Western Himalaya and Tibet - Part 44

Part 44

The work on the Royal Water Lily contains four plates of very large size, expensively coloured, ill.u.s.trative of the different stages of flowering and fruiting, with a.n.a.lyses of structure, as follows:--

1. A view of the entire plant, flower, fruit, and leaves, on the water.

2. A flower _of the natural size_ in progress of expanding, together with as much of the enormous foliage as the broad dimensions of the paper will admit.

3. A fully expanded flower _of the natural size_, with foliage, &c.

4. A vertical section of the fully developed flower, with various dissections and a.n.a.lyses.

"Although many works have been devoted to the ill.u.s.tration and description of the _Victoria regia_, it seemed still to want one which, whilst it gave an accurate botanical description of the plant, should at the same time show the natural size of its gigantic flowers. This object has been aimed at by the combined labours of Sir W. Hooker and Mr. Fitch, and with distinguished success. The ill.u.s.trations are everything that could be desired in the shape of botanical drawings. They are accurate, and they are beautiful."--_Athenaeum._

THE RHODODENDRONS OF SIKKIM-HIMALAYA. With drawings and descriptions made on the spot. By J. D. HOOKER, M.D., F.R.S.

Edited by Sir W. J. HOOKER, D.C.L., F.R.S. In handsome imperial folio, with thirty coloured plates. Price 3_l._ 11_s._

"In this work we have the first results of Dr. Hooker's botanical mission to India. The announcement is calculated to startle some of our readers when they know that it was only last January twelvemonths that the Doctor arrived in Calcutta.

That he should have ascended the Himalaya, discovered a number of plants, and that they should be published in England in an almost UNEQUALLED STYLE OF MAGNIFICENT ILl.u.s.tRATION, in less than eighteen months--is one of the marvels of our time."--_Athenaeum._

"A most beautiful example of fine drawing and skilful colouring, while the letter-press furnished by the talented author possesses very high interest. Of the species of Rhododendron which he has found in his adventurous journey, some are quite unrivalled in magnificence of appearance."--_Gardeners' Chronicle._


"Mr. a.s.sheton Smith's place at Tedworth has long possessed a great English reputation for the excellence of its fruit and vegetables: one is continually hearing in society of the extraordinary abundance and perfection of its produce at seasons when common gardens are empty, and the great world seems to have arrived at the conclusion that the kitchen gardening and forcing there are nowhere excelled. We have, therefore, examined with no common interest the work before us, for it will be strange indeed, if a man who can act so skilfully as Mr. Sanders should be unable to offer advice of corresponding value. We have not been disappointed. Mr.

Sanders's directions are as plain as words can make them; and, we will add, as judicious as his long experience had led us to expect. After a careful perusal of his little treatise, we find nothing to object to, and much to praise."--_Gardeners'


"A clever, well-written, and nicely ill.u.s.trated horticultural pamphlet, telling us all we want to know on the subject."--_Guardian._

PHYCOLOGIA BRITANNICA; or, History of the British Sea-weeds; containing coloured figures, and descriptions, of all the species of Algae inhabiting the sh.o.r.es of the British Islands.

By WILLIAM HENRY HARVEY, M.D., M.R.I.A., Keeper of the Herbarium of the University of Dublin, and Professor of Botany to the Dublin Society. The price of the work, complete, strongly bound in cloth, is as follows:-

In three vols, royal 8vo, arranged in the } 7 12 6 order of publication }

In four vols, royal 8vo, arranged systematically} 7 17 6 according to the Synopsis }

_A few Copies have been printed on large paper._

"The 'History of British Sea-weeds' we can most faithfully recommend for its scientific, its pictorial, and its popular value; the professed botanist will find it a work of the highest character, whilst those who desire merely to know the names and history of the lovely plants which they gather on the sea-sh.o.r.e, will find in it the faithful portraiture of every one of them."--_Annals and Magazine of Natural History._

"The drawings are beautifully executed by the author himself on stone, the dissections carefully prepared, and the whole account of the species drawn up in such a way as cannot fail to be instructive, even to those who are well acquainted with the subject. The greater part of our more common Algae have never been ill.u.s.trated in a manner agreeable to the present state of Algology."--_Gardeners' Chronicle._

POPULAR HISTORY OF BRITISH SEA-WEEDS, comprising all the Marine Plants. By the Rev. DAVID LANDSBOROUGH, A.L.S., Member of the Wernerian Society of Edinburgh. With twenty coloured plates by Fitch. _Second Edition._ Royal 16mo. 10_s._ 6_d._

"The book is as well executed as it is well timed. The descriptions are scientific as well as popular, and the plates are clear and explicit. Not only the forms, but the uses of Algae, are minutely described. It is a worthy SEA-SIDE COMPANION--a handbook for every occasional or permanent resident on the sea-sh.o.r.e."--_Economist._

"Those who wish to make themselves acquainted with British Sea-weeds, cannot do better than begin with this elegantly ill.u.s.trated manual."--_Globe._

"This elegant work, though intended for beginners, is well worthy the perusal of those advanced in the science."--_Morning Herald._

A CENTURY OF ORCHIDACEOUS PLANTS, selected from those most worthy of cultivation figured in Curtis's Botanical Magazine, with coloured figures and dissections, chiefly executed by Mr.

FITCH; the descriptions (entirely re-written) by Sir WILLIAM J.

HOOKER, F.R.S. With an introduction on the culture of Orchidaceae generally, and on the treatment of each genus; by JOHN C. LYONS, Esq. Royal 4to, containing one hundred coloured plates. Price _Five Guineas_.

"In the exquisite ill.u.s.trations to this splendid volume full justice has been rendered to the oddly formed and often brilliantly coloured flowers of this curious and interesting tribe of plants."--_Westminster and Foreign Quarterly Review._

"A very acceptable addition to our knowledge of the Orchis tribe. The plates are beautifully executed, and have been selected with great care. Each species has a brief character attached, and to each genus botanical and practical observations, from the pen of Sir William Hooker, are prefixed.

The work is enriched with a prefatory memoir by Mr. Lyons, full of sound judgment and experience, on the most approved method of growing Orchids."--_Literary Gazette._

POPULAR HISTORY OF BRITISH FERNS, comprising all the Species.

By THOMAS MOORE. With twenty coloured plates by Fitch. Royal 16mo, cloth. 10_s._ 6_d._

"Mr. Moore's 'Popular History of British Ferns' forms one of the numerous elegant and instructive books by which Messrs.

Reeve and Co. have endeavoured to popularize the study of Natural History. In the volume before us, Mr. Moore gives a clear account of the British Ferns, with directions for their cultivation; accompanied by numerous coloured plates neatly ill.u.s.trated, and preceded by a general introduction on the natural character of this graceful cla.s.s of plants."--_Spectator._

"We have rarely, if ever, seen a publication relating to plants where the object aimed at is more fully accomplished than in this elegant volume."--_Hooker's Journal._

"A prettily got-up book, and fit for a drawing-room table."--_The Friend._

THE BRITISH DESMIDIEae; or, Fresh-Water Algae. By JOHN RALFS, M.R.C.S., Honorary Member of the Penzance Nat. Hist. Society.

The Drawings by EDWARD JENNER, A.L.S. Royal 8vo, thirty-five coloured plates. Price 36_s._ cloth.

NEREIS AUSTRALIS; or, Ill.u.s.trations of the Algae of the Southern Ocean. By Professor HARVEY, M.D., M.R.I.A. To be completed in Four Parts, each containing twenty-five coloured plates, imp.

8vo. Price 1_l._ 1_s._ Parts I. and II. recently published.

"Of this most important contribution to our knowledge of exotic Algae, we know not if we can pay it a higher compliment than by saying it is worthy of the author. It should be observed that the work is not a selection of certain species, but an arranged system of all that is known of Australian Algae, accompanied by figures of the new and rare ones, especially of those most remarkable for beauty of form and colour."--_London Journal of Botany._

CURTIS'S BOTANICAL MAGAZINE (commenced in 1786); Continued by Sir WILLIAM JACKSON HOOKER, K.H., D.C.L., &c., Director of the Royal Gardens of Kew.

*** Published in monthly numbers, each containing six plates, price 3_s._ 6_d._ coloured; and in annual volumes, price 42_s._


This Botanical Journal, in addition to original papers by Eminent Botanists, contains the Botanical News of the month, Communications from Botanical Travellers, Notices of New Books, &c.

*** In monthly numbers, with a plate, price 2_s._

ICONES PLANTARUM; or, Figures, with brief descriptive characters and remarks, of new and rare Plants. Published monthly, with eight plates. Price 2_s._ 6_d._