Western Himalaya and Tibet - Part 45

Part 45

(_Under the Authority of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty._)

FLORA ANTARCTICA; or, Botany of the Antarctic Voyage of H.M.

Discovery Ships _Erebus_ and _Terror_, during the years 1839-1843, under the command of Capt. Sir James Clark Ross, R.N., F.R.S. By JOSEPH DALTON HOOKER, M.D., R.N., F.R.S., &c., Botanist to the Expedition. In two vols. royal 4to, cloth, containing 200 plates. Price 10_l._ 15_s._ coloured; 7_l._ 10_s._ plain.

"The descriptions of the plants in this work are carefully drawn up, and much interesting matter, critical, explanatory, and historical, is added in the form of notes. The drawings of the plants are admirably executed by Mr. Fitch; and we know of no productions from his pencil, or, in fact, any botanical ill.u.s.trations at all, that are superior in faithful representation and botanical correctness."--_Athenaeum._

CRYPTOGAMIA ANTARCTICA; or, Cryptogamic Botany of the Antarctic Voyage of H. M. Ships _Erebus_ and _Terror_. By JOSEPH DALTON HOOKER, M.D., F.R.S., &c. Royal 4to, cloth, containing 74 plates. Price 4_l._ 4_s._ coloured; 2_l._ 17_s._ plain.

THE ESCULENT FUNGUSES OF ENGLAND; a treatise on their History, Uses, Structure, Nutritious Properties, Mode of Cooking, Preserving, &c. By the Rev. Dr. BADHAM. Super-royal 8vo, cloth, coloured plates. 21_s._

"The English are not a fungus-eating nation; and though we do not eat frogs like our neighbours, we are rather celebrated for our love of another of the reptilian family--turtle. There is no reason why we should eschew frogs and relish turtle; still less is there for our eating one or two of the numerous edible funguses which our island produces, and condemning all the rest. To draw attention to this fact, and to supply an accurate account, with a correct delineation, of the esculent species of this family in Great Britain, are the objects of the book before us. Such a work was a desideratum in this country, and it has been well supplied by Dr. Badham; with his beautiful drawings of the various edible fungi in his hand the collector can scarcely make a mistake. The majority of those which grow in our meadows, and in the decaying wood of our orchards and forests, are unfit for food; and the value of Dr. Badham's book consists in the fact, that it enables us to distinguish from these such as may be eaten with impunity."--_Athenaeum._

ILl.u.s.tRATIONS OF BRITISH MYCOLOGY; containing Figures and Descriptions of the Funguses of interest and novelty indigenous to Britain. _First Series._ By Mrs. HUSSEY. 4to, cloth gilt, with ninety beautifully coloured drawings. Price 7_l._ 12_s._ 6_d._

"This talented lady and her sister were in the first instance induced to draw some of the more striking Fungi, merely as picturesque objects. Their collection of drawings at length became important from their number and accuracy, and a long continued study of the nutritive properties of Fungi has induced the former to lay the results of her investigations before the public, under the form of ill.u.s.trations of the more useful and interesting species. The figures are so faithful that there can be no difficulty in at once determining with certainty the objects they are intended to represent; and the observations will be found of much interest to the general reader."--_Gardeners' Chronicle._

"This is an elegant and interesting book: it would be an ornament to the drawing-room table; but it must not, therefore, be supposed that the value of the work is not intrinsic, for a great deal of new and valuable matter accompanies the plates, which are not fancy sketches, but so individualized and life-like, that to mistake any species seems impossible. The accessories of each are significant of site, soil, and season of growth, so that the botanist may study with advantage what the artist may inspect with admiration."--_Morning Post._

ILl.u.s.tRATIONS OF BRITISH MYCOLOGY; containing Figures and Descriptions of the Funguses of interest and novelty indigenous to Britain. _Second Series._ By Mrs. HUSSEY. Publishing in Monthly Parts, coloured drawings, price 5_s._

VOICES FROM THE WOODLANDS; or, History of Forest Trees, Lichens, Mosses, and Ferns. By MARY ROBERTS. Elegantly bound.

With twenty coloured Plates of Forest Scenery, by FITCH. Royal 16mo. 10_s._ 6_d._

"This work includes a wide range of genera, from the lichen to the oak, and by way of giving variety to a subject so commonplace, the several plants are supposed to tell their own stories, and describe their own family peculiarities."--_Atlas._

"The fair auth.o.r.ess of this pretty volume has shown more than the usual good taste of her s.e.x in the selection of her mode of conveying to the young interesting instruction upon pleasing topics. She bids them join in a ramble through the sylvan wilds, and at her command the fragile lichen, the gnarled oak, the towering beech, the graceful chestnut, and the waving poplar discourse eloquently, and tell their respective histories and uses."--_Britannia._

POPULAR FIELD BOTANY; containing a familiar and technical description of the plants most common to the British Isles, adapted to the study of either the Artificial or Natural Systems. By AGNES CATLOW. _Second Edition._ Arranged in twelve chapters, each being the Botanical lesson for the month.

Containing twenty coloured plates of figures. Royal 16mo.

10_s._ 6_d._

"The design of this work is to furnish young persons with a Self-instructor in Botany, enabling them with little difficulty to discover the scientific names of the common plants they may find in their country rambles, to which are appended a few facts respecting their uses, habits, &c. The plants are cla.s.sed in months, the ill.u.s.trations are nicely coloured, and the book is altogether an elegant, as well as useful present."--_Ill.u.s.trated London News._

THE TOURIST'S FLORA. A Descriptive Catalogue of the Flowering Plants and Ferns of the British Islands, France, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy. By JOSEPH WOODS, F.A.S, F.L.S, F.G.S.

8vo. 18_s._

"The appearance of this book has been long expected by us; and we can justly state that it has quite fulfilled all our expectations, and will support the high reputation of its author. Mr. Woods is known to have spent many years in collecting and arranging the materials for the present work, with a view to which he has, we believe, visited all the most interesting localities mentioned in it. This amount of labour, combined with extensive botanical knowledge, has enabled him to produce a volume such as few, if any other, botanists were capable of writing."--_Annals of Natural History._


(_Under the Authority of the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty._)

ZOOLOGY OF THE VOYAGE OF H.M.S. SAMARANG. Edited by ARTHUR ADAMS, F.L.S, a.s.sistant-Surgeon, R.N, attached to the Expedition.

VERTEBRATA. By _John Edward Gray_, F.R.S., Keeper of the Zoological Department of the British Museum.


MOLLUSCA. By the EDITOR and LOVELL REEVE, F.L.S. Including the anatomy of the _Spirula_, by Prof. OWEN, F.R.S.


*** Complete in one handsome royal 4to volume, containing 55 plates. Price, strongly bound in cloth, 3_l._ 10_s._

THE BIRDS OF IRELAND. By WILLIAM THOMPSON, Esq., President of the Natural History and Philosophical Society of Belfast. Vol.

I., price 16_s._ cloth. Vol. II, price 12_s._ Vol. III., price 16_s._, 8vo, cloth.

"Our readers, if once they get hold of this work, will not readily lay it down; for while habits are dwelt upon in a manner so amusing that we have known extracts to be read aloud to a delighted circle of children, it contains the precise information which the ornithologist demands, and brings forward topics both of popular and scientific interest, such as the geographical distribution of species, the causes which seem to operate on their increase and decrease, their migrations, their uses to man, the occasional injuries they inflict, and the important benefits they confer. It is a STANDARD WORK, and will rank with those of our first ornithologists."--_Dublin Quarterly Journal of Medical Science._


The "CONTRIBUTIONS" are devoted to the various departments of Ornithology. They are published at intervals in Parts, and form an annual Volume, ill.u.s.trated by numerous coloured and uncoloured Plates, Woodcuts, &c.

The Series for 1848, containing ten Plates, price 9_s._

The Series for 1849, containing twenty-four Plates, price 21_s._

The Series for 1850, containing twenty-one Plates, Vignettes, and Woodcuts, price 21_s._

The Series for 1851, containing fourteen Plates, price 18_s._

THE DODO AND ITS KINDRED; or, the History, Affinities, and Osteology of the DODO, SOLITAIRE, and other extinct birds of the islands Mauritius, Rodriguez, and Bourbon. By H. E.

STRICKLAND, Esq., M.A., F.R.G.S., F.G.S., President of the Ashmolean Society, and A. G. MELVILLE, M.D., M.R.C.S. Royal quarto, with eighteen plates and numerous wood-ill.u.s.trations.

Price 21_s._

"The labour expended on this book, and the beautiful manner in which it is got up, render it a work of great interest to the naturalist. * * It is a model of how such subjects should be treated. We know of few more elaborate and careful pieces of comparative anatomy than is given of the head and foot by Dr.

Melville. The dissection is accompanied by lithographic plates, creditable alike to the Artist and the Printer."--_Athenaeum._

POPULAR BRITISH ORNITHOLOGY; comprising a familiar and technical description of the Birds of the British Isles. By P.

H. Gosse, Author of 'The Ocean,' 'The Birds of Jamaica,' &c. In twelve chapters, each being the Ornithological lesson for the month. In one vol. royal 16mo, with twenty plates of figures.

Price 10_s._ 6_d._ coloured.