Witch Rebirth: Strike The Vampire - Chapter 7 - Wicked (4)

Chapter 7 - Wicked (4)

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The first thing Yoona felt, or smelled rather, was the comforting scent of cinnamon was.h.i.+ng over her. It reminded her of her own room. She sighed in contentment, snuggling further into the cozy sheets of the bed before she stretched out her limbs.

Perhaps she was back in her room after all?

Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, the first thing she saw as she opened them was the white ceiling above her. Her brows furrowed at the touch that her blanket was never as soft as the one she could feel now. But what bothered her the most the fact the ceiling was so high up than what she could recall, and her ceiling wasn't painted white.

She blinked a few times, before finally creating the conclusion she wasn't in her room after all.

What is this place?

She thought, looking around her unfamiliar surroundings.

Groggily she sat up from the bed, threw the covers off and began to wander around the s.p.a.cious room.

She took note of everything, as well, the mirror plastered to the corner of the wall, an antique, dare she say, painted in silvery white color. She drew closer to it, "Wow," she mumbled as her fingertips grazed the tip of her hair, "It's really white." She mumbled, still reeling from the fact she bore a face not her own…

Wore a body not her own…

Had hair not her own.

Seeing herself, in a proper mirror without strangers or rain or impending danger just made it all seem very real to her…

And it made her feel helpless.

This couldn't be real. She didn't want it to be real. It just had to be a joke, a really cruel and sick joke!

Granted she now possess a body of undeniable beauty, so that could be the only silver lining she could appreciate. Her hair shone like those in TV commercials, her skin fairer than ever, and had eyes as blue as the circa.s.sian sea.Grabbing the red ribbon atop her head, she tilted her head to the side.

"Is this how everyone in this place looks like?"

At least I know now where she gets the name. She thought, letting go of the red bow, her hands flapping uselessly at her side. Thinking it as a ridiculous headdress, she reached out for it and tugged it off.

Only it did not come off.

Try as she might, no matter how many she did, it budge not even a quarter of an inch off her head. The more she tried, the more painful her head got.

Knock, knock

Pausing her silly actions, she turned to the door, which suddenly swung open, despite her not even giving a response yet. Upon recognizing him as the man from the forest, she let out an involuntary gasp of surprise. He drew near her, and looked at her from head to toe, nodding in approval.

"You look well." he stated, and for a moment she stared back at him with an air of awkwardness. Until she realized she was yet to continue the conversation.

"Wha - oh, yes, I mean," she cleared her throat, "Thank you. I feel quite alright now." He quirked an eyebrow at her…

"Are you sure?" she bit the inside of her cheeks, turning away from him as flashes of his carnage flashed through her eyes once again. She could still recall how, graceful his movements were, killed men twice her size without an ounce of hesitation. He could overpower so many and dispose of them in so little time.

It terrified her to the point she started to feel gooseb.u.mps up and down her arms just being in his presence. Involuntarily, out of self-preservation, she took a step back away from him.

"I didn't expect you to faint." He said dryly, crossing his arms against his chest as he leaned by the wall,

"You've seen sights like those plenty of times before, it never made you pa.s.s out." He pointed out.

That statement didn't make it better for her. Folks back at home used to say that if someone was used to terrible things happening around them, then it was highly likely it was a daily occurrence for them, which only meant one thing for Yoona.

This man was a murderer, a monster. Many had died in his hands, which meant she was in the same room as someone who could very well be a serial killer out to murder her next! This even made her more terrified with him.

"Did you really kill all of them?" she asked him quietly. He quirked his head sideways and nodded nonchalantly.

"I didn't leave a single one alive." After hearing that, she gulped involuntarily, feeling the tension in the room build up. "Had I not done so it would be you who would die." He elaborated for her.

"That's, I know that!" she whimpered, "But still, they're still -"

"People?" he interrupted. After a moment of silence, he let out a low chuckle, pinching the bridge of his nose. "They're already dead." He reminded her, "They're only wearing the skins of humans." Ribbon's brows furrowed all the more, confusion marring her features.

"Wait," she said, wetting her lips and holding up both her hands, "They're not human?" he slowly shook his head from side to side.

"They were people once, who lost track of their humanity." He straightened up and walked towards her,

"Puppets controlled by some powerful person. Mindless beasts." He walked around her, noticing her distress and confusion, "Killing them was both a mercy for us and them as well."

Ribbon nodded shakily at him, "And I thank you for your services."

"You should be."

Thinking back, Ribbon was never one to give verbal grat.i.tude, no matter how much he would risk his life for her. He couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

"Though I'm not really sure I could say I saved you after all." He gave her a soft smile, keeping to himself how much in awe he was still at the sight of her being alive and well. He stared at her for a few moments, the intensity in his eyes due to the fact he was inspecting her more thoroughly this time.