THE PHARAOH. Scoundrel! You are his accomplice!
THE PHARAOH. Did you go to the house of his father, to Rheou?
THE OFFICER. We searched them in vain.
THE PHARAOH. He has taken flight, then?
THE OFFICER. I know not.
THE PHARAOH. You are a traitor! You shall die! Take him out! And you others, hear the commands of the High Priest and begone.
HIGH PRIEST. Let each fulfil the mission he is charged with. Let the young priests mix with the crowd, the moment it enters the Temple. Let them excite the people's fervor, that as many prodigies as possible may be won from the G.o.ddess. Now when you are gone the stones that screen the sanctuary will roll away before the Pharaoh and the High Priest; and, first by right, they shall behold the G.o.ddess face to face. Humbly prostrated we shall speak to her the mysterious words that other men have never heard. Bow down before the Pharaoh, may he live in health and strength [_All kneel and remain with their faces on the ground during what follows, save an old man whom the High Priest calls to his side by a sign; and to whom he says in low tones_] Let the man Satni be taken from the crypt where he is imprisoned [_The old man bows_] When I give the signal let them bring him here. While the Pharaoh goes in procession through the town let them do what I have told you [_The old man bows_]
[_To the others_] Rise! [_To the Pharaoh_] Son of Ammon-Ra, bow down before him who represents the G.o.d. [_The Pharaoh rises and after a slight hesitation bows down before the High Priest_] Withdraw, we would pray. [_Motionless the High Priest and the Pharaoh wait till the last of the a.s.sistants are gone_].
THE PHARAOH [_giving up his hieratic pose, angrily_] I would all the flies of Egypt might eat thy tongue.
HIGH PRIEST [_without feeling_] The flies of Egypt are too many and my tongue is too small, for your wish to be realized, Pharaoh.
THE PHARAOH. This is the result of my weakness!
HIGH PRIEST [_with flattering unction_] The Pharaoh, Son of Ammon-Ra--Lord of the two Egypts--Friend of Ra--
THE PHARAOH. Enough! Enough! We are alone. There are none whom your words may deceive. And your mock-reverence fools not me. You would not let me put Satni to death, your subtleties confused my mind, I gave in to you, and now Satni escapes us.
HIGH PRIEST. You should not let anger master you for that.
THE PHARAOH. Satni has foretold to thousands of ears that there will be no miracle.
HIGH PRIEST. The miracle will be.
THE PHARAOH. Who knows that?
THE PHARAOH. Satni has declared he will enter the temple--
HIGH PRIEST. 'Tis possible.
THE PHARAOH. He has declared he knows the secret recess, whence one of your priests makes the head of the image move.
HIGH PRIEST. Most like he speaks the truth.
THE PHARAOH. He declares the miracle will not take place. If the people suffer this disappointment, tell me what chance can there be for the war of conquest I would wage in Ethiopia?
HIGH PRIEST. Why wage a war of conquest in Ethiopia?
THE PHARAOH. I need gold. I need women. I need slaves. There will be a share of the spoil for your temple.
HIGH PRIEST. I like not bloodshed.
THE PHARAOH. The treasury is empty. Our whippings are useless now. Our blows no longer bring forth taxes. If the people lose confidence in the G.o.ds, what will happen to-morrow? Who will follow me, unless they believe the G.o.ds confirm my orders?
HIGH PRIEST. Satni will not prevent the miracle.
THE PHARAOH. What do you know of it?
THE PHARAOH. Is Satni dead?
HIGH PRIEST. He lives.
THE PHARAOH [_suddenly guessing_] You are hiding him!
THE PHARAOH. You knew I was about to rid me of him, and you took him to prevent me?
THE PHARAOH. What do you intend?
HIGH PRIEST. It shall be done with him as I wish, not as you wish.
THE PHARAOH. His crime is a crime against Egypt.
HIGH PRIEST. A crime against me. That is still more grave. Therefore be satisfied.
THE PHARAOH. Why then all these ceremonies before you kill him?
HIGH PRIEST. That all may know his faults.
THE PHARAOH. Satni was one of yours, and you defend him.
HIGH PRIEST. We must not make martyrs--if we can avoid it. In killing Satni you would have killed only a man. If what I dream succeed, I shall kill his work. That is a better thing.
THE PHARAOH. What will you make of him?
HIGH PRIEST. A priest.
THE PHARAOH. A priest?
HIGH PRIEST. He was initiated before he went away. He was then a young man, pious and wise. On his travels he lost some piety, and gained some wisdom.
THE PHARAOH. Have I not always said: "it is not good to travel."