Warlords: Rise From The Land Of Doom - Chapter 799

Chapter 799

Bang bang bang!

Puff puff!

The combat power of these one-eyed trolls is comparable to that of tauren, and they are also the combat power that goblins rely most on.

In this way, when they started attacking the surrounding goblins, the goblins' team suddenly became in chaos.

As the three- or four-meter-long stone sticks or wooden mace swept across the spot, in an instant, large swathes of goblins were smashed into flesh and flung out.

"Oak! Oak, bastard, we are your masters!"

"Troll slaves, do you want to rebel?"

Faced with such a scene, the surrounding goblins were scared to death.

While fleeing in all directions, he loudly denounced these one-eyed trolls who suddenly rebelled.

But the more they shouted, the more hateful provocation they were in the eyes of those trolls who had been caught in illusion magic.

For example, we are your masters. In the one-eyed demon illusion, it sounds like I want to kill all your masters.

Do you want to rebel?

The one-eyed demon has heard it, and if you dare to resist, I will kill you and your master immediately!

In this way, the one-eyed troll kept running and rushing, chasing these goblins with nowhere to go.

Fortunately, Narant's illusion only caused the one-eyed troll with more than 100 heads to fall into the illusion.

There are more than 80 one-eyed trolls on the Goblin side, and they have not lost control.

So, when the goblins who controlled these one-eyed trolls saw this, they immediately ran over to support them and started fighting.

"Quicremon, give me the effort to kill!"

Seeing such a situation, Narant would naturally not miss this great opportunity.

While waving his long sword and rushing up, he also gave orders to all his subordinates.

"Yes, my lord, the Knights of the Wild Wolf, kill it!"

"Tulip Knights, kill it!"

Immediately, the goblins who rushed to the front were bad luck.

The only enemy he faced before was Narant, but now he must be careful not only of the human race, but also of the one-eyed troll on his side.

Even, in the illusion performed by Nalant, these one-eyed trolls regarded Naland's soldiers as goblins.

In this way, when some goblins attacked Narant's subordinates, these one-eyed trolls would risk their lives to help.

"This group of illusions is also very useful, but unfortunately, even a genius with extraordinary talent like me can only support one spell casting!"

Narant sighed while rushing to kill.

"Bastard, what the **** is going on?"

The battlefield ahead was already chaotic, and the goblin leader was naturally furious.

Originally imagined to fight the most majestic battle since he became the new leader.

But I never thought that this battle, which was originally a destructive battle, turned into such a situation.

In fact, it's all because of the goblin's lack of news.

Otherwise, if you can know about Narant's encirclement and annihilation of the orc army more than a month ago.

It is estimated that even if he was given ten courage, he would not dare to attack Stormwind.

However, now the goblin leader naturally has no regrets taking the medicine.

"Great leader, this seems to be the magic of the human race, those troll slaves must have fallen into the enemy's magic illusion!"

And the Goblins are not without knowledge. Hearing the question of the new leader, he immediately gave the answer.

"Also, that magician is likely to be a senior magician!"

Although Narant is only a mid-level magician, his group of illusionists attacked too many people.

It also made the knowledgeable goblin overestimate him.

"Senior magician, **** it, how much favored this illegitimate son is by the duke, even the senior magician gave him one!"

"Since you dote on illegitimate children like this, why did you send this border to harm our goblins!"

The goblin leader jumped with anger.

He naturally knows the magician of the human race.

But magicians are not Chinese cabbage, and now there is even a senior magician in the team of a little baron.

This was definitely beyond his expectations.

And he has already cursed the duke's father hundreds of times.

Because how can there be such a good duke father to the illegitimate son.

"Kaka, then tell me, is there any way to get in touch with illusion magic?"

"Great leader, if it was tens of thousands of years ago, with the greatness of our goblins, it must be possible..."

"Don't be long-winded, I'm talking about now!" The goblin leader almost wanted the one-eyed troll under his feet to shoot this guy to death.

"No!" Goblin Kaka immediately shook his head when he saw the leader's murderous gaze.

"Bastard, doesn't that mean that if we don't use our secret weapon, today's battle will probably be lost?"

"Okay... It seems so, great leader... Unless, after twenty minutes, the magician's illusion should automatically expire!"

"Twenty minutes? Twenty minutes later, our goblin army will almost die and run away!" As the leader of the goblin, how could he not know the character of his clan.

The casualties were still relatively few, so with their new leader in charge, the goblin soldiers didn't dare to escape.

But if the casualties expand, these guys will definitely turn their heads and run.

It's useless even to stop it.

"Send me a secret weapon!" Finally, the goblin leader hesitated and gave the order.

"Yes, great leader!"

When the goblin Kaka heard the words, he immediately trotted to the jungle behind.

"Damn the human race, it forced me to use the secret weapon of the goblin clan. It's so confusing. Later, I must loot your castle and burn it down!"

Whoa! Whoa!

And just when the goblin leader resented, there were two huge swaying sounds of branches and leaves from the bushes behind.

After the branches and leaves swayed, the goblin leader looked into the air.

I saw two behemoths slowly rising from the canopy.

And this is the secret weapon of goblins, and the last mark left by brilliant goblins tens of thousands of years ago.

Because it turned out to be two airships.

The two airships lifted off vertically and slowly climbed to more than 300 meters before slowly moving towards the battlefield.

"Lord, look, what is that!"

At the same time, the little Loli and others on Narant's side also immediately noticed the appearance of the airship because they did not participate in the battle.

It was the first time they had seen such a strange object, and they immediately exclaimed at Narant.

"I'm going, it's an airship! Goblins actually have airships!"

Narant's jaw dropped when he saw this scene.

In those games in the previous life, goblins were able to produce airships.

But he didn't expect it to exist in this world.

That airship was not the same as the real airship in the previous life.

Its entire body is made of wood, even the oval buoyancy above it.

Obviously, the airship in this other world should not rely on hydrogen and other buoyant gases to fly.

Instead, there are runes emitting purple light on the wooden shell of the oval buoyancy device.

This airship should be powered by fantasy technology like magic runes.

The airship itself is not very large, and the visual length is at most ten meters.

There is even less space for the hanging frame below to hold cargo or creatures.

It's just a box-shaped wooden hanging basket with a diameter of less than five meters.

Narant immediately withdrew from the battle, then took out his binoculars and carefully watched the scene on the hanging basket.

Since the goblins have come up with such unusual objects, it must be able to play a big role in the battle.

In this way, Narant needs to guard against the lethality of this airship.

"What is that!" It didn't matter if he didn't see it, but Narant was startled at a glance.

In his telescope, there were actually two wooden windows open under the side of the airship's gondola.

And on the wooden window, he saw a very classic existence during the naval battle in the previous life, that is, the deep muzzle.

Of course, the muzzle on this airship is very small, roughly the size of a fist.

But Narant, as a traveler, knew if it was really a cannon.

No matter what caliber, the lethality will definitely not be small.

"Sir, what's the matter!" It was the first time that Xue Li and other lucky daughters saw such a surprised expression on their own adults, and they immediately asked curiously.

"These goblins seem to have cannons!"

"Cannon? My lord, what is a cannon?"

Shirley and the girls didn't understand what a cannon was.

But at this moment, the airship answered them.

I saw a sudden change in one of the deep cannon muzzles of the airship in the front.

I saw that the muzzle slowly aimed at this side, and then the muzzle began to gather purple light.

When the purple light converged to the apex, with a buzzing sound, a purple ball of light rushed towards them.

"Crowd Shield!"

Seeing this, Narant dared to be negligent, and directly took out his staff and cast the life-saving magic stored in the staff.


With Narant's spellcasting, the surrounding range of five meters, including Shirley and others, was shrouded in a large magic shield.

When the magic shield was formed, the purple ball of light had already swept through the air and landed in front of them quickly.


With a loud bang, a splendid purple light flashed in front of Narant and the others in an instant.

After the light burst, it was as gorgeous and colorful as the ripples reflected in the water, sweeping the surrounding area of six or seven meters.

And this seemingly incomparable dream scene not only did not make Narant and the girls feel relaxed and happy.

Instead, he was taken aback by its power.

I saw that the place that was swept away by the purple light had become charred black.

Not to mention the lush green grass and flowers, even the ground below turned black and smoked.


At this time, along with a few crisp sounds, the mid-level magic group shield that Narant just cast was actually shattered.

You know, even in the face of the Earth Knight, Narant's shield can be set for more than ten seconds.

Doesn't this mean that a single ball of light from that thing can withstand several attacks from the Earth Knight.

"Sir...this..." Shirley's little girl was already frightened.

Fortunately, my grown-up has a magic shield, otherwise the invincible and cute little Xue Li just started to become scum like those flowers?

"Haha! Now you know how powerful our great goblin family is!"

Although he didn't kill Narant with one blow, the goblin leader still laughed proudly.

Enemies have magic shields, but so what?

Can it stop the bombardment of a few magic cannons?

"This time, the first battle of my great new leader can finally be successfully completed!"

The goblin leader became content.

"Xue Li, hurry up, take Vinnie and the others to evacuate first, and let Xiao Huihui come to me!"

Narant was really caught off guard by the goblin's airship at this moment.

Fortunately, things shouldn't be too bad at the moment.

If these goblins attacked him before the two armies were in contact, he would have no choice but to flee with his subordinates.

But now that the crowds on both sides were already mixed together, he did not believe that the goblins would dare to attack indiscriminately.

In this way, after instructing Shirley to evacuate the girls who did not participate in the battle, Narant shouted to Raymond and the others again.

"Raymond, Quick, Vivian, all of you rushing into the goblin crowd, remember, don't leave!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Raymond, Quick, Vivian and others also saw the scene just now.

So it is natural to not be foolish to get an order now.

After receiving the reply from his subordinates, Narant finally felt at ease.

Choo Choo Choo!

At this moment, Xiao Huihui also flew to Narant.

"Little Huihui, take me off into the sky and get close to those two airships!"

Narant didn't hesitate, jumped directly onto Little Gray's back, and then swept straight towards the airship.

"Damn, there's even a monster mount!"

When the goblin leader saw this scene, of course, he was ready to greet the Duke's father, the 'illegitimate son', Narant.

"However, this airship is the product of our goblin clan's most glorious time. Do you, an ignorant human race, really think that you can cause damage to the airship after getting close?"

Naturally, Narant didn't know that the goblin leader was looking at him with disdain.

Taking Xiao Huihui to the vicinity of one of the airships, he immediately instructed Xiao Huihui to fly straight over.


"What? There's even a shield!"

But when Narant approached the airship three or four meters, a layer of colored shield suddenly appeared in front, directly blocking him and Xiao Huihui.

"Haha, ignorant human boy, the airship of our great goblin is driven by the magic core!"

"Not only can the airship fly, but it can also launch magic cannons and generate protective shields!"

"And as long as this shield is not exhausted, even the mages can't blow it up!"

Narant's condition was exactly as the goblin leader expected.

Seeing Narant's shriveled appearance, the goblin leader laughed happily again.

Although Narant couldn't hear the goblin leader's muttering, he had never eaten pork before and had seen pigs run away.

As a traveler, he has also seen many sci-fi movies in his previous life.

This is clear about the battleship shield.

And this airship is obviously like the spaceship in the sci-fi film.

"Since it is a magic shield, it must consume energy, sir, I want to see how long your shield can last!"

Thinking of this, Narant directly opened the space ring, and then a large grenade was pulled out~www.mtlnovel.com~ With the increase of magic power, Zhuang Kang's storage space is naturally not static.

After all, such a spell that can carry items with you is definitely a must for home travel.

Therefore, after Narant's long-term development and expansion, the storage space has reached ten square meters.

Although the materials he stored were various, this large grenade was definitely an indispensable existence.

Because it cooperates with his spatial teleportation, this large grenade is an excellent weapon for Yin people.

So, the number is definitely enough.


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