapped him in her cave for weeks. By truly beautiful, I mean like beautiful without transformation spells, cause a lot of monsters transformed in Journey to the West.

Qian Xiao Qi suddenly gripped the hand holding the paper bag full of puffed rice at the side and gave it a light shake as if to say they were sharing the same feelings. At the same time her face still turned slightly red due to those words.

The little fox immortal restrained his anger and continued observing, only to see that Meng Lang had already undressed, that girls entire body was white as jade

Qian Xiao Qi grasped that hand to the side lowered her face into it, one hand covered her ear as she said in a low voice: Howd it turn to telling a pornographic story? Wasnt it supposed to be about the little fox immortals wonderfully heroic martial prowess?

From the above her head came soft laughter. How was that voice Wen Ruo Shui? It was clearly a man.

Qian Xiao Qi suddenly lifted her head and saw a pair of peach blossom eyes looking at her and smiling. Qian Xiao Qi abruptly shook off that hand, looked all around for half the day, but didnt see a shadow of Wen Ruo Shui and Lu Liu.

Thus, that Meng Lang and the woman were like dry firewood that alighted into a blaze. The female was a thousand ways charming and lovely, with ten thousand sorts of flirtatious behavior aroused that Meng Lang until he lost track of himself

Qian Xiao Qi covered her ears, vexed, and angrily aimed a glare at thoseda laoyes11below who were listening eagerly.

(11) da laoye is pretty much great masters of the house. Lao ye translates to old grandpas, but are often used to simply address which ever male was the head of the household, and the person may be young. The da may be either saying theyre old, big, or that theyre rich, or pompous. Im guessing either old or pompous.

Why is Mister talking about this part? Wasnt this a story about the little fox immortal and Meng Lang? That young man next to Xiao Qi spoke.

The book-telling Mister, seeing that someone objected, seemlessly changed the direction of the story: The little fox immortal that was watching appeared in human form with a loud shout

The man turned towards Qian Xiao Qi with a refreshing smile and spoke in a low voice: You can let go of your ears now, its been changed.

Qian Xiao Qi shot a glance at the man, slowly putting down both her hands. Lu Liu and Wen Ruo Shui still hadnt returned. Qian Xiao Qi wanted to leave, but she was afraid that if she went out to search she would end up lost, so she continued to wait, sitting on the bench fidgeting.

The mans line of sight swept pass the tips of Qian Xiao Qis ears which were red as tomatoes and noticing the tiny pierced hole on her ear, lifted the corner of his mouth into a smile.

Isgongziwaiting for someone? The man opened his mouth and spoke.

En. Qian Xiao Qi looked at the puffed rice in his hand and apologized with her face red: Sorry for eating your things.

Haha, dont worry, as long as littlegongzienjoyed it.

Qian Xiao Qi turned her head to continue to listen to the story, the splendidly dressedgongzismiled and said: Gongzicame by himself?

Ah? No, with two.

The splendidly dressedgongzinodded: This one12is Chen Zi Gong. To meetgongziis also fate, wonder how should I addressgongzi?

(12) Hes speaking humbly. As a reminder gongzi is a way to address GUYS.

Oh, Im called Qian Qi13.

(13) Money Seven lol. To be fair she is using the characters of her real name. Her real name literally translates to Money, Little Seven

The splendidly dressed man raised his eyebrow. Qian Xiao Qi, not waiting for him to speak, interjected: I know its vulgar, dont laugh.

Haha, Qian Qi, pretty good.

Qian Xiao Qi glanced at the splendidly dressedgongzi, his face was really, really Qian Xiao Qi couldnt find the right words to describe it for a while. If she were to say that Song Liang Zhuos looks always made her feel comfortable, then this man precisely gives people the feeling of being drunk on peach blossom wine, swayingly gorgeous.

Qian Xiao Qi frowned. What did she think of the word gorgeous? It feels really sissy!

Qian Xiao Qi glanced over again, examining those peach blossom eyes that looked over with a smile, thin lips, smooth and round chin like a womans, if its not gorgeous what is it?


Credits: Chiyomira, google-sama

[Chiyomiras Corner]

This chapter had a lot of terms. The reason I do it this way is to keep as much of the context as possible, as well as the fact that searching up and rephrasing the definitions helps me learn the chinese sayings and expressions. And some of it is just ranting, sorry, its been the longest chapter by far (in amount of time taken to translate). XP Im translating half to read, and half to learn so bear with me guys!

As for the future of this series, Ive contacted serene and we have not exactly made a compromise. Weve been giving rather vague responses in order not to create any hard feelings and pretty much settled into silence. So, well both be translating independently, which means, if you have the time, you can read bothversionsto get a better picture of whats going on, maybe. XD

Also, I sincerely hope that Xiao Qi never gets to go to a book-telling again. Official Song, please catch and reprimand her. Ill cry if you actually decide to go with her next time. The story was kinda interesting, but this chapter was ridiculous all because of that story, especially the long poem and the old expressions speckled everywhere. *Looks at all the candy wrappers left of the stress eating session while translating*

But done!!!!!!!!!! *(*)*