Works Of Alexander Pushkin - Works of Alexander Pushkin Part 108

Works of Alexander Pushkin Part 108

Thou jealous, then? Is it for me,

Already aged and worn in years,

To seek from heartless courtesan

A greeting cold, or passing smile?

Shall I, the stern old man, begin

To play the skipping youngster's part,

And, sighing, lustful, sport in chains,

To win a wanton's idle glance?


Nay, answer me without deceit,

And answer simply: yes or no.


To me thy peace is ever dear.

Thy will be done, and learn the truth.

With caution have we hatched the plot,

That now is ripe for quick success.

Propitious are the times; the hour

Has come to strike the fatal blow.

Deprived of freedom, robbed of fame,

Too long we bear a foreign yoke,

Now as Warsaw's humble vassals,

Now slaves to Moscow's tyrant rule.

In freedom's cause the sword we'll draw,

Nor fear I 'gainst the Tsar himself

The standard of revolt to raise.

Our plans are formed; allies are found;

And secret treaties have been drawn

Between myself and both the kings;

And soon, as fruit of battle fierce,

May be, a royal throne I'll rear.

Friends I have, whom i can trust,

Princess Dulskaya, Zalenskoi,

Together with the almsman sure;

And they will bring my scheme to end.