_They rush at the body, kissing it with piercing cries. They beat their b.r.e.a.s.t.s, uttering long cries, after silent pauses. Kirjipa and another woman dance a hieratic dance, their feet gliding slowly over the ground. They bend to gather handfuls of earth, which they scatter on their heads as they dance. The cries are redoubled._
KIRJIPA [_after bowing before the corpse_] Go in peace towards Abydos!
Go in peace towards Osiris!
ALL. Towards Abydos! Towards Osiris! To the West, thou who wast the best of men!
KIRJIPA. If it please the G.o.ds, when the day of eternity comes, we shall see thee, for behold thou goest towards the earth that mixeth men.
ALL. Towards Abydos! Towards Osiris!
_They make believe to bear away the corpse; ritual movements._
KIRJIPA. O my husband! O my brother! O my beloved! Stay, live in thy place. Pa.s.s not away from the earthly spot where thou art! Leave him!
Leave him! Wherefore are ye come to take him who abandons me.
MOURNERS [_in a fury of despair_] Groans! Groans! Tears! Sobs! Sobs!
Make, make lamentation without end, with all the strength that is given you.
_The music stops._
KIRJIPA [_to the corpse_] Despair not. Thy son is there!
_They point to Satni._
ALL. Despair not. Thy son is there!
DELETHI. When I have spoken, and after me Hanou, and after her n.a.z.it, thy son will speak the magic words, whose power shall make thee go even unto Osiris, before the two and forty judges. They shall place thy heart in the balance, and thou shalt say: "I have done wrong to no man, I have done nothing that is abominable in the sight of the G.o.ds."
SATNI [_to himself_] No, I will not speak the magic words.
_The music begins again._
ALL. Despair not! Thy son is there!
HANOU. Despair not, thy son is there. When I have spoken and after me n.a.z.it, thy son will say the magic prayers whose power shall bring thee even unto Osiris, and thou shalt say: "I have starved none, I have made none weep, I have not killed, I have not robbed the goods of the temples."
SATNI [_to himself_] No, I will say no useless words.
ALL. Despair not! Thy son is there!
n.a.z.iT. Despair not! Thy son is there! When I have spoken he will say the sacred words whose power shall bring thee even unto Osiris and thou shalt say: "I did not filch the fillets from the mummies, I did not use false weights, I did not snare the sacred birds. I am pure--"
ALL. I am pure! I am pure!--
KIRJIPA [_continuing_] Give to me what is my due, to me who am pure.
Give me all that heaven gives, all that the earth brings forth, all that the Nile bears down from its mysterious springs. Despair not! Thy son is there! Thy son will say the sacred words!
_A pause. All look at Satni._
SATNI. No, I will not say words that are lies!
_General consternation. Kirjipa comes to him and lays her hands on his shoulders._
KIRJIPA. Speak the sacred words!
KIRJIPA. Accursed!
_She falls in a swoon. The women press round her. Satni bursts into sobs._
SCENE:--_The interior of a temple._
_Columns, huge as towers and covered with hieroglyphics. On the left the Sanctuary; in the foreground in a little nook, invisible to the faithful, but visible to the audience is installed the machinery for the miracle, a lever, and ropes.
Against the central pillar two thrones, one magnificent, that of the Pharaoh; the other simple, that of the High Priest._
_The Pharaoh, the High Priest, an officer, an old man, and six priests discovered. When the curtain rises all are seated, the priests on little chairs between the two thrones._
THE OFFICER [_prostrated before the Pharaoh_] Pharaoh! may Ammon-Ra preserve thy life in health and strength!
THE PHARAOH. [_with fury_] My orders! My orders!
THE OFFICER. Lord of the two Egypts, friend of Ra, favorite of Mentu, may Ammon--
THE PHARAOH. Enough! my orders!
THE OFFICER. I would have died--
THE PHARAOH. The wish shall be granted, be a.s.sured, and soon! My orders!
Dog, why did you not carry out my orders?
THE PHARAOH. Satni! Yes, Satni, the impostor! Where is he?
THE OFFICER. Pharaoh--may Ammon, Soukou Ra, Horus--
THE PHARAOH. I will have you whipped till your blood run--Satni! Where is Satni! I sent you to seize him! Where is he?
THE OFFICER. No one knows.