Works Of Alexander Pushkin - Works of Alexander Pushkin Part 112

Works of Alexander Pushkin Part 112

Tho bearer of the keys of heaven,

The healer of the wounded soul,

The minister serene of Christ,

Who suffered death and ransomed us;

The sacred gifts immaculate

He brings, that, strengthened and confirmed,

I may the bolder march to death,

Nor fail to reach immortal bliss.

With softened heart old Kotzubei

Before the Ruler of the world

Prepares to pour his heart in prayer;

But' tis no gentle anchorite

Has come with words of pardon free:

The hated Orlick stands before him.

And o'er his face a loathing comes,

As he demands with proudful scorn:

"What wilt thou here, oh man of crime?

What moves Mazeppa to disturb

The last remains of my sad life?"


One secret more thou must divulge.


I have replied: and so, depart,

Leave me in peace! -


One answer more

Our lord demands.


And what demand?

I have revealed, acknowledged all

That thou wouldst know. The charges made

Were all a lie. I'm skilled and sly

In weaving plots. The Hetman's right

What more canst thou require?


We know,

Riches thou hadst and stores untold:

These stores in slily chosen spots,