RHEOU. O Isis! preserve us.
ALL [_murmuring_] O Isis! preserve us.
RHEOU. By the three times thy name is spoken.
ALL [_murmuring_] By the three times thy name is spoken.
RHEOU. Both here, and there, and there.
ALL [_murmuring_] Both here, and there, and there.
RHEOU. And to-day, and all days, and throughout the ages, as long as our temples are mirrored in the waters of the Nile.
ALL [_murmuring_] And to-day, and all days, and throughout the ages, as long as our temples are mirrored in the waters of the Nile.
RHEOU. Isis!
ALL [_murmuring_] Isis!
RHEOU. Isis!
ALL [_murmuring_] Isis!
RHEOU. Isis!
ALL [_murmuring_] Isis!
_All prostrate themselves save the singers and the dancers._
RHEOU. We beseech thee, Ammon! Deign to make known the virgin who will be offered to the Nile. Ammon, deign to make her known!
ALL [_murmuring_] Deign to make her known.
_The music stops. A long pause in silence. Then far off a trumpet call._
RHEOU. Rise! The G.o.d has made his choice.
_All rise, and begin chattering and laughing gaily._
RHEOU [_to Satni_] You, alone, did not pray, and stood the while.
SATNI. I have come from a land where I learned wisdom.
RHEOU. You!--You who were to be priest of Ammon!
SATNI. I shall never be priest of Ammon.
VOICES. Listen! Listen!--The name! They begin to cry the name!
_The distant sound of voices is heard. Every one in the scene save Satni is listening intently._
RHEOU. The name! The name!
_He mounts the terrace. The setting sun reddens the heavens._
SATNI [_to Yaouma_] At last I find you again, Yaouma. And you wear still the chain of maidenhood. You have waited for me?
YAOUMA. Yes, Satni, I have waited for you.
SATNI. The memory of you went with me always.
YAOUMA. Listen!--[_Distant sound of voices_].
A WOMAN. Methinks 'tis Raouit of the next village.
A MAN. No! No! 'Tis not that name.
SATNI [_to Yaouma_] What matter their cries to you. Have you forgot our promises?
YAOUMA. No--Listen!--[_Voices nearer_].
A WOMAN. 'Tis Amterra! 'Tis Amterra!
ANOTHER. No! 'Tis Hihourr!
ANOTHER. No! Amterra lives the other way.
ANOTHER. One can hear nothing clearly now.
ANOTHER. They are pa.s.sing behind the palm grove.
SATNI [_to Yaouma_] Answer me--you have ears only for their clamor--I love you, Yaouma.
A VOICE. They are coming! They are coming!
ANOTHER. Then 'tis Karma, of the next house.
ANOTHER. No! 'tis Hene. Ahou, I tell you--or Karma! Karma!
SATNI [_to Yaouma_] Have you, then, ceased to love me?
YAOUMA [_distracted_] No, no, I love you--Satni--but I seem to hear my name amid the cries--
SATNI. Let them cry your name--I will watch over you.
YAOUMA. Oh, Satni! If the G.o.d have chosen me?
SATNI. What G.o.d? It is the priests who make him speak.