Witch Rebirth: Strike The Vampire - Chapter 15 - A Letter Of Invitation (2)

Chapter 15 - A Letter Of Invitation (2)

When she opened her eyes, Yoona had awoken to the same sight she did a few days ago. The white ceiling.

I fainted, again. She grumbled in her thoughts and felt fatigue from all over her body. It seemed to be an after effect of giving that vampire her blood.

Her memory was a little hazy, so perhaps he really had taken too much out of her and that was why she had fainted. Flashes of his fangs sinking into her skin came to her. The tingly feeling she could feel drowning her senses. The way his eyes glazed over her…

Her thought quickly made her gasp in protest as soon as she caught herself once again.

This is ridiculous! She thought, feeling her own cheeks burn in embarra.s.sment, even if no one was around to witness the truth of her thoughts.She wondered though, what made the feeling of having her skin bitten so pleasurable with those fangs? She had expected it to hurt.

Yoona didn't understand her reaction. Who would have thought that she'd get excited by being bitten?

What's more, she was a little concerned about her after thoughts. She couldn't possibly have liked him biting her, could she?

“Ahhhhhhhh!” she exclaimed, kicking the covers off her in embarra.s.sment and shame. It wasn't long until someone had knocked incessantly on her door, making her pause and look at the closed door in annoyance.

“Ugh, fine. Come in." she grumbled.The door opened and revealed Tomovoy coming into the room with an armful of thick, leather-bound books. Yoona sat up in interest…

“What are those?” Yoona asked, and yet Tomovoy refused to meet her eyes. She wondered how harshly Wicked had scolded him last night to avoid interacting with her now.

“I have come to the conclusion that I shouldn't have left you, Lady Ribbon, especially when you've lost your memories. I'll be off to find you a suitable tutor," he explained as he set the books down on her bedside table, "Until then, these are the books you will have to study until I find one."

"Wha - me, study?" she asked, gob-smacked at what he just suggested

"Exactly my lady, study."When Tomovoy left the room, Yoona stared at the books mounted on her desk. She suddenly felt mundane at the tedious task he had just given her. She let out a groan of annoyance. Books were never for her. Yet even in this world, books continued to be the bane of her existence!

"Great, I end up in a totally different world only to end up in the same way I left." She grumbled and huffed, "Studying!"

It was bad enough she had to go through the stress of adapting to a new life, body and world, now she needed to keep up with the studies too!?

h.e.l.l has finally begun.

Five hours later, Yoona was still on her desk, lying down, probably asleep, as she lay unmoving atop opened books scattered all over her desk.

She too was a heavy sleeper, drooling over the pages, which was why she hadn't noticed someone had quietly entered her room.

It was Wicked. He wanted to see what she was doing, and so he came and visited her. Seeing her sleeping, he approached cautiously, gracefully, yet quietly sat beside her as he watched her sleeping whilst studying.

His eyes were trailed on her, watching her breathe steadily, listening at her rhythmic heartbeat.

“This is how you came back. . ."

"You really are back…" he murmured to himself, slowly reaching out to caress her cheeks with the tip of his fingers. He was still having a little difficulty adjusting with the fact she was here, within his presence, alive once again…

He could feel the warmth emanating from her body.

With that, Wicked quickly pulled his hand away. The last he held her, she was nothing but remains, cold and rough, reeked of nasty stench of ash, smoke and death. He could still remember it clear as day.

The feeling of forcing himself to accept that she was indeed deadhad been an unpleasant journey for him.He endured it for a year.

"What the h.e.l.l is your plan?" he whispered to her, not expecting an answer. Slowly, her lips curled to a smile, while her entire face remained impa.s.sive.

“I'm really curious.”

He still had yet to discover how she managed to come back to life. But that was only one of the many questions he had surrounding Ribbon.

What happened? Why had she disappeared just like that? Why was she here once again?

These things are what he longed to be answered by her, truthfully and in full detail. He deserved that much at least.

He knows he should let it go. She couldn't remember anything after all.

"The existence of you." He shook his head. The smile bore a story filled with complexity, but it was fine. His relations.h.i.+p with Ribbon was indescribable with words.