Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 834

Chapter 834

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"Well, is it an illusion just now?" The little girl Xue Li looked around, but still didn't find anyone, she scratched her head immediately, "It must be an illusion, no, Xue Li has to work hard to eat, it won't happen if she's full. hallucinations!"

Narant didn't know that the little loli turned hallucinations into appetite at this moment, and tried her best to start harming the cream cake.

After returning to the tent, he looked excited. After this kiwi blessing, his magic power was greatly improved.

And the magic of space teleportation has made gratifying progress.

For example, before, his teleportation could only be performed within a range of five meters.

Such teleportation, in the face of the attacks of some powerhouses, is actually only life-saving, and it is definitely not enough to have other effects.

Even in the face of an enemy who can directly crush him, the five-meter distance is only enough to let him dodge a blow.

And now, his teleportation distance can reach more than 20 meters.

At such a distance, the power of teleportation can be brought into full play.

Not only can he rely on teleportation to avoid the pursuit of the enemy to save his life.

It can also rely on teleportation to get close to the enemy and make a sneak attack.

With this increase in strength, Narant slept more steadily at night.

For the next two days, Narant did not leave the camp again, nor did he let his subordinates practice or harvest dark creatures.

Like other principality teams, he recharged himself and let his subordinates recuperate from injuries.

However, as the news of Narant being isolated at the meeting spread, there were a lot of arguments and speculations about where Narant would go from the expedition team.

Some people think that Narant is dead this time.

Because there is no principality team to form a team, and there is no magician to fight with the team, such a team enters the land of death, it is simply to send snacks to the dark creatures.

Of course, some people think that Narant should not die, and there is a high probability that he will find a place to hide, and then wait for the end of the expedition to return with everyone.

However, regardless of these speculations, there is at least one thing that everyone agrees with.

That was the end of Narant's expedition.

No matter what he chooses at that time, the merits of this expedition will definitely not be his share.

In the midst of these discussions, Duke Miller, Bernard, and the aristocratic representatives of the Principality of Blue Shield, as well as the aristocratic representatives of the Principality of Lot, all came to Narant's camp.

Although they were powerless to change what had been decided through the meeting, they all reminded Narant that after entering the land of death, they could find a safe place to station.

If you are really in danger, don't hesitate to retreat directly to the isolation zone.

Because, after all, life is always more important than other things.

Even if this will become a deliberate attack on Bin Bin afterwards, the big deal is to pay a fine of some gold coins and have a bad reputation.

But compared to the lives of Narant himself and his subordinates, these external things are not important.

Narant, who heard the words, naturally did not object, and responded politely and humbly.

In any case, these people can be regarded as well-intentioned persuasion.

Before the crowd left, Narant even gave each of them a barrel of potion wine.

But after the nobles who came to comfort them left, they didn't know that Narant didn't listen to their words at all.

It is impossible to hide, it is impossible to hide for a lifetime.

He can only become stronger by killing dark creatures, so he decided to kill all the dark creatures he encountered on his way.

As for why Narant is so stubborn, in addition to his own strength has greatly improved, that is, his subordinates are also making rapid progress under his krypton gold.

Today, the overall strength of the Storm Knights has doubled.

The Silver Knights have reached more than 150 people.

And the remaining Bronze Knights have all broken through to the Bronze Intermediate Rank, and will continue to improve as time goes on.

After all, Narant distributed twenty kiwis to each of them.

In other words, each person took the equivalent of four full-effect kiwi fruits at one time.

Even at the beginning of Narant's crossing, he didn't have such a luxury.

As for the boys and girls of the Magician Legion, although there is no breakthrough in the realm, their magic power has been greatly improved.

Originally, each person would consume all the magic power with ten fireballs at a time, and he needed to re-meditate to restore the magic power.

But now, everyone can release at least 20 fireballs, and there are even talented boys and girls who can fire 30 fireballs.

And the singing speed of these young boys and girls releasing fireballs has also become faster, although it is not as exaggerated as Narant's instant casting.

But the extreme speed of casting spells of 1.5 seconds is far beyond those of the junior magicians of the Holy Magic Academy.

Even the speed at which they release fireball at this moment is already on par with the intermediate magician of the Sacred Magic Academy.

Originally, with the current level of young boys and girls, Narant could try to teach them more elementary magic, and even simple intermediate magic.

But Narant knows how much he can chew.

And he just wants to let his army of magicians win as a team, not by fighting alone, so he has no plans to let them learn new magic in a short time.

Unless he waits for the expedition to be completed, he will make other considerations.

After three days, the Holy Alliance's expedition team finally began to pull out the camp again.

After receiving the order to open from the Alliance Council, Narant followed the flow of people and embarked on the journey again.

And the next journey is actually not far, and it only takes a day to see the real destination, the place of death.

The next morning, just after an hour's journey, the scenery in front of Narant and the others changed dramatically.

I saw that at the end of their vision, it was an endless black area.

Black land, black vegetation and trees, and black and red clouds that can never be dispelled.

All of this revealed the breath of death, which was in stark contrast to the lush green fields that Narant and others were still stepping on at the moment.

"Sir, is that the place of death!"

It was also the first time that Narant's subordinates saw the extremely oppressive scenery, and they stopped one after another.

"Yes, Shirley, that's the place of death!" Nalanda nodded, not only to Little Lolita, but also to himself.

Although he was ready when he came, he had even seen a small piece of land infested with death energy when he was in the Glory Continent.

But compared to this boundless land of death, there is no such a sense of doomsday on the Glory Continent.

"Come on, let's move on!"

After stopping and watching for a while, seeing that the other teams were still marching, Narant also waved his hand to let all his subordinates follow.

And coming to the border of the land of death, the figure of the sacred thorns can be seen everywhere.

It is the sacred thorns around here that separate the colorful and beautiful world behind and the land of death ahead.

These sacred thorns were planted by the principalities and empires of the Holy Alliance in the past.

And Narant came this time, and also brought a sufficient number of sacred thorns.

At that time, every time he captured a former town, he could plant sacred thorns around the town to show that the place had been cleaned up.

In the end, the Holy Alliance will initiate the entire alliance to deliver more sacred thorns, which will be planted on the edge of the looted land.

When the sacred thorns completely cover this area, then over time, it does not take a year, the dead energy in this land will gradually be absorbed.

Until there is no more dead air spread in, and then the earth is reborn.

This is also the reason why the Holy Alliance goes out every year.

Although the speed of reclaiming land in this way is very slow.

But relying on slow nibbling, they feel that one day they can retake the entire continent.

"Baron Narant, President Theodore ordered that from now on, the teams of the alliance will start to act separately according to the distribution of the previous two days!"

And just after reaching the border of the dead land, a messenger also ran out from the center of the alliance team.

With these messengers delivering orders to divide the troops, it also meant that the real test was about to begin.

However, the troop of principalities and empires did not set off immediately.

Instead, he began to cook in the wasteland hundreds of meters away from the land of death.

Because after entering the land of death, I'm afraid they can't even find the burning wood.

In this way, it is a luxury to want to eat a hot meal again.

A meal was eaten for more than an hour. Seeing that the sun was rising, and it was about noon, there was finally a loud horn sound around Narant.

This is the clarion call for the other principality teams to really set off.

"Everyone, let's go!" Narant didn't delay. After confirming that all his subordinates were packed and saluted, he waved his hand and led his subordinates into the land of death.

When standing completely on the ground of death, a sense of coldness instantly invaded the whole body.

The moment before, it was clearly still in the environment of bright sunshine, but the next moment it was like entering the freezer.

All of Narant's subordinates shuddered, and then subconsciously tightened their clothes.

Seeing everyone's actions, Narant shook his head and didn't say anything.

Instead, he instructed Shirley to release the swift eagle and the bee to be on guard, while continuing to move forward.

I don't know if it is because there are too many sacred thorns on the border, so Narant rarely encounters dark creatures within the range of five or six miles of the border.

After stepping out of the range of five or six miles, the dark creatures finally increased.

However, the dark creatures encountered so far are mostly the lowest-level skeleton soldiers and **** dogs.

These skeleton soldiers and hellhounds seem to be wild monsters in the previous game copy.

When Narant and others arrived, they were all wandering unconsciously.

But when Narant and others approached, these guys who heard the movement became crazy again, and then attacked them hysterically.

"Storm Knights, crush them!"

In the face of these stragglers, Narant's team must be easy to deal with.

The Knights of the Storm, with their strong mobility, acted as rangers to clear these dark creatures on the road.

With a simple shock from the knights, those skeleton soldiers and scattered hellhounds who had not had time to approach were on the spot.

Of course, this situation is only the beginning.

As Narant and others went deeper, they encountered more and more dark creatures.

This place of death deserves to be the lair of dark creatures, and these dark creatures are simply inexhaustible.

Gradually, in the evening, Narant and others were not only blocked by dark creatures ahead.

There are even dark creatures chasing behind him.

Although the chasing came from the weakest skeleton soldiers.

But this seems to be a scene of being caught in a tight siege, and in addition to being in a dark environment all the time, it is a test of the confidence of Narant's subordinates.

"Oak! Orc! Terrible, terrible!"

For example, the goblins in the Narant team, many goblins are already trembling with fear at this moment.

If it weren't for the fact that there were dark creatures surrounded by front, back, left and right, Narant felt that his team of goblins would definitely become smaller and smaller as they moved forward.

Not being killed by dark creatures, but these guys will secretly open up.

"Vivian, tear me off all the tarpaulins from the carriage!"

Seeing such a situation, Narant immediately gave an order to Vivian.

"Yes, my lord!"


Following Narant's orders, Vivienne immediately led someone to tear off the cowhide tarpaulin from the carriage for dozens of miles.

hoo hoo hoo!

And when the cowhide tarpaulin was torn off, there was a faint white light on the carriage immediately. ,

These wagons were loaded with the sacred thorns that Narante had brought from the domain.

And with so many sacred thorns ~www.mtlnovel.com~ the low-level dark creatures who were still approaching immediately stopped.

Obviously, the presence of sacred thorns made them feel threatened.

However, even so, these dark creatures did not escape, but surrounded Narant's team not far or near.

Of course, there were still many dark creatures sneaking up in the process, but they were quickly resolved by Narant.

Narant knows that these low-level dark creatures are like mosquitoes in the jungle in this dead place, and they can't kill them at all.

In this way, Narant instructed Quick and others to specifically select those dark creatures that can contribute energy points to attack and kill.

As for the rest of the dark creatures, as long as they don't get close, they won't waste their energy on beheading.

Next, Narant's team spent the first night surrounded by countless dark creatures.

This night was not particularly stable, because the roar of the surrounding dark creatures made everyone feel stressed, and they couldn't sleep well at all.

Especially if there will be one or two Cerberus three-headed dogs or even green-striped spiders for sneak attacks.

However, Narant and others have not encountered more advanced dark creatures for the time being, which is gratifying.

After leaving the next day, Narant kept looking at the map in his hand.

Because if not, they would encounter the first town on the route after an hour or two away.

According to Duke Miller and others, dark creatures also like to gather in towns.

In this way, Narant and others estimated that the first war after stepping into the land of death would break out in that small town. chaptererror();