Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 870

Chapter 870

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"I really want to tell you about this. After all, I don't like those guys with smelly bodies. They are like the plague."

Heilong nodded when he heard the words.

"Actually, when it comes to this space-time barrier, then I need to tell you about the connection between the Sacred Continent and the Dark Abyss!"

"Tens of thousands of years ago, the Dark Abyss and the Sacred Continent were actually a connected world, which means that there was no space-time barrier between the two."

"The two are connected? This..."

A group of nobles were a little sluggish when they heard the words. In the past, they thought that the dark abyss was very far away from them, and they never thought that the two worlds were actually connected in the past.

"That's right. Back then, our world was collectively referred to as the World of Gods. This world is extremely vast. In addition to thousands of races, there are also various gods, and the God of Glory believed in by your human race on the Holy Continent is one of them."

"As for why it became like this in the end, it was because of a war of the gods. I have forgotten who provoked the war, but at that time the gods were divided into three camps."

"Two of the camps are opposed to each other, and a war broke out, while a small number of other gods remain neutral."

"With the battle of the gods, the original world of the gods could no longer withstand the impact of the battle, and cracks appeared directly."

"And just when the crack appeared, the Dark Demon God appeared, and they took advantage of the crack to enter."

"Although the gods immediately noticed the seriousness of the problem at that time, it was too late to stop it."

"In the end, the gods and the dark demons fought again. As for the result of the battle, it was obvious, because the gods and gods who lost their strength in the internal battle were defeated."

"However, at the critical moment, the gods finally united and used all their strength to shatter the entire world of the gods and divide them into countless continental fragments of different sizes."

"And your Holy Continent is one of them. According to what you believe in now, I think you should have been the subjects of the God of Glory in the past."

"As for those dark creatures, they belonged to the demon gods who invaded the world of gods."

"After the world of gods was divided into countless worlds of different sizes, the demon gods did not give up and continue to invade, but it was not as easy as before."

"After all, these divided worlds not only have different distances between voids, but also have protective barriers set up by their respective gods."

"Even though tens of thousands of years have passed, only part of the fragmented world has been invaded and occupied by dark creatures. Your sacred continent should be one of their next goals."

"Now, you should understand the relationship between the sacred continent and the dark abyss, then the barriers of this world are actually the protective shields that the gods arranged for your continent."

"However, because of the long-term corrosion of the dark power, and the fact that the dark lord just consumed a small half of his power and directly eroded the protective barriers of your world with the help of the teleportation array, then your sacred continent will be quite in front of them from now on. protection."

"And at that time, the dark territory of the dark lord will approach your continent, and then connect again."

"This... Your Honorable Black Dragon, doesn't that mean that our Holy Continent can no longer resist the invasion of dark creatures?"

A group of nobles turned pale when they heard the words, and finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

If only medium and high-level dark creatures invaded through the cracks in time and space in the past, they could still deal with them.

But if dark creatures no longer need space cracks, but can log in directly to this continent, then they may no longer have the strength to resist.

"In fact, this is indeed the case. Although there are many races on your sacred continent, in the past your continent should belong to a remote corner of the world of gods, so its strength is not high."

"Faced with the invasion of the dark lord, I am afraid that I really have no strength to resist!" Heilong nodded, there was no wave in his tone.

"Your Honorable Black Dragon, now in our continent, I am afraid that only dragons like you are the strongest existence, and please help us in this continent!"

President Theodore immediately pleaded with the black dragon.

It can be said that according to the current situation, it seems that this dragon family is their life-saving straw.

Although it is said that in addition to their human race, there are many general races such as orcs, elves, dwarves and so on in this continent.

But according to what Heilong said earlier, these races may have been aborigines at the edge of the world of the gods, so they were no match for the dark creatures in the eyes of the nobles of the Glory Continent in the eyes of the Holy Continent.

"Human, as a part of the world of gods, I really want to help you, but I'm just an old dragon, and I've lived for a full 100,000 years!"

"Although I was able to push back the dark lord just now, it was only because the body of the dark lord did not appear, but was separated by a time and space."

"If his body arrives, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do!"

"And in this continent, our dragon clan is the only one who is left with an old dragon to grow old here. As for the other clansmen, they have long since migrated to the continent with more abundant spiritual elements."

"After all, the resources of this continent are too expensive and insufficient to meet the growth of our dragon family." Perhaps because of his age, this black dragon's temperament is obviously good, and it directly shows his strength.

"Your Honorable Dragon Race, is there really no way out?" President Theodore asked in a somewhat desperate tone.

"Actually, there is another way, and that is to find a way to contact the continents of other gods' worlds, or directly connect with their continents. Some powerful gods' world wars are completely capable of resisting the invasion of this dark lord. "

"Your Honorable Dragon Race, but how do we contact other continents of the gods, or connect with them."

There is a glimmer of hope in the hearts of everyone, but this hope seems to be very slim, and the only dawn is to see if the black dragon can help.

"I have a solution here, it may be effective, but whether it is successful or not, then I can't give you any guarantee!" Heilong sighed because he could not bear all living beings in this continent to be harmed by dark creatures.

"I have the coordinates of a powerful continent, and that continent also has your human race. If you can connect with them, maybe they will shelter you."

"But you have to know that even if you really connect with it, when the time comes when your human race is aggressive, you don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing."

"Your Honorable Black Dragon, no matter what the final result is, I hope you can help us!"

Several strong sky knights looked at each other and made a decision immediately.

Compared to the mortal invasion of the dark abyss, other unstable factors are small problems.

And the black dragon in front of them is also a divine dragon for them, so everyone is afraid to see if they can see this black dragon again next time.

"Since that's the case, then you should start collecting the earth spirits. After I have collected enough hundreds of earth spirits, I will be able to rely on the power of the earth spirits to pull this continent."

"However, you must remember that the speed must be fast. This method of mine needs to use the magic power of the dark lord as the real driving force, otherwise, when the remaining power of the dark lord disappears, this method will be invalid. ."

It turned out that the power that the Dark Lord left behind to break the barrier was still in effect at the moment.

Black Dragon just wanted to follow this power to pull this continent fragment to other continents in the void.

As for the earth spirit, it can be thought of as an introduction, which is used to trigger the explosion of the dark lord's magic power.

"Earth spirit, we have it here!" Theodore heard the words and immediately responded.

Since they want to be fast, they definitely don't want to delay for a moment.

As for the spirit of the earth, these days, the coalition team has really gained a lot.

Soon, President Theodore asked a group of noble representatives to hand over the earth spirits in their hands.

Although many nobles have prepared yellow elves in advance, most of them only have one.

At that time, it was only used as a precaution, but I didn't expect that so many earth spirits would appear in this dead land this time.

In this way, there are really quite a lot of the remaining earth spirits, and more than 100 nobles have made up more than 70 groups of earth spirits.

After all, the dark creatures on their route were much more populated than Narant's.

However, such a number is obviously not up to the number Hei Long said.

Fortunately, Theodore was not stupid. He immediately sent people to the castle to look for it. Sure enough, he found more than 20 groups of earth spirits, which Theodore had not had time to use.

Adding up this number, there are already more than 90 groups of Earth Spirits.

"Your Excellency Black Dragon, is the number of these earth spirits enough?" President Theodore asked the black dragon with a bag of earth spirits.

"That's not enough. The hundred regiments of earth spirits I mentioned are already the minimum. Even if there are ten less regiments, they may fail!"

"This... do you want to go to the back of the Duke City to collect it now?" Theodore immediately looked at the other sky knights when he heard the words.

If this is the case, then a few sky knights can only go to the back of the Duke City to **** it at the fastest speed.

"Your Honorable Black Dragon, do you only need to reach a hundred regiments?" At this moment, Narant, who was silent in the audience, suddenly spoke up.

All of a sudden, all the nobles looked at Narant.

"Yes, although it is said that if there are any earth spirits, the more the better, but the minimum is to reach a hundred regiments." Heilong looked at Nalanda and nodded.

"Baron Narant, do you have a goblin?" Theodore heard the meaning of Narant's words and looked at him in surprise.

"Well, I have some!" Narant nodded in a low-key manner.

If it wasn't a last resort, he would really be reluctant to take it out. Although there are dozens of bottles of earth essence in the space ring now, he has worked so hard to grab it from the dark creatures.

"Really? Baron Narant, how many regiments do you have?" Theodore finally showed his surprise, "Baron Narant, don't worry, this elf won't let you give it in vain, and the Alliance will definitely do it later. compensation accordingly.

"I happen to have ten regiments here, President Theodore, since you said so, then you have to remember!" Narant seemed a little reluctant, and aggrieved to remove the ten regiments of earth spirits from the storage space Take it out.

"Baron Narant, don't worry, I Theodore can swear to the God of Glory and will never forget what I just said!" Theodore responded immediately.

Looking at the ten groups of earth spirits in the crystal bottle in Narant's hand, he couldn't be more excited.

"There are actually ten groups of earth spirits, and this Baron Narant is too powerful!"

"Yeah, how did he get so many earth spirits!"

While the other nobles were happy, they were also a little shocked.

They worked hard to form a team to fight, and the amount of earth spirits that each principality can produce is less than two groups.

But as soon as Nalande made his move, they were ten regiments, and they really felt that they and others had made a deal with Baron Nalande, which was simply shameful.

Of course, they didn't know that Narant was thinking in his heart at the moment, "Fortunately, there are still more than 30 regiments. As for these ten regiments, since the alliance will compensate them, it is not too much of a loss. After all, everyone is in on a boat."

"Boy, you actually know space magic!"

At this moment, the black dragon looked at Narant with a little surprise.

"Yes, Your Honorable Black Dragon!"

"No wonder you can kill the bone dragon!" Heilong nodded and said nothing.

Then, Theodore directly handed over all the 103 Earth Spirits to the Black Dragon.

Although the subsidence was a hundred regiments, no one dared to stay after three more regiments.

"You all withdraw from this castle immediately."

Heilong got the spirit of the earth and immediately gave an order to everyone.

Hearing the words, Theodore immediately retreated to the city with everyone.

After everyone exited, the black dragon threw all the earth spirits to the teleportation formation that was still overflowing with black energy at the moment.

And at the moment when more than 100 groups of earth spirits entered the teleportation array, the black dragon finally moved.



As the black dragon groaned, a burst of white light erupted in the originally dark teleportation array, and then a strong shock wave overflowed from the teleportation array.

Immediately, even the ground in the vestibule began to vibrate, and the surrounding walls and castle towers collapsed.

One can imagine how terrifying the power of this shock wave is.

"Ah, look at the sky."

However, what left everyone stunned didn't stop there.

Not long after the white light of the teleportation array passed, suddenly another nobleman saw a red light on the horizon.

That is the direction of the north, which is the direction of the alliance.

And that red light is very strong~www.mtlnovel.com~ Even though there is a dead air in the sky, it is still dazzling.

"Is that the death of the dark lord who was detonated by His Excellency Black Dragon?"

"It should be. The dead aura of the dark lord is eroding the time and space barriers of our continent. His Excellency Heilong just said that after detonating it, it will just become the thrust of our continent and push us to other continents."

The nobles naturally have speculation, although they can't imagine how to do it, but they also understand that this should be a good result.


And at the next moment, everyone's feet suddenly shook, and the ground seemed to be shaken.

"It's really moving!"

The crowd became even more excited when they noticed the difference.

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Chapter 870 The World of the Gods is free to read. https://