Every person has someone in her life, whom they can rely on . Jacob is that person, who can help Athira to free from this place .
Athira meets Jacob 3 years ago when she was very weak and because of not recovered Mr . Shaw had too s.h.i.+fted her in hospital . Jacob was working as a junior doctor there . and Athira had been staying there for more than 15 days, so she was meeting him every day when he has been coming to check her .
Jacob has been realized Athira's situation in those 15 days . That her life is not that normal and she is faking her sickness to staying at the hospital . one day Sarina was outside when Jacob Come for a checkup .
And he leaves a single note in her hand and after checkup leaves the room and nodded in a smile .
In that note, there was just 2 lines written . If you ever think that you want to make yourself free, then just contact me through this Email . But remember you need to pay for it . And use this opportunity when you really need it"
These words are very weird, but for Athira this is her one hope . Which someday she will surely use
And when she failed again in running away and listen to the phone conversation of her bodyguards with Mr . Shaw yesterday,
She realized if she doesn't run away this time, then her life will be in danger .
She doesn't want to die in any misery . She believe, that if G.o.d has been Sent her here in this world, then surely there is some task for her to fulfill before she dies .
So, decided to send a mail to Jacob,
And just wrote .
h.e.l.lo Mr . Jacob .
Finally, that time has arrived when i need your favor to run away from this house . You just don't need to do more . Just leave one car on the second gate of Astro villa after Wednesday, at 4:20 a . m . and make sure that your car will take me to the destination where I want to go . .
And i am ready to pay whatever you want, but first, you make sure that i will be leave this beautiful place successfully .
Your Patient,
After sending the mail she goes back in her room and started to listing her favorite Rhythm .
While listining that rhythm she have just one thought in her mind . . Just 2 days Mr, Shaw and after that, you will be never sleep once in peace . . Because your princess Daughter have prepare d a very big surprise for you .
At Marvel's industries,
William is working on some files and received a call from Sarina . .
h.e.l.lo Sarina,
Mr . William, Athira is preparing some gifts for all 3 of you . . And want to meet you personally for dinner day after tomorrow .
" I'll be there on time" . After answering her, he disconnects the call .
And he has been making call to Mr . Shaw .
Dad, i am going to meet her for dinner . She wants to meet me .
Ok, go and meet her once, before we are all are leave this country . Mr . Shaw replied .
"Ok dad," William answered .
Sarina knows everything and is ready for helping Athira to run away, but before that she have to make a perfect execution of the planning which Athira had told her . .
She is ready to make a move,
Every person has someone in her life, whom they can rely on . Jacob is that person, who can help Athira to free from this place
Athira meets Jacob 3 years ago when she was very weak and because of not recovered Mr . Shaw had too s.h.i.+fted her in hospital . Jacob was working as a junior doctor there . and Athira had been staying there for more than 15 days, so she was meeting him every day when he has been coming to check her
Jacob has been realized Athira's situation in those 15 days . That her life is not that normal and she is faking her sickness to staying at the hospital . one day Sarina was outside when Jacob Come for a checkup
And he leaves a single note in her hand and after checkup leaves the room and nodded in a smile
In that note, there was just 2 lines written . If you ever think that you want to make yourself free, then just contact me through this Email . But remember you need to pay for it . And use this opportunity when you really need it".
These words are very weird, but for Athira this is her one hope . Which someday she will surely use.
And when she failed again in running away and listen to the phone conversation of her bodyguards with Mr . Shaw yesterday, .
She realized if she doesn't run away this time, then her life will be in danger
She doesn't want to die in any misery . She believe, that if G.o.d has been Sent her here in this world, then surely there is some task for her to fulfill before she dies
So, decided to send a mail to Jacob, .
And just wrote
h.e.l.lo Mr . Jacob
Finally, that time has arrived when i need your favor to run away from this house . You just don't need to do more . Just leave one car on the second gate of Astro villa after Wednesday, at 4:20 a . m . and make sure that your car will take me to the destination where I want to go .
And i am ready to pay whatever you want, but first, you make sure that i will be leave this beautiful place successfully
Your Patient, .
After sending the mail she goes back in her room and started to listing her favorite Rhythm
While listining that rhythm she have just one thought in her mind Just 2 days Mr, Shaw and after that, you will be never sleep once in peace Because your princess Daughter have prepare d a very big surprise for you
At Marvel's industries, .
William is working on some files and received a call from Sarina .
h.e.l.lo Sarina, .
Mr . William, Athira is preparing some gifts for all 3 of you And want to meet you personally for dinner day after tomorrow
" I'll be there on time" . After answering her, he disconnects the call
And he has been making call to Mr . Shaw
Dad, i am going to meet her for dinner . She wants to meet me
Ok, go and meet her once, before we are all are leave this country . Mr . Shaw replied
"Ok dad," William answered
Sarina knows everything and is ready for helping Athira to run away, but before that she have to make a perfect execution of the planning which Athira had told her .
She is ready to make a move,.