Western Himalaya and Tibet - Part 48

Part 48

TRAVELS IN THE INTERIOR OF BRAZIL; princ.i.p.ally through the Northern Provinces and the Gold and Diamond Districts, during the years 1836-41. By the late GEORGE GARDNER, M.D, F.L.S, Superintendent of the Royal Botanic Gardens of Ceylon. _Second and cheaper Edition._ With a Map of the Author's Route and View of the Organ Mountains. Price 12_s._ cloth; 18_s._ bound.

"When camping out on the mountain-top or in the wilderness; roughing it in his long journeys through the interior; observing the very singular mode of life there presented to his notice; describing the curious characters that fell under his observation, the arts or subst.i.tutes for arts of the people, and the natural productions of the country--these Travels are full of attraction. The book, like the country it describes, is full of new matter."--_Spectator._

The narrative of his varied adventures forms not only to the enthusiastic botanist, but to the general reader, an exceedingly entertaining and also instructive book, from the new view which it gives of the society of Brazil--particularly in its less known provinces."--_Tait's Edinburgh Magazine._

"This volume is from the pen of an able naturalist, whose heart is in his occupation.... Some of the regions he visited have seldom been trodden by Europeans--never by Englishmen; so that his observations derive value from the novelty of the matter to which they relate."--_Athenaeum._

"Mr. Gardner's volume, bearing the inimitable impress of candour and good faith, as of the competency of the author for the task he undertook, is not more valuable to the man of science than interesting to the general reader."--_Ecclesiastical Review._

THE PLANETARY AND STELLAR UNIVERSE. By ROBERT JAMES MANN. With fifty astronomical Diagrams and Maps of the Circ.u.mpolar Constellations. Fcap. cloth. 5_s._

"A brief abstract of the discoveries of Newton, clearly explained and elegantly ill.u.s.trated."--_Westminster and Foreign Quarterly Review._




1. PARKS AND PLEASURE GROUNDS; or, Practical Notes on Country Residences, Villas, Public Parks, and Gardens. By CHARLES J. H.

SMITH, Landscape Gardener.

2. TALPA; or, THE CHRONICLE OF A CLAY FARM: an Agricultural Fragment. By C. W. H. With Ill.u.s.trations by GEORGE CRUIKSHANK.


LANDSBOROUGH. With Coloured Plates.

4. POPULAR SCRIPTURE ZOOLOGY; or, History of the Animals mentioned in the Bible. By MARIA CATLOW. With Coloured Plates.

5. WESTERN HIMALAYA AND TIBET; the Narrative of a Journey through the Mountains of Northern India, during the Years 1847-8. By THOMAS THOMSON, M.D.

6. FLORA OF NEW ZEALAND. By Dr. J. D. HOOKER, F.R.S. With Coloured Plates.

7. FLORA OF WESTERN ESKIMAUX-LAND, including the Sound to Point Barrow, and the adjacent Islands. By BERTHOLD SEEMANN. With Plates.

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