_The sounds come nearer._
A VOICE. 'Tis Yaouma! they come here! Quick, quick, let us do them honor on their coming.
ANOTHER. 'Tis she!
ANOTHER. Yes! yes! Yaouma!
SATNI [_to Yaouma_] Do not be fooled. The G.o.d is but a stone.
YAOUMA [_who no longer listens_] I have heard. It is my name--my name!
A VOICE. They are coming!--
ANOTHER. They are here!
_Every one begins to go out._
ANOTHER [_going_] 'Tis Yaouma!
_Loud shouts without--"'Tis Yaouma--'Tis Yaouma--"_
STEWARD [_to Rheou_] Master, it is Yaouma.
RHEOU. Go, as 'tis custom, let all go forth to meet those who come.
_All go out save Yaouma and Satni._
SATNI. 'Tis you--
YAOUMA [_radiant_] 'Tis I!
SATNI. You may refuse.
YAOUMA. And leave Egypt--
SATNI. We will leave it together.
YAOUMA. 'Tis I! Think of it, Satni! The G.o.d, out of all my companions, the G.o.d has chosen me!
SATNI. Do not stay here. Come with me.
YAOUMA [_listening_] Yes--yes--You hear them? It is I!
SATNI. You are going to refuse!
YAOUMA [_with a radiant smile_] You would love me no longer, if I refused.
SATNI. But know you not, it is death?
YAOUMA [_in ecstasy_] Yes, Satni, it is death!
SATNI. You are mine--You are plighted to me--Come--Come!
YAOUMA. Satni--Satni--you would not have me refuse?
SATNI. I would. I love you.
YAOUMA. Refuse to answer the call of the G.o.ds.
SATNI. The call of the G.o.ds is death.
YAOUMA. The G.o.d has chosen me, before all he has preferred me. He has preferred me to those who are fairer, to those who are richer. And I should hide myself!
SATNI. It is out of pride then that you would die?
YAOUMA. I die to bring the flooding of the Nile--to make fertile all the Egyptian fields. If I answer not to the voices that call me, my name will be a byword wherever the rays of the sun-G.o.d fall. Another than I will go clothed in the dazzling robe. Another will hear the shouting of the mult.i.tude. Another will be given to the Nile.
SATNI. Another will die, and you, you will live, for your own joy and for mine.
YAOUMA. For my own shame and for yours.
SATNI. Light the world with your beauty. Live, Yaouma, live with me!
Bright shall your breast be with the flower of the persea, and your tresses anointed heavy with sweet odor.
YAOUMA. The waves of the Nile will be my head-dress. Oh! fair green robe, with flowers yet more fair.
SATNI. Yaouma, you loved me--[_She bends her head_] Remember, remember my going away, but two years since, how you did weep when I embarked.
You ran by the bank, you followed the boat that bore me. I see you still, the slim form, the swift lank limbs; I can hear still the sound of your little naked feet upon the sand. And when the boat grounded--do you remember? For hours the oarsmen pushed with long poles, singing the while, and you clapping your hands and crying out my name. And when at length we floated, there was laughter and cries of joy--but you, you did stand all on a sudden still, and I knew then that you wept. You climbed to a hillock, and you waved your arms, you grew smaller, smaller, smaller, till we turned by a cl.u.s.ter of palms. Oh, how you promised to wait for me!
YAOUMA. Have I not waited?
SATNI. We had chosen the place to build our home. Do you remember?
SATNI. And dreamed of nights when you should sleep with your head upon my breast--[_Yaouma bends her head_] And now you seek a grave in the slime of the river.
YAOUMA [_with fervor_] The slime of the river is holy, the river is holy. The Nile is nine times holy. It makes grow the pasture that feeds our flocks. It drinks the tears of all our eyes.
SATNI. Listen, Yaouma, I will reveal the truth to you. The G.o.ds who claim your sacrifice--the G.o.ds are false.
YAOUMA. The G.o.ds are true--