Xiao Qi, Wait! - Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Qian Xiao Qi thought there was a big difference between the size of the Qian Manor and the Song Manor. The horse carriage halted, she jumped down and ran into the Qian Manor where her second big sister, Qian Pan Yi was waiting for her in a red dress.

Qian Pan Yi hugged Qian Xiao Qis waist and spun Qian Xiao Qi around once.

Its good your home, Qian Pan Yi said to Qian Xiao Qi and smiled at Song Liang Zhuo. Little brother-in-law, why didnt you escort Xiao Qi home yesterday? We only received a letter saying you and Xiao Qi couldnt come yesterday.

Qian Pan Yi was distracted by one side of Qian Xiao Qis face, it was swollen and she cried out.

Little sister, why is this side of your face swollen? Qian Pan Yi asked.

I my teeth hurts so one side of my face is swollen, Qian Xiao Qi lied.

Did a physician examine your teeth? Qian Pan Yi asked.

Its alright, Qian Xiao Qi said. It only hurts a little.

Qian Xiao Qi didnt know what to call Qian Pan Yi who looked like their mother.

Big sister, why are you home? Qian Xiao Qi asked.

Arent I allowed to come home for a visit? Qian Pan Yi asked. Im angry at your second brother-in-law.

Qian Xiao Qi hugged Qian Pan Yis arm. Wheres first big sister?

First big sister and her children came here to visit yesterday, Qian Pan Yi said. But her children were too naughty so they went home.

Qian Pan Yi turned around to face Song Liang Zhuo. Little brother-in-law, go relax in the gardens. Its unmanly to follow behind women.

Second big sister, I want to go with Xiao Qi to greet father and mother, Song Liang Zhuo said.

My little brother-in-law is a good husband, Qian Pan Yi said. It was worth our Xiao Qi pursuing you for two years.

Qian Xiao Qi felt framed for something she didnt remember doing. She remembered a faint voice once asked her if someone coerced her into pursuing Song Liang Zhuo, but she didnt know who the voice belonged to.

Qian Pan Yi led Qian Xiao Qi to a courtyard. A fat man and a beautiful gentle woman were waiting for them in the courtyard.

The fat man circled around Qian Xiao Qi and he patted Song Liang Zhuos shoulders.

Qian Xiao Qis arms suspended in mid-air. She was jealous the fat man greeted Song Liang Zhuo first.

The fat man let go of Song Liang Zhuos shoulders and he hugged Qian Xiao Qi. Qian Xiao Qi humphed, and she ran to hug the beautiful gentle woman.

Little girl, how can you be jealous of your husband? Qian Xiao Qis father asked.

Dont pay attention to your father, Qian Xiao Qis mother said. My darling Xiao Qi only needs to pay attention to her mother. Xiao Qi, wheres Liu Lu?

Liu Lu stayed behind at the Song Manor to help wash clothes, Qian Xiao Qi said.

Qian Xiao Qis mother nodded her head, and took Qiao Xiao Qi and Qian Pan Yi to a bedchamber while Qiao Xiao Qis father talked with Song Liang Zhuo.

In the bedchamber, Qian Pan Yi closed the door.

Qiao Xiao Qi comfortably sat down at the familiar table.

Mother, I want to come home and be with you, Qiao Xiao Qi said.

Qiao Xiao Qis mother cried happy tears to see Qian Xiao Qi home.

Qiao Xiao Qi stood and consoled her mother.

Mother, Im home now, Qian Xiao Qi said. Mother, you dont need to cry.

Little sister, let mother cry, Qian Pan Yi said. Mother is cry

ing because of you.

Mother, you shouldnt cry because of me, Qian Xiao Qi said. Mother, if you keep crying, your eyes will sink and Ill cry too.

Qiao Xiao Qis mother wiped her tears. My Xiao Qi understands me the most.

Yes, Xiao Qi is the youngest but shes the most understanding, Qiao Pan Yi praised.

Xiao Qi, is your husband treating you well? Qian Xiao Qis mother asked.

Yes, Qian Xiao Qi said.

Xiao Qi, on your wedding night did your husband hurt you? Qian Xiao Qis mother asked.

No, he didnt hurt me, Qian Xiao Qi said.

Xiao Qi, youre an adult now, Qian Xiao Qis mother said. You need to think before you speak. You shouldnt carelessly tell people about your private life.

Mother, I was only answering your questions, Qian Xiao Qi said.

Im worried people will take advantage of you, Qiao Xiao Qis mother said. It looks like you gained weight.

Qiao Xiao Qi remembered her deal with Song Liang Zhuo. She promptly massaged her mothers shoulders.

Mother, Official Song I mean my husband needs money to help take care of Tong Hua Province, Qian Xiao Qi said. Mother, can you tell father to give my husband money?

Pan Yi, look at your little sister, Qian Xiao Qis mother said. Your little sister has been married for a few days, but shes already thinking only about how to help her husband.

Mother Qian Xiao Qi sulked.

Qian Xiao Qis mother squeezed Qian Xiao Qis ear. I agreed with your father that I shouldnt give money to you and your husband.

Mother, how come father doesnt listen to you anymore? Qian Xiao Qi asked.

Qian Xiao Qi vaguely remembered that her father loved her mother, and he was scared of making her mother unhappy.

Of course your father listens to me, Qian Xiao Qis mother said proudly. But I promised I wont give you and your husband money until you have good news.

Mother, my husband told me the truth, Qian Xiao Qi said. But Im not a hen. I cant lay an egg on command.

Qiao Xiao Qis mother and Qian Pan Yi laughed at Qian Xiao Qis protest.

Qian Pan Yi pinched Qian Xiao Qis lips, and wished she could sew Qian Xiao Qis mischievous lips together.

Xiao Qi, have you forgotten first big sister conceived an egg after being married for one month? Qian Pan Yi teased. Xiao Qi, wait another month for good news.

Qian Xiao Qi pouted her lips and hugged her mother. Mother, if you dont give my husband money, hell worry and itll make me worry. How can my stomach keep an egg warm if Im worried all day? Mother, you need to tell father to give my husband money now.

Qian Xiao Qis mother gently patted Qian Xiao Qis hand. Alright. Later Ill talk to your father.

Mother, you need to tell father to give my husband money now so I can have a peaceful sleep, Qian Xiao Qi said.

Your father has a lot of money, Qian Xiao Qis mother said. How can your mother let you lose sleep over money? Well go see your father now to give money to you so you can have a peaceful sleep.

Qian Xiao Qi smiled sweetly and poured a cup of tea for her mother. Mother, youre the best mother. Mother, tell father if he ever needs Official Song I mean my husbands help, my husband wont hesitate to help father.

My Xiao Qi is still filial even after she has a husband, Qian Xiao Qis mother praised. Unlike your big sisters who only knows how to think about their husbands needs.


End of Chapter Six