Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 835

Chapter 835

"Sir, the little bee reports that there are many dark creatures in the town and dilapidated castle ahead!"

"However, because there were bloodthirsty bats on that day, Xun Ying did not dare to approach the probe!"

On a hill outside a dilapidated town, Narant finally took the team to the first position on the route that needed to be captured.

As he expected, this town and castle gathering place that was supposed to be a baron or a viscount has been occupied by dark creatures.

However, because of the existence of bloodthirsty bats, Narant was unable to thoroughly explore the true strength of the dark creatures as in the past.

"Vivian, now let the long-range attack team set up a trebuchet, and then try to attack the dilapidated castle!" Narant nodded.

Although in this land of death, there are certain restrictions on reconnaissance units such as Swift Eagle and Bee.

But it can ensure the safety of oneself in the march, this is the method that other principality teams cannot compare.

And now that you know that there are a large number of dark creatures in the town ahead, you can also test it through long-range attacks.

"Yes, my lord!" After receiving Narant's order, Vivian immediately went to arrange it.

Immediately, the long-range attack team began to install large trebuchets.

This large catapult is also forged in Narant's own territory.

Since capturing a bunch of goblins, Narrant has acquired the ability to produce these 'backward' weapons.

In this way, although such a trebuchet was inconvenient to carry, Narant still had the goblins forge two and equip them with the expedition team.

Narant was originally intended to be used to attack some distant enemies.

Now it is also a sharp weapon used to frighten the snake to test the strength of the enemy.



As the catapult shook violently, the stone bullet flew straight into the sky with a whistle, and then fell towards the dilapidated castle two miles away.


The trebuchet was aimed by Vivien herself, so there was no need for a preview, and it hit the dilapidated castle without incident.

This castle was not only damaged when it was invaded by dark creatures, but it was not carefully maintained and repaired in the later period.

So, when this stone shot happened to hit a towering tower in the castle, that tower collapsed a moment later, causing a puff of smoke.

hoo hoo hoo!

And at the moment when the huge movement was made, there was an angry roar in the distance, whether in the town or in the dilapidated castle.

This stone bullet seemed to have stabbed a hornet's nest, and a large number of dark creatures began to appear and converge from all corners.

And Narant's attention was naturally only on the castle.

Whoa whoa whoa!

The first thing that appeared in the castle were seven or eight bloodthirsty bats.

As these bloodthirsty bats flew high into the sky, a group of death knights began to appear at the completely broken gate of the castle, and there were also several green spiders.

However, Narant still did not make any movement, but continued to wait.


At this moment, a different roar came from the castle again.

The roar was slightly sharper.

But when all the dark creatures present heard it, they immediately quieted down.

"The Lord is here!" As expected, Narant guessed.

From Duke Miller and others, Narant learned that the dark creatures are not stragglers, and that the dark creatures in the land of death also have leaders.

And these leaders are generally the most powerful beings.


There was a huge voice in the castle again, and this was the leader of the dark creatures in this gathering place.

"Ah, Orc, Orc, that's a gargoyle!"

When this big guy appeared, there was an exclamation from the goblins.


"My lord, gargoyles are fifth-order dark creatures. They can not only fly, but also release magic attacks."

"In addition, the most terrifying thing is that this gargoyle can't be killed at all."

"Even if we can seriously damage it, when he is about to die, he will turn into a stone sculpture. This stone sculpture is very hard, and even an earth knight is difficult to cut."

"But the problem is that it only takes more than a minute after becoming a stone sculpture, and this gargoyle can regain all its powers again!"

Seeing that Narant didn't seem to know much about gargoyles, the goblin leader Rumba quickly gave Narant an explanation.

"There really is such a guy, even the ability is the same!" But Narant was surprised when he heard it. In the previous life, in Warcraft, there were things like gargoyles.

Moreover, the gargoyle can also recover its strength after being transformed into a sculpture. If the sculpture is not solved in time, it will not be long before the gargoyle has recovered its strength again.


And just when Narant was surprised, the gargoyle flying high in the sky, surrounded by bloodthirsty bats, had discovered the movement here.

After all, Narant and the others were surrounded by dense skeleton soldiers and low-level dark creatures like hellhounds. The goal was very obvious.

"Everyone is ready to fight!" Narant couldn't even think about how to solve the gargoyle sculpture later.

The first thing now is to turn this guy into a stone statue first.

"Ready to fight!"

"Ready to fight!"

Following Narant's orders, all the subordinates were ready.

The first to attack is still the long-range attack team.

When the dark creatures in the town began to gather, and rushed to the position more than 400 meters in front of the soil slope, all the bed crossbows and catapults began to be activated.

With the whizzing arrows and stone bullets flying, the dark creatures in the distance were smashed down by large swathes.

However, these dark creatures are not afraid of death, and still rush forward.

Even those skeleton soldiers and hellhounds who only dared to surround Narant and them began to agitate and charged towards Narant's team.

"Goblin squad, skeleton soldiers and hellhounds are handed over to you, be sure to deal with these guys as quickly as possible!"

"If done beautifully, two glasses of wine and a piece of roast meat per person after the fight!"

Although these skeleton soldiers are now unable to cause too much damage to Narant's team.

But in order to avoid the rhythm of the battle being affected, Narant still needs to assign people to clean up.

Fortunately, the best way to deal with these skeleton soldiers is to let the goblins go.

Even in the face of a powerful enemy, the goblins would shiver in fear and run away.

Even attacking small characters like the Skeleton Soldiers, the goblins are still full of energy.

Especially to hear roast meat and wine as a reward.

"Oak! Oak! Kill!"

Sure enough, the next moment, thousands of goblins scattered, holding a variety of weapons and rushing towards the dark creatures surrounded by the side and rear.

"Longbow shooter!"

"Wolf Knights, Storm Knights, get ready!"

"Prepare the spear formation!"

"The Magician Legion is ready!"

The side and rear do not need Narant distraction for the time being.

The battle ahead is also imminent.

There are at least tens of thousands of dark creatures in the town, and half of them are second-order and third-order existences.

In this way, even if the long-range attack team is fully fired, it will only harvest a few dark creatures.

Soon, these dark creatures approached a distance of more than 100 meters.

And such a distance means that the next moment will be hand-to-hand.

With the longbowmen's two rounds of arrow rain, the vanguard of the dark creatures has approached the front.

"Wolf Knights, Storm Knights, attack!"

"Long spear phalanx, raise your gun!"


hoo hoo hoo!

The next moment, dark creatures rushed in front of Narant and them like a tide.

The wolf knight and the storm knight plus the spearmen immediately joined the battle, resisting the ferocious impact of this dark creature.

Choo Choo Choo!

And when the battle on the ground began, there were also several cries in the sky.

More than a dozen bloodthirsty bats have already flown to Narant and hovered over them, ready to start attacking Narant's subordinates.

"Vivian, shoot the bloodthirsty bats in the air! The Legion of Magicians continues to wait!" When these bloodthirsty bats appeared overhead.

Narant did not dispatch the Magician Legion immediately.

Because the gargoyle was very smart, it didn't swarm with the bloodthirsty bat, but stayed in the air hundreds of meters away.

Narant had reason to suspect that if his army of magicians made a move, this gargoyle would be more difficult to deal with if he was on guard.

"Yes, my lord!"

Vivian heard the words without any hesitation, and directly started to shoot at the bloodthirsty bats in the air with her longbow.

However, after all, there is only one Vivian, although with her shooting talent, eight out of ten arrows can only hit these bloodthirsty bats.

But there are too many bloodthirsty bats, and their vitality is tenacious.

In this way, Vivian often needs five consecutive arrows to shoot down the bloodthirsty bat.

And these bloodthirsty bats, taking advantage of this opportunity, have already attacked the surrounding goblins.

"Ah, Orc! Orc!"


Next, there will be a scene around Narant's camp where the goblins are sneaked into the sky by bloodthirsty bats, and then torn in half.

"My lord, why don't you let the magicians start attacking!" Although Rumba is a little shameless, he has no bottom line.

But seeing that seven or eight clansmen had already been torn apart by bloodthirsty bats, he couldn't help but speak out in a hurry.

"Rumba, wait a minute, our biggest enemy today is the gargoyle!" Narant was also anxious at the moment.

Although the goblins were not human, they were still his subordinates, so he couldn't ignore the goblins who were caught in the sky and torn apart.

"Annie, use the lightning storm to attack the dark creatures on the ground!"

The next moment, Narant decided to force the gargoyle, and immediately called out little girl Annie.

"Yes, my lord!"

Annie heard the words, and immediately went to the rear of the pikemen phalanx, then closed her eyes and began to exert her talent.

And with the power of Annie's innate talent, the already dark sky in the sky became even more depressing.

Under the original black clouds, a large black cloud gathered again.

Boom! Boom!

The next moment, there was a roar in the sky without warning.

Click! Click!

Just a moment after the roar appeared, a thick bolt of lightning cut through the sky, and then bombarded the dark creatures.

hoo hoo hoo!

Suddenly, the dark creatures seemed to have exploded, and with the bombardment of lightning, the dark creatures that were hit fell down with a roar.

"Hey! How come the lightning power of little girl Annie has increased?"

When he saw the lightning falling this time, Narant couldn't help but scream.

Because this time, the power of the lightning released by the little girl Annie was more than twice as powerful as before, and it could be seen from the thickness of the lightning.

Surprise to surprise, though, Annie must have been happier to destroy more dark creatures, Narant.

And then, in addition to the increase in the power of lightning, Narant also found that the amount of lightning released by little girl Annie this time has also been greatly improved.

Flashes of lightning were released more than fifty times in a row, but the clouds in the sky did not dissipate at all.

And in just one or two minutes, Anne's little girl's lightning has taken away thousands of dark creatures.

"Can you bear this?"

Narant couldn't help but secretly looked at the gargoyle that was still hovering in the air not far away.

It feels like this guy is really a dog if he doesn't take action.


But just after Narant's thoughts fell, the gargoyle hundreds of meters away suddenly heard a loud roar, and then the huge fleshy wings flapped rapidly, and the body flew towards the camp like a sharp arrow.


Narant was overjoyed.

"Legion of Magicians, Fireball begins to sing!"

So, Narant gave orders to the boys and girls of the Mage Legion without hesitation.


And when Narant's voice fell, the gargoyle had already arrived at the wound fifty or sixty meters above their heads.

Immediately, the gargoyle roared, the wings flashed suddenly, and a dark red, half-moon-shaped huge dark blade shot towards Annie.

"Advanced shield!" Without any hesitation, Narant cast an advanced fire shield on Little Annie.


And when Narant's shield had just appeared, the dark blade shot by the gargoyle had already reached the top of Annie's head.

With a bang, Annie's surroundings were immediately covered by a dark red shock wave.

This shock wave is also mixed with a strong death energy, if it is hit by this shock wave.

Not only is the body damaged, but even the wound will be polluted by dead air and turn into rotting flesh.

However, because of Narant's high-level shield, although the range of seven or eight meters around Annie was blasted with a dent by the shock wave, Annie who was inside the shield was not unusual.


Seeing this, the gargoyle roared, and immediately shot two dark blades again.

At the same time, it also noticed that there was a magician in the crowd below, so after the dark blade was released, it immediately flapped its fleshy wings to get away.

Bang bang bang!

At this moment ~www.mtlnovel.com~ A muffled sound came from Narant's ear, which was the completion of the fireball technique of the boys and girls.

"The Magician Legion, the target is high above the head, start attacking!"

Whoosh whoosh!

Following Narant's orders, the boys and girls immediately shot the fireball that was born.

And Narant himself was not idle, and also shot a flaming fireball at the still flapping gargoyle.

Boom boom boom!

Immediately, there was a series of roars in the sky.

hoo hoo hoo!

The first to suffer were the more unscrupulous bloodthirsty bats. Suddenly, these bloodthirsty bats fell down like damaged planes.

As for the gargoyle, it is worthy of being a fifth-order, even if it is hit by several ordinary fireballs in a row, it is only slightly shaken. 17068/10977085