Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 869

Chapter 869

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"Dark Lord!"

When they heard the Pope's call, all the nobles of the coalition forces present could not help breaking out in cold sweat.

In the past, although I knew that the dark abyss had an extremely powerful existence, I didn't expect it to be so powerful that it could directly affect another world across a space and time.

Although this is probably because of the teleportation array, it is also beyond everyone's imagination.

"His grandma's, this is too perverted!"

Narant's complexion also changed dramatically. He originally thought that today's war could finally be devastated, but where did he think that there would be such a thing.

Although he is still a little distance away from the teleportation formation at this moment, his body is still unable to move.

It was as if he had been imprisoned by magic, and his whole body was under tremendous pressure and was locked by a mighty force.


However, in the next moment, there was a muffled sound in the field, which made everyone stunned.


Hearing a thud, the very proud Pope just now seemed to have been hit hard, suddenly collapsed to the ground, and then vomited a pool of blood.

"Follower, you are so disappointing to me. I gave you so many altars for extracting the essence of the earth, and I gave you this teleportation array, but you almost couldn't even keep this teleportation array. !"

After the muffled sound, the gloomy voice came out while the nobles looked at each other.

"Master of the abyss, the villain knows it's wrong, please forgive the little one!"

However, in the face of the sudden attack of the abyss master, the Pope did not dare to resist, nor did he dare to be dissatisfied, but immediately kowtowed to admit his mistake.

"Hmph, this time is a small lesson for you. If there is another time, it will not be such a light punishment!" The cold voice snorted coldly.

Immediately, the Pope could not help but thank him for his amnesty.

Seeing this scene, Narant couldn't help but take a deep breath.

This abyss master is definitely a **** insane, this is not even between enemy and me.

Such an existence is definitely the most difficult existence to deal with.

Because he is moody, you have no idea what weaknesses he has.

"Pagan, although you want to resist the coming of darkness with the power of ants, but your courage has been approved by me!"

"Now, I can give you a chance, that is, like my believer, become my servant, then I can take your life around you, and also give you immortality!"

"But if you dare to continue to defy my will, then I will send you back to the arms of your gods later!"

After the Dark Lord reprimanded the Pope, he finally paid attention to the nobles again.

Between the words, he actually wanted to subdue everyone.

In the face of the choice given by the abyss master, no one uttered a word.

Whether it was Duke Miller or Theodore and the others, they were all silent.

Naturally, they cannot become traitors like the Pope, pursuing the so-called immortality.


dong dong!

In the face of the silence of a group of nobles, the next moment the abyss master snorted coldly, and the power of the mind moved, and suddenly there were several muffled sounds in the field.

puff puff!

After the muffled sound, Duke Miller and other sky knights were hit hard and vomited blood.

"Pagan, this is my last chance. Now please tell me if you are willing to submit to me!"

Obviously, the blow just now was the disarming power given to them by the abyss master.

"It is impossible for us to surrender to you, and your idea of controlling our sacred continent is impossible!"

"That's right, our human race can never yield!"

Although the invisible pressure on his body was overwhelming, but in the face of the final warning from the abyss master, Duke Miller and others were very strong, and gritted their teeth and said a rebuttal.

The abyss master was silent for a moment when he heard the words, and the pressure on everyone suddenly increased in the next moment.

"Very well, then you all die!"

The abyss master has lost patience, and is ready to rely on the power of his mind to solve several sky knights, and then reverse the occupation.

Although Duke Miller and the others had bluish veins on their foreheads and their whole body was soaked with sweat due to the strong pressure, they clenched their teeth and did not beg for mercy.

"Could this be the end?" Although the nobles standing a little further away from Narant were not directly targeted, they also felt a suffocating sense of oppression.

And he wanted to resist at this moment, but found that it was difficult for him to even move.

In this way, he, a traveler, has been wandering in this different world for so long, it seems that he is about to hit the street.

hoo hoo hoo!

However, just when this idea came to him, a terrifying roar came from the sky not far away.

The roar was extremely powerful and majestic.

Just listening to this voice, Narant dared to conclude that it was definitely not something that a dark creature could make.

Because in addition to its majesty, this roar seems to have a strange rhythm.

"Hey, the pressure seems to have weakened!"

And just a moment later, Narant discovered an even more incredible thing, that is, with the appearance of this roar, he felt that the pressure on his body was immediately reduced by half.

As the pressure weakened, he was finally able to control his body slightly.

Immediately, Narant turned his head in the direction where the roar came from.

In fact, it wasn't just him, the other nobles did the same, turning their heads to look in the same direction.

"My God, that's...that's a dragon!"

"It's really a dragon!"

When everyone looked at the sky, there was an exclamation in the next moment.

Because, the owner of that majestic roar was actually a huge dragon soaring rapidly.

This giant dragon is huge, two circles bigger than the dark bone dragon.

The dragon is all black and looks absolutely mighty and domineering.

Of course, this is also the first time everyone has seen the existence of a giant dragon.

In the past, although it was rumored that the Holy Continent also had giant dragons, and there was some evidence that they really existed.

It is possible to see the existence of dragons with your own eyes, that was hundreds of years ago.

"Damn, you ugly lizard, how dare you destroy my good deeds!"

But at this moment, the dark master who had previously suppressed this kind of aristocracy heard the voice of anger.

Obviously, the reduced pressure on Narant and the others is because of the giant dragon.

"Roar, dark lord, what about destroying your good deeds? With your power, you can only rely on the teleportation array to cast part of your consciousness!"

"Can't you still fight against me, you have stretched your hands too long, and you are doomed to fail!"

But in just a short while, the giant dragon on the horizon has moved from far to near, and along with it, there are strong human race words to reply to the anger of the abyss master.


And as the words were finished, the dragon had already landed on an arrow tower in the castle.

With that huge body, Narant was really worried that it would overwhelm the already aging tower.

"Ugly lizard, dare to destroy my good deeds, I will remember you, and I will definitely take revenge when I see you dragons in the future!"

The gloomy voice dominated by the abyss came out again, and then there was a black air in the shady curtain that shot towards the giant dragon rapidly.


Seeing this, the giant dragon slammed its mouth open immediately, and with a roar, a dragon breath mixed with white light spots spewed out directly.


When the dragon breath sprayed on the black air, it immediately dissipated the black air and disappeared without a trace.

"Damn, you will regret it!" As the black qi dissipated, a roar came from the Dark Lord immediately.

At this moment, Narant and others finally fully recovered their freedom of movement.

However, everyone didn't move at the moment, because the huge black dragon above his head was also full of coercion.

"Hmph, Dark Lord, it's not the first time that our Dragon Race has clashed with your Dark Abyss, what can we regret!"

In the face of the warning from the dark master, the black dragon dismissed it.

"Yes, then you just wait!"

The Dark Lord heard the words and his voice became even deeper.


Just as the Dark Lord's voice fell, there was a loud noise in the teleportation array, and then a large amount of black energy was used from the shady curtain.

"Dark lord, what is it about this continent that attracts you? You are willing to forcibly break through the barriers of time and space at the cost of half of your strength!"

But after the rumbling sound, the giant dragon that landed on the arrow tower instead heard a sound of consternation.

"Hmph, **** lizard, you don't need to worry about it, but I said, if you dare to destroy my good deeds, we will definitely find you in the dark abyss!"

"Just wait, this time won't be too long! Hahaha!"

After a horrific grin, the voice of the Dark Lord came to an abrupt end.

"Ah, Lord of Darkness, I'm still here, why did you disconnect from me!"

But when the laughter ended, the Pope's face suddenly turned to the side, becoming extremely terrified.

He signed a master-servant contract with the Dark Lord, and the Dark Lord left a spiritual imprint on him.

But at this moment, he suddenly couldn't feel the control of the Dark Lord. Obviously, the meaning of the Dark Lord had completely separated from the Holy Continent.

Hearing his words, the giant dragon turned his head slightly and looked at him.

It was at this sight that the Pope felt tremendous pressure, and squatted directly on the ground, his face turned ashen at the same time.

Aside from the Pope's side, the black energy in the teleportation formation in front of him continued to be used, and it continued to spread, covering most of the castle.

I don't know if it was because of the existence of the black dragon, so the black energy did not spread to the direction of Narant and others.

"Human nobles, who among you can call the shots?"

Finally, after a while, the black dragon spoke again.

"Your Excellency the Dragon, I am the president of the Human Race Sacred Alliance Council. Thank you very much for your action just now. I don't know if you have anything to explain?"

Hearing the words, Theodore immediately saluted the giant dragon respectfully.

According to some ancient records, in the ancient times, there were super-powerful people among the human race, and there were even dragon knights.

But now the human race has declined, and the Dragon Knight has never heard of it.

In this way, Theodore, the president of the council, did not dare to hold back against this giant dragon, and he deliberately lowered his stance.

"President of the Holy Alliance Council, I didn't expect that I haven't appeared for hundreds of years, and the strength of the human race has been weakened to this point."

"However, this is normal. This continent has been suppressed, and it is very good to be able to maintain your current level!"

The giant dragon shook his head and sighed.

After sighing, the dragon didn't hesitate, and asked President Theodore.

"The reason why I appeared this time is that I just felt a slight fluctuation of our dragon soul!"

"However, our dragon clansmen have rarely appeared in this continent, and it can even be said that they no longer exist. I am very curious about why there are dragon soul fluctuations here!"

"Human, you were here just now, can you explain it to me?"

"Dragon Clan Dragon Soul?" President Theodore was taken aback.

But when Narant heard the words, he suddenly thought of the faint light group in the shape of a giant dragon that appeared in the eye socket of the bone dragon.

"Your honorable bone dragon, the dragon soul fluctuation you just mentioned should be sent by a dark bone dragon."

"Just now, a dark bone dragon was teleported from the dark abyss and was killed by us. His remains are now at the Duke's gate."

Theodore also reflected at this time, although he did not see the faint light group floating out of the bone dragon, but he also guessed this possibility with the knowledge reserve.

"Really?" The black dragon immediately looked towards the city gate, and in the next instant he saw the bones of the bone dragon among the rubble and ruins.

"It turns out that this should be the clansmen who died in the dark abyss and could not return to the dragon's lair. Now it is lucky to be able to escape from the darkness."

"By the way, who killed it?"

"This..." Theodore was a little embarrassed.

"Human nobles, you don't have to worry, this giant dragon has been controlled by darkness, so being able to kill it is a relief for him, so this is also a kindness for our dragon family!" The black dragon understood Theodore's concerns and immediately Explain the opening.

"Your Honorable Dragon Lord, it's the Baron Narant who killed this skull dragon!" Theodore, who heard the words, had no scruples, and immediately revealed Narant's name.

"Human noble, is that you?"

The black dragon looked at Narant immediately.

And at the moment of being watched by this giant dragon, Narant felt a huge pressure.

Although the pressure of the giant dragon was not intentional, it still made Narant feel a little heavy.

"Yes!" Narant took a deep breath and nodded.

"Well, our dragon family never owes favor, this scale is for you!"

With that said, a silver dragon scale appeared out of thin air in front of the black dragon, and then floated into Narant's hands.

This dragon scale originally looked at least the size of a shield, but when it floated in front of Narant, it was only the size of a slap, and UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com was directly held in his hand.

"Thank you, Your Excellency the Dragon!" Although Narant didn't know what the scales were for, he quickly thanked him.

Heilong nodded when he heard the words, without saying anything, but looked at Theodore.

"Human nobles, the things I came here have been completed, and I am going to leave immediately, but before I leave, I have something to remind you!"

"Now the time-space barrier connecting this continent and the dark abyss is about to be broken. I hope you can be prepared to deal with it!"

"The barrier of time and space is about to be opened? Your Honorable Dragon Lord, are you talking about these black mists? Excuse me, what is going on here? I hope Your Dragon Lord can see that our human race has also bravely resisted the invasion of dark creatures. Let us know!"

Although Theodore didn't understand what he heard, he knew that this was absolutely related to the life and death of the human race, so he immediately asked the dragon to ask.

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Chapter 869 The Black Dragon is free to read. https://