Works Of Alexander Pushkin - Works of Alexander Pushkin Part 104

Works of Alexander Pushkin Part 104

And far beyond his meed enjoyed

His master's gracious love and trust.

But spite is ever rash and blind!

What gain if, in declining years,

He learns to play the traitor's part,

And blast with shame his-unstained name

Was it not he with righteous scorn

Refused to aid sly Stanislas,

Refused the proffered Ukraine crown,

And, moved by duty's call, disclosed

The lying traitor's papers false?

Was it not he, by Khans approached,

Renounced alliance with the Turk?

Was it not he proved well his zeal

Against the White Tsar's banded foes,

And step by step, with brain and sword,

Thwarted their plots, and freely risked

His life to win his liege's cause?

And now they dare dishonour bring

Upon his hairs in service gray!

And who? Iskra and Kotzubei,

Who both so long had been his friends".

And, coldly shedding poisoned tears,

Triumphant in his insolence,

The wretch demands their instant death.

Whose death? Oh, man of iron will,

Whose daughter, nestling, warms thy- breast?

The sleepy whisper of remorse

Is hushed by heartless reason cold,

And thus he dulls the still, small voice:

,The stubborn fool hath freely sought

The fight unequal and foredoomed;

With hoodwinked eyes he courts defeat,