Witch Rebirth: Strike The Vampire - Chapter 6 - Wicked (3)

Chapter 6 - Wicked (3)

The red circle of light began to disperse, blinding her for a fleeting moment. As it continued on absorbing blood, the redder his eyes became, the drier the bodies appeared.

Wicked talked to the attackers. “I'm satisfied of  the number of times I have hunted you. But now, you are all just a bother.”

"You are all food. Too bad, you don't taste excellent." He grunted. 

She figured she need to hear twice. It would be a difficult thing to forget. This man is a monster. In this situation, he was like a disappointed customer in a buffet.

What will she do now?

As soon as he was done, the bodies turned to dusts, vanis.h.i.+ng into thin air. The only telltale signs of a slaughter were the blood patches around them, as well as the clothes that were left behind. Still in shock by what she had seen, Yoona kept replaying the carnage.

How they came charging at her, how they dropped dead like a bunch of insects with their throats slit open, blood sucked dry through magic and then finally vaporizing into dust.

She suddenly felt wobbly, her breathing getting harsher by the second.

The world around her began to sway back and forth. She could hear her heart pounding against her chest.

Falling to the ground, she finally embraced darkness once again.

Realizing she had just fainted, he swiped his sleeves to clean the blood off his mouth and watched her for a moment. Sighing in resignation, he grabbed her, hoisting her onto his shoulders like a sack of potatoes. Lifting his hands, he began to wave them in a practiced manner.

"Northern Forest of Kathleen, in front of the tombstone of Ribbon." He muttered, after which a black portal began to appear. He stepped into it, carrying Yoona with him. As soon as he pa.s.sed through, the portal disappeared once more, leaving only the smell of death around the area.

"Mr. Wicked." Greeted his servant as soon as he arrived. He paid them no heed, his thoughts clouded by Ribbon and her resurrection. Feeling her, smelling her, touching her… he wasn't imagining this. She was here, alive in front of him and his servant.

"There's no spell I know that could bring the dead back." He said to his servant, who took Ribbon from him to lay her in a proper bed. As soon as she was settled, the servant once more took their place beside him…

"It could be alchemy," his servant suggested, "There are rumors of trolls disobeying the natural order to mingle with humans." Tomovoy, his servant in charge of the household, explained. "I for one know Ribbon indeed died that day. There's no doubt about that."

"Then the remains-"

"It's hers." Tomovoy interjected, "It was Ribbon."

Silence reigned between the two of them, leaving Wicked to his thoughts.

"But still, it baffles me how she could be here, alive with her body intact." Tomovoy continued, "She was mutilated, burnt to the extent of being unrecognizable. It's quite marvelous." He said in awe. Making human bodies were forbidden from the magical arts. It took a long, long time to be completed, ten years in the making, and yet here she was. Alive, and with a full body after only a year of her death.

"Quite remarkable indeed Mr. Wicked. It's a miracle you managed to find her as well as bring her here."

Wicked remained silent, musing over the Northern Forest of Kathleen, where he found her. The northern forest was a Pagan land, a land where the contaminated ones were abundant in. Why was she there? Was she hunting some infidels? What could've happened if they found her alone? She could've been killed and mutilated once more.

She was a threat to them.

"I'll report this immediately." Tomovoy left, leaving Wicked alone with an unconscious Ribbon. His lips curled upwards, reminiscing on how he and Ribbon began their contract so long ago.

"Sign the contract." She ordered him calmly, "I'm in need of your talents." He quirked up an eyebrow at her and pursed his lips.

"And what do I get in return of my services?"

"Myself." She stated confidently. His brows furrowed in confusion.


"Specifically my blood." She said. At the mention of her blood, his interest was piqued. He always did wonder how she tasted like. "It's only fair." She finished.

He heard her groan, her eyes moving beneath her eyelids. He watched as she remained unconscious, and wondered what she was dreaming on about. Patting her hand, he started to twirl his thumb at her knuckles.

"You never change." He murmured, "After all this time, you still never fail to surprise me." He whispered to her, "Almost to the brink of annoying me." He continued dryly, before sighing,

"Should I be happy you're alive? Or should I grieve for the fact that once again, our contract is still in effect?"

She was like a curse he could never get rid of. He knew the implications of being involved with Ribbon, how dangerous a.s.sociating himself with her could be but…

He felt drawn towards her.

He couldn't let her go. Not to mention that the pros outweigh the cons of being contracted with her.

So yes, he stays by her side, never demanding any more than their usual arrangement. He stays beside her, despite knowing that someday, she will be the death of him. But that is how he wanted things to be. It was just the way they work together

The way things were.