Finally that day arrived, when life of Evey Shaw's was about to change . .
Athira is ready to leave that place now, and she is sure that this time she will succeed, because her planning is perfect . but we all know that life is uncertain and for Athira, this Whole World is a unknown place .
She is a quick learner and sharp observer but still there are so many things which is difficult for her to handle .
At Astro Villa,
Sarina arrived greeting Athira,
h.e.l.lo Athira, everything is well organised and now we just have to wait till evening . Hope you are ready from your side and make sure this time you don't get caught by them .
Don't worry Dear, I am ready . . 21 years I spent in this prison of unpredictable love and bestest facilities, but still I lived like an allian, who forget her destination and arrived at wrong planet . . but finally "I am ready, ready to face the reality of this world, ready to take a revenge from my own people . " Athira replied .
And I am really Thankful to you . . Sarina, that you are helping me in run away . . I hope someday I will repay you for your care, love & understanding .
Sarina said, " Don't speak like that Dear, and there is no way of repaying for the love and emotions . . thay are the precious feelings in life, and I hope and pray that in this new phase you will enjoy every bit of your life, and meet those people who gives you unconditional love, support and care . "
Thank you Dear . . I just don't know what future has held for me . . but I am sure that this new phase will be the horrible for Shaw's .
Athira told her while sneering . .
After speaking with Sarina, she left her room and went to backyard of the house . .
In backyard, she come and sit near her favourite plant . . and felt the coldness of gra.s.s through her hand . .
And mummring, Mum, finally your daughter is ready to step her footprint outside of this beautiful life . . I hope you will always send her your blessings through sparkling stars . .
And than she closed her eyes and lie on that soft green gra.s.s, facing the sun rays . .
At Shaw Mansion .
William is taking her car keys from her room and leave the house to visit Athira,
But Mr . Shaw stopped him and give him a small package and told him that, Hope you will greet your sister very well one last time . . and make her free from cage of this world . .
William replies, Don't Worry Dad, My little sister will be never forget this last good bye of mine even if she will reach in heaven . .
Then he smiled Dangerously towards her dad and drive away his car toward Astro Villa .
Finally that day arrived, when life of Evey Shaw's was about to change .
Athira is ready to leave that place now, and she is sure that this time she will succeed, because her planning is perfect . but we all know that life is uncertain and for Athira, this Whole World is a unknown place . .
She is a quick learner and sharp observer but still there are so many things which is difficult for her to handle
At Astro Villa, .
Sarina arrived greeting Athira,.
h.e.l.lo Athira, everything is well organised and now we just have to wait till evening . Hope you are ready from your side and make sure this time you don't get caught by them . .
Don't worry Dear, I am ready 21 years I spent in this prison of unpredictable love and bestest facilities, but still I lived like an allian, who forget her destination and arrived at wrong planet but finally "I am ready, ready to face the reality of this world, ready to take a revenge from my own people . " Athira replied . .
And I am really Thankful to you Sarina, that you are helping me in run away I hope someday I will repay you for your care, love & understanding
Sarina said, " Don't speak like that Dear, and there is no way of repaying for the love and emotions thay are the precious feelings in life, and I hope and pray that in this new phase you will enjoy every bit of your life, and meet those people who gives you unconditional love, support and care . ".
Thank you Dear I just don't know what future has held for me but I am sure that this new phase will be the horrible for Shaw's . .
Athira told her while sneering .
After speaking with Sarina, she left her room and went to backyard of the house .
In backyard, she come and sit near her favourite plant and felt the coldness of gra.s.s through her hand .
And mummring, Mum, finally your daughter is ready to step her footprint outside of this beautiful life I hope you will always send her your blessings through sparkling stars .
And than she closed her eyes and lie on that soft green gra.s.s, facing the sun rays .
At Shaw Mansion . .
William is taking her car keys from her room and leave the house to visit Athira, .
But Mr . Shaw stopped him and give him a small package and told him that, Hope you will greet your sister very well one last time and make her free from cage of this world .
William replies, Don't Worry Dad, My little sister will be never forget this last good bye of mine even if she will reach in heaven .
Then he smiled Dangerously towards her dad and drive away his car toward Astro Villa . .