Works Of Alexander Pushkin - Works of Alexander Pushkin Part 103

Works of Alexander Pushkin Part 103

The wild horde's love of war enflame,

And far beyond the Dnieper-falls

Sow fears of Peter's iron rule.

None scape Mazeppa's watchful eye;

From north to south, from east to west,

Both far and wide he missives sends.

By cunning threats Crimean Khans

Are set to war against Moscow.

The King of Poland follows suit;

And Turkey lends her ready hand:

Whilst Charles prepares to draw the sword.

Active, alert, he knows no rest,

Awaits the hour to strike the blow;

Nor does his will one moment slack,

As he pursues his guilty aim.

Like thunderbolt from clearest sky,

The crushing blow Mazeppa dazed;

But not for long: new plots are schemed.

He soon received from Russian lords,

Despatched to him. their country's foe,

The missive from Poltava writ,

In place of blame, caressing words,

As if he were base slander's prey!

And, plunged in troubled cares of war,

The Tsar condoled with Judas false,

And, angered, took the false for true,

The warning words unheeded left;

Resolved ere long to crush revolt

By punishment severe and stern.

With feigned grief he sends the Tsar

His cringing plea of loyal faith:

"God and man I call to witness,

For twenty years your willing slave

Has served his Tsar with truth and zeal;