Xiao Qi, Wait! - Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Qian Xiao Qi asked herself how did she ran from the table to the bed in the middle of the night. She glanced at Son Liang Zhuo and felt relieved he was asleep.

In a corner of the bedchamber was a chest Qian Xiao Qi opened yesterday. It was full of many things big and small like rabbit fur gloves and books. No matter how big or small, she wasnt going to leave them behind.

Official Song, Qian Xiao Qi called shyly.

Theres nothing valuable in my chest, I want to take it away, Qian Xiao Qi said.

I want to take it home, Qian Xiao Qi said. Today Im going home. Ill talk to my father about our situation. Im not coming back here.

Why not? Qian Xiao Qi asked. You dont love me.

Yes, I have an ulterior motive why I married you, Song Liang Zhuo said. But I cant divorce you.

I need money to build dykes in Ha Dun, Song Liang Zhuo said.

That sly old man! Qian Xiao Qi cursed her father.

Did you marry me for my dowry? Qian Xiao Qi asked.

Qian Xiao Qi turned around and continued packing. She comfortably packed everything including her makeup and clothes.

I can see its necessary to protect places surrounded by rivers to prevent flooding, Qian Xiao Qi said. But if you need money, you dont have to keep me here. Now youre preventing me from leaving.

Qian Xiao Qi didnt believe Song Liang Zhuos deceitful words. I believe theres a way to deal with my father.

Why did the rivers stop flooding years ago? Qian Xiao Qi asked. So its unlikely to flood soon.

Then build dykes next year, Qian Xiao Qi said.

Qian Xiao Qi didnt believe Song Liang Zhuos good person act, but she wasnt a stingy person.

I didnt borrow, I traded, Song Liang Zhuo said.

Not necessarily, Song Liang Zhuo said.

Hes planning for the future, Song Liang Zhuo said.

What you said is true, Song Liang Zhuo said.

Song Liang Zhuo shook his head. Your father said hell bring the money here after youre pregnant.

Song Liang Zhuo nodded his head.

Then keep waiting until Im pregnant, Qian Xiao Qi said.

Of course a divorce letter is necessary, Qian Xiao Qi said and smiled sweetly. Why dont we make a deal? Well both win.

Do you want to make a deal or not? Qian Xiao Qi asked.

Qian Xiao Qi sat down at the table. Youll write me a divorce letter, and Ill help you bring money here. After you receive the money, I get to leave. In the future we wont sleep in the same bedchamber again. Youll stay at the Song Manor and be your usual Official Song, and Ill return to being Qian Xiao Qi instead of being your wife. What do you think?

Good, Qian Xiao Qi said. Dont worry, the old man will help build the dykes. Ill make certain my father wont give you grief.

Its the truth! Qian Xiao Qi said. If you dont believe me, today Ill go home and make my father give you money to build the dykes.

Then quickly write a divorce letter, Qian Xiao Qi said. Later Ill leave after I eat a meal, and youll receive money soon.

Are you going to agree to the deal or not? Qian Xiao Qi asked. Even if you dont agree, Im lazy to play games.

Song Liang Zhuo got out of bed and walked toward the table.

Of course, Qian Xiao Qi said. If I dont know how to read then how can I help father manage his business?

Qian Xiao Qi happily prepared ink and passed Song Liang Zhuo paper and an ink brush.

Qian Xiao Qi rolled her eyes. Its up to you whether you believe me. Im not as uneducated as you think!

Are you certain this is a divorce letter? Qian Xiao Qi asked.

Youre right, Qian Xiao Qi said. Wheres your seal?

Qian Xiao Qi patted her chest. Dont worry. I, Qian Xiao Qi have always kept my promises. Youll receive money soon.

After a meal, Song Liang Zhuo and Qian Xiao Qi travelled by horse carriage together. She regretted she couldnt jump off the horse carriage and run home by herself.

Song Liang Zhuo and Qian Xiao Qi travelled to the Qian Manor on a day close to the end of the autumn harvest. It wasnt a hot day, but he saw many people trading grains. He was proud he helped Tong Hua Province prosper.

I prepared a gift for your father already, Song Liang Zhuo said.

I prepared gifts for your big sisters too, Song Liang Zhuo said.

Xiao Qi, do you want to go for a walk outside? Song Liang Zhuo asked.

Wait until we return home, well go sightseeing together, Song Liang Zhuo said.

Then you need to promise me that you wont cause trouble, Song Liang Zhuo said.

Song Liang Zhuo thought Qian Xiao Qi was actually a patient person. She waited for him outside the magistrate court for two years.

End of Chapter Five