Witch Rebirth: Strike The Vampire - Chapter 14 - A Letter Of Invitation (1)

Chapter 14 - A Letter Of Invitation (1)

As soon as the door opened up, Yoona stiffened up. Wicked was now stalking towards her with furious stride, and all she could do was smile sheepishly at her guardian. Tomovoy had been scolded thoroughly from the other room, and now it was her turn. She wanted the ground to swallow her up now.

Wicked sat down in the seat in front of her, while she wanted to sink in further into her own seat.

It was almost like her seat had grown thorns now. It was making her uncomfortable.

“What we did was wrong.” Yoona said timidly.

"Look, I know it may have gone all downhill back in the village-" Yoona figured if she spoke up first, it would make things a little easier for her.

"What?" he snapped, the irritation clear in his voice. And Yoona decided that being apologetic would be better than being rational.

“I have been careless and went out without permission. It caused, uh. . .quite a commotion.” She finished, fiddling with her hands

"That commotion you caused involved people part of a group of criminals and pimps from the area. They approached you intending to kidnap you and sell you to brothels!" he hissed at her, his eyes getting a darker shade of red.

The last one who attacked you, his motives were quite clear. He wanted to kill you, Ribbon.”

Hearing that, gooseb.u.mps erupted on her exposed skin. She almost faced death for the second time.

She didn't have a good response for her defense. Wicked let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose before looking at her with a half-hearted glare.

"I knew you were trouble," He began, "But this!" he threw his hand up in exasperation, "It's going to take a while until things would even begin to blow over." He muttered, his voice m.u.f.fled as he rubbed his face in frustration.

With that, Yoona chose to stay silent. But she was surprised when Wicked spoke again.

“How's your wound?” He asked, looking at the bandage wrapped around her wound on her hand.

"Oh, it's okay." She said quickly, looking at it as if it was no big deal. "I've put laudanum on this."

"I can't believe such jerk was able to wound you." he pointed out in disbelief, finding it hard to see how easily the man had snuck up on Ribbon.

"Look I'm sorry, but how was I suppose to fight when there was another person around?"

She sounded like a child that Wicked couldn't help but wonder if Ribbon really had some childish part in her before that just escaped his notice.

He then closed his eyes and rested his head against the soft cus.h.i.+on. He looked like he was in pain, before sighing out in a resigned manner. “I forgot." He said and looked at her dryly,

"You're ignorant to a lot of things, including what you are capable of."

Still, it was difficult of him to get a hold of the fact that this wasn't the Ribbon he was used to working with. She was, as he was witnessing now, dare he say it, a weakling. It was almost too baffling. He wanted to think it all a bad, terrible dream.

Ribbon used to be so talented. But now…

He couldn't help but recall how great Ribbon was back in the day. It almost seemed like she hadn't needed his protection. She had a certain ability that was ingrained in her instincts. It made her move agilely and swiftly, with certain grace.

She was the leading figure against the pagans after all.

In fact, there were plenty of instances where even just the whisper of Ribbon's name brought people to their knees begging for forgiveness. How her ice cold eyes could pierced straight into the souls of her enemies and d.a.m.n them to h.e.l.l. She was never the one who bled after a confrontation; it was always the other man.

And now… now she's just a sh.e.l.l of what she used to be. Physically, Wicked knows it was indeed Ribbon, but only after seeing her wounded so carelessly did it finally sunk in his mind that she would never be that girl again.

And it was much too frustrating for him.

He wasn't annoyed about the mess she caused him. It was her newfound vulnerability and weakness that bothered him to no end.

“Give me your hand.” He demanded. Yoona hesitantly gave him her wounded hand. She could still recall how badly he had reacted upon seeing her freshly bleeding not too long ago. Wicked then began to unwrap the bandage of her hand as soon as he held it. Gently as possible, he began to inspect her arm, observing it with such a scrutinizing gaze.

Though it wasn't too deep that would cause a threat to her life, Wicked mused it would surely at least leave a scar to commemorate what just happened.

“As long as you agreed to give your blood as a condition of the contract, a certain part of the owners.h.i.+p of this blood is also with me."

"As soon as we entered the contract regarding my guardians.h.i.+p to you," he started, caressing the edges of the wound with feather-like touched, "Your blood now belongs to me as well." Yoona gulped as she continued to watched him warily. "Redo the dressing." He ordered, "You must stop the blood from flowing immediately." And threw her a fresh and clean bandage.

Unknown to Yoona, Ribbon's blood carried out a tremendous amount of mana. It surpa.s.sed all expectations and more. It was that powerful.

His tribe, the b.l.o.o.d.y tribe, had a distinct technique that gains power through the blood. No one outside the clan was privy to the details, but that was how they gain their power. That was how they've grown powerful and influential.

He hadn't chosen Ribbon out of a whim. No, he knew from the start she was worth sparing. That she was more than what the others saw her to be. She was a powerful weapon, which was why he took an oath to protect her; in order to keep her close to him.

It was insulting to see one of his valued possessions tainted with such a scar. Not to mention the amount of her precious blood she lost over that careless stunt of hers.

Without further ado, he pressed his lips to the wound. Yoona blushed at the contact. "Wh what are you doing?!" she asked, fl.u.s.tered all of a sudden.

“You've spilled a lot of blood.” He muttered. His breath hitting her soft skin before he looked up at her, his red eyes almost s.h.i.+ning up at her, "Besides, it has been long time since I last fed."

Now that she thought of it, he was right. He hadn't taken a single drop of her blood ever since they made the contract.

"Even if it heals, it would leave a scar on your arm." He said, growling at the thought, "I refuse to let that happen." Without further warning on what he was going to do, Wicked bared his fangs and sank them onto her succulent skin. Yoona let out a gasp of surprise, gripping the arms of the

chair until her knuckles turned white. She could feel her heart pounding faster…

She could sense it, the blood flowing out of her veins and into his mouth.

His teeth pierced through the wound. She had expected pain, but it was strange. It wasn't hurting at all. On the contrary, she felt dazed with a pleasurable feeling. His lips were warm and soft, as he continued to suck on her arm. She was trapped in a daze of euphoria. She could feel her head beginning to feel lighter, but she hadn't cared if he took too much…

She could almost hear her heart hammering against her chest.

Wicked smirked as soon as he caught sight of her and finally pulled away, satisfied with his feeding. "This is the only way you should ever have to lose your precious blood." Licking the remaining blood off his lips, Wicked stood up and left the room, leaving Yoona to herself.

It was a weird feeling, what his bite had given her. She couldn't even form any coherent speech in reply for what was obviously his teasing.

She had thought that giving her blood would have been a scary experience, but nay. It turned out to be an exact opposite after all.

She was looking forward to the next time she'll be exposed to such euphoric sensations once again. Her mind clouded with thoughts of it, she couldn't think of anything else. It was not long when she felt herself too overwhelmed by the aftermath and she blacked out again.