Western Himalaya and Tibet - Part 47

Part 47

"Judiciously executed, with excellent figures of the commoner species, for the use of young beginners."--_Annual Address of the President of the Entomological Society._

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THE BRITISH PALaeOZOIC FOSSILS, added by Professor Sedgwick to the Woodwardian Museum. By Professor M'COY. In royal 4to, with numerous Plates.

Part I., containing the Radiata and Articulata, is now ready. 16_s._

Part II., containing the Lower Palaeozoic Mollusca, is in the press.

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MANTELL, F.R.S. _Eighth Edition_, considerably enlarged. With four coloured plates, twenty-seven woodcuts, and a Portrait of the Author. Square 12mo. 5_s._

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Chapter I. General Properties of Ponderable Matter.

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