MADAME VAGRET. Yes. There! "Vagret procuradoreak galdegin--" Wait a minute. [_Calling through the further doorway_] Catialena! Catialena!
VAGRET. What is it?
MADAME VAGRET. Catialena will translate it for us. [_To Catialena, who has entered_] Here, Catialena, just read this bit for us, will you?
CATIALeNA. _Why, yes, Madame._ [_She reads_] "Eta gaitzegilia ozda oraino gakpoian Irrysaryko."
VAGRET. And what does that mean?
CATIALeNA. That means--they haven't arrested the Irissary murderer yet.
VAGRET. We know that. And then?
CATIALeNA. "Baginakien yadanik dona Mauleano tribunala yuye arin edo tzarrenda berechiazela." That means there are no magistrates at Mauleon except those they've got rid of from other places, and who don't know their business--empty heads they've got.
VAGRET. Thanks--that's enough.
MADAME VAGRET. No, no! Go on, Catialena!
CATIALeNA. "Yaun hoyen Biribi--"
CATIALeNA. Yes, Madame.
MADAME VAGRET. Well, what does Biribi mean in Basque?
CATIALeNA. I don't know.
MADAME VAGRET. What? You don't know? You mean you don't want to say? Is it a bad word?
CATIALeNA. Oh no, Madame, I should know it then.
VAGRET. Biribi--
BERTHA. Perhaps it's a nickname they give you.
MADAME VAGRET. Perhaps that's it. [_A pause_] Well?
CATIALeNA. They're speaking of the master.
MADAME VAGRET [_to her husband_] I told you so. [_To Catialena_] Abusing him?
VAGRET. I tell you that's enough! [_He s.n.a.t.c.hes the paper from Catialena and puts it in his pocket_] Go back to the kitchen. Hurry now--quicker than that!
CATIALeNA. Well, sir, I swear I won't tell you the rest of it.
VAGRET. No one's asking you to. Be off.
CATIALeNA. I knew the master would be angry. [_She turns to go_]
CATIALeNA. Yes, Madame?
MADAME VAGRET. Really now, you don't know what Biribi means?
CATIALeNA. No, Madame, I swear I don't.
MADAME VAGRET. That's all right. There's the bell--go and see who it is.
[_Catialena goes_] I shall give that woman a week's notice, and no later than to-morrow.
VAGRET. But really--
CATIALeNA [_returning_] If you please, sir, it's Monsieur Delorme.
MADAME VAGRET. Your examining magistrate?
VAGRET. Yes. He's come to give me his reply. [_To Catialena_] Show him in.
MADAME VAGRET. What reply?
VAGRET. He has come to return me his brief.
VAGRET. Yes. I asked him to think it over until this evening.
MADAME VAGRET. He'll have to stay to dinner.
VAGRET. No. You know perfectly well his health--Here he is. Run away.
MADAME VAGRET [_amiably, as she goes out_] Good-evening, Monsieur Delorme.
DELORME. Madame!
SCENE IV:--_Vagret, Delorme._
VAGRET. Well, my dear fellow, what is it?
DELORME. Well, it's no--positively no.
DELORME. I've told you. [_A pause_]
VAGRET. And the _alibi_ of your accused?