MADAME VAGRET. It's her husband who ought to wear that color!
VAGRET. Rosa, that's unjust.
MADAME VAGRET [_painfully excited_] I know it--but it does me good!
_Enter Catialena._
CATIALeNA. Madame, where shall I put the parcel we took from the linen-closet this morning?
MADAME VAGRET. What parcel?
CATIALeNA. The parcel--you know, Madame--when we were arranging the things in the linen-closet.
MADAME VAGRET [_suddenly_] Oh--yes, yes. Take it to my room.
CATIALeNA. Where shall I put it there?
MADAME VAGRET. Oh well, put it down here. I will put it away myself.
CATIALeNA. Very good, Madame. [_She leaves the room_]
MADAME VAGRET [_snipping at the parcel and speaking to herself_] It's no use stuffing it with moth-b.a.l.l.s--it'll all be moth-eaten before ever you wear it.
VAGRET. What is it?
MADAME VAGRET [_placing the parcel on the table and opening the wrapper_] Look!
VAGRET. Ah, yes--my red robe--the one you bought for me--in advance--two years ago.
MADAME VAGRET. Yes. That time it was Gamard who was appointed instead of you.
VAGRET. What could you expect? Gamard had a deputy for his brother-in-law; there's no getting over that. The Ministry has to a.s.sure itself of a majority.
MADAME VAGRET. And to think that in spite of all my searching I haven't been able to discover so much as a councillor among our relations!
VAGRET. Well--hide this thing. It torments me. [_He returns the gown, which he had unfolded, to his wife_] In any case I dare say it wouldn't fit me now.
MADAME VAGRET. Oh, they fit anybody, these things!
VAGRET. Let's see--[_He takes off his coat_]
MADAME VAGRET. And it means a thousand francs more a year!
VAGRET. It isn't faded. [_At this moment Bertha enters. Vagret hides the red gown_] What is it?
BERTHA. It's only me.
VAGRET. You startled me.
BERTHA [_catching sight of the gown_] You've been appointed! You've been appointed!
VAGRET. Do be quiet! Turn the key in the door!
BERTHA. Papa has been appointed!
MADAME VAGRET. Do as you're told! No, he hasn't been appointed.
VAGRET. It's really as good as new. [_He slips it on_]
MADAME VAGRET. Well, I should hope so! I took care to get the very best silk.
VAGRET. Ah, if I could only wear this on my back when I'm demanding the conviction of the Irissary murderer! Say what you like, the man who devised this costume was no fool! It's this sort of thing that impresses the jury. And the prisoner too! I've seen him unable to tear his eyes from the gown of the State Attorney! And you feel a stronger man when you wear it. It gives one a better presence, and one's gestures are more dignified: "Gentlemen of the court, gentlemen of the jury!" Couldn't I make an impressive indictment? "Gentlemen of the court, gentlemen of the jury! In the name of society, of which I am the avenging voice--in the name of the sacred interests of humanity--in the name of the eternal principles of morality--fortified by the consciousness of my duty and my right--I rise--[_He repeats his gesture_] I rise to demand the head of the wretched man who stands before you!"
MADAME VAGRET. How well you speak!
_Vagret, with a shrug of the shoulders and a sigh, slowly and silently removes the gown and hands it to his wife._
VAGRET. Here--put it away.
MADAME VAGRET. There's the bell.
MADAME VAGRET [_to her daughter_] Take it.
BERTHA. Yes, mother. [_She makes a parcel of the gown and is about to leave the room_]
BERTHA. Yes, mother!
MADAME VAGRET [_tearfully_] Put some more moth-b.a.l.l.s in it--poor child!
_Bertha goes out. Catialena enters._
SCENE III:--_Vagret, Madame Vagret, Catialena._
CATIALeNA [_holding out an envelope_] This has just come for you, sir.
[_She goes out again_]
VAGRET. What's this? The Basque paper--the _Eskual Herria_--an article marked with blue pencil. [_He reads_] "Eskual herri guzia hamabartz egun huntan--" How's one to make head or tail of such a barbarian language!
MADAME VAGRET [_reading over his shoulder_] It's about you--