Works Of Alexander Pushkin - Works of Alexander Pushkin Part 107

Works of Alexander Pushkin Part 107

Stung to the soul, in wonder lost,

Half choked, she rises from her knees.

"Listen, Hetman", she cries, "for thee

I have forgotten home and all.

And when my soul chose thee her lord,

I had but one desire... thy love:

For that I sacrificed my all!

Nor do I now regret the past.

Rememb'rest thou how in that nignt,

The night I gave myself to thee,

To love me ever thou didst swear:

Tell me, then, why thy love has ceased.


Hearken, Marie, thou art unjust.

Shake off these vain and childish fears!

Let not doubt sow poison in thy heart,

Or blinded passion idly stir

And vex thy young and ardent soul.

Believe, Marie, my love for thee

Exceeds my love of rule or fame.


'Tis false, and thou dost play with me

Then were we one in heart and soul;

My fond embrace thou fleest now,

My love has dull and irksome grown.

Thy days are with the elders spent,

At feasts or raid,... and I alone!

All night, close locked in room, thou art

In counsel with the almsman-priest.

If I renewal seek of love,

My sole reward is cold repulse.

And yestern eve, I learn, thou drankst

To Dulskaya...' twas news to me...

Who is this Dulskaya?


And art