Works Of Alexander Pushkin - Works of Alexander Pushkin Part 113

Works of Alexander Pushkin Part 113

In thy village of Dianka,

Thou hast concealed and hidden kept.

This wealth, in forfeit of thy crime,

Is due to Cossack's common fund.

Such is the law. That law obey.

No more delay, but tell us quick

Where are the treasures thou hast hid?


Well, thou art right! Three treasures were

The pride and joy of my whole life.

The first of these my honour was,

And this the rack hath robbed me of.

The second none can give me back,

The unstained name of daughter dear,

That day and night I, tending, watched;

Mazeppa hath that name defouled.

The third and last I guard mine own,

My third and last is... vengeance just;

And that I take with me to God!


Cease, old man, these idle ravings!

Think, on verge of life thou standest,

Proud defiance ill befits thee,

No time to trifle. Answer give,

Or else thou feelst the torture sharp!

Thy moneys, where?


Recreant slave!

Cease, I pray, thy questionings vain.

And when I lie within my grave,

Then go, thy lord Mazeppa seek,

And with grim fingers steeped in blood

Count o'er my treasures and my wealth,

Break ope my unprotected vaults,

My plundered home with fire destroy!